//------------------------------// // Comber Vs Ponyville's Authority! Rainbow Dash and Cinom's training! // Story: Ponyville's Biggest Threat // by MLPkillers //------------------------------// “Alright, you all in position?” The deputies replied with a silent yes, they already made it to the graveyard, they see the assassin, that is indefinitely Comber, no doubt, but they will not fail, it’s time to arrest this son of a bitch. The first group of deputies walked towards the assassin from the front gates, Comber’s eyes opened, his ears perked up, and he turned his head to see 6 deputies, hmmm, seems Commer did report him to the station, what? Wants to be a good colt? He knows he ain’t good. (”Alright, I guess it’s time to show these deputies like the rest of the authorities why trying to arrest him is futile.”) Comber got off his rock, standing tall for the approaching deputies, the deputies stopped 15 hoof steps from the assassin. Comber watched their movements, he watched their guns be drawn, he watched each of the triggers, already telling which authority to take down first, his ear perked again, turned his head for a split second to see another group of deputies, he noticed Commer in the first group, where’s Bullet? Comber teleported into a tree, looking down on them, the authorities started to panic, using their head and eyes to search for him, Commer knew where he went, he wasn’t going to ambush, he probably guessed his sides were all going to be closed, so he teleported to avoid that. Comber noticed another group, no two more groups of deputies, and Bullet is approaching from the left. The assassin smirked, I guess it’s time to bash some deputies. Comber teleported in the middle of the groups. (”What is he up to?”) Commer wondered to himself, what does he plan to do-!? Commer had a flashback to Comber fighting 35 ponies, he only spared 5 of the 35 ponies, but he was almost in the middle at first of the whole group of ponies, but he cleared a path, does he plan to cut through the deputies. “Comber, your crimes will be paid for, don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” Comber laughed and smirked his horn illuminated with red magic, the deputies fired their guns at him, the bullets connected, but the detectives looked again, no, he used a magic barrier to shield his entire body, the detective thought of some spell to deactivate the barrier but knew if he did he risk his magic getting sealed, and he probably guessed he could do it to the rest of the deputies, he took a chance and tried to use his magic to break the seal, feeling his horn shock him and his magic deactivate. Commer heard what he said, “Celestial Cancel.” “Celestial cancel!” The detective shouted at Comber, whose eyes widened, did he learn how to perform that technique or is he just mimicking him embarrassingly? “Hahaha hahaha! You really are desperate to arrest me now, say that sentence all you want, but without knowledge of the other type of magic, you can’t use use that technique!” The deputies put their guns in their pouches and grabbed their tasers, having them ready to fire. “Shocked the son of a demon!” Comber wanted them to think the taser could shock him, the way he would make them think that is by avoiding them, teleporting away from the deputies, he was behind the group that was behind him. “I’ll give you and the rest of the deputies one chance to leave, do it or-!” The deputies fired their tasers at him, Comber teleported, this time he was in the middle of the group. “I warned you all.” Comber took his cape and threw it at the tree, the cape getting stuck in the tree, the deputies shot at his cape, believing he might try to use that as an offense or evasion. Comber dashed forward at the deputies, punching one in the face, he used his left hoof to kick the deputy to the left in the back of his leg, at his joint area, the deputy fell down but was grabbed by Comber by the neck, Comber heard the other deputies charge him, his eyes switch the approaching deputies, Comber headbutted the deputy he was holding by the neck and threw him at the approaching deputies knocking 3 of them to the ground momentarily, the other deputies shot their tasers at Comber, seeing the tasers get stuck on the red magic barrier he as around him, Comber pulled the tasers out of their hoofs and swung the first taser at a deputy’s head, hitting him in the temple with it, knocking him out, he swiftly did the same thing to the other deputies with the other two guns, he dashed forward grabbing the gun that was itching away from braking and broke it on the deputy’s head in front of him, he used his hoof to push it towards the skull by the handle, watching the taser break to pieces and the deputy fall, Comber looked behind him, blocking a punch, he ducked to avoid another punch from the left, failing to avoid the punch to his right side, Comber moved a little, that deputy was big, Comber smirked, using his magic to teleport towards him, realizing the deputy teleported away, he remebered who it was. “Celestial Cancel.” The deputies magic was nullified, he grabbed his gun, the other 10 deputies charged the assassin, two of them had hoof cuffs ready, Comber smirked, he has an idea, Comber dodged the deputies, grabbing one of the deputies with hoof cuffs, he twisted their hoof, causing a snapping sound to occur, he grabbed the cuffs, swinging them at a deputy’s bead on the ground, causing blood to squirt from the side of the skull hit by the hoof cuffs, the big deputy was about to charge him, Comber knew, he used his magic to knocked the deputies back. Bullet smiled, this is his chance, Comber’s head was looking the other way, he swiftly ran into a bush and teleported on top of a house covered with artificial fog, he got on his belly, opened a magic safe, grabbed his sniper, can his barrier stop this? Comber turned his attention towards the big colt, dodging the 5 punches thrown at him, he was trying to hit Comber with heavy attacks, but the only problem would be his speed is too dull to actually connect the attack, Comber easily could tell he was the strongest deputy here, he didn’t notice Bullet teleported. Comber used the palm of his right hoof to hit the deputy in the nose, causing him to stumble back, Comber smirked at him, using a hoof to dare him to come at him. (”You cocky wicked bastard!” He ran at Comber, jumping, and attempting to punch him in the head, his punch missed. (”did that bastard teleport-!?) Comber teleported in front of the deputy, bucking him in the face with both of his rears hoofs, the deputy flew, losing consciousness in the air, Comber used his magic to scare the deputies, making it seem he was going to let him fall on a fence that was pointed with black sharp metal; he was holding the deputy over the fence with his magic. “Don’t Comber!” Commer yelled in horror. “Stop you bastard!” The rest of the deputies said, getting up and running at him, Comber smirked, teleporting the big colt in front of the deputies, 3 of them tripped, and Comber teleported behind the other deputies approaching him, picking two of the tripped deputies up by their foreheads, slamming them together, then using a lot of force to throw them at the 3rd deputy on the ground. Comber counted the deputies unconscious. (”5-6-7-8!”) Comber yelled with fury in his mind as he charged the approaching deputies, punching one in front of him in the face, he ran past the other two, using his rear hoofs to kick them in the face; he turned back to attack, but they both threw a punch as they used their other hoofs to wipe their eyes in pain, Comber took the punch in the face, he felt the punch, it hurt, but it wasn’t enough to stop him from uppercutting them into the sky, Comber looked up as they fell, catching both of them by their necks as they fell. Comber recalled seeing at least 25, but maybe more are hiding? “Psst, Sage, I’ll keep him busy, you and the rest of the deputies think of another plan, Bullet might snipe him while I’ll attack him, he doesn’t seem