Batmane, the dark steed

by Guillermo

Back home

The group ran through the halls of the temple towards the exit, with Blueblood at the same height as Karal.

"What was the explosion earlier?"

"After discovering the true face of the League, I gathered several initiates who would also disagree. I had some of them destroy the armory using the stored gunpowder. That should be enough to distract most of the League's warriors. "

"And it will also destroy most of the temple" Blueblood replied as he frowned at his friend, but Karal shrugged.

"Collateral damage, now run, I don't know how much time we have before the fire spreads further."

Blueblood grunted to himself but continued to run alongside Karal. After a few minutes, they reached the hall, stopping when they saw that Ra's al Ghul himself was waiting for them at the doors. Next to him were four of his warriors, and on the ground were the corpses of several initiates and other members of the League.

"I figured you'd come this way," Ra's said, his right wing fiddling with a sword. "Other initiates did, but as you can see, they were unable to escape."

"Get away from the door, Ra's" Blueblood said, taking a step forward.

Ra's watched Blueblood for a while before focusing on Karal, who was drawing the sword he had on his belt.

"I became so focused on Mr. Blood that I forgot that you are also a prodigious student. Therefore, if you both surrender, I promise to spare your lives for such treachery."

"No thanks" Karal growled as he moved into attack stance, the initiates doing the same and Golden Wheat looking on unsure of what to do.

"Is this how you repay me for everything I've taught you?" Ra's said as he scanned all the initiates in front of him and stopped at Blueblood. "Is this how you repay me for showing you a way?"

"You taught us a lot, yes" Blueblood said with a frown. "But you also lied to us, when were you going to tell us that the League of Shadows was dedicated to razing entire towns? Do you really expect me to believe that there was not a single innocent?"

"You were not ready for that revelation yet. Sentient creatures are corrupt by nature, and when a city falls into it, it is best to cleanse them. In time, you will understand, Mr. Blood."


Blueblood and Ra's glanced at each other before the pegasus sighed in disappointment, gripping his sword more firmly and pointing it in the direction of the initiates.

"Then so be it."

The four warriors drew their swords and began to advance slowly, ready for combat.

"Fight together!" Karal shouted to the rest of the initiates, who had also drawn their weapons.

While the others engaged in a battle, master and student were face to face, studying each other. The first to attack was Ra's advancing with quick, concise and experienced slashes with his sword, embarrassing the unicorn. Blueblood dodged as best he could, trying to find a window to hit, but as always happened when fighting the pegasus, the leader of the League of Shadows knew how to combine attack and defense in such a way that it didn't leave any gaps in his stance while still delivering powerful attacks.

In one of the pegasus's downward slashes, Blueblood managed to find a small window, dodging to the side and slamming into the pegasus's snout. Ra's stepped back, more surprised than pained, watching the unicorn carefully.

"A good blow, Mr. Blood, you make me proud."

"You don't have to do this" said Blueblood, in an attempt to make his old master reflect.

"Such compassion will bring you down, Blueblood... You must learn that the League of Shadows is the only path to true justice."

"Killing all those who are against you or commit a crime in your eyes?"

"Always so critical and analytical, that's why you are so worthy..."

Ra's moved forward again and began a new wave of even faster attacks, forcing Blueblood to go on the defensive more than he already was. At one point, the unicorn stood on its hind legs to dodge one of the attacks, which the pegasus took advantage of. In one fluid, practiced motion, he shifted his sword, grasping the sharp blade with his wing feathers, not caring how much damage was dealt, and used the hilt to slam into his opponent's legs, causing him to lose his balance and fall sideways to the ground.

Before he could recover, Ra's punched him in the gut and forced him onto his back, causing Blueblood to growl. A hoof was placed on his chest and he felt the point of the sword press against his neck.

"Give up, Mr. Blood, I don't want to kill you."

Blueblood opened his eyes and looked at Ra's above him. His sword was slightly bloody from the wounds on his wing, but he showed little sign of bothering him. In his eyes, he could see a mixture of disappointment and pride in equal parts.

