The Daughter of Chrysalis

by evanim26


Three weeks had come and gone, and Adiyis had been bed-ridden during the whole time recovering. Scissa had to deliver all of her food and love and Adiyis was glad she at least had company while being stuck on her bed. When the nursery worker confirmed her leg had finally healed, she couldn't be happier to finally be able to move on her own. As she trotted through the hive, she couldn't help but notice how much livelier it had gotten around there. It was like the changelings had become supercharged in just three weeks.

While trotting, Adiyis noticed Chrysalis also surveying the hive and approached her with a few questions in mind.

Adiyis shouted. "Mom!"

Chrysalis turned and smiled. "Adiyis, I had heard your leg had finally healed. It is good to finally see you up and about once more."

"Yeah." Adiyis shook her leg a little then looked around. "By the way, what's up with every-ling? I've never seen them so hard at work. Did something happen?"

"In a sense." Chrysalis stepped past her. "Follow me."

Adiyis did as told. "Where are we going?"

"Our love chamber. Where we keep all those who produce love for the hive."

Chrysalis took Adiyis deep into the hive, even deeper than the old basement that was later turned into a new chamber for eggs. Adiyis had rarely been to the love chamber, she had only gotten her love from her mother and Scissa so she didn't have much of a reason to go there. This would, in fact, be her third time going down there, with the first two being out of curiosity in her younger days.

Chrysalis and Adiyis entered the chamber where she saw multiple changelings tending to the monsters trapped in cacoons. Chrysalis brought Adiyis a little deeper into the chamber then suddenly stopped.

Adiyis looked around. "So, what are we doing here?"

"Take a look, Adiyis." Chrysalis stepped beside a cacoon. "Look inside this cacoon and you'll see the reason why the hive is doing better than ever."

Adiyis stepped close to the cacoon and couldn't believe what she was seeing. "A pony?! You are taking love from ponies? But I thought you always said-."

"That the ponies are dangerous and are to be left alone. Yes, I did say that." Chrysalis stepped to another cacoon and stared at the pony inside. "But now, I see that the ponies are the perfect source for new love. They have so much love that our reserves are at an all-time high. I was a fool to avoid them for so long. Instead, I should have been hunting them for their love all along."

"Mom, is this how you solved our love problem?"

"It is." Chrysalis looked back at Adiyis. "Is something the matter, Adiyis?"

Adiyis turned and shrugged. "I don't know. It just feels...wrong for some reason. Taking ponies from their homes so we can steal their love."

"Adiyis." Chrysalis stepped to her and lifted her chin to look at her. "There is no reason to feel sorry for the ponies. If I did not turn to this, then the hive would suffer from its lack of love. This was the only choice. Remember, the hive always comes first."

Adiyis thought for a moment, then nodded. "Y-Yes...yes, you're right. The hive always comes first." She then thought a bit more and giggled which confused Chrysalis. "You know, it's funny."

"What is?"

"You told me to never venture into the pony lands again when I was younger, but now, you're telling many others to go there instead."

Chrysalis chuckled a little. "Oh, the irony. I suppose that is a little amusing."

Adiyis looked back at the ponies. "I am a little worried though. What if the ponies find out about us again? How will we get more love then?"

"You have a right to be, Adiyis, but I am already developing a plan."

Adiyis turned back to her. "What kind of plan?"

Chrysalis smirked. "A plan that will allow us to invade the pony lands."


"Please, keep your voice to a normal level, Adiyis."

Adiyis cleared her throat. "I-I'm sorry, but invade the pony lands? Isn't that dangerous?"

"It is, but I had been thinking." Chrysalis began trotting around the chamber so Adiyis followed. "A pony's love is extraordinary. Just by having this small handful of them, our hive had grown stronger than ever. So, what if instead of just taking them one-by-one, we take them all?"

"You mean, we conquer and use the ponies as cattle?"

