Skylander Battle Season 1

by Flameboy

Final Battle for Bragging Rights Part 2

It was quite a battle for the last three nights as everyone from Team Immortal and Team Wereanimal have been eliminated except for Shiny Pteranodon and Teotl the Majin.

In the previous battles Devil Dinosaur defeated Grim considering he was a walking pile of bones. He literally chased him around the arena until finally using his tail to trip him and scatter everywhere. Fluttershy defeated Devil Dinosaur by pinching a pressure point and then petting him on the head.

"Here we go, everybody! The final match between Team Immortal and Team Wereanimal. Teotl the Majin, and Shiny Pteranodon," Boomstick announced.

"Since we already covered Teotl's abilities and etc., let's get on with our young Pteranodon friend," Wiz announced.

• Flight
• Bo-staff Expertise
• Illuminating Scales
• Magical Fish Bag
• Retractable Wings
• Weredragon Form

"Not a lot of abilities for Shiny, except for her flying. Considering it IS number one on the list since the little flying reptile was born a... well, flyer. An amazing one at that as she can use it to dive headfirst into the water to catch food, which consists of fish. Thanks to Luke, she is now one of the most finest, AND greatest bo-staff fighters along with her fellow Sentinels. Skylands has also given her the ability to make her scales glow so bright, that she can use them to light up dark areas or blind enemies for a little while," Wiz explained.

"Now that is a mighty fine new feature of hers. If I had that power, I would be able to find my keys in the dark," Boomstick added.

"She also carries a magical, leaf-made handbag that allows her to carry a lot of fish. Shiny can carry a total of 10 fish or more for herself or her teammates. And each time she uses one, it takes a short amount of time to regenerate a new fish. She also has the ability to retract her wings by saying, "Wingless," and even retract them from her back by saying," Dragon Wings," Wiz explained.

"Let's not forget about her new Weredragon Form by the name of "Were-Shiny." While Shiny acts as a support for the team, she can also switch to an offensive Damager Role when she accesses this form. Razor Sharp Claws to penetrate wood, stone, AND metal - especially flesh. Can also stretch her body parts in long distances with no sweat. And, like ALL Werewolves, Were-Shiny has a healing factor, so this would take her away her use of her magical handbag," Boomstick added.

"And while it takes away her healing capabilities, Shiny can still be more durable in fights. And since her Weredragon is half of two legendary creatures that either breathe raging fire or release a bloodcurdling howl at a full moon, this form of hers make Shiny a great asset to the rest of Skyland's powerhouses,"

Powers and Abilities (Were-Shiny):
1. Flight
2. Razor Sharp Claws
3. Fire-breathing
4. Malleability
5. Partly Impenetrable Scales
6. Healing Factor

"Shiny's Wereanimal form takes the same power as all dragons and werewolves should."

"I still don't get how a flying dinosaur turns into a dragon at night," Boomstick said.

"Technically... she's not a dinosaur," Wiz corrected him.

"Hey. If a giant reptilian bird lives alongside dinosaurs, then it's a dinosaur."

"Fine. But rather than her abilities, let's talk about her story," Wiz said.

"Fine by me," Boomstick replied.

Wiz then started to make a little rap of the Dinosaur Train theme song.

"Once upon a time, there was a mom. Her name was Mrs. Pteranodon. One day, she sat in her best and heard something scratching and said, "oh, boy, my eggs are hatching!" And one by one, kids popped free. Baby Pteranodons 1, 2, 3! Starting from left to right, she named them "Tiny", "Shiny", and "Don." And afterwards, the fourth one hatched. He had teeth, a longer tail, and big, green eyes. A baby T-Rex who she then adopted into the family and called him, "Buddy." And for going on adventures, they travel through time and meet all sorts of species on a prehistoric locomotive called the "Dinosaur Train," he sang.

"Not bad," Boomstick commented.

"Thanks. But back to her biography, Shiny is the second-born daughter to Tahlia and Peter Pteranodon. She was born a few seconds later after Tiny and a few seconds earlier before Don and Buddy. Shiny, despite being born after her sister, likes to act like the big sister of the group because of her mature side. She also loves collecting seashells that have a shine to them.

But once the magic of Skylands broke through different realities, with a tint of werewolf blood from Jonathan getting scratched by one of the rocks from the Convexity Realm, and a mix of dark magic, Shiny has been infected by the three and turned into a Weredragon," Wiz said.

"Again, HOW can a dinosaur turn into a dragon?" Boomstick asked.

"Well, we do have to remember that Jonathan was born a human not only with werewolf blood as well as the blood of certain species in the animal kingdom, but also with dragon blood. Which would explain why Shiny takes the form of a dragon as her Wereanimal Form," Wiz explained.

"Finally, that makes sense. Wait, but he's also part Kaiju, so would that mean Shiny can grow to that of a three story building?"

"Since Shiny does take a percentage of Jonathan's own blood, I guess she could. Then again, she never tried it," he said.

Shiny heard him, and wondered herself.

"She has the razor sharp claws of a werewolf, the flight maneuverability of both a Pteranodon and a dragon, malleable like a snake, breathes fire like a dragon, healing factor of a werewolf, and partially impenetrable scales of a dragon."

"Hold it! "Partially?" - Boomstick

"Well, in the world of Dragonia (formerly Equestria), Tribal Werewolves were discovered to be born with claws that not only shred through wood, cut through solid stone, or tear through, but can even impenetrate a dragon's scales. Not even a dragon would go toe-to-toe against those kinds of Werewolves," -Wiz

Spike was starting to blush, remembering the butt-whooping he got from Jonathan in the past.

"Anywho, with all of her abilities said and done, let's get ready for... A SKYLANDER BATTLE!"

To be continued...