to be killing the deputies, so let’s not anger him to do so, we need to stop him in one attack or restrained him.” --- “Mrs. Dash, your time-!” Neva couldn’t believe it, her eyes opened, where is Rainbow Dash, did she leave already? She is not supposed to, she sighed, she was going to tell her she could leave now, but if she didn’t want to say any goodbyes then that’s fine, she was a good patient to care for. The nurse walked backward out of the room and shut the door, she’ll just tell the doctors Rainbow left from the window, she smiled after shutting door behind her and walking down the hallway. --- Rainbow Dash landed in front of the place the nurse said, she used her speed to scout through Ponyville, spotting the place, if she was coming from the southeast she would’ve seen the climax between the assassin and the deputies, she landed, hoping she wasn’t seen by the assassin, she has hopes they would stop him, but after what hearing the nurse said, she would still have to think about his father or him if the deputies don’t successfully arrest him. She walked up to the door, reading a sign that was white and wooden. (”For the ponies who want to learn to defend themselves, this is a place for you, the teaching I teach is for defending yourself, as well as offense techniques to help aid your defense and protection of your family.”) Rainbow Dash read the sign, taking a deep breath and remembering what Applejack and Rarity said, does she really want to risk throwing away her destiny as well as her element loyalty away? Rainbow Dash thought back to Fluttershy and her in school, they were laughing together, learning together; she enjoyed helping animals and that monster took her from Equestria, as well as Pinkie Pie’s sisters, along with that the Party Pony herself, if you could even call her that now? Rainbow Dash with a stern expression walked into the place, Rainbow Dash didn’t bother to read the bottom of the sign stating it was a dojo. She saw lights hung up, as well as pictures too, pictures of ponies learning how to fight, she walked in, her eyes continuing to scout about the place she stepped hoof in. The lights were brown in coverings, the light bright as yellow mixed with gold. She saw a pony, a colt mediating in the middle, it was a unicorn, he was floating, 4 candles with glass sphere containers behind him, she walked closer, her hoof steps being heard by the colt, he could also hear her wings flap a little as she started to fly. “Yes, are you here to learn martial arts?” Rainbow Dash was confused, she didn’t know what that word meant. “Um... Exactly what are martial arts? I heard that word only one time and that’s from your place?” The colt opened his eyes, his horn glowing brownish red, he teleported in front of Rainbow Dash, with a smile on his face. His coat was brown as well his mane and tail were black, they were tied short, like to the point it couldn’t, be grabbed easily. --- The detective tried to punch Comber in the face, throwing multiple attacks at the assassin, who just kept the same smirk on his face, he tried to kick Comber in the back of his right hoof to make him fall, his hit was accurate but unsuccessful, the detective nearly fell trying to make Comber fall, Comber grabbed his mane at the forehead, lifting him. “What is that red aura?” “How about you tell me what that aura of yours is? To me, it seems like a huge boost in magic and it must be since you’ve been throwing so many spells at me.” “Buck you!” The detective headbutted Comber, making him let go and stumble back a little. That had to damage him, Mabey give him a bloody nose, right? The detective blinked and realized Comber was already in his face again, not even a bloody nose he thought. The detective punched him in the face, getting his hoof grabbed by Comber and lifted off the ground; Comber proceeded to slam his body to the ground, he repeated this 5 times. The detective’s eyes went blurry, Comber held him up with his right hoof, the detective body dangling, Comber turned his attention to the other detective. “You coming to attack or are you just a planner, because if so, leave before I start to plan your death.” Sage smiled, teleporting in front of the assassin and grabbing a hold of the detective, and teleporting away. “Celestial cancel.” Sage’s magic disappeared. He panicked on the inside, he doesn’t know how to fight only plan and defend ponies and arrest sick criminals like him. “Well, looks like it’s time to add more tombstones to this place-!?” Comber swung his hooves backway, hitting the two deputies charging him in the faces; he swiftly swirled around, bringing his hoof down on both of their faces, breaking their noses and rendering them unconscious. “Make that-!” Comber confidently was about to say. The detectives tried to punch him in the face, Comber ducked the first punch by Sage, but Commer landed his punch, Comber used his magic to grab the hoof above him while punching the detective Commer in the face, and Sage tried to pull his hoof free, using his magic, Comber notice this and decided to use another technique. “Celestia Wrath.” Comber quickly used a speed spell, zooming past Sage and elbowing him in the face, Comber jumped, about to kick in Commer in the face, but the detective shielded his face; he thought Comber would try to trick him, maybe teleporting behind him and kicking him; Comber teleported and the detective smiled, a knock out blow from the back of the skull is he trying? It will not work. He turned around punching the air, he started to turn back around but got kicked in the right side of his face by Comber, he fell to the ground, Comber quickly grabbed him, hearing the deputies approach him and threw him up, the detective felt his magic back and prepared to teleport, but Comber already planned this, it’s time for him to sleep. “Celestial cancel.” The detective panicked, he had no way he could save himself, he had to-! Comber bent a little bit on his four hoofs, pulled his right front hoof back, and punched the detective in his stomach it looked like an uppercut was performed by Comber from the deptuies perspectives, and the detective spit out a ton of blood as he flew back into the gloomy sky, his vision blurry, all he could see is Comber, he was about to do it again? Commer fell, Comber extending a hoof to catch him by the neck. He slowly lifted the detective Commer by his throat, meeting face to face, Sage was shocked, not only how skilled Comber is at fighting but how strong he is, how can he stop someone with techniques like that and strength and marital skills? “I could kill you right here and right now, your friend will not be saving you.” Comber sinisterly cold-heartedly expressed with a demon-like look. “You-you are my friend-!” Commer coughed up blood, some landing on Comber’s face, this irritated him. “No, I am not your friend, friends don’t lie to each other, now di-!” Comber in slow motion heard gunfire, he moved fast dropping the detective, he looked where it came from, suddenly, feeling immense pain in his abdomen, he looked towards the tree and saw a small hole through it, he was shot, by a-! The shots continued, Comber quickly jumping, trying his best to avoid them but was hit in the back by one of the bullets that bounced off the metal peak of the fence, causing him to be paralyzed, another shot was fired, and Comber realized this was gun cops carry, it was-! That bastard, Comber thought to himself looking around for Bullet not seeing him. (”Normal guns can’t touch me, but a bucking sniper rifle is a different story, my magic spell doesn’t protect from very high velocity... That spineless hide!”) Comber knew he was going to get shot in the forehead by the deputy, he was in the same position as last time, Comber teleported behind a bush, seeing a bullet nearly hit the left side of his neck, Comber used his spell quickly, healing himself, he healed himself completely, that’s it! Comber got up and used an x-ray spell to see where the deputy Bullet was, finding him on a