"Precisely, Adiyis. With so much love at our disposal, we would become even more powerful than the dragons." Chrysalis chuckled. "We would stand at the top of all other creatures! We would be invincible!"

Adiyis's eyes widened. "We wouldn't ever have to worry about gathering more love ever again. The hive would prosper like never before."

"Now you see, my daughter. Conquering the ponies will be the best thing for the hive."

Adiyis nodded. "I want to do my part too. I want to help."

"I am glad you are so enthusiastic, Adiyis. But for now, I want you to return to your studies and training." Chrysalis stepped toward her and softly pet her mane. "I will need you to be ready when the time comes."

Adiyis nodded. "I understand." Adiyis began to leave ad turned back. "I guess I'll see you later then."


Adiyis left the chamber and made her way toward the hive library where she read up on ponies and their weaknesses. While Adiyis studied, Chrysalis returned to her throne and called upon some of her infiltrators.

Chrysalis looked over the three infiltrators. "Ah, my three best infiltrators. Anansi, Matikah, and Fanui."

Anansi was a female changeling with a horn. She was a little smaller than the other two. She had grey eyes.

Matikah was a male changeling and didn't have a horn. He was average-sized and had yellow eyes.

Fanui was another female changeling and also didn't have a horn. She was the tallest out of them and had red eyes.

Anansi bowed. "We live to serve, Queen Chrysalis. What do you wish of us?"

"My plan to invade the pony lands must be perfect. I can not afford any mistakes. Venture into the pony lands and relay everything you find back to me. Two of you will infiltrate their city, Canterlot. The other will remain in their village."

Matikah nodded. "As you wish, your Majesty."

"Also, I'm sure you understand well. If you are caught and discovered, know that if you return to the hive your punishment will be swift."

The three infiltrators bowed and then proceeded to leave the throne room and the hive. The infiltrators made their way towards the pony lands and landed before they were spotted so they could transform and blend in. Anansi turned into a pegasus with a beige-colored coat and a tea green mane and tail.

Matikah turned into a pegasus with a lemon-colored coat and a gold mane and tail.

Fanui turned into an earth pony with a carmine-colored coat and an indigo mane and tail.

Anansi turned to the other two. "Before we continue, we must decide who will go where."

Matikah thought for a moment. "Perhaps, since I am a pegasus and you are a unicorn, we should take Canterlot." He turned toward Fanui. "What say you, Fanui?"

"I have no objections." Fanui stepped past both of them. "I shall leave first to explore the village."

Anansi nodded. "We'll meet back here to report what we've found before heading to the hive."

The changelings then split up. Anansi and Matika flew towards Cantorlot and landed in the plaza.

Matikah turned toward her. "I will examine the west side. You will take the east. We'll meet back here in an hour."

Anansi nodded then split up. Anansi softly flew above the buildings of Canterlot to get a better view of the city. She made absolutely sure to mark every little thing the ponies below did so as to solidify Queen Chrysalis' plan to invade as foolproof. About forty-five minutes had passed and Anansi decided to land instead to listen in on what the ponies talked about. She sat down at a small cafe and kept her ears close to another pair behind her. Two male ponies.

The first male took a sip of his drink. "So, have any good gossip to share from the royal palace?"

The second sighed. "You know, I may be one of the royal guards, but that doesn't mean I hear everything in the palace. And even if I did, what makes you think I'll share it with you?"

The first chuckled. "Come on, we're pals! You can at least share one little secret with me."


"Come on!" The first put his hoof up. "I promise I won't tell a single soul for as long as I live."

The second remained silent for a bit then sighed. "Fine, but not a word to anypony else, alright?" The first nodded. "Come close."

Anansi peeked back to see the first lean over and the second whisper in his ear then get a shocked expression on his face as he pulled back.

"Are you serious?!" The second nodded. "That's big news! I bet all of Canterlot and Ponyville will be a part of it too."

With that, Anansi's curiosity ha peeked. If both Canterlot and Ponyville will be taking part in some major event, then she must learn what it is.

