Oddworld : Diamond Country

by Earth To Evie


The pitter-patter of tiny paws echoed around the vast underground caves of The Sapphire Mines. Kibbles ran at top speed through the moist and dreary abandoned mine shafts, she wore a ragged blue dress with a bone decor.

An oversized golden collar hung from her neck proudly, a turquoise jewel placed within the center that shimmered in the darkness. It was a gift from her mother, before the dreadful night of the cave collapse.

A gift the young puppy held dear to her heart.

She came to a halt under a large opening on the ceiling, the adorable brown puppy shaking the fresh dirt out of her tangled brunette locks. The silhouette of an oversized calabash gourd could be seen strapped to her backside by lush green vines.

"Kibbles here with swigs!" Kibbles barked in a cute high pitched tone.

The hole above opened up as a large boulder was shifted to the side, the dim orange glow of rusted lanterns shone over the young puppy. A grizzled bulldog suddenly lowered his head through the opening, yellow eyes glowed with annoyance in the dark.

"Swigs!? What kind of swigs!" He let drool run down the sides of his mouth with each rude word spoken.

Kibbles rolled her emerald green eyes in a sarcastic reply. "Water, fresh swigs from Cave Four!" She blew a loud raspberry towards her elder who erupted in loud barking laughter.

"We're busting our tails up here, run along and get a swig of liquor!" The bulldog howled in delight, his large wet tongue lapping the slobber off his floppy jowls.

"Grrr, you know Swigger won't trust a pup with spirits!" Kibbles began to whine loudly from the wet tunnels below, her fluffy tail thumping angrily on the ground.

Without much warning, an old wooden ladder slammed down from above. Kibbles yelped as she bounced to the right, growling as she barely dodged a thump to the skull. With a quick scurry she climbed up the ladder, the room above filled with many a soot-covered hound.

"Cut the pup some slack, she does her part for the pack!" A slender wolf spoke up from the corner of the claustrophobic tunnel, her eyes glowed a piercing red amongst the emptiness.

Kibbles could feel her cheeks burn a bright pink, the salt, and pepper colored wolf none other than Midnight. She was a top warrior within the pack usually found visiting each area of the mines, keeping an eye that all ran smoothly.

"Thank you." Kibbles flashed a fang-filled smile to her superior, the fact that such a powerful warrior even noticed her was amazing.

Midnight would only smirk as she watched the child zoom around the tunnel, removing stone cups from various pockets on her dress. Each swiftly filled with fresh sparkling spring water, as she made sure every hound was sufficiently hydrated from her gourd.

With a paw that quivered in excitement, Kibbles filled the last cup with water. She carefully handed the cool refreshment to Midnight, who took it with a friendly smile and easily chugged it down.

"You've done well, little one." Midnight placed her paw atop the child's head, ruffling her hair playfully as the other hounds watched silently.

"Did you fools come here to stare or work!" Midnight glared at the males in the tunnel wickedly, each diamond dog quick to return to his digging.

Kibbles couldn't help but giggle, this day was one she would cherish for many moons to come.

"She didn't even have to bark! All those dirty ole hounds just returning to work!!" Kibbles would bounce playfully on the counter of the bar as she excitedly recounted her tale from the mines.

Swigger the bartender not amused by the hundreds of tiny pawprints that littered his countertop. The old rottweiler snorted in a gruff but stern manner. Kibbles looked down in embarrassment as she noticed her folly with a nervous giggle. 

"Hee, sorry. '' Kibbles hopped off the counter and grabbed a nearby rag to start cleaning. 

The decayed wooden door to the bar suddenly shifted in place. The moist soil of the cave caked under the door, as the customer had to put some power behind it to swing it open.

Midnight let a soft growl escape her muzzle as those sharp crimson eyes locked onto the bartender quizzically. "Ever think about cleaning this place up?And I mean cleaning!" She questioned with an air of humor in every word spoken.

Swigger would of course only snort in dissatisfaction.

"Cleanliness isn't a female thing! It's a let's not die of mange type of thing." Midnight lightly giggled as she unclasped her metallic shoulder guards and breastplate. 

Kibbles watched in awe at how beautiful and elegant the slender wolf truly was, her soft bushy tail alone a thing of wonder. Midnight dressed in a simplistic dirty beige tunic and tattered leggings yet she pulled it off with style. 

The wolf soon sat at the bar after hanging up her armor. Kibbles hastily made sure the area was clean and fresh salted nuts were placed in a humorous dog dish atop the counter.

"A whiskey sour, please. " Midnight placed her order with grace.

Swigger snorted in reply as he went towards the back to fetch. Leaving Kibbles to dart around the dimly lit room to clear tables or clean debris off the walls, dozens of male hounds could get quite messy.

"Do you work here?" Midnight spoke calmly and her gaze shifted towards the child. 

Kibbles blushed as she swallowed the large lump stuck in her throat. "I live with him, there's an old broom closet upstairs. " She replied in a whisper of embarrassment. 

"Does he treat you well?" Midnight's voice shifted to something more serious. 

"A bit stern, most nights are noisy, he might forget to get food. " Kibbles could feel herself rambling on.

"Does he treat you well!?" Midnight asked again as the puppy whimpered with folded ears.

"At night when all is dark and the world is quiet. The closet door is unlocked and claws do explore and a hot wet nose prods for a scent." The child whispered as she shielded her tears from view.

Swigger would stomp back to the room with a loud annoyed snort. A dirty glass caked in mud now filled with the scent of old liquor. He slammed the drink in front of the wolf as she nodded silently and chugged down the liquor.

"Ahhh, it tastes like shite!" Midnight smacked her lips before shattering the glass across the face of the rottweiler in a blur of motion.

His howl echoed across the room as he hit the floor with a bloodied face covered in shards. Midnight would pounce atop him from above, her clawed foot pressed tightly on his jugular with untold rage.

"You've been touching the pup?" Midnight snapped as pressure was added to his neck.

"Snoort! She's not a pup much longer! I'm just cashing in my investment!!" Swigger spoke between labored snorts of pain. 

Midnight growled with barred snarled teeth. "Investment!? This child was trusted to you and you decided to scar her instead!" She used her clawed left hand to slash the hound across his face roughly. 

The rottweiler yelped in pain as he suddenly began to chuckle. "She's a bitch! What else are they used for!?" He spits a wad of blood onto the face of the wolf hatefully. 

With a scream of rage, the wolf clenched down her foot on his neck, with a swift twist of her ankle a loud snap could be heard as his body went limp. Midnight left there motionless to catch her breath, eyes filled with rage and the trickling of tears.

"Is Swigger? " Kibbles sat curled up in the corner of the room in absolute fear.

"Yeah, he's dead." Midnight turned to face the child as she walked over protectively.

Kibbles could only sob silently in the darkness as a tender soft paw was placed on her shoulder. Midnight nudged the child with her snout, leading the puppy out the door of the bar gently. 

Without much said the wolf guided her deeper into the tunnels. 

Towards what would become her new life.