house on his belly with a sniper in his hoofs, he was hiding in the fog the whole time, he turned his head to his left, seeing a sharp pebble, he sinisterly smiled. (”I’ll show you what pain is Bullet!”) --- “I see, so that’s why you’re here, do you happen to know that colt’s name?” Rainbow Dash grinned, replying to Comber. The colt paused for a little, did this mare just say, Comber? Did he attack her? Why? How could he? That lier. “Did you say Comber as in my graduate student?” Rainbow Dash shook her head with a yes, wait, his student? Did he teach Comber? This is perfect, now she can stop him if she learns and masters the same techniques from him. “I can’t believe Comber would do such things, but I always felt there was a dark side to him.” “Why would you still teach him the lessons then?” The colt went silent, not wanting to reveal that question, instead of all that matters now if she wants to learn martial arts? “Are you here to learn martial arts?” Rainbow Dash scratched her head, what’re martial arts? Like self-defense right? Because that’s what she’s here for. “Martial arts is self-defense, right?” The blue pegasus body asked, the colt learned to control emotions, he took the question seriously, if she didn’t know what martial arts is then why is she here? “The arts have the self-defense category, so yes, but it’s a lot more than just defense, why just defense and not complete martial arts, I understand Comber may be a monster when it comes to his job, but defense alone will not hold against a force that will eventually breakthrough, I think thee goal you should be looking for is defense and offense as well as agility.” Rainbow Dash thought to herself, she ain’t the type that would want to hurt other ponies like Comber or at all, but she knew the colt had a point if she just had defense and used it to only defend herself, as long as the attacker is still standing he would continually attempt to try to attack and in her case, kill her. “Alright, I guess you’re right?” The colt kept his expression, he forgot to introduce himself, jeez, his age is either catching up or his memory is fading. “Silly me I forgot to introduce myself, I am Cinom, master of martial arts, I already know who you are since you represent the elements of harmony.” Rainbow Dash laughed, she was part of the elements of harmony, her element is loyalty, she told Cinom this which was his response he knows what elements her friends represent and her. Cinom had another thing on his mind, if she here because of Comber? If that attack nevered happened would she be here? Everypony has a destiny, and this must be part of hers. Was that a year to his previous question? “Are you here to learn under my wings?” Rainbow Dash giggled, he has no wings, and she knows that clearly, he’s a unicorn. “You don’t have no wings, but yeah I am.” Cinom wanted to laugh, a comedian now? He wants to see how she would’ve fought Comber. “Alright, then you must show me what you know so far, this would be a good start, to see what areas I need to help you improve.” Cinom got in a stance, a stance that allow him to evade his opponent and punish his opponent, one hoof was out, while that other one pulled back, his eyes were sharp, as they were old. Rainbow Dash thought back to Comber when he first got in a stance and faced her that one time, Cinom stance seems familiar like she saw it almost the same before, she thought Comber did the stance Cinom did in the forest. She smiled, she show him, that she wanted to score high on anything and her first test will not be below. “Am I supposed to attack you?” Cinom shook his head in a yes response, Rainbow Dash thought to herself, he may be too old to keep up with her speed, so she’ll try to use that to her advantage, She flew into the air and then at Cinom, using her speed to its max, Cinom closed his eyes, raising his senses and hearing, he could feel the vibrations in the air from the speed, he opened his eyes and quickly caught Rainbow Dash’s punch, it had force, so she must’ve pulled her hoof back to produce that amount of force; Cinom knew If she would get physically stronger, then maybe she would have a chance at defeating Comber, as well as becoming a great fighter, maybe she’ll use the knowledge to help Equestria and or be a hero, both would fit together in the same category, he used the hoof to gently put her to the ground back on all four hoofs, she was shocked, he closed his eyes, how could he see her the moment he opens them? “You did good, but did you think I was too old to keep up with fast speed? Also, make sure to use your body to turn with when your punching, this allows you to produce more force.” Rainbow giggled and replied with a yes, she did think he was too old, Cinom thought to himself, that should be a perfect first lesson, never underestimate your opponent by their looks as well as their age. She thought to herself what he meant by use her body to turn with the punch and a lightbulb appeared over her head, if your turning in the direction of the punch, the increase speed as well as your body moving in the direction of the lunch would increase force, so he’s right. “Alright, that should be you be your first lesson, it’s causal for a pony to mistake another because of another pony’s looks or the way they act, your first lesson to keep in mind is never underestimate your opponent, doing so gives them especially if they are a warrior skilled in combat they will have the upper hoof, allowing them to them to catch you off guard and possibly deal a high amount of damage.” Rainbow Dash thought to herself, he was right, if Cinom was an enemy he would’ve been able to do serious damage to her, but the thing is if he was an enemy she would’ve tried to use the other hoof to attack or break free with aggression, Rainbow Dash looked down at the red wooden floor then back to Cinom. “You’re right, if you wanted to you could’ve hurt me badly if I was an enemy because I didn’t think you could keep up with my speed because of your age.” Cinom ain’t the unicorn to judge others or laugh, those emotions will be a pony’s downfall in life, instead, he is the type to explain the consequences of those actions as well the mistakes as other ponies that come to him seeking practice and knowledge on martial arts. “I’m glad you can able to see that as many ponies are not especially on their first day some would quit, which makes zero sense, for the fact you can acknowledge the flaw you made and learn from it by analyzing it, proves you will be able to learn my teachings, and possibly be the hero of Equestria, unlike my first passed student, who used my teaching for evil and corruption.” Rainbow smiled, maybe, she did like to have attention in fact that’s a reason for her wanting to join the Wounder Bolts and perform majestic stunts. “So what will my second lesson be Mr. Cinom?” Cinom already planned far in the head of many students, their type as well as their flaws and he knew the correct lesson for her to follow. “I suggest you but no means of insult use some of those weights over there.” Cinom pointed his right hoof to the weight rack, each labeled by weight in Equestria standards. Rainbow Dash felt a little insulted at first but closed her eyes and calmed herself; Cinom noticed this, saying nothing but feeling already she will be the best student yet as well as the purest yet. Cinom recollected his thoughts, finalizing the decision he made. Rainbow Dash’s punch had a lot of force to cause a little bit of serious harm to a pony due to her speed in acceleration and her mass increasing the force but if she gained more physical strength as well as learned the correct way to punch and pratice the correct way to punch, she will produce enough force to fight correctly; especially if she plans to defeat or defend herself against Comber, he’s a monsterrr and normally always punches in the correct way. “Alright, I assume you would let me know when I should stop?” Cinom replied with a yes, telling Rainbow Dash not to lift way more