//------------------------------// // Breaker's identity // Story: The librarians and the cat of life // by Dragon Shimmer //------------------------------// Breaker is organizing the guild. She is now alone inside the big building because all of the members are doing their job. When she is taking the table somewhere, a knock on the door interrupts her. She wonders who is and goes to open the door. She sees a white figure standing in front of the door. The white figure smiles, "Is this a new guild?" "Yes, come in," Breaker invites her and sits down. The white figure nods and sits beside her. Breaker asks, "Welcome to the Adventure guild. What do you want?" The white figure comments, "Adventure? Sounds like a bad name," Breaker looks away from the white figure. The figure grins, "Anyway, I want to tell you something." "Tell me?" Breaker puts the cups of tea on the table, "What do you want to tell me?" The figure points at the Abyssian, "Tell you that you are not a mercenary. Am I right, Breaker?" Breaker is silent for a while, then she glares at the white figure as the figure throws her white cape and reveals a white Abyssian. The white Abyssian points at her, "Don't tell me that you will run away forever,one of the princesses of Saddle Arabia." "Have you lost your mind?" Breaker circles her head by finger, "I believe one of them will disappear, but that doesn't mean it's me. And that princess's name is not Breaker," The brown Abyssian points at the door, "You can go out now." "Oh yes," The white Abyssian smiles, "My name is Snow. Nice to meet you, princess Ethna," Breaker stands up and walks away but the white Abyssian levitates her, causing the brown one to swim in the air. Snow smiles, "Going somewhere, I am not done here." "How... How can you cast magic? You are the curse child?" "You really know this story?" Snow levitates Breaker near her, "How annoying! I should bring you back to your mother," "You don't," Breaker is struggling out of the grasps, "I won't let myself to marry that stupid noble in my kingdom," "Sorry, you..." Before Snow can finish her sentence, a claw appears near her neck, causing her surprise and looking back. She sees a certain orange dragon is putting the claw near her neck. Snow asks, "Who are you?" The orange dragon answers, "Guild master, Sunset Shimmer," as the orange dragon puts her claw near Snow's neck more, "What are you doing here? Threaten this dumby Abyssian," Snow turns to her, "None of your business, dragon," Sunset pins the claw into her neck, causing her to bleed a little. The white Abyssian is terrified. She quickly puts the  "All right, alright. I just want to retrieve the princess of Saddle Arabia." "Princess?" Sunset looks at Breaker, "Are you really a princess, Breaker?" "uh..." Breaker looks away from the orange dragon, then she sighs and answers, "Look, I am really a princess," then she takes out a pendant and throws it to Sunset, "here my proof." Sunset catches the pendant and looks a while, then throws it back to Breaker. The orange dragon releases Snow and sits down next to Breaker. Snow rubs her necks and feels Sunset's grasp is stronger than she thought. The white Abyssian looks at her, 'How... how can't I read her future? This is the first time I meet someone like this,' then she turns to Breaker, 'I should return the princess to have the reward, then I will live here to see what's going on,' The orange dragon turns to Breaker, "at least you should give us some cocktail. For hiding from us," Breaker rolls her eyes, "Fair enough," Sunset turns to Snow, "Oh right, tell me everything about this 'lost princess' you are talking about," "You don't need to tell," yells Breaker as she is finishing the cocktail, "I will tell all. Don't worry," Breaker puts the cocktail to all of them, the brown Abyssian sits down and sighs.  Breaker, the real name is Ethna. She was the princess of Saddle Arabia. Her country has a law as every girl in 15 years old is old enough to get married. Her mother was an arbitrary Abyssian. Breaker had to follow her order without any freedom, even in marriage.  When she became 15 years old, her mother decided to marry a noble that had a lot of money and property but she denied. The more she resisted, the more her mother forced her to marry that noble. Not having any choice, she decided to run away from their home.  Sunset hears that and doesn't know what to say. All she could do is silenced. The brown Abyssian sighs, "That was 6 years ago. I don't know if my country still have this child marriage." "They still exist," answers Snow, "I was just trespassing there and saw that 15 years old female creatures are allowed to have marriage." Breaker looks at Sunset, "That's all. I am still worried about my little sister. Hope that she doesn't have a husband." Sunset asks, "Do you want to come back? I honestly don't know what to say right now though." "No," Breaker sighs, "But I don't want to be a princess there anymore. There is a lot of fun to be a component, a normal one." "A 'your normal' life," Sunset leans on the chair, "I suggest you should come back to Saddle Arabia." "What!?" Breaker puts her face close to the dragon, "Are you crazy? I will be forced to marry a noble or another prince of another country." Sunset retorts, "But what else you could do now? Run away from your problem?" she points at Snow, "That problem is chasing you here right now." Breaker glares at Snow as the white Abyssian smiles nervously. The brown Abyssian puts her face down on the table, "Fine. But you have to go with me." "I agree," Sunset