"Yes, yes, settle down. Remember, not a word." The second got off his chair. "I have to get back to work. My break is almost up. See you around." He then trotted away as the first left his bits on the table and also left.

Anansi saw both of them leave and quickly chose her target. She got up and began to follow the first male. She stalked the stallion until they had come to a less crowded part of Canterlot and she quickly made her move by catching up to him.

"Excuse me!" The first turned around. "I couldn't help but notice you were chatting with a member of the royal guard. Is there any chance you could introduce me to him?"

The stallion eyed her up and down and scoffed. "Why would you want to meet him when I'm standing right here?"

"Oh?" Anansi eyed him up and down. "You are pretty handsome."

He chuckled. "Say, how about you and I find ourselves a cafe and have a drink together?"

Anansi smirked. "Alright, I know a shortcut. Follow me." She stepped past him and into a nearby alleyway and he followed.

The stallion followed Anansi deep into the alley and began to have second thoughts as it got darker due to the sun being cut off by the buildings.

"H-Hey, are you sure this is a shortcut?" He took a glance back at the way they came. "I'm not so sure about this."

Anansi smirked then turned toward him and began to use her changeling magic to absorb his love. By the time he turned back to her, she was already devouring it and he didn't have any time to stop her before he collapsed where he stood.

Anansi licked her lips. "Hm, delicious. You better be thankful I left enough for you to remain conscious, but you won't be able to stand any time soon."

The stallion struggled to look up at her. "W-What did you do to me?"

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with, pony." Anansi turned back into her changeling form which made him gasp. "Just fall victim to my magic and tell me everything I want to hear." She quickly used her magic and put him under a hypnosis spell

The stallion's eyes began glowing green as he stood there like a statue. "That's better. Now, tell me about the news that will involve both Ponyvile and Canterlot."


Anansi began increasing her magical hold over him. "Tell me, now!"

"I...The princesses are planning to hold a royal wedding for Princess Cadence here in Canterlot."

"A royal wedding? Interesting. Who is this princess marrying?"

"I don't...know."

"Then you're no longer useful. Before I go, let's make sure you never remember this little interaction." Anansi began using her magic on him again.

Princess Cadence had just begun another of her daily walks through Canterlot to see the sights and get a breath of fresh air before having to return to the palace to prepare for her wedding. She had decided to explore somewhere else today and had been enjoying the small quiet until she had passed by an alleyway and noticed a small green glow coming out of it so she decided to investigate by slowly entering the alley.

"That's it, just surrender your mind to me. After this, I might just go ahead and take the rest of your love. That will be delectable." Anansi hadn't noticed Cadence enter the alley until she heard a gasp and looked up.

Cadence charged forward. "What are you doing to that stallion?!"

Anansi used her magic and changed back into her pegasus form then flew out of the alley with Cadence hot on her trail. Anansi looked back to see her chasing and dove toward the buildings. She flew around each building trying to lose her, but the Princess was a better flier than she thought and was quickly gaining on her. Once Cadence had gotten close enough she used her magic to strike Anansi in the back making her crash to the ground. All other ponies around noticed her crash and decided to see what had happened

Cadence landed close to her and got into a compact stance with her horn pointed right at her. "Somepony call the guards! Hurry!" A few ponies nodded and ran off while Cadence turned back to Anansi. "Don't move! I don't know what you are, but I won't let a monster like you harm anypony else."

Anansi was exhausted from flying so hard and had accidentally let go of her disguise, so once the smoke cleared all of the ponies saw the creature.

Anansi glared at Cadence. 'Accursed pony.' She then tried to stand.

"Stay right where you are! The guards will be here soon. There's nowhere else to run."

Suddenly, Matikah flew right into Cadence which knocked her away, then he flew over to Anansi and helped her up. Without a word to each other, they began to fly away before the guards had appeared and had gotten far enough so Cadence couldn't catch up. They kept flying far until they had ended up in one of the many forests that were far from the pony lands but weren't too close to the hive.

