Harmony's End

by Vanity


Dear Twilight

I hope you're holding up alright. I know it's hard, but we're all doing as well as we can, under the circumstances.

The Pegasai aren't in much of a talking mood. I've just gotten back from Cloudsdale, where Rainbow Dash was supposed to be giving a speech, and she's just - angry. I asked her to talk to me, but she just brushed me off, told me I should be ashamed of myself. I'm worried it's all too late, but I tried anyway, talked to as many ponies as I could and tried to get them to see reason, but I'm afraid I don't think I was very convincing.

I spoke to Rarity just before she left. I'm sure you can guess how she felt about being sent to the Everfree Forest, but she's putting on a brave face. Heavens know why the Unicorns decided to have their meetings in that awful place. I guess it's so the Pegasai can't fly overhead and spy on them. I wish I could say she's feeling optimistic, but the truth is, she just looks tired.

Speaking of which, I gave her the package like you asked. I opened the one you gave me, too. It's very nice. Um... what is it? It looks like a pair of crystal wings, but what does it do? Am I supposed to wear it around my neck? I guess I'll figure it all out later.

It's all happening - and all so fast. But I know you've got a final card to play, Twilight. I believe in you. Just remember, no matter what, no matter what happens or how things turn out, someday there'll be harmony again. Whenever I'm feeling down, I remember that, and that alone makes it all worth living for.

Discord sends his love. Oh, and tell Spike I'm very grateful to him for looking after the animal sanctuary while I was gone. All the little critters are doing well, thanks to him.

Lots of Love,