"You are the most worthy pony I have ever met in my long life. Your willpower, your intelligence, your skill, all of it, make you worthy to become the next Demon's Head. It's taken me a long time to find somepony who's up to the task... please... don't make me start looking again."

Blueblood was silent, his face frozen in a scowl of anger and defiance. Ra's held his gaze for a moment before sighing and shaking his head, turning the sword and bringing the hilt against his neck, squeezing and slicing through the unicorn's air.

"When you wake up and we have everything under control again, we will continue with your traini..."

Ra's couldn't finish, for with a thud, he was thrown out of Blueblood, landing on the ground a few meters away. The unicorn gasped for air as he coughed and rolled over to get up. Confused, he looked at his master, seeing that, from his side, a sword protruded, the blood sliding down the sides and falling to the ground. The leader of the League of Shadows looked at the weapon, more surprised than worried, and with only a few signs of pain, before focusing on the responsible, which Blueblood did as well. The attacker had been none other than Karal, that his right eye was closed and bloodied.

"Karal... could not be another... my... second... best... student..." Ra's said, trying harder and harder to speak.

Blueblood shifted his focus away from his friend and looked at his former master, who seemed to be having a hard time speaking and was even starting to spit up blood, no doubt from a punctured lung. Before he could get closer, Karal stopped him.

"We have to go, now."

"I can't leave him there" Blueblood said with a frown, only for Karal to gesture towards the stairs that led to the second floor, from which the orange glow of the fire could be seen.

"We're running out of time, besides, Ra's will be dead in a few minutes anyway."

Blueblood shifted his gaze from the stairs to Ra's, who was now completely still. With a sigh, he turned around, noticing the other initiates. Of the original six, there were about three left, but they had managed to kill the League members, and he could see Golden standing next to one of the initiates with a sword bloodied in his magic. With no time to mourn the fallen, they all rushed out of the great temple into the cold, snowy landscape outside, running as fast as they could. Blueblood turned one last time to look at the place where he had spent 4 years of his life, watching the smoke and fire advance in much of the structure, before turning and walking away.

Blueblood closed the saddlebags, filled with various provisions given by the locals in gratitude for eradicating the League of Shadows, as they had been threatened with extermination if they did not obey their demands. At the time, he was staying in one of the rooms of the inn, which he had been in for two days, preparing to leave. Putting on his saddlebags, he walked out the door and down the stairs, entering the bar that the inn held. At the bar was Karal, who now had a black patch over his missing eye, and was drinking from a pitcher.

"How's the beer?" Blueblood asked with a small smile.

"Not bad, not bad" the kirin said, smiling at Blueblood, then noticing the saddlebags. "I guess you're leaving now."

"Yes, Golden Wheat is already waiting for me with his family to leave."

"I hate when you're right, but when you are, you are" Karal commented with a shrug. "That pony did deserve a second chance, though I still think he should do some jail time."

"And I," Blueblood confirmed as he nodded. "But after what he's been through, I think he deserves this."

"Whatever you say" Karal said as he took a sip of his drink.

"What are you going to do now?" Blueblood asked curiously, receiving a shrug from the kirin.

"I'm not sure, but some of the fledglings who escaped hope that one of us will lead them now."

"Good thing you're a terrific leader."

Karal put his drink down and focused on Blueblood, who had a smile on his face, raising an eyebrow.

"Really? I think you would be more suitable, you were the better of the two."

"Don't belittle yourself, Karal, we were both the best. Besides, it wasn't me who led them against the League."

Karal thought for a moment before smiling slightly.

"You may be right, although I would prefer you stay here."

"I have something to do."

"Of course, of course, you have a pending account in Canterlot, I understand" Karal said as he shook his head, before smiling at Blueblood. "In that case, you can go quietly, the League of the Sun will do quite well without you."

"League of the Sun?" Blueblood asked with an amused smile, to which Karal shrugged.

