Harmony's End

by Vanity


Dear Princess Twilight.

Ah hope this letter finds you well.

Ah hope this letter finds you well.

Eye hope this letter finds you well.

Ah swear this self-writing quill is playing tricks on me. Well, if it wants to play it that way, fine.

Ah hope you and Spike are doing well. Mount Everhoof is bigger than I ever dreamed, but it's mighty cold to hoof! It's always a little lonely, being so far from home, but you what Rainbow's like, wouldn't turn down an assignment if it killed her - just might, if I wasn't there to keep her on the straight and narrow. Sure is strange, being the only Earth Pony for hundreds of miles, but I guess I should have expected it, Wonderbolt Training Base and all. Lotsa fresh-faced recruits shivering in their wingsuits, I reckon more from their drill instructors than the cold. Heh, Rainbow can sure be scary when she needs to be.

Speakin' of Rainbow, she's more than got her work cut out for her! Not five minutes before we landed, all of a sudden, these nosy busypony Unicorns from the Crystal Empire start badgering her for a meeting, insisting it be kept all private and hush-hush. Course' she told me all about it the scond she was out of earshot. Apparently they want the Wonderbolt's help in excavating some old mineshaft. Offering a small fortune for it, too. I told her, Rainbow, don't you go overworking yourself now, but did she listen? Of course not. Still, if there's a mare out there who can juggle all that work and still keep her calm, it's my Rainbow.

Just between you and me, Twi, something about them just rubbed me up the wrong way. Acting all snooty-like, thinking they're better than the rest of us folk because they can cast a lotta fancy spells and read all these books in Old Ponish. You shoulda seen the look on one of their faces when I told them me and Rainbow were the Princess of Equestria's friends! Still, Rainbow says they're only here for a week or two at the most, then they'll be heading off. It's odds-on that mineshaft's just full of old tools and dust.

Ah wish you could be here, Twi. The mountain's beautiful, the snow's as white and soft as silk, and you can always find somewhere nice and quiet if you just want a moment's peace. You'd love it. Heck, you'd probably love it so much we'd have to drag you kickin' and screamin' back to Canterlot!

Give my love to Sugar Belle. I hope she's taking good care of Sweet Apple Acres. Tell her it's awful big of her to step up to the job of her like this, and that we all appreciate it. And tell Apple Bloom I hope she's doing fine, and that her big sis is always thinkin' of her. Tell Big Mac to keep a close eye on her - and make sure he ain't slacking off!

All my best,