than she can since that will strain her muscles a lot as well as bodily harm to the lifter, never have too much pride. Rainbow Dash walked towards the weight picking one of the smallest up and lifting it with ease, Cinom shook his head, the way she lifted it was incorrect. “Make sure your palms of your hoofs are facing each other as well to lay down for the proper position on the Dumbbell bench, make sure to breathe, many ponies forgot to do that or do it incorrectly, do it after every lift to never starve your muscles of oxygen.” Rainbow Dash was grateful for these lessons he taught, thanking him with a smile before doing what he said. She could tell he was an expert, the way he spoke to her, the confidence he had, all of this support he knows what he was doing but Rainbow Dash had one question, why is he giving her a lesson for free? Does he do it for all ponies who come for his lessons? She was curious but didn’t care as long if this helps her defend herself from Comber and her friends; although Rainbow Dash wanted to do more than just defend herself, she wanted to defeat Comber and bring him to justice, for her friends, Fluttershy, and the Pies. (”I will bring him to justice!”) --- Comber teleported behind Bullet, Bullet heard the sound and tried to react, he knew who it was, he didn’t need to look, it was Comber, none of the deputies was going to help him as that was part of the plan. He grabbed his gun but was punched to the ground by Comber, on his stomach. Comber stabbed him in the back with the pebble he found, and the pebble disconnected the spinal cord to the legs for Bullet; he used his magic to try to stand but Comber canceled his magic, using his magic to hold Bullet up, turning his back to himself, Comber pulled a hoof back and started punching him repeatedly in the back, then in the back of the neck, then a hard punch to the pebble, causing the deputy to yell in pain, Comber turned him around, lowering him a little with his magic, then grabbing him by the front of his neck with his right hoof. “I remember when you almost killed me, now, as you can still speak, tell me why I should spare your life? What value does it have?” The deputy was infuriated, how could he ask him that? He doesn’t kill ponies, Comber does? He saves ponies from criminals like Comber; this makes his life way more valuable than his! “Buck you! I-I save ponies, you-you kill them! You-you need to be stopped!” Bullet tried to punch Comber, but Comber caught the attack, holding it with a smile, Bullet tried to punch him with his other hoof but couldn’t, Comber’s magic was holding it in place. Comber smiled deviously before pushing the hoof back and giving the deputy a gut punch, the deputy spurt out blood from his mouth, his head went down to his chest, like his neck muscles couldn’t hold it anymore due to the pain and damage. Comber uppercut the deputy, following with an elbow to his left side and a punch to the upper abdomen, directly towards the liver, Comber quickly got in his stance and punched the deputy in the chest, grabbing the deputy by the mane to lift his head. “Remember what you said to me?” Comber let go of his mane and walked towards the edge of the rooftop, towards the front where you could see the front door, the deputy hung over the edge, held in place by Comber. The deputy could feel his vision slipping as well as his life, blood dripped from his back, and had so ever since the stab, the blood dripped onto the concrete steps. “I’ll shoot you dead if you move.” The deputy couldn’t believe Comber, he still holding grudges, even after their first attempt to arrest him, he’s a monster and nothing less. The deputy thought. He can’t move? ("Buck! Come on!") Comber punched him in the face, then elbowed him in the jaw, Comber took a deep breath and then start to punch the deputy repeatedly over and over again in the chest and stomach, before turning him around and punching him in the back, where the pebble was, blood sput out, but only hitting the magic shield Comber still had activated that was red, Comber lifted the deputy into air by the neck, his body, his back facing the ground, Comber smirked and slammed him down to the concrete ground, landing on his back. The pebble penetrated into the body, the skull cracked, blood spurting from the back of the deputy’s head, and the back of his head hit the ground, Comber looked down, dusting his hoofs. He looked at the deputy, feeling a little bit of guilt for what he’s done, his rage takes the best of him, he thought about jumping down and crushing the deputy’s skull but realized there ain’t enough time, addition to the time problem he doesn’t want to, maybe he will leave and walk it off? If he died he’s weak, as his father said. Comber teleported back to the graveyard. The family in the house saw the colt fall from the house. “Dad, what was that?” “Yeah, what was that?” Two fillies asked with curiosity and worry, the Dad didn’t respond, he knew, he heard the fighting and some of the talking well yelling, his family was still eating dinner, when they saw a body get slammed down from the sky they thought. The mother knew but was going to tell the fillies a lie, they must not know the truth of what happened on the roof. “It’s probably a pegasus trying to fly darlings... Don’t worry.” “Yeah, I will check it out, to make sure the pegasus is alright.” The father heard the magic, he must have left, this is his chance to save the colt that fell, the colt open the door and see the colt, this was horrific, he turned to make sure the fillies didn’t follow and sighed with relief when they didn’t, he used his wings to grab the deputy and bring him inside, grabbing his jacket and wrapping the colt’s head in it. He laid down the colt on the couch and called for his wife who was a unicorn, she was a doctor and this colt needed medical attention fast. The wife ran to the living room and couldn’t believe what she saw. “Oh My Celestia! What happened!” She was a doctor and knew a pony head bleeding like that means traumatic brain damage and the blood dripping, that seems to be coming from his back, she turned him over to find a pebbled deep in the deputy’s back, she thought quickly and knew what to do, she knew a spell that was a forbidden one for doctors, she doesn’t care, she knows she will have to use it to save this colt’s life, she will have to pull the pebble out with magic then-! “What’s going on we heard Mom scream and wanted-!” “Nothing!” The parents said with a guilty tone, like they were hiding something. The Dad stepped in front and told the fillies to go back to the dinner table and eat, the fillies sighed and obeyed, they were sad the how they were told to go back into the dining room. “Make sure to eat all your dinner, because if you don’t, you don’t get the brownies we are going to cook.” The fillies’ frowns turned to smiles, they became enthusiastic and rushed to eat their dinner, forgetting what they were talking about at the dinner table and what fell from the room, they didn’t think brownies was for dinner, why, there ain’t nothing special? --- The deputies heard magic from a teleportation spell, and they got back on their four hoofs, staring at Comber with aggression. “You all should’ve listened to me the first time, now I’m done playing around with you all, it’s clear you want to kill me and not arrest me.” The deputies were shocked, what!? How could he know that? Is he able to read minds? Maybe because Bullet tried sniping him with a sniper? Commer wanted to know where Comber went, he already assume, but wanted to interrogate him, Sage had an Idea, Combed is a colt that likes to fight, so he assumes I’d he challenges him to a fight, just him, maybe he could beat him, or maybe yet, he could trick him to lower his guard and for the other authorities to strike. “Where did you go, Comber? Get more equipment? Or did you-!” “Well, that’s one deputy down? Need any more hints?” Commer was a little shocked he knew where the deputy was, he assumed he used a spell to enhance