//------------------------------// // Act I What Goes Bump In The Night // Story: The Tale Of Two Doctors // by The Royal Equestrian //------------------------------// As the Doctor and Ditzy walked into the house that the strange creatures lived in, they noticed that the house felt quite comfortable, giving off a warm summer home esthetic, there was a lamp on a table giving off a fine blue light at the far left side of the room, with a window looking over the crops and a few books on the table. There was a fireplace adjacent to the table some pots and pans at the foot of it. “Quite the place you got here..uhh sorry what's your name again?” The Doctor asked. “Oh, I must have forgotten my manners. My name is Lunar Strider, pleased to meet ya. Wish we’d met under better circumstances.” Lunar Strider replied, offering his hoof to shake the Doctor's hand. “Lunar Strider, that is a wonderful name can’t say that I’m too familiar with your species, what do you call yourselves? If I may ask, that is.” The Doctor asked “Nah it’s fine, I already assumed you ain’t from around here, we’re the Effulginits.” Lunar Strider replied, starting up a fire under the fireplace. “Are ya both hungry? I'm going to be making dinner here in just a moment.” Lunar Stride asked, still feeding the flames with the wood he had next to the fireplace. “That would be great!” Exclaimed Ditzy not having eaten since she woke up this morning. “Sure, I haven’t eaten in quite some time.” The Doctor groaned, as his stomach growled loudly. “Alright I’ll fix us up something t.” As Lunar Strider was about to respond, but a thundering crash rang out from where the fence stood, with a rustling noise following shortly after.. “Everybody get down and turn off the light, I'll handle the fire.” Lunar Stride said with a shaky voice and worry in his eyes, careful not to alert what was outside. With that Ditzy, the Doctor, and Lunar Stride all turned off any lights they could find, then got under the table, careful not to make too much noise. The Doctor then tried to look through the window by the crops. What he saw shook him to his very core. The lights shone upon a monster with glowing red eyes, pitch black fur, and razor sharp teeth. “Ditzy, I want you to stay here, no matter what happens I want you to stay here. Do I make myself clear?” The Doctor whispered, looking into Derpy’s eyes with a look of both horror of what is outside, and worry for Derpy’s safety “Doctor? What are you going to do.” Ditzy tried to say before the Doctor got in closer. “Do, I, make, myself, clear?” The Doctor pressed with a seriousness in his face.. “Yes, Doctor.” Ditzy whimpered “Thank you, I wouldn’t be saying this if I was not genuinely worried.” The Doctor whispered, looking back over to Lunar Strider. “Is there any way to put that thing out of commission without killing it?” The Doctor asked Lunar Strider, with a bit of panic in his voice. “Yes, but it won’t be easy, there's some berries in the forest south of here, they grow a half a mile in.” Lunar explained. “But how do you plan on getting them in time?” Lunar Strider asked, looking at the Doctor with a raised brow. “Leave that to me, how am I going to get him to eat them? He does not look like he would eat something like that.” The Doctor asked, taking another quick peek at the beast. “I have a blow dart, put some of the berry juices on some thorns, and we should be as good as silver. Also just one last thing, the berries will be glowing a very bright pink. They’re the only pink berries in that forest.” Lunar whispered. “Alright, make sure Ditzy is safe whale, I'm gone.” The Doctor said, as he started to sneak out the door, making sure not to catch any unwanted attention. “Alright I got to go south, go a half mile into the forest and grab some pink berries, should be simple enough to handle.” The Doctor thought to himself for a moment as he went to the south forest, occasionally taking a glance behind him making sure he was in the clear.. After a few moments of walking through the forest the Doctor eventually found the berries, and started taking some thorns and berries into his jacket pockets. “I really need to get out of this magician's coat, I really don’t like the red trim on the bottom either. When I get back to the Tardis I am going to have to visit the old wardrobe an.” Suddenly the Doctor was snapped out of his thoughts from something in the bushes. The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver, still looking like the one from his 11th incarnation. “Oh you're just one of those deer we saw from earlier, can’t believe I got scared over one of you cute things but where are you running to though.” The Doctor said watching the deer run by. As the Doctor made his way back to the village, he heard something following him in the brush behind him. “You know it’s very rude to follow somebody that’s unaware.” The Doctor deadpanned behind him, expecting something to come out from behind the brush. “Well…I’m waiting.” Still