Matikah changed back and looked at Anansi. "What was that?! How could you not only have gotten caught, but attacked, by a Princess?"

"I didn't know a Princess would be patrolling the streets! If I did, then I would've been a lot more careful."

"What were you doing that led to you getting caught?"

"I was using my hypnosis magic to get information out of a pony. And I believe our Queen will love what she hears."

Matikah raised a brow. "What did you learn?"

"I learned that Canterlot is holding a royal wedding and Ponyville is also joining in. If my assumptions are correct, then every pony in both cities will be attending the party." Anansi licked her lips. "There'll be so much love there, enough for every-ling to feast on for years."

"That is excellent news. We should head back to the hive as soon as possible."

"Oh, but what about Fanui? She's still in the village."

"I will just have to retrieve her later." Matikah began flying. "Now, come on. We shouldn't keep her highness waiting with such important information at our disposal."

Anansi and Matikah flew straight back to the hive where they entered and headed straight for the throne room. Only to find that she wasn't there. They decided to wait there for her to return, which she did with Princess Adiyis in tow.

Anansi and Matikah bowed. "Queen Chrysalis, we have returned. And greetings to you, Princess Adiyis."

Adiyis nodded. "Greetings."

Chrysalis looked around the room. "Why are there only two of you? What happened to your third?"

Matikah looked up. "We ran into a problem and had to flee from Canterlot quickly."

Chrysalis's horn began glowing as she scowled. "What problem?"

Matikah hesitated but quickly composed himself. "Anansi was seen by a pony in her changeling form."

Chrysalis turned toward Anansi. "How disappointing. To think that one of my best infiltrators failed in such a simple task."

"Please, my Queen, allow me to explain myself. I may have gotten caught, but I was able to obtain valuable information."

Chrysalis's scowl softened, but her horn glow remained. "Speak. I will give you this one chance only."

"Thank you, your Majesty." Anansi looked up at her. "I was eavesdropping on a couple of ponies who were talking about something big that was going to happen between Canterlot and Ponyville. I followed one of them and used my magic to get him to tell me. It turns out, Canterlot is going to hold a royal wedding for a Princess named, Cadence."

Chrysalis stopped charging her horn. "Princess Cadence, huh? Interesting."

Adiyis stepped forward. "Mom, who's Princess Cadence? Is there a third alicorn?"

Chrysalis turned to her. "Yes, there is. I heard of her when one of my other scouts returned with such information. I had the others scout around Canterlot to gain more information on this third alicorn. Apparently, Cadence is the princess of love, but doesn't have a castle of her own."

"Princess of love? How can a pony be a princess of love?"

"I don't exactly understand either. Must be another pony thing they do. But, if a royal wedding is being held for her, then that means every pony in Ponyville and Canterlot will be attending." Chrysalis smirked. "This could be the chance we have been waiting for."

"Excuse me, my Queen." Chrysalis turned back to Matikah. "I believe it is worth mentioning that Anansi was seen by the very Princess of love herself."

Chrysalis snapped back at Anansi. "You what?! Not only were you seen by a pony, but a princess?!" Her horn began glowing again. "I should kill you where you stand for not only being seen, but ruining my plans altogether!"

Anansi immediately bowed. "Please, forgive me, my Queen! I was careless, this is true! But, give me another chance and I will not fail you! You have my absolute word!"

Chrysalis remained silent then stopped charging her horn and turned away. "You have one more chance, but only because you are one of my best infiltrators. Be warned, I will not give you another."

"T-Thank you, Queen Chrysalis."

"Now leave, both of you." Anansi and Matikah left the throne room as fast as they could leaving Chrysalis and Adiyis alone. Chrysalis flew up to her throne and laid down. "What am I to do? If their princess knows of us, then it will only be a matter of time before Celestia takes action."

Adiyis jumped up and joined Chrysalis. "It's alright, mom. You'll think of something."