his vision, especially to see that far and through the fog? A deputy pulled a gun from its pouch behind Comber, walking slowly towards him, it seems Comber wasn’t able to hear him, but this confidence was shattered when Comber’s eye turned to the sneaky deputy. “Take your best and final shot, because-!” Comber sensed the deputy behind him, the deputy’s bloodlust spiked to its peak, his horn illuminated, he teleported behind the deputy, after the deputy fired his gun at him, Comber appeared in front of the deputy; the deputy attempted to quickly raise the gun to Comber’s forehead, Comber grabbed the hoof with the gun, the gun fired, going underneath Combed and striking a deputy in the leg, knocking that deputy down on his jaw. The deputy attempted to punch Comber, Comber evaded his attack by ducking and quickly uppercutting the deputy with enough force to drop his gun, Comber walked towards the gun, using a spell to see inside the gun, 7 bullets, Comber turned to the remained deputies and countered. (”1-2-3-4-5-6-7.”) Comber formed a smile in his face, he knew they would try to taser him if he reaches for the deputy gun, instead Comber raised a hoof, ready to crush the gun, he brought his hoof down, instead of crushing the gun, Comber picked the gun up, quickly and shot a deputy in the chest with one, the other deputies behind Comber pulled their guns out and shot at him, Comber jumped fast and grabbed into the tree branch above him, swinging around it in a loop and dashed forward the group with his now new weapon, Comber Shot a deputy in the his right front hoof, quickly shooting more deputies in their legs, the detective Commer noticed this, why is he not going for the head or vital point, the deputy he shot in the chest area doesn’t seem to be fatally injured, why is Comber not killing them? Comber heard hoof steps from the deputies that was still behind him, seems like they recovered, Comber slowly walked towards the detectives, when he heard the hoofs steps get close enough, he turned with the gun and shot 2 more shots from the gun, hitting the two deputies behind him in the top of their right hoof, Comber turned to the detecives who he saw chatting, what were they planning, Comber casted a speed spell and dahsed forward, hitting a deputy in the head with the handle of his gun and elbowing the one to his left with his hoof, Commer went for a punch but stoped after the gun was put to his head, his eyes was shocked and his mind went numb. “Now all of you listen, one step and this detective dies! Commer, friend, what did I tell you about trying to arrest me again? Why should I spare your life once again, give me a reason and it better be quicky, you know as well as I do these idiotic deputies-! Comber turned his head to the deputies behind him, he saw 23 on the gloomy ground, the remaining deputies were stunned with fear when he turned his head to the detective, Comber wanted to see if Commer would have the courage to grab the gun, he did not. “Are nothing without your brains, which is why I’m considering splattering them, but you should know one thing...” Comber clutched his left hoof, Commer noticed this and went to dodge the attack by moving his head, Comber’s left hoof connected, hitting the detective in the right side of his face and sending him flying into a tree, Sage watched the whole ordeal occurred and turned his attention back to Comber, his teeth bitting in anger? “I do not like guns, only blades as a preferable weapon.” Comber threw the gun at the tree the detective hit, shattering the gun to pieces next to the brutally beaten detective. “Alright, assassin, we’re done, but I’m not.” Comber giggled, then why did he say we? “You’re not done, then why not say they’re done? Because we mean you included, guess my old friend Commer has you beat in intelligence.” Sage’s eyes widen in anger and he rushed at Comber, Comber smirked at the detective, blocking the attack, Sage then used his left hoof to attack, punching Comber in the right side of his check, he then tried to elbow Comber with his right hoof, Comber grabbed the attack, headbutting Sage in the face, letting go of Sage hoof, Sage quickly pulled his taser out of his pocket and shot Comber in the chest with it, the attack connected, the taser actually hit, now his muscles should lock up and-! Sage felt his hoofs, as well as his body, pull towards him, what, he pulled him closer, with the tasers in his chest!? Sage knew Commer ain’t helping him, he is unconscious, with a certain concussion and broken bones; that crunching sound was loud. Comber pulled with all his strength, Sage let go of the taser, Comber ducked his head, evading the taser, Sage used the force to dash in the air and attempted to push Comber, Comber ducked and punched Sage in the stomach, with enough force to throw up blood and make him fall on his face on the rocky path, he attempted to get up, Comber slammed his face back to the ground, not letting him, Sage tried using his magic, feeling it again, maybe-! “Celestial Cancel.” Comber raised the detective’s head and with one final bashed to the ground, Sage was knocked unconscious, with a broken nose and face, Comber raised Safe’s head and saw the injuries, blood coming down his forehead and from his mouth, Comber dropped the detective’s head back onto the path, causing more injury, the assassin stepped back and took a look around him, it reminded him of a certain place. “This seems familiar.” A deputy tried to radio for help but as soon as he tried after getting off the bloody ground underneath him from his blood he saw Comber standing in front of him. “Calling for help and not for backup?” The deputy went paralyzed by the question, this colt’s a monster, does he have the intent to mercilessly kill them, or is there something else? The deputy took a step back in fear and confusion. “Why would I call for more back up huh? To have more deputies off duty?” Comber snickered. This deputy has a brain, he knows Comber would just brutally defeat more deputies and maybe even kill them? “Well, it seems you have brains unlike the foolish detectives, who thought it was possible to arrest me, foolish I say.” Comber slowly walked over to the deputy, scaring him a little, but he stood his ground, once Comber was close enough he patted a hoof on the deputy’s brown head making him feel awkward like a filly. “Make sure all your peers get the attention they deserve.” The deputy’s ears perked, is he serious, is he delusional? Why and how could he believe him right from the start? Why dies he suddenly care about the authorities now? Something seems fishy with this colt like there,’s more than one side of him. “You believe me? How can you trust me that I am not going to call more help to take you in!?” Comber smirked, ain’t he ready for a big surprise. “The reason is simple. You know you already accepted defeat, additional to that answer is, you and no pony can deceive me.” The deputy was interested in Comber’s explanation, no pony can deceive him, what does that mean that he can’t be lied to or that he can sense deception, does that also mean with attack and plans to deceive him too? “Alright so you can sense deception, that’s actually... Pretty useful.” The deputy grabbed his walkie-talkie and called his medical wife, her name was Trisha. “Yeah, Trisha, can you get at least 20 medics ponies out here, we really got our hides hoofed to us.” Trisha took a sip of her coffee, “they,” like the police forc!? No pony single hoofly could take down that many ponies, especially the authorities who are trained to deal with this type of threat, she can only assume they found the killer responsible for the Pie massacre and Fluttershy’s murder. “Was it the killer, or should I say, killers?” “Yes honey, it was the killer.” Trisha couldn’t believe her ears, it was a single killer, but how could he kill or injure that many law enforcement ponies? “Alright, I send medics, just be careful.” The husband smiled. “I will.” The deputy turned off his walkie-talkie, he