"Hey, if we want the locals in this town to not be afraid of us, we'll have to distance ourselves as much as possible from the League of Shadows, don't you think?"

Blueblood laughed lightly before hugging his friend, who returned the hug.

"Take care, Karal."

"I tell you the same" when Karal separated from him, he grabbed the mug from him and extended it towards Blueblood. "To your health, and have a good trip."

Blueblood nodded, still smiling, and left the inn, stepping outside, illuminated by the rays of the morning sun. He walked down the main street, seeing some of the initiates talking to each other, to the villagers, and helping them with something, all of them waving at him as he passed.

At the end, on the outskirts, was Golden Wheat next to a small cart in which were the luggage of his family and his son, and to one side, a mare that smiled happily. The eastern pony noticed the proximity of the unicorn, and after speaking for a second with his son and his wife, he approached him.

"Hello, Blueblood, are you ready?"

"That's right, and your family?"

"It's still hard for them to get used to the idea of ​​leaving this place, but we'll get over it" Golden said as he looked at his family, who were talking happily to each other.

"Have you apologized to...?"

"I tried," Golden interrupted with a sigh. "But his family won't even talk to me. Still, I went to his grave and apologized there, I don't know if it counts for anything, but at least my conscience is a little clearer."

Blueblood nodded and started walking, Golden at his side.

“Do you know where to go now?” He asked after a while, to which Blueblood nodded.

"I'll go to the nearest city and try to send a letter. How about you?"

"My wife thinks that her sister could host her, we are going to her town, to the East of here."

"I hope you do well."

"I tell you the same thing."

Both ponies stopped talking when they reached the wagon, and after Golden hitched onto it, they set off for the distant dirt road that connected to the village. After a long walk, they reached the same fork in the road that Blueblood reached so long ago, and after saying goodbye to the family for the last time, the unicorn headed west, his destiny clear in his mind.

Blueblood had been moving for several weeks through Neippon, reaching as far as the Griffonia, formerly known as the Griffin Empire. He managed to post the letter in the first city he arrived at and if his calculations were correct, he would arrive just in time to be picked up. After several days, he arrived at the train station that connected the griffin country with Equestria, located near Griffonstone, an ancient city that was no longer even a shadow of its former self, but was slowly recovering. In the huge station, there were several dozen trains, all heading to various parts of the country, since the one that was going to the pony country had long since left.

However, there was a train located on some rest tracks, placed there so as not to hinder any other and to be able to be put into circulation when necessary. Unlike the rest, this one only had two cars, three if you count the locomotive, and was quite luxurious in design, worthy of high nobility. Blueblood approached at a fast pace, aware of who he belonged to, which was confirmed when the door of the first car opened and a unicorn that he knew came out. The pony looked around the station before noticing the presence of the approaching stallion, showing a smile, gesturing to the two bodyguards guarding the door that they could relax.

"You look good, sir" Service said as Blueblood walked over, looking him up and down. "A bit dirty, mind you."

Blueblood laughed lightly as he walked over, hugging the old unicorn fondly. The two entered the car, with Service gesturing to the two bodyguards, who entered the second car. The interior was quite spacious and luxurious, a large sofa to one side, a mini bar in one corner, and two comfortable-looking seats with a small circular table in the middle.

"Would you like something to drink, sir?" Service asked as he made his way to the mini bar and Blueblood sat down on one of the seats, sighing with satisfaction.

"A glass of water would be nice, Service, thanks."

Service watched with a raised eyebrow at Blueblood, going to the mini bar and preparing the requested glass.

"If I had known that for him to give up alcohol I had to send him into exile, I would have done it a long time ago" joked Service as he approached with the glass of water, eliciting a small laugh from Blueblood.

Service sat on the seat in front of Blueblood and watched him closely, seeing how he drank the water almost in one gulp. It was at that moment that the train began to move, moving towards the rails that would take it to Equestria. The unicorn put down the glass and looked out the window, watching how little by little they moved away from the station.