Chrysalis pulled Adiyis close. "I appreciate your kind words, my daughter. But this isn't something that can be solved so easily." Chrysalis softly pet Adiyis. "As you well know, alicorns are very powerful in both magic and royalty. One can not simply make an alicorn disappear unnoticed. Some creature is bound to notice their absence and eventually learn of us."

Adiyis thought for a moment. "Can't you just swap places with the alicorn? No creature would be able to tell the difference."

"Yes, we could, but there is still the problem of where to send her. We can't bring her back to the hive. It's too dangerous and too long of a trek. A pony would surely notice if a princess is being transported out of Canterlot."

"Then..." Adiyis trailed off as she shook her head. "No, that's stupid."

"What is?"

"I was just thinking of another idea." Adiyis looked away. "But there's no way it would work."

Chrysalis turned Adiyis's head back. "Adiyis, I am open to anything that could work. These are dire times."

Adiyis shrugged. "I was just thinking that, maybe, we could keep the princess in Canterlot instead of taking her out. But, there's no way it could work."

"Actually, you may be onto something, Adiyis." Chrysalis got off of her throne and began to leave the room so Adiyis followed and they soon arrived at their little library where Chrysalis pulled out an old book and began flipping pages.

Adiyis stepped over and looked at the book. "What are you looking for?"

"Something that I hope wasn't lost to time." Chrysalis flipped a few more pages until she landed on the right one. "Ah, here it is."

Adiyis looked into the book. "The crystal caverns? What's that?"

"An old cave system used by the hive's ancestors. Before we were chased out of the lands by the alicorns. If I am correct, this old cave system must still be there. And if it is, then I may be able to use it to hide a certain alicorn princess."

"And while she's stranded down there. You'll take her place and infiltrate Canterlot."

Chrysalis smiled at her. "That is exactly right, Adiyis. You truly are learning well in your studies."

Adiyis smiled. "I have a good teacher."

"And, once I am inside, I will also steal love from her beloved groom which will make me even more powerful." Chrysalis chuckled. "By the time the ponies realize I am not their princess, it will be too late to stop the invasion, and I will be even more powerful than any creature in the world."

Adiyis was filled with determination as she saluted. "Just tell me what to do to help, mom. I want to do my part." But Chrysalis stared at Adiyis and remained silent. "Is something wrong, mom?"

"Adiyis, I regret to inform you, but you must remain here."

"Wait, what? But why?! I want to help with the invasion just like every-ling else." Chrysalis was going to speak but was cut off. "If you're worried about my safety, don't be. I'm a warrior now, I can easily take care of myself!"

"That's not it, Adiyis!"

"Then why can't I join?!"

Chrysalis softly rubbed her head. "Don't misunderstand, Adiyis. I was always going to let you join the invasion, but the plan has changed from invasion to infiltration. I will be infiltrating the pony city and taking the disguise of a princess. I will also be building my strength by taking love from the groom until the day I will be able to initiate the invasion. That means I will be away from the hive for some time. And you must take command until I return."

"W-What? Me? But, I'm not ready to command the hive yet! I still have so much to learn and do. I'm not ready!" Adiyis began hyperventilating

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and pulled Adiyis into a hug. "It will only be until I return, Adiyis. Calm yourself. Breathe. In and out."

Adiyis did as told and calmed down. "But still, temporary or not, what if I mess something up and destroy the hive?!"

Chrysalis rubbed her back. "I have faith in you, Adiyis. You will do fine. Scissa will also be there to guide you when you need it. Just remember to remain calm and to always make sure every-ling does their job right."

Adiyis nodded. "Right, okay. I'll do my best, and make you proud!"

"That's my little princess." Chrysalis let her go and turned away. "Now I must make preparations before I leave."

"Wait, you're leaving now?"

"I must head to Canterlot as soon as possible to deal with the princess before she warns Celestia. I must not allow her to ruin my plans."

Adiyis looked down. "Oh, right."

