It's Only A Matter Of Time

by Dropgasm

Chapter III: A New Face to Befriend

They eventually came to a stop, they could feel the ground beneath them, the carriage wheels rolling on the dirt road; they landed. Some were sleeping, it woke them up.

They all got out and thanked the stallions for the transportation.

“So... what happens now?” Spike asked.

“I gotta go see the mayor and get the papers I have to distribute, see ya later!” Rainbow said while flying away towards the town hall.

“Ah’ need to catch up on the bucking, them apples aren’t collect themselves, y’know.” Applejack started trotting. “See y’all later!”

“I also need to finish some dresses for an important client in Canterlot, I enjoyed staying at the Castle, although that lost time will only be recovered with hard work... and besides, I haven’t fed Opal yesterday. Farewell!” Rarity waved.

The other ponies were just standing there, waiting for the other to speak up.

Pinkie really didn’t have anything in particular to do, but she suddenly got a craving for cupcakes.
She gasped and bounced away, headed to Sugar Cube Corner to see how Mr. and Ms. Cake are doing.

“Ummm.. I guess I’ll go check up on my little friends, if that’s okay with you.” Fluttershy shyly said.

Twilight giggled. “It’s quite alright, we have things to do too.” She replied.

Spike hopped on Twilight’s back and waved goodbyes to Fluttershy.

“What things exactly?” Spike asked Twilight.

“Well.. the library needs a clean-up, it’s been a while since we’ve done that.” She wasn’t sure what else there was to do for Spike. She had things to study but Spike didn’t need to take part in that.

Rainbow got her fliers from the Mayor, there was a few hundreds of them. It was going to take a while to distribute them to every single pegasi, but it had to be done if she wanted to break the record this time. She started flying around, dropping them one by one to every flying pony in town, screaming and announcing the news. She recognised everypony as she was passing the papers around the streets of Ponyville. It was her home, after all. After a few minutes, she was getting distracted, just throwing a flier to anyone that has wings.

Although something caught her attention. Something... unfamiliar. A new face.

She had a light gray coat and a Blue mane with a style rather similar to Spitfire’, a mare she really looked up to and sometimes dreams of. Something sparked in Rainbow’s heart, something she’s never felt before and she wasn’t really sure how to approach that feeling. The mare looked lost, checking her saddlebags and looking at her surroundings.

Dash eventually stopped flying and dropped on the ground, just staring at that pony she has never seen before. “She must be new here, I’m surprised Pinkie hasn’t jumped on her yet.” She thought to herself. The rainbow pony was just captivated by the way she looked and how similar to Spitfire she was.

The mare noticed Dash looking right at her, almost cross-eyed. It startled her a little.

“Ummmm... Excuse me?”

Rainbow snapped. She was so lost in her thoughts she didn’t notice the mare was awkwardly staring at her, waiting for an answer.

“Uhhh.. sorry. Are you new around here? I’ve never seen you around before!” Dash asked, nervously. The mare looked pretty athletic, Rainbow could already see that. She didn’t really know what was going on, but deep in her she wanted the mare to say-

“Well, yeah. I am moving in town from Cloudsdale today.” The mare answered, interrupting Rainbow’s thought process, which turned into a sudden pool of happiness.

“Cool! Well then,” Dash pulled out a flier and handed it to the pony. “There’s a meeting for all the pegasi in town tonight at the library concerning lifting water to Cloudsdale this month. Maybe you should come, we are trying to break the wind speed record and I’m sure you could come in handy! Plus, you can meet some new friends there.” Rainbow continued, nervously. She had a big smile on her face that screamed desire for the mare to come.

“Sure, I’ll be there.” The mare seemed happy about it. “Just one quick question though... where is the library?”

Rainbow laughed. This was her chance. “Here, you want me to show you around?”

She hesitated, but came to conclusions that it would probably better to start off on a good note. “Yeah, why not?” She answered.

“You still haven’t told me your name you know.” Dash said, gaining more and more confidence.

“Sorry, my name is Windy Springs. and you are?”

“Rainbow. Dash.”

“Well, would you look who it is!”

“Hi Mr. Cake!” Pinkie said as she was entering Sugar Cube Corner.

“What brings you here today?” He replied.

“I felt like making cupcakes cause I LOOOVE cupcakes! Is that okay with you? Cause I hope It’s okay with you cause if it wouldn’t be that would mean I wouldn’t have cupcakes and then I would be all SAAAAD!” Pinkie said, finishing with a cute puppy face.

Mr. Cake laughed. “Sure Pinkie, whatever you want. This place is also yours, you don’t need to ask me!” He said.

“OH THANK YOU MR. CAKE!” Pinkie then made her way to the kitchen with a speed that defied the laws of physics themselves.

She started gathering the ingredients. “All you gotta do is take a cup of flour and add it to the mix!” She sung to herself.

“Now just take a little something sweet, not sour, a bit of salt - just a pinch!” She started putting various things in the bowl.

“Baking these treats is such a cinch! Add a teaspoon of vanilla!”

“Add a little more, and you count to f-” Pinkie was interrupted by her rear legs shaking uncontrollably. She was surprised as she hasn’t seen that in a while. “Hmmmmm...” She thought. “I think that means.... GAAAAAAAAAASP. THERE’S A NEW PONY IN TOWN!”
And on that note she was off looking everywhere for that new pony to befriend.

“I think that’s just about it Windy, we’ve been to most of the important places you need to know about.” Rainbow said.

“Wow. Thanks Rainbow Dash. It’s always good to know there’s someone here to care.” Windy replied shyly.

“Well I need to finish handing out these fliers, I’ll see you tonight at the library!” Rainbow said while departing towards where she left off, getting rid of that weird feeling when she’s around that pony’s presence. She still didn’t understand what it was that made her do that though. Rainbow never really felt something similar with anypony else. Windy waved at her and trotted away, happy to have made a good friend already.

She was trotting around thinking about what to do next. She wanted to go to a restaurant or someplace where they served food, she was starving, but instead bumped into a very happy and curious pink pony.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going. You see, I’m new here and I’m trying to fi-”

“IT’S YOUUUU! I FOUND YOU!!! I found you! I found you! I found you!” Pinkie started bouncing around Windy, who found it rather random and amusing.

“Woah, hehe. calm down. What do you mean you found me?” Windy cared to ask.

“Well you see I was starting to make cupcakes and then my legs starting going twitchy-twitch! TWITCHY-TWITCH! So I started looking everywhere for you and there you are! Weeeeeeeeeee!”

“What? I don’t understand!” In confusion, Windy then turned her attention to a new voice.

“Don’t try to. Pinkie never makes sense.” Twilight said as she slowly walked in the conversation. “Oh sorry, I’m Twilight Sparkle, and you are?”

“I’m Windy Springs, I’m new here, if you haven’t heard.”

Pinkie suddenly realised she still had cupcakes to make. “OH NO! I gotta go Windy, I’m just glad we’re friends now. We’re friends, right? Are we?” Pinkie asked hastily.

“Ummm. yeah, sure, Pinkie! We’re friends.” Windy said, not sure exactly what to answer back. Pinkie was a one heck of a weird pony.

“WEEEEE! Bye Twilight!” Pinkie bounced away towards Sugar Cube Corner yet again.

“Don’t mind her, she’s always random like that. She did roughly the same to me when I first got here. So you’re new huh?” Twilight said.

...Before we all burn.