nothing. “Look if somebody is out there, just show yourself already, I am getting sick of wai.” Just as the Doctor said this something darted to another bush “Okay, we may have a problem here.” The Doctor said, pulling out his sonic screwdriver scanning it to see how many things were surrounding him. “Alright, I think it’s time I get out of here then.” The Doctor thought to himself for a moment before booking it back to the village, making sure he ran around and between bushes, trees, rocks, and other obstacles to make it hard for what was chasing after him to catch him. After making sure that nothing followed him back, the Doctor started making his way quietly back to the building with Lunar Strider, and Derpy. “Alright I’ve got everything we need Lunar. So I just cover the thorns in the juice of these berries?” The Doctor asked, making sure that he remembered the instructions correctly. “Yes sir it is, I’ll go get the blow dart.” Lunar Strider answered quietly, making sure that the beast didn't hear them. By this point the beast had already started getting agitated and destroyed almost half the crops. After getting the thorns ready, and Lunar Strider getting his blow dart, the Doctor and Lunar both got ready to use the thorns to put the beast to sleep then hopefully move it out of the village. “Alright, I sure hope this works Lunar. Where do I hit him with this?” The Doctor asked looking at the beast, it looking more and more agitated as time passed by. “Right in the neck is the best spot, it should put him down for some time to attack it.” Lunar said, also looking at the beast. “We aren’t going to kill it, we should try to move it somehow.” The Doctor said, not appreciating the fact he wanted to kill of the creature “And how do you suppose we do that, it’s not like we have a way to move him?” Lunar said, not happy with the fact that the beast is still going to be walking around, and causing problems for them later on. “I can find a way alright, just leave that up to me.” The Doctor said, still not alright with the fact that he had actually brought up the idea in the first place. After that the Doctor shot the beast with the dart forcing it into a tranquil state. “Alright now I’m pretty sure we could tie his legs together and drag him on something” The Doctor said, looking at the beast figuring out exactly how he is going to get it out of this place. “Fine by me, as long as that thing doesn’t bother us again I don’t care where it goes.” Lunar said, making sure the beast wasn’t just faking being asleep, with a couple hoof taps, he confirmed it was that the job was done. “Alright, I’m going to go grab rope from my ship, make sure that thing stays under, and for god sake don’t hurt the thing if it can be helped.” The Doctor said before walking back to the Tardis. “Alright Mrs Hooves if you don’t mind joining me in finding some rope I could use your help?” The Doctor asked, before walking off to the direction of the Tardis. “Alright, do you know where would be a good place to look in there?” Derpy asked with joy to help in this mission. “I would say check the down stairs in the console room first then if you can’t find anything there go past the pool but turn just before you see a T junction.” The Doctor said a bit too quickly for the Derpy to catch. “Sorry, where again?” Derpy asked a bit sheepishly. “I’ll show you when we get there Ditzy.” The Doctor said softly. As the Doctor and Ditzy looked through the Tardis, they eventually found what they were looking for, 4 pieces of rope one of which being roughly 5 meters long. As they were heading back to the village they could smell something burning in the distance. “Oh no, no no no, that can’t be good, Ditzy we need to move fast.” “DOCTOR OVER HERE!” Lunar shouted waving his hoof in the air trying to get the Doctor’s attention over the burning buildings and crops.The Doctor noticing him ran to him. “Are you alright, what happened here is everyone alright, Ditzy and I got here as fast as we could.” The Doctor said with his voice quivering out of shock. “I guess we overestimated how long the berries would keep him down for, he got up, and, and, well, before it ran off it took some of us down as it ran.” Lunar said with his voice still riddles with fear and shock. “Look Lunar, I will make sure no more harm comes to you or your people, and I will make sure that that beast does not hurt anyone ever again. I am going to be taking it off-planet.” The Doctor stated, looking Lunar in the eyes “How can you do that, who are you really Doctor.?” Lunar asked still panicking “I’m the Doctor, I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the Constellation of Kasterborous, I’m from another universe, and I am going to save your life and everyone else who is still alive.” The Doctor stated looking into Lunars eyes to assure him he was in the most safe hands he could be in. With that the Doctor, Derpy and Lunar went off in search of the beast, running deeper and deeper into the forest.