Chrysalis rubbed her cheek. "Do not worry, Adiyis. I won't be gone forever. When everything has been set and we've taken Canterlot, I will return to the hive. You will be fine alone for a few days. Now, I must be off." She then turned away and left the library.

Adiyis took a deep breath and left the library and made her way toward the throne room where she sat atop the throne alone for the first time in her life. She could also hear outside of the door, the sound of buzzing changelings. There were many, so Adiyis figured they must also be helping her mother with her preparations. When a few minutes passed, the buzzing had died down immensely. Out of curiosity, Adiyis decided to leave the throne to investigate and bumped into Pharynx.

"Oh, sorry, Pharynx. I didn't see you there."

Pharynx bowed his head. "It's alright, Queen Adiyis. I should have been more careful."


"Yes." Pharynx looked back up. "Queen Chrysalis informed us of your position and has tasked me to be your personal guard. Since you're in charge of the hive now, it is only fitting we address you as a leader."

"But..." Adiyis shook her head. "It's only a temporary position. Shouldn't I still be called Princess Adiyis since our current Queen is still alive?"

"Queen Adiyis." Adiyis turned to see Scissa approaching. "Forgive me, but that isn't how it works. Whoever has been appointed leader of the hive by the past, or current, Queen must be addressed as such. It is our law, temporary or not. Did we not go over this in your studies in the past?"

Adiyis rubbed her head. "I must've forgotten." She sighed. "Oh well, if it's the law then I must obey it. On another note, what happened to most of the changelings? It's a lot quieter around here now."

Pharynx spoke up. "It was Queen Chrysalis. She took a majority of the hive troops with her to help with the invasion." Pharynx looked away. "Thorax is also among them."

Adiyis's eyes widened. "Thorax went with mom?! Oh no, if she discovers that we lied about him during the test, she'll kill him and will be very upset with me!"

"We'll just have to hope she doesn't then."

"That's all we can do." Adiyis returned to her throne as Pharynx and Scissa followed and stood beside it.

Scissa turned to Adiyis and bowed. "Queen Adiyis, what is your first order to the hive?"

Adiyis rubbed her head again. "Um, I guess, give me an update as to how many troops we have left."

Pharynx nodded. "As you wish. Due to Queen Chrysalis taking a majority of our troops, we have about two hundred to three hundred combat changelings remaining in the hive. We still have all of our caretakers and medical workers."

Adiyis nodded. "Alright, then what do you two suggest is the best course of action?"

Scissa raised her hoof. "I believe we should focus on defending the hive. Due to how many ponies we have, we have more than enough love to last us months. More than enough time for the Queen to remain in Canterlot."

Pharynx nodded. "I agree. Since our troop count is so small, it would be the best plan."

"Then that's what we'll do." Adiyis raised her hoof. "Inform the rest of the troops we will be focusing on fortifying our defenses."

Both of them bowed. "Yes, Queen Adiyis." Then they left.

'Huh, I don't know what I was worried about. Being a temporary Queen seems pretty easy.' Suddenly, two changelings barged into the throne room arguing.

Adiyis raised her hoof. "Silence!" Both changelings immediately stopped. "What is going on?"

The first bowed. "Apologise for the rude intrusion, Queen Adiyis, but I must request your aid." He then pointed at the other. "This one demands to be made a warrior before taking the test. He foolishly believes he has no such need for it."

"But I am ready!" The second bowed to Adiyis. "Queen Adiyis, I humbly request you make me a warrior so that I may finally put my skills to good use for the hive."

Adiyis shook her head. "I can not. As per our law, you must complete the test in order to be fully recognized as a warrior of the hive. As Queen, I can't just give you the title before proving to me you are ready."

The second looked disappointed but nodded. "As you wish. Then I will complete the test and show you I am worthy." He then bowed and left the throne room.

"Thank you, Queen Adiyis." The first bowed and left as well.

Adiyis sighed. 'I understand his inpatients, but the law of the hive must be followed.' Then three more changelings entered the throne room and were glaring at each other. Adiyis sighed again. 'This is gonna be a long day.'