"Do you intend to stay in Canterlot for a long time, sir?" Service asked, to which Blueblood nodded.

"Yes. Also, I want to show the citizens of Canterlot that their city belongs to them, not to the criminals or the corrupt, unless... my aunt has managed to stop them..."

Blueblood looked at Service for confirmation, but what he got was a defeated sigh.

"I'm afraid it's business as usual. Falcone still wields too much power in the city."

Blueblood nodded, refocusing on the window, taking in the mountainous landscape of the area.

"If you want to prove to the citizens that the city does not belong to Falcone, I must tell you that your father almost bankrupted the Blood Enterprises, and your mother almost did the same with the family fortune. They believed that this would motivate the rich and noble to do something"

"They made it?" Blueblood asked, looking at Service, who shrugged.

"Half-heartedly, few followed his example, Fancy Pants was one of them."

Blueblood nodded and stared at the table for a while, thinking.

"Ponies need a drastic example to break out of apathy, and I can't do that as Blueblood. As a pony, I'm flesh and blood, I can be ignored or killed...but as a symbol...I can be incorruptible...I can be eternal."

"What symbol?"

"Something primal...something terrifying..."

Service looked at Blueblood for a while, somewhat concerned, but decided to keep quiet about it. The unicorn took in the sights a little longer before focusing on his butler.

"Is there anypony else who knows of my return?"

"Your Aunt Celestia, I thought you should know, in fact, we'll go to the castle after you've tidied up a bit"

Blueblood sighed and nodded, knowing it was something he would have to deal with sooner or later. The train moved at high speed, getting closer and closer to Equestria, the Prince of Canterlot was returning home.

It had been a day since Blueblood had returned to Canterlot, and after resting and cleaning up, and catching up on what had happened in Equestria, he was heading to his aunts' castle, ready to see them again after all this time. The carriage he was riding in stopped in front of the entrance stairs, guarded by two royal guards, and after a deep breath, the unicorn got out of the carriage and headed for the gates. The guards looked at each other noticing him before opening the doors.

"Their highnesses await you in the throne room" one of them said, to which Blueblood nodded.

Although it had been a long time since he had put a hoof in those corridors, he still knew his way around, after all, that had been a second home for him in his foalhood. It wasn't many minutes before he reached the immense doors of the throne room, decorated with the cutie marks of the two supreme princesses of Equestria. After one last deep breath to calm himself, he knocked on the doors, and it didn't take long for them to open. Upon entering, Blueblood noted the two unicorn royal guards who had opened the entrance for him, and in the background, were the two thrones of the princesses, towering over the rest of the room.

Celestia stood erect on her golden throne and the sun above her head, watching Blueblood with a serene face that betrayed no emotion. To her right was Luna, on her bluish throne and the representation of the moon above, an expression similar to her sister's. The unicorn advanced to the bottom of the stairs, bowing respectfully.

"Princess Celestia...Princess Luna...I...I'm back..."

Blueblood could hear one of the princesses getting up and starting down the steps.

"I'm deeply sorry for the way I behaved... And I'm even more sorry for leaving without saying anything... I'll understand if you don't want to talk to me or..."

"Enough" Celestia's calm voice said, silencing the unicorn, who kept his eyes lowered. "Get up and look at me, Blueblood."

Blueblood took a deep breath and obeyed, getting up and looking up, seeing that Celestia was smiling, and it wasn't the smile she had seen her use with the nobles... it was the same one she gave her sister, her student Twilight, and her nephews, those for whom he had true affection and appreciation.

"I am, and always will be, your aunt, Blueblood…" she said, her smile widening and letting out a few tears.

Blueblood fell silent, a little surprised, letting Celestia walk over to him and hug him, both her paws and her wings wrapping around him. The unicorn took a while to return it, allowing himself to be hugged and resting his head on his aunt's shoulder. He had forgotten how much he had missed her.