realized Comber wasn’t paying attention at all to his conversation, in the fact where did he go? The deputy looked around and found not a trace of Comber, damit, the bastard teleported. “I guess I didn’t need to help him, as expected from him, this town like all other towns is pathetic, so I wasn’t expecting to lend a hoof.” A black colt said from the mountains, walking down it as he stopped watching the authorities try to arrest Comber, his voice was deep, his mane and tail hidden to ponies due to a black cape, although his preference is blue, his eyes red, glowing red. The colt slid down the mountain, stopping at the bottom of it, and a devious smirk appeared on his face. --- Time has passed for Rainbow’s lessons, she learned how to lift weights properly, as well as learn some defense attacks, one of the defense techniques was the sense of deception, this allows you to see if ponies are hiding their true intentions in words as well as actions. “You know you are a quick learner, most do not come this far with the knowledge as well with some of the techniques mastered, must be your super-speed, maybe you are just as fast as learning as flying.” Rainbow Dash laughed, she wish, no the reason is she’s determined to stop the monster who killed her friends, who tried to kill her and harmed her friends, both physically and emotionally. “No, I’m just determined to make that assassin pay.” Cinom tried to punch her on the right side of her face with his left hoof, but his hoof was caught, he smiled, he was proud, at, the fact she wasn’t able to block the attack before, and now blocking it, shows her process and how far she come in her training if she keeps that up maybe she could stop Comber? “Rainbow Dash, be sure to act for just and not for revenge, revenge and anger are impulses, these are to be checked, if you let them take control, and let’s say you do defeat him, you kill him, not because you enjoyed it because those impulses took control, I know you aren’t the type, but believe me I seen ponies just as kind and giving as Fluttershy but when angered they can be a beast and monster, I’m warning you to never let emotions take control of your judgment and actions.” Rainbow Dash blocked one of his attacks, it was a basic punch but she saw it and reacted to it successfully. “Very nice.” “Thanks for the advice Cinom, I will be sure to remember it.” Cinom smiled. “Good to hear, that would be the first step to attaining a certain technique, a technique that lets you move based on instinct.” Rainbow Dash was surprised to hear that, a technique that lets you move instinctive, what does he mean by that? “I don’t follow, Cinom dogged Rainbow Dash by jumping backward, using two hoofs to help gain some distance. “This technique I’m talking about is a technique Comber couldn’t master he used to call it a mindless technique, this technique is attained once the body knows how to fight and defend against an attack as well as know when they need to dodge, this allows the reaction time of the user to fight without needing to have the thought process to fight, remember this technique take a toll on bodies of us mortals, do us not being an inheritance of the God if came from, one opposite to us taking our final breath.” Rainbow Dash was a little confused on the last part, does he mean life? What’s the technique even called? “Does this technique have a name?” Cinom smiled, yes, he named it himself. “Yes, I think of it as (Autonomous Celestial.”) “Autonomous Celestial?” “Yes, the fighter would have Rainbow mane and tail as both eyes if mastered, would be rainbow, the aura would also be rainbow, the more the mastery the more majestic the Rainbow is.” Rainbow Dash smiled, maybe she could attain it if she’s this fast already, she knew the time was to rest, Rainbow Dash laughed, then not many changes then for her then, if she did attain Autonomous Celestial, she knew it was time to rest a little then do a little more lifting, not much changed in her muscle, and when there’s a noticeable change that’s when you would stop, too much strength would hinder you. “Alright, enough talk you best be working your muscles, gain more strength, because Combee is stronger than the average colt.” “And I’m faster than the average pegasus.” Cinom wanted to laugh but just had a strin face, strength is turned into force with acceleration and the mass of the pony, so she may have a point but what good is too much speed if you miss or overshoot your opponent? “Yes, that you are by far, I recall you performing a Rainboom near Flustered town in Cloudsdale, at least it was able to be seen from that town.” Rainbow Dash never heard of that town, is, no it’s not new, maybe because it’s just a small town and not talked about? She didn’t really care about it at the moment. Rainbow Dash walked over to the weights and grabbed the 4th heaviest one and started lifting it, she barely could lift it, but kept her focus on her friends and that monster Comber. “I would like to add motivation to your lifting process, I see you struggling but what you lack is motivation.” Cinom pointed to the weight all the way to the right, the heaviest one. “This weight is what Comber was able to lift, with a single hoof, he had a tiny bit of trouble but he started off with this weight, don’t know how he was that srong already, just remember what he was when he was a student at a young age.” Rainbow Dash focuses more on lifting than hearing Cinom talk about Comber, she had probably lifted the weight about 45 times now and her speed has now been accelerated, Cinom was right, she just needs motivation but he notice her lifting a little too fast. “Remember not to lift too fast, you strain your muscles and it would be improper lifting making the process unsuccessful process.” Rainbow took in a deep breath before slowing down and responding. “Was Comber always a murderer?” Cinom walked back to the middle of the dojo before starting pacing and recollecting the events, every time he saw his dojo and the inside of it, he remembers Comber learning from him, remembering what and who he was before this day. Cinom couldn’t help but feel responsible for the events that had transpired in Ponyville. He looked at the weights and remember Comber lifting them without a chair, Comber liked lifting. Cinom turned to the middle and remember Comber besting him, he walked towards the mirror and saw the scar on his bottom jaw, it was on his left, he remembers falling and Comber helping him back up lending him a hoof, worried for his safety. “Hello, Cinom?” “Huh what-!?” “I asked if Comber was always a murderer when you trained him did you know he was a murderer?” Rainbow Dash would feel very angry if she knew he was responsible for helping a murderer gain more power by teaching them, she even thought about turning him in if he did. Cinom face was worried and saddened, does she think of him that low? “No I did not know and not at the time he wasn’t, I can sense deception, so back then when he wanted to be a hero as his mother wanted him I think he wanted to be a hero, and the only reason I think he didn’t become one was because of his father influence.” Rainbow Dash stopped lifting the weight, putting it back on the rack after lifting it 125 times each on each forehoof, she felt the strain of lifting, as she walked to Cinom, the unicorn healed her, making her feel refreshed again. “You know his father? Is he just like his son or a good colt?” Cinom laughed, that was the first time Rainbow Dash heard Cinom laugh, she gained a confused expression from him, she guessed that was stud because Comber is an assassin and he did say because of his father’s influence, Rainbow Dash felt stupid, but she only thought about possibly telling him of his son’s evil deeds and totally forgot about what Cinom said. “No, his father is not a good pony or even a decent pony, he’s a monster, especially now, and please take this warning, if and when you do stop Comber I believing you can, his father, don’t mess with unless you come