After the incident involving the unknown bug pony, Cadence took a trip to the palace library, hoping to learn more about the bug pony that was seen in the city. Cadence had been reading many books about the creatures of Equestria, but, so far, nothing has mentioned anything about the bug pony.

Chrysalis had also been busy after the incident by sending a few changelings ahead to keep tabs on the princess so that she will be able to deal with her.

'Not this one either. There has to be something here that talks about bug ponies that can change their form.' Cadence picked up another book and began flipping pages.

Meanwhile, the guards outside of the library were approached by one of their high-ranking officials.

"You two, the captain said he wanted to see you in the barracks immediately. On the double!" The two guards saluted and then left.

Another group of guards came up from behind the first and the leader transformed into Chrysalis. "Well done, drone. Now, return to the rest of the troops. We will take it from here."

The guard bowed. "Yes, your Highness." Then he left while Chrysalis and the others entered the library.

Cadence flipped to another page and found something about changelings. "Changelings?" She read a little further. "Changelings are monsters who wield the ability to change their form into any creature they wish and feed on the love from other creatures. They are impossible to spot unless a special spell is used which forces to changeling to show their true form." Cadence read a little further. "But, where is the spell?"

"Ah, there you are." Cadence looked up from her book to spot Chrysalis and a few changelings standing before her. "I was looking for you, Princess Cadence."

Cadence set the book on the shelf. "Who are you? How do you know my name?"

Chrysalis chuckled as she stepped closer. "I know many things about you, Cadence. I have been watching you for a long time."

Cadence studied her features. "You're a changeling, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. Queen of the changelings to be specific."

Cadence took a glance around her then back to Chrysalis. "What do you want from me?"

"Hm, I heard you're about to have a royal wedding, and I knew I had to drop by to give you my condolences." Chrysalis chuckled but Cadence was a little confused. "Seeing as how you'll sadly have to miss it."

She began charging her horn but Cadence quickly jumped out of the way before she was shot by a beam from Chrysalis. "Capture her!"

Cadence ran through the library towards the window only for it to be blocked by changelings as a few more came up from behind her. She quickly summoned a shield and pushed them all away then ran towards the door as the horned changelings shot beams at her which she was able to dodge through some effort. Eventually, she had gotten close to the door, but just before she was able to open it, Chrysalis spat some goo at her hooves that stuck her in place.

Cadence tried to get free as Chrysalis approached. "You won't get away with this. Somepony will find out your true identity and stop you!"

"Ha, you give ponies far too much credit." Chrysalis charged her horn and surrounded Cadence with a ring of fire. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to enjoy your wedding in your place." She then sent Cadence through the floor and into the caverns.

Chrysalis turned back to the other changelings. "Return to the rest of the troops and ensure you aren't spotted."

The changelings all transformed into different creatures, from mice to ponies, and left the library. Chrysalis transformed just as the doors to the library opened and guards began stepping inside.

Shining Armor stepped inside and ran to Cadence. "Cadence, are you alright? What happened here?"

Chrysalis put on a scared face as she hugged Shining. "Oh, it was awful, dear. A creature came out of nowhere and attacked me. I tried to run away but t kept me from escaping. Then, just before you came in, it fled out the window."

Shining turned towards the guards. "Inform Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Lock down the palace and search the grounds. We have a monster on the loose."

The guards saluted. "Yes, Captain Shining!" Then left the room

Shining softly pet Cadence's mane. "It's alright, Cadence. I'm here now. I won't ever let a monster come near you again."

Chrysalis smirked as she charged her horn. "Thank you, Shining."

(Three weeks later)

Adiyis sighed as another changeling leaves the throne room. "Who knew mom had to deal with so many changelings on a daily basis? I didn't know this job was so tiring."

Scissa turned to her. "These are simply the duties of a queen, your highness."

"Yeah, I just hope mom comes home soon." Adiyis sighed. "I need some air. Scissa, would you mind?"

