Dazzling Bladers

by Joshua the Dragonslayer

34. Know Your Bey! Aria Edition!

It was currently night-time and Aria was having a wonderful dream about her beating not only Gabby but Sonata and Adagio as well.

"With a Burst Finish, Aria and Apocalypse are the winners!" The referee declared. The crowd cheered as Aria picked her Bey up from the stadium and smiled while looking at it.

"Alright, Apocalypse! You and me are the best team the world has ever seen!" All of a sudden Apocalypse started to glow brighter and brighter it was scaring Aria. "Apocalypse?" The light shined so bright that it engulfed Aria. When Aria opened her eyes she noticed that before her eyes were Apocalypse. "Apocalypse! Why have you brought me here? We just won against my sisters and Gabby!"

"No Aria. For this is a dream, everything that has happened is nothing but an illusion." Apocalypse said looking down at Aria.

Aria looked at Apocalypse in surprise. "Wait so then how are we talking? Or is this just another illusion within an illusion?"

Apocalypse opened its mouth. "I promise you this is not an illusion or a dream. This is the real deal, if I'm not mistaken you're about to enter a team tournament with your sisters. You and me have fought alongside each other from the very start however you've yet to prove yourself worthy to me to wield me in battle. So I have come here to see once and for if you're worthy of my destructive power."

Aria looks at Apocalypse and sighs. "Very well then. Once I prove myself worthy you will Battle along my side in the team tournament with Adagio and Sonata." Aria starts turning her head. "So what do I have to do? Where's the challenge I have to overcome to prove myself to you."

"Right behind you." Aria turns her head to see a boy she had never seen before. She didn't like to assume things but she was guessing this boy's favorite color was red seeing he wore a lot of it. He picks through his pocket and pulls out Union Achilles! Aria gasps, that was Adagio's Bey! What was this boy doing with her sister's Bey? Did he take it from her? "The boy in front of you is Aiger Akabane. He is from another universe, but in his universe, he is known as the World Champion and wields Union Achilles just like your sister. Your challenge is simple, defeat Aiger in a battle and you win my respect."

Aria smirked. "Well alright then! All I got to do is win this Battle with a Burst and this Battle will be over! Get ready Aiger Akabane because I'll kick your butt so far you'll be going back to where you came from!" However, all Aiger did was attach his Bey to his launcher and got into his position. "Oi! What's with the silent treatment? Do you not think I'm a strong enough opponent against the likes of you World Champion?!"

"Aria he's an illusion. He can't hear what you're saying nor is that the real Aiger Akabane, trying to touch him." Aria did what Apocalypse said and tried touching him. However, her hand went right through him as if he was a ghost. Aria pulled her hand back surprised at what she was witnessing. "Now hurry up and Battle him, you can't stall forever."

Aria attaches her Bey to her launch. "Hmmph, I'm not stalling." Aria then gets into position and smiles.

"Ready and set! Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" They both yelled.

Aria watches as Aiger unleashes his backflip launch leaving Aria in shock. What kind of launch was that?!

The two Beys take to the stadium with incredible speed. Apocalypse takes to the upper deck with Achilles chasing not far behind. Before Aria knew it Achilles had caught up to Apocalypse and hit it with an extreme attack that made it go flying across the stadium.

"That's some power! But we got power too! Now Apocalypse hit it with an Omega Blast!!" Aria yelled.

Apocalypse hits the wall and uses the rebound to connect with Union Achilles. Achilles gets sent back but charges in for another attack.

"Gooo!! Unison Launch!" Aiger yelled.

Achilles started hitting Apocalypse with a barrage of attacks leaving it with no room to recover. Aria was in a pickle and she had no clue how to get out of it, that's when an idea hit her!

Aria smiled. "Apocalypse! Use Prime Reboot!"

Achilles strikes Apocalypse again, but the attack hadn't done any damage it actually gave Apocalypse an extra boost in speed. Apocalypse ran up the slope of the stadium and charged back down it heading straight toward Achilles. Aiger sees this and smiles.

"Once again! Omega Blast!" The Dark-Flux had activated and Apocalypse was charging at Achilles with all its might.

"ACHILLES!!!" Aiger's headband snapped as his hair went loose. Achilles started to pick up speed as it went into its Hyper-Flux state. "UNISON WHIP!!"

The two Beys meet in the middle of the stadium with a flurry. The blow was so strong that it sent both Beys flying out of the stadium, however, Achilles hits the edge of the stadium keeping it still in bounds while Apocalypse hits the floor outside of the arena. Aria looks down at her Bey in shock, was this the power of Aiger and Achilles?

