//------------------------------// // The beginning: part 1 // Story: A Twixie romance: a Twilight and Trixie romance story // by Ramen_Unicorn12 //------------------------------// Chapter 1: Trixie All she could see was what seemed like an infinite amount of trees. The canopy overhead blocked what was left of the midafternoon sun, creating eery darkness around her. She had been walking with her caravan for hours, her legs ached, and she had a slight headache. She was completely lost. “If only Trixie hadn’t tried to take a shortcut through the ever-free forest, Trixie would have been in Ponyville by now.” glancing down at her watch (a gift given by a fan of Trixie's magic show), she realizes the time “Oh buck, it’s already 2:00 pm” she starts to slow down. “I guess Trixie could stop and have lunch.” As she said this, Trixie’s stomach started to grumble as if it heard and was confirming what Trixie had said. Trixie stopped the caravan and went inside. Shortly after entering, she reappeared with a picnic basket. Using her magic, she set up a picnic blanket and started humming to herself whilst pulling out all the contents of the basket. “CRUNCH!” Startled, Trixie jolted up and looked to where the unknown sound came from. Realizing she might be in danger, she readies herself into a fighting position waiting for whatever creature may come her way. She decided to illuminate her horn so that she could face whatever she was about to meet. As her horn gets brighter, revealing a large wood-like creature, Trixie whispers under her breath. “Timberwolf.” The wolf starts to take a step towards her. Trixie, using the distance between them, quickly performs an illusion spell that makes a thundercloud appear, guiding her horn down at the timberwolf, a large lightning bolt appears, hitting the timberwolf square in the head. Howling in pain, the timberwolf backs away growling. It jumps forward towards Trixie. Trixie jumps back nearly a few moments before its paws and sharp teeth closed on the place she was just at. As she backs away she’s stopped by something behind her. Turning around she sees another timberwolf standing in front of her, another to the right of it, and another to the left of it. Trixie using one of her purple smoke bombs throws it at her feet and bolted into to dark forest yelling for help. Trixie ran as fast as her hooves could take her, yet the timberwolves were still hot on her trail. Every so often one of them lunged for her hind legs, barely inches away from grabbing her. She was going so fast, that she wasn't paying attention to the ground below her, Trixie looked ahead of her, scanning the forest’s horizon, she spotted a large tree, with windows? Realizing that could shelter her away from the danger called timberwolves, she used the last bit of energy she had and bolted to the tree. “CRACK!” “THUMP!” “UMPHH!” Trixie caught her left hoof in a root protruding up from the ground, feeling pain shoot up her leg she fell face-first into the ground, landing with a thump so hard that she skidded into a tree, hitting her head knocking the wind out of her. She felt a sense of aching around her whole body and a horrible painful feeling in her leg it was probably broken, the timberwolves were now circling around her. Bright little white dots pervaded her sight, making it almost impossible to see the timberwolves circling around her. Using her last breath she cried for help again, hoping that someone might hear her, and with that, everything turned to black. The timberwolves howled in victory while circling their prey, each of them sniffing the body to make sure that it was unconscious. The largest of the pack, growling at the others to signal them to back away from the unconscious Trixie. He sniffed her body and once satisfied picked it up with his jaws taking her deep into the forest. Twilight “GASP!!!” Twilight Sparkle woke up from the strangest dream, where Trixie was in it? Were there timberwolves were working together? and all of it felt terrifyingly real. Deciding that it was just a dream Twilight got out of her bed deciding she just needed some fresh air, she walked quietly towards the balcony door, hoping to not wake up a sleeping spike in his little bed, he looked peaceful, I wonder what he’s dreaming about. As she thought this the baby dragon mumbled “rarity” and followed it with a little smile. Rarity was one of Twilight's best friends, who represented the element of generosity. I suspected as much, spike always seemed to have a crush on Rarity Twilight chuckled to herself whilst opening the balcony door. She walked into the nice night air, silence all around her except for a few owls hooting or the occasional cricket chirping to the moon. She looked up, noticing how colorful and diverse the sky was, luna has outdone herself this time. Twilight could still remember how bland the sky used to look when she was up all night studying in her home back in Canterlot. When the most important thing in her life was trying to make Princess Celestia proud. Princess Celestia was her teacher. Twilight could still remember the day when she first met Princess Celestia, it was the same day that she hatched Spike out of his egg and the same day that she got her cutie mark. It was the same day all her friends got their cutie marks, thanks to rainbow dash and her Sonic Rainboom. Twilight reminiscing was cut short when she heard a yell coming from deep into the Ever Free forest, reminding her of her dream that she just had. She quickly ran back inside, down the stairs, grabbing her saddlebag, using her horn to magically put it on, she then ran through the door and bolted towards the forest, for that yell she heard sounded similar to the one in her dream, maybe it was one of those dreams where only princesses could get, like a vision almost. Coming up to the edge of the ever-free right passed Fluttershy’s cottage twilight ran into the dark abyss, wondering what could be out there. As she travels farther into the forest the trees seem like they're getting taller, looming over her as if they are gods looking over her and the ground she’s running on. Deeper in the forest twilight hears another yell coming from the east of year of the path. Running towards the sound she starts to hear howls of timberwolves nearby, with the understanding of timberwolves twilight, slowed down to a quiet trot. Barely seeing anything in front of her twilight was about to light up her horn but remembered timberwolves could smell magic. Coming up to a small clearing of trees twilight see’s a group of timberwolves walking towards what might be their home, in the front was a large Timberwolf huh? It looks like the same one in my dream caring what seemed was a mare's body. Blood was dripping down the mares leg and the mare's other leg was bent in a way that wasn’t natural, it was almost nauseating to twilight seeing the mare look like that. Focus twilight, you're here to save her not dwindle on her injuries, those worries can happen later, at least when we're both out of danger. After coming up with a plan, Twilight used her magic and blasted away two of the smaller wolves. Reacting on instinct as two others from the pack lunged at her she dodged their attacks and teleported in front of the packs' leader zapping him in the face. The blue mare falling from his grasp was quickly caught by twilight, and using the rest of her energy she could muster she teleported out of the forest and onto a dirt road next to Ponyvilles town hall. Twilight rushed Trixie towards Ponyville’s hospital, there was a line of blood dripping down Trixie's leg making a red trail behind twilight similar to that of a slug's slime trail. Once twilight ran inside the hospital she immediately called for nurse Redheart. Panting and out of breath, “I…(gasp)...need…(gasp)...nurse Redheart…(gasp)...NOW!!”. Redheart hearing the loud noize rushed out of the room she was in and into the front lobby, immediately seeing a puddle of red under twilight and the mare on her back who looked lifeless except for the occasional rising of her chest. Redheart froze in place at the scene in front of her to the point of almost fainting. Twilight who was completely exhausted whispered to Redheart to help her before she collapsed on the ground. Redheart who was coming out of her daze took action and immediately went to help the two, she took Trixie to a room with a bunch of doctors and devices, and then she took the sleeping twilight towards a small cot in the next room over…………………… END OF CHAPTER 1