"Not at all, Queen Adiyis."

Adiyis and Scissa left the throne room and came upon a wall which Scissa used her magic to open up to reveal an old balcony with no railing. Adiyisstepped onto the balcony and took a deep breath of fresh air.

"That's a lot better." Adiyis enjoyed the cool air when she heard a loud thumping sound. "What was that?"

Adiyis looked below to find that something had crashed into the ground. Suddenly a few more things crashed into the ground around her so she went back inside the hive and had Scissa and a few guards follow her outside toward where the thing landed.

Adiyis approached the thing only to find a changeling. "It's a changeling?! And he's injured!" She turned back to the guards. "Inform the medical workers. This changeling needs medical attention immediately." The guards nodded and then left.

Scissa tapped on her shoulder. "my Queen, look!" Adiyis looked over and noticed many more changelings laying on the ground injured.

"How did this happen?! We need to bring them inside!"

"But, there's only two of us. And judging from their injuries, most of them won't last long enough for constant return trips."

Adiyis ran over and tried lifting one. "We have to try! We can't let these changelings die!"

Scissa ran over and helped Adiyis lift the changeling and bring him closer to the hive entrance then they did the same with another.

Scissa shook her head. "My Queen, this will take too long. We need help."

"But, how?"

"You must use the hive mind to inform the others we need their assistance."

Adiyis shook her head. "I can't. I've never been able to connect to the hive mind."

"You must try, or we will lose changelings."

Adiyis nodded then focused her mind and used her teachings from Chrysalis.

(Years ago. Nymph Adiyis)

Adiyis kicked a rock. "I still can't do it. I can't connect to the hive mind!"

"Calm yourself, little Adiyis. Perhaps we should try again?"

Adiyis shook her head. "There's no point. I'll never be able to connect to the hive mind."

Chrysalis stepped over and nuzzled Adiyis's cheek. "Don't say that, my little Adiyis. These things simply take time. You will connect to the hive mind. You just have to keep trying. Now, we shall do it again." Chrysalis stepped away again.

Adiyis took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Now, feel the changeling magic within you and allow it to also be felt by changelings around you. Connect it to those changelings and allow them to connect theirs with yours. Once it is, feel their thoughts flow through you. Open your mind and allow yours to flow through them. Now, think of what to say and send it through the hive mind."


'Think of what I want to say and send it through the hive mind.' Adiyis focused with everything she had. "Send. It. Through!"

Pharynx's eyes widened. "Queen Adiyis, is that you?"

Adiyis was shocked. ā€¯Pharynx? Oh my Goddess, did it finally work? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, my Queen. Did you connect to the hive mind?"

"Yes, I did! I finally connected to the hive mind!" Adiyis was ready to jump out of happiness but quickly remember what she was supposed to do. "Right, this is no time for celebration. This is an order for all changelings. We have many injured changelings outside the hive. Every-ling must come and help get them to the medical chamber immediately!"

"Yes, my Queen!"

Suddenly, an entire army of changelings came pouring out of the hive and carried each injured changeling into it. Adiyis also pitched in and helped by carrying a few herself along with Scissa. Eventually, Adiyis came upon a changeling whom she immediately recognized.

"Thorax!" Adiyis ran over and held up his head. "If you're here, then that means these changelings are from the invasion army. What happened to you?"

Thorax coughed. "We invaded Canterlot as per the plan, but this huge pink orb came out of nowhere and threw every-ling out of Canterlot. Some of us landed in the woods. The rest ended up here."

"It's okay, Thorax. We'll get all of you medical help. And when we find mom, we'll especially help her."

"No." Thorax coughed as Adiyis raised a brow. "Queen Chrysalis didn't go flying with us. I saw her as I flew away."

"If she's not here, then where is she?"

"Queen Chrysalis was..."

"Please, Thorax. What happened to mom?"

"She...was captured by the ponies."

Adiyis gasped. "No..."