in contact with him and he wants to kill you.” Rainbow wasn’t going to coward to probably an old colt, why would she coward to a monster when she can beat and bring them to justice? “No offense but why do you sound afraid of him?” Cinom face kept his cool before replying. “I am for a reason, trust me, no weights in Equestria would get you prepared to match what his strength is alone, do not engage in battle with him, I ask you as a friend Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow Dash felt anxiety raise before replying with a calming answer. “Fine, I won’t unless he is near me, and harming an innocent pony or my friends or myself.” Cinom felt relief. Comber’s father wasn’t stupid he would know how Rainbow Dash fought him and come for him as well as killed her and all her friends and family. “Good to hear, now let’s start with some techniques like having the ability to sense bloodlust, I will warn you as you are a pegasus this would be your first time and step for martial magic.” Rainbow Dash was confused at the time about martial magic, she had a clue what it may mean but was wrong. “What is (marital magic?”) Cinom smirked, this is not for ponies who are not unicorns as told in Equestria, as well as taught but truth is, all ponies gave magic in them and they can perform spells, instead of the horn casting a spell the pony can cast it from their hoofs. Cinom explained marital magic to Rainbow Dash, this blew her out of the water, just wait until she tells Twilight about this. “That’s amazing, I would have never ever thought ponies other than unicorns can cast and perform spells as well as use magic, you really serious?” Cinom smiled, looking at Rainbow Dash’s excited face. “Yes.” Cinom replied, Rainbow Dash was ready for this lesson her focus was to learn how to use magic now, so she could use it to her advantage and to surprise Twilight, of course, she won’t believe her at first but when she shows her the face she’ll make will be priceless. “You already felt the feeling before Rainbow Dash, when you used the Elements of Harmony to stop Nightmare Moon, she was a wicked princess who wanted all the power and in addition to this, she wanted all of Equestria to live in what she calls an eternal night, good job for you and your friends for stopping her.” Rainbow Dash smiled. “Don’t mention it, it’s how I made friends with Twilight!” “Let’s get back on topic.” “I agree, the faster I learn, the quicker I can put an end to his killing and evil ways.” Rainbow Dash resumed her training with Cinom, She liked it, she would rather enjoy flying but this seems a little more fun; she would indefinitely use the knowledge for good and not evil as Comber did; she will use it to protect the innocent and put criminals in jail, maybe this will make her a hero? What she be more famous than the Wonderbolts? --- “What the...?” Bullet awoken on a couch, he was baffled and confused, the last thing he remembers before waking up was, a voice telling him it’s almost time to meet Death, he assumed he was dead and awaiting some kind of spiritual afterlife, but after awaking it was clear somepony saved his life; who was it? The home he awoke in was a little familiar, he almost recognized it but didn’t, his head ached, his body felt on fire, and he didn’t feel any blood on his body, does that mean somepony nursed him back to what it seems half health? He heard voices, it sounded like fillies, he saw them, there was a blue one and a white one, they were playing running around in the kitchen, that was nostalgia for Bullet, he tried to get up but fell back down onto the couch, he was in no shape in helping the other deputies, he hoped to Celestia they survive and arrest, no, kill Comber. “Whoa, easy there sir, you were saved by my husband.” The husband came from the kitchen with a smile. “Thank you very much, I very much appreciate the help, I thought I was going to die.” Bullet was glad to be alive and never suspected or hoped for anypony to save him, why though, because they are good? He started tearing up, he didn’t deserve to be saved, although he may be a force for justice, he was once no different from Comber, but it wasn’t his fault, he didn’t like working “there.” “Are you okay sir?” The wife asked with concern. The husband and she were standing in front of the couch which was made of cotton wool and was blue. The deputy replied with a yes, he just hopes his friends and other co-workers were okay. “I just want you to know that I heard everything that colt said to you, he needs to be brought to justice, he’s a monster.” Bullet’s face turned to anger, he totally agrees, and he would have gotten justice the first time if it wasn’t for Commer and his stupid morality. “I know, he was responsible for Fluttershy’s murder and the Pies.” The family was shocked to hear this but was expecting him to be responsible like the husband said he was a monster and only a monster would kill Fluttershy. “I expected so.” “Listen, darling, you need to rest, before you worry I am a trained nurse, I have magic to heal you but can’t do to the exhausting it costs and due to some problematic erros, I can’t make those errors or else you die so I healed you a little at a tim e,but I will heal you again soon, I’m still light-headeddddd frim the first time I healed you, and sorry did I say a little I mean I healed your fatal injuries.” “He hurt you, the skull was cracked, your face disfigured, your ribs broken, and-!” “Alright I get it, he kicked my hide.” Bullet didn’t like being reminded of his defeat by Comber, but these ponies were trying to help and just trying to explain why they couldn’t heal all the way, wait, how long has he been out? “I have a question, how long was I out?” The lovers looked at each other, before turning their attention back to Bullet with a serious expression. “If you think you can still arrest the monster I believe he would have been far gone by now, it’s almost past afternoon.” Bullet cursed in his mind, before turning his head in a comfortable position and continuing to speak. “What’s your name?” “My name is Honey.” “And I’m brack” “We both been married for almost what feels like an eternity now, but we have always had a healthy relationship with each other and take well care of our fillies.” Bullet smiled, this family was so pure-hearted, they seemed to be calm, compassionate, and show empathy, they even have happy and seemed healthy fillies, this confirms it, he has to arrest criminals, to protect families like these. “You all seem to be good, I honestly can’t thank you enough for saving my life.” The deputy said with a compassionate smile. The family was glad to save a colt who cares and puts his life on the line to help other ponies. “What exactly happened and why were trying to arrest that colt, is he the murderer of Ponyville that you have been searching for.” Bullet looked down and kept quiet, then he turned his head to them, he was frustrated by the question. “I knew from the second I saw him he was.” “What’s he’s name if you don’t mind me asking?” Bullet stayed silent for a little while then replied. “Comber is his name.” “Comber, that’s a, rather, funny name.” “Yeah... He ain’t funny with his jokes and they could just be cruel.” The husband’s brain clicked, he hears of that name before, wait, no, Comber, isn’t that? “Do you happen to know if this Comber is the son of Sélé?” Bullet’s eyes widen, who the buck is “Sélé?” “Sélé, now how do I know his mother if I never meet her, I heard of his father and meet him once, and trust me, all you want to see him 1 time, probably not at all, he’s the true monster.” The couples thought together and thought if something, what’s his father’s name? “What is his father’s name.” Bullet didn’t like being questioned by citizens, it should be him being the interrogator, not them, but they are nice ponies, and deep down inside, he’s not. “I need to help my comrades.” “Darling, I told you, you can’t you’re too hurt and injured it would be suicide if you try to fight that monster