"Union Achilles with a Ring-Out Finish! Aiger Akabane takes the first point! Point standings are 1-0!" A referee declared.

Aria picks up Apocalypse and stares at Aiger. She was trailing a point and if she lost again it would all be over. Aria was now starting to realize that Aiger was the real deal, he was the World Champion for a reason and he shouldn't be taken so lightly.

Aria gritted her teeth as she looked at Aiger. "Now what do I do? Achilles' speed and power are on a whole different level. Their power really is out of this world. His bond with Achilles might even be stronger than Adagio's."

"You're just now understanding that?" Aria turned to face Apocalypse. "If you want to see glory in this Battle you have to dig deeper than you've ever dug before Aria. You may know Achilles but you don't know Aiger, his way of using Achilles is different than Adagio's. If you can't defeat someone like Aiger you stand no chance at beating Gabby, much less your sisters. Your chances at me proving you worthy is getting destroyed by the second."

Aria looked back at Aiger. He stood tall as the avatar of Achilles loomed over him. Aria looked down at Apocalypse, Achilles, and Aiger made a good team but so did she and Apocalypse! The two Bladers took their positions, no matter what Aria was going to take down the World Champion. Without knowing it she was starting to walk back from the stadium.

"Get ready and set!" The referee started.

"Three!" Aria ran towards the stadium.

"Two!" Aria threw her launcher up in the air as she continued to run toward the stadium.

"One!" Aria caught her launcher and stopped as she then jumped and did a spin in the air as she launched her Bey.

"Let it Rip!" They both yelled.

The two Beys crashed onto the stadium floor as they ran around the stadium. Apocalypse took to the upper deck while Achilles took the center. Apocalypse launched itself off of the upper deck and towards Achilles.

"Hit it with your Omega Blast!" Aria yelled.

"Endure it with your Unison Shield!" Aiger yelled.

Apocalypse hits Achilles and gets sent flying, it was as though Apocalypse had crashed into a wall. Aria smiled as Apocalypse went up the slope and charged at Achilles. The two Beys collide as the two Bladers let out a battle cry.

"ACHILLES!" Aiger yelled as Achilles' avatar was behind him.

"APOCALYPSE!!!" Aria yelled as Apocalypse avatar was behind her.

The two Beys disengage with one another as they both climb the upper deck. Achilles hits the wall making it launch itself toward Apocalypse as it was starting to head back to the lower deck.

Aiger jumps up and then slams his hand to the ground. "UNISON BREAKER!!!"

Achilles hits Apocalypse sending it flying up in the air, Achilles starts rushing over to the falling Apocalypse. It had activated its Hyper-Flux, if Aria didn't do something and fast this Battle was going to be over!

"LET'S GO APOCALYPSE!" Apocalypse had activated its Dark-Flux as it continued to fall from the sky. Aria then transformed as her wings, tail, and pony ears appeared. "HIT IT WITH YOUR PRIMAL SPHERE!!" Due to Apocalypse spinning in the air along with the Dark-Flux live a black sphere-like figure surrounded Apocalypse.

The two Beys collide neither of them letting go for a second. Just then an explosion occurs making both Bladers cover their eyes from the blow. The sound of a Bey bursting could be heard throughout the room. When the explosion dies out the bladers uncover their eyes to see Apocalypse still spinning in the stadium while Achilles had been burst into pieces.

"That's a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-1, Aria and Apocalypse are the winners!" The referee declared.

Aria smiled as she picked up her Bey. "Alright! We did it Apocalypse!"

"Indeed we did Aria. You've finally proved yourself worthy of my power. I expect to have more heart-thrilling Battles like those in the future with you." With that Apocalypse faded away. Aria turns her head and sees Aiger.

"You may not be able to hear me but thank you Aiger. Because of you, me and Apocalypse now have a bond stronger than ever before. We'll continue to get stronger and stronger and we'll keep improving. And then one day I hope to have a Battle with the real you!" Aiger smiles and just like Apocalypse faded away. All of a sudden a bright light fills the whole room, when Aria opens her eyes again she sees that she's in her room. It was morning time meaning today was the day of the team tournament.

Aria picks up her Bey and looks down at Apocalypse who shines in her hand. "Apocalypse, let's go out there and show that we're the greatest team that the world has ever seen!"

Preview: After following Aria's adventure we now follow Adagio as she must prove herself to Achilles. With the bond that she shares with Achilles will the problem be too easy or will it be easier said than done? Watch as Adagio must venture to fight for survival with Achilles on her side!

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Know Your Bey! Adagio Edition!