folds her claw and looks at the white Abyssinian, "And you will have to join our guild." "What!?" Snow stands up, "No way I will join this ridiculous guild. I don't want to be in danger." "Nice lying," Sunset huffs, "and you can fight Breaker, that means you are not scared in danger," Snow turns away as Sunset continues, "Plus, you don't have home to stay, right?" "How... how did you... '' Snow facepalms, "You heard the word ' the cursed child', didn't you?" Sunset nods as Snow sighs, "Fine, but just for a while. I have to see if this guild fits me or not." "Good," Sunset stands up, "You should leave tomorrow, Breaker. The more you don't return, the more they will chase you." Breaker nods and she goes inside to prepare a trip back to the country. Twilight is being bound under Spike's neck as the purple dragon is being bound and forced to hug the purple unicorn. They just have training with Amelia. The white cat is looking at the paper, she admits that the purple duo has potential.  Twilight is enjoying the hug while Spike looks at the white cat and asks, "How long do we have to stay like this?" "Just a little," Amelia flies to the purple dragon, "I hope we will have many training like this," then she starts levitating the duo to the living room.  Amelia puts the purple duo on the sofa and flies to the bookshelf to find a book. She sees the book name 'Saddle Arabia and the history of the country'. Amelia takes the book and sits on Spike's head and starts to read. The purple dragon looks at her, "Hey, my head is not for sit," "Sorry, I don't have anything to read," Amelia opens the book , "Anyway, have you ever come here?"  Twilight explains, "Well, we just heard about the countries, and I just met some of their ambassadors," Twilight rubs Spike's neck with her mane, "I saw that they always wear the cloth that covers all of their body. Anyway, can you release us?"  Amelia pats the chain and it's disappeared. Spike still hugs the purple unicorn. Amelia asks, "So, you are not even come there?" Twilight shakes her head as Amelia sighs, "Well, I should go outside more." "I see," Spike pokes at the book, "but we don't have money to go there." "Right..." Amelia sighs, "I thought you have to go around the world. You don't need money to do that,"  When Spike is going to retort, a door is opened as the purple duo turns to it. They see Sunset waking inside and sitting down. Spike smiles, "You're back. I thought you were going to stay at the guild." "Well, I never though I have a princess in my guild," Sunset leans on the chair, "I honestly don't know," "You mean the lost princess of Arabia?" Twilight stands up, "I heard that she lost in 5 years ago." "How did you know?" Sunset turns to Twilight, "Don't tell me that the queen of Abaria asked Celestia to find the princess." "Well, it is," Spike nods, "Celestia announced to everypony in Equestria, but... no one could find her, until you told me before." "I see," Sunset sighs, "Well, do you want to help our princess? She has a problem with her own mother,"  The purple duo nods and they agree with this. This is a good time to do the research with the country. Amelia smiles and lies on Spike's head. She can't wait for this trip. Feather and Bull are fighting against the timberwolves. When they successfully knock the wolf out, the pony who controls them is trying to run away but Feather throws a bola to prevent him from getting away. The guard nearby came there to retrieve the pony. Feather signs, "Wow, I never thought I had to knock them out. This is harder than killing them." "I know, right," Bull is wrapping the alcohol around his wound when the timberwolf tries to bite one of the children, "I thought this is easy, maybe we underestimate this quest, right Feather? " The black minotaur turns to the griffin and sees that she is surrounded by the fillies and colts. All of them are asking the questions to the griffin. The minotaur is going to stand up and walk away but Feather throws a rock at him. Bull rubs his head, "Hey!" "Help me!" Feather waves her claw, "I ... don't know how to answers," Bull rolls his eyes and decides to sit down to see this comedy. When Feather is going to fly away, Cheerilee walks to them and tells the fillies and colts to leave them alone. All of the little ponies 'aw's and go away. The earth pony smiles and gives money to them, "Thank you for your helping," "Well, how can you be sure that the school is going to be attacked," Feather takes the money, " I bet that you have to pay more." "Sorry," Cheerilee giggles, "I can't pay you more for this job. Anyway, since you are here, I have a job for you. Of course I will pay for you." "What kind of job?" Bull rubs his arm, "you got trouble!?" "Yeah," Cheerille sighs, "It's about a week. I feel that somepony is watching me." "I see. A stalker," Feather turns to Bull, "Can you call Spirit? He is the one who fits this job," "Unfortunately he can't," Bull folds his arm, "He is helping Rarity to find a rare gem." "Wow," Feather rolls her eyes, "Now I wish I had another Diamond Dog to join our guild," then she turns to the earth pony, "Bet that you want us to protect you from this stalker, right?" "Yes," Cheerille nods, "I can't sleep peacefully due to this stalker. Please help me," "Not sure, but we will accept this job," Bull pulls out his bag of money, "We are out of bits anyway," "Don't worry," Cheerilee smiles, "I will pay you well if you catch this stalker."  Bull and Feather stand up. They follow the earth pony to her home to see what they can do. The thing is going to be interested.