again.” Bullet felt sharp pain travel down his back as he tried to get up from the bed, he instantly fell back down, not because of the pain but because he couldn’t move his rear legs, what the heck? (”The bucker paralyzed me from the waist down, I need healing, but I am no expert at heal spells, I just need to wait until the generous nurse heal’s me again, and then, I am coming for you, Comber, I am going to kill you.”) --- “Good, do it again, but this time with me moving around.” Cinom started running circles around Rainbow Dash, his horn lit with white magic as he did; Rainbow Dash smiled with confidence. “Celestial Cancel.” Cinnom’s horn glow start to disappear but lit back up. “Try again, focus all your attention on me and only think about canceling my magic.” “Celestial Cancel!” Rainbow Dash yelled keeping her eyes and her head moving to every movement Cinom made, Cinom’s horn glow disappeared, this was a success, but try to be stealthy with it since a second of confusion to the enemy is your second to strike. “Very good, but remember to keep quiet so the enemy doesn’t hear you, especially Comber who has very good hearing, pretty remarkable, his hearing is like a dog, but don’t think blowing a whistle in his ear will work, it won’t trust me.” Cinom almost laughed but kept his emotions checked, he stopped running and stood in front of Rainbow Dash on all four hoofs. Rainbow thought he might’ve done something similar, but with a loud sound, maybe by yelling, she doesn’t know and what matters is that he can endure loud sounds as well as hear very quiet nosies. “Alright, are there any other techniques I can learn from you?” Cinom smirked, he has one for her “Well I don’t know if you’re interested but I happen to know the one that allows you to sense bloodlust, would you like me to teach you?” Cinom crossed his hoofs, floating in the air, it looked like he was meditating, Rainbow Dash thought to herself and it was a quick answer, yes, duh, this would allow her to sense Comber if he knew where she was because he would try to kill her, bus bloodlust would spike. Rainbow Dash smirked. “Of course, I would want to know that technique, I know you know as well as I do if Comber sees me, he might try a stealth approach and this will blow him off guard as well as save me from getting injured or killed and maybe I can land a surprise strike on him.” Cinom’s hoofs touched the ground, his eyes open slowly, she was right and Comber is stealthy when he wants to be, but what about her element? Does she want to give that up for martial arts? “Alright, but remember your element, you are loyal to your friends, as of now you are a keeping that element still, I’m afraid, but I know you miss them and want to avenge Fluttershy, as well as Pinkie’s sisters, frankly I don’t blame you but remember if you do be at him and with what I taught you you will, make sure to not step to his level and kill him.” Rainbow Dash laughed and thanked Cinom. “Thanks, I will be sure to beat him up badly for what he’s done, he will pay for the crimes he committed in Ponyville.” “That’s good to hear, and also if you don’t like fighting as a hobby, because you could be a hero, you are fast enough to perform air stunts at the Wonderbolts, maybe you’ll be their leader? Rainbow Dash smiled, she didn’t think she was good enough to be the leader of the Wonderbolts but if Cinom thinks so then maybe she can, no, she will. Cinom walked toward Rainbow Dash, starting the lesson by moving his hoofs in a spiritual stance. “Sadly, this technique requires the species that can sense negative energy, you must come in contact with them to obtain the sense of bloodlust.” Rainbow Dash was a little confused, with who exactly? “You mean killers-!?” A symbol appeared on the ground below, it looked red and demonic, Rainbow eyes grew big with disbelief and shock, this is how you learn to sense bloodlust? She started to have second thoughts about going through with the procedure, stepping a little back from the circle in terror. “What the heck is that!?” She had clue to what it was but ain’t there another way to learn that technique? “Can’t I learn this technique another way!?” Cinom closed his eyes and shook his head with a no expression, Rainbow Dash decided to go through with the ritual, she wasn’t a scared filly, she was a brave Wonderbolt and fighter. She sat down across from Cinom at the circle, Cinom started whispering what sounded like gibberish, she couldn’t make out what the words were and how they worked but she knows what he was doing since she has to contact with the beings who can sense bloodlust. “I summon you! Come forth and show more of your teachings!” Cinom thought it was Strange, it seemed like nothing happened, but Cinom heard a boo in his right ear, next to him was a red figure with a green mane and tail, both in such condition, that Rarity would flip, probably trying to help him earn some decore. “You didn’t scare me, blake, but nice try, I have a student that wants to learn how to sense bloodlust.” “The blue pegasus with the rainbow mane and tail over there right?” The entity pointed a black hoof at Rainbow Dash who was startled still by the incident. “Yes, her, I think the way you were summoned frightened her?” The entity frowned. “Of course I did, I sense fear as well coming from her essence.” Cinom walked past the entity and placed a hoof on his left shoulder to comfort him. “This is Blake, as you probably suspect, he’s a demon, he wants to repent from crimes and sins and become an angle once again, so he occasionally helps my students learn to sense useful things like bloodlust, he also can teach you to sense deception in a way more accurate level, if you like, All you got to do is ask him.” Rainbow Dash was still cautious about a demon teaching her, he is evil and even if he wants to be an angel, he’s still a demon and demons are demons for a reason. “I am blake the demon, nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash, I hear from my friend Cinom that you want to learn how to sense Bloodlust?” Rainbow Dash glanced at the demon, she didn’t trust him one bit. “Yes, although I am uneasy being around a demon, your kind is, you know, sorry, but I don’t trust you.” Blake frowned, why do all of the ponies run away and are afraid of him, is it because he’s a demon? Most likely it is. “That’s sad, you’re going to need to trust me for you to be able to learn bloodlust, nothing happened to Comber or Cinom, so...” The demon teleported in front of Rainbow Dash, with a smirk on his face, she could see his eyes in the light, he had green, with a little bit of blue in his eyes. “So, Cinom, when do I begin to teach her?” Cinom walked aside Blade, approaching him from his left side. “You can begin as of now, make sure to teat her and remember that, since you forgot last time with a student?” Rainbow Dash thought about Comber being the student Blake forgot to test. “Was it Comber you forgot to test?” Blake smirked with humor, he taught more students than Comber. “No, he made sure he got his tests, which I won’t forget with you, so be prepared for the test coming to you.” Blake smiled at Rainbow Dash before walking past her and turning his head, using a hoof to indicate her to follow him, she listen and followed him, Cinom sighed before walking towards the back to think for himself. “And after I learn bloodlust, may you teach me how to sense deception more accurately?” Blake smiled with sharp teeth, why not? “Of course... But like I said before you are going to need to trust me to learn any of the techniques I am about to show.” (”How could I help Comber with his job, I trained him and his used it as corruption, good ponies died because of me.”) Cinom asked himself, Cinom’s head was down with regret and empathy for the victims of Comber’s job, he had a thought, he knew what he must do, Cinom knows he can do it, no he will do it. Cinom face went back up and his eyes were determined, he knows what he was going to do. (”I’m going to write this wrong.”)