//------------------------------// // As the Jurassic World turns // Story: Visiting Jurassic World // by Animalman57 //------------------------------// As they rode the monorail across the track, Twilight still couldn't believe she was sitting next to the one and only Simon Masrani. How did her parents never tell her they were friends with him? He was just as charming as the interviews she's watched of him and he seems to really care about the well being of others. And the best part was, it seemed like he was going to be their tour guide for the park, which is just the coolest thing ever! Behind her were the others. Rarity woke up from her fainting spell about five minutes ago and was currently reading a fashion magazine she brought with her to read while on the monorail. Pinkie stared out the window to try and spot dinosaurs, even though they weren't in the park yet. Rainbow was sleeping and snoring loudly, being bored out of her mind. Applejack and Fluttershy seemed to be looking at one of the park maps Masrani gave all of them once they were all aboard the monorail. Twilight soon heard the monorail voiceover say, "Okay, those of you in the front of the train should be able to see our main gate, built from the gate of the original park, over twenty years ago." Twilight got out of her seat and rushed forward to see the gate. She pushed through some people before she made it to the front. Her eyes widened as she saw the massive grey gate with blue text saying 'Jurassic World' open and let the monorail pass on through. She and her friends were finally here and she couldn't wait. They got off and made it to one of the hotels. They set up their respective rooms. All the while, Masrani smiled at them. He always loved seeing guests look so pleased to be at the park. He looked at the tickets. "I see your mother got you girls VIP access instead of just the normal tickets. So you can get on all the rides without waiting in line." Rainbow smiled. "Seriously? Twi, your mom is awesome!" Masrani adjusted his suit before saying, "Let's get you to the Innovation Center. I've got someone to talk to and I imagine you'll want to see it." As the six of them walked town Main Street, Rarity pointed out the numerous stores like the 'Jurassic Traders Gift Shop' and the 'Jurassic Traders Outpost' while Twilight just took in the sights. Fluttershy stopped briefly, looking up at the life sized fossil skeleton of a Spinosaurus aegyptiacus near by the T. rex enclosure. She was impressed by the size of it and frighten by the large claws on its hands. The sail and crocodilian-like jaw made it look unique among other dinosaurs and she wondered if it was in the park somewhere. She soon realized she was getting left behind and ran to catch up with them. Twilight ran up the steps of the Innovation Center and pushed the doors open. As she entered, a massive Apatosaurus hologram suddenly appeared in the middle of the room. The massive sauropod walked forward slightly before bellowing. Masrani smiled at her child-like joy and wonder. "You girls have a look around. I've got to find Claire." He walked off to find the operation manager. Everyone wandered off to check the attractions. Pinkie joined the little kids in the dig pit while Rarity and Rainbow watched a video about the dinosaur's extinction. Fluttershy looked at the hologram of the long necked Apatosaur, in awe of its size. She soon found the Holoscape control pad which listed numerous different dinosaurs, some that weren't listed as being in the park themselves. She read that they appear at their full size in holographic form. She clicked a symbol and the hologram went from an Apatosaurus to a Parasaurolophus. It was standing on all fours before the crested hadrosaur shifted to its hind legs and shook its head before letting out a loud call. She smiled as she couldn't wait to see one in the flesh. She looked back at the control pad, wondering what other dinosaurs she could get a preview of before seeing them for real. As Twilight read a plaque on the large statue of John Hammond, the man who built the first park, she could hear Masrani and someone else argue. She looked as he and a red haired woman in white clothing came down the stairs and they were arguing badly. "Really, Simon? I'm too busy to watch my own nephews who are with my assistant currently and now you want me to watch six more? I'm not doing it." "Please, Claire," Masrani said, "I'm busy as well, which is why I thought you could watch them, seeing as you were suppose to spend time with your nephews. Twilight's parents are old friends of mine and i don't want to disappoint them." They soon reached the bottom of the stairs. He looked over at Twilight who looked nervously at him. She decided to walk forward. Claire sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, but I'm busy even without what you asked me about talking to Mr Grady about checking the paddock for weaknesses. I just don't have the time today." Masrani himself sighed. "I understand. I just thought you could help me out. Oh, well." Twilight walked forward and Masrani decided to introduce her. "Twilight, this is my operation manager, Claire Dearing. Claire, this is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight and Claire shook hands while in the back, the hologram shifted to an armoured Ankylosaurus that snorted and smacked its club on the ground before laying down. "It's nice to meet you, Claire." Claire allowed herself a smile. "Likewise." Her phone buzzed. "Excuse me a moment, please." She walked away slightly as she answered her phone. Twilight turned to Simon as he sighed. "I'm really sorry, Twilight. I thought she could help, but I forgot about her schedule. Still, with her nephews here, I thought she could take some time off. I guess I'll have to find someone else." Twilight decided to shake some of his concerns. "You know, I think me and my friends are old enough to not need someone to watch us." Masrani looked uncertain. "I don't know. It's not that I don't trust you, but the park is huge and full of people, and that's without mentioning the prehistoric carnivores. If you aren't careful, your mother will kill me." But Twilight reassured him. "It'll be fine. But, I'll give you my number and you give me yours in case things go wrong, okay?" Masrani thought for a minute before nodding. They swapped numbers before Claire walked forward, having finished her call. "So, what's going on here?" She asked. Masrani smiled. "Me and Twilight figured it out. There's no problem anymore." Claire sighed in relief. "Good to know." Just then, the hologram shifted to a gigantic Tyrannosaurus rex who stood tall before roaring loudly. They looked shocked for a second before turning to the Holoscape. They saw Fluttershy looking started by the roar, clearly not expecting it to be so loud. Twilight rolled her eyes at her friend's reaction, quite used to seeing Fluttershy get easily frightened while Masrani looked a little more sympathetic and Claire soon looked disinterested. She looked at Masrani. "I'm glad you've got it sorted out, but I got to go." He nodded. "Of course." She walked towards the exit of the Innovation Center. Masrani looked at Twilight as he asked. "Are you sure you'll be fine?" Twilight nodded. He sighed before nodding himself. "Alright, I'm trusting you. I gotta go. I'll definitely make this up to you tomorrow with a private tour." He patted her shoulder before walking into the Hammond Creation Lab. Twilight watched as he walked off. She was dishearten by him leaving, but knew she couldn't change his busy schedule. She shook her head before continuing to look around the Innovation Center.