Midnight: The story Of A Lost Princess

by CharlieHazbin77


The Royal Pony Sisters arose from a time when there were two royal ponies besides the Royal Pony Sisters, one was an alicorn Princess Aqua Rose and the other was a unicorn Prince Meteor Shower. Both pairs had young fillies, Celestia who had flowy pink hair, Luna who had light blue hair and Eclipse. The youngest pony of the group was Midnight, a newborn unicorn.
On the balcony of Canterlot Castle, Galaxia and Aqua were watching the dark clouds roll in.

"Aqua, this doesn't seem right...it's supposed to be sunny all week."

Staring at the sky in dismay, Aqua addressed the queen.

"Cosmos and Meteor must be found immediately! And make sure the girls are safe!"

The Alicorn queen nodded as she flew off to retrieve the guys and returned moments later

'Aqua! This is no ordinary storm! This is the cause of Sombra!' she exclaimed.

"King Sombrero is back for another round, yaaaay!"

She gave Meteor a stern look as if she was saying, "Don't you dare run over to me when he hears you."

"I'd just like to say...OK, shut up now..."

Although the four rulers were watching outside, the fillies were interested in what they saw
and one said, "Tia, move over! I can't see!"

"It's time to keep quiet or we will get caught, and then we'll be in big trouble"

"I'll get in trouble if both of you don't shut it...plus, if my sister wakes up my mother will come back regardless...speaking of my sister, I was told to keep an eye on her!"
as Eclipse said that, the girls heard thunder from outside

"aah ''
Celestia quickly looked up, her face full of fear as she no longer saw either of their parents
"Eclipse, Luna get to Midnight now!! It's up to us to protect her and each other!"
The eldest filly ran onto the balcony to watch what she thought was just a storm.


As young alicorn watched the storm as the thunder crashed around the palace, a pair of smoky eyes suddenly appeared through the clouds making Celestia run as fast as she could inside to the girls forcing herself to be strong and not tear up attempting to be brave for them all

"Tia! What happened? Where are-"

Luna couldn't finish her sentence as she soon realized their parents won't be returning

"We...we have to look after the girls because I don't think they're coming back, Luna...."

Finally, Celestia let her tears fall while hoping Eclipse didn't hear.
In the castle, Eclipse and Luna stayed together with baby Midnight trying their hardest to keep her calm as she had started to get fussy

"shhh moonbeam it's alright we're here"

she nuzzled Midnight's tiny muzzle gently, smiling sweetly as the young foal laughed quietly reaching her tiny hooves up to the princess of the night

"I'm here too sister"

Eclipse piped up carefully reaching towards her sisters, soon feeling herself boop Midnight's muzzle, Midnight stared at her for a moment, soon joining Eclipse as she started laughing, Luna smiled watching the sisters.

"you have a way with her Eclipse better than myself half the time"
Eclipse giggled quietly

"it's nothing Luna...we just had a connection somehow when my parents brought her home...despite me being blind and all it somehow began straight away"

Eclipse nuzzled her sister "didn't it Midnight"

The young foal laughed as her older sister blew on her tiny stomach causing her to burst out laughing again

"sister we need to go...now this castle isn't safe for any of us anymore"
Eclipse turned her head over to Tia's voice

"Celestia, what's going on where are our parents?" Eclipse asked

"I...I don't know Eclipse, they disappeared into the storm which is why we have to leave now!"
The blind princess nodded

"what about Midnight we have no idea how to look after a 2-month-old baby"

Luna asked, her voice filled with worry as she told Tia this

"i...I think I know what we have to do but neither of you is going to like it and I'd hate to do this too but we have no choice if we're to keep her safe

"Celestia!?" Eclipse gave Tia a stern look as did Luna.

"Sister, we made a promise to our parents! A promise to look after each other and whatever you're thinking of doing, it means we also won't be together anymore-"

"It'll only be temporary Luna I promise..only until this storm of Sombras is over then we will return to the castle in the forest with Midnight and we'll never be separated again"

Tia ran a hoof down her sister's cheek gently before pulling her, Eclipse and baby Midnight close to her

"Whatever happens next..we're in this together and when we're reunited with Midnight we'll know that she would have been safe for the time being Luna"

Luna hid in her sister with tears streaming down her face
"If you're sure this will work sister, I'm willing to do this to keep her safe..."

Eclipse held her baby sister close as she heard this then reluctantly nodded agreeing to the plan Celestia had.

Tia led the girls to an orphanage in Canterlot, so they had more time with Midnight.

"No sister, I'm not doing this...I can't, I don't want her to grow up thinking nopony wants her.."
Luna looked at Tia with saddened eyes forcing herself to not tear up not wanting anyone to see her cry.

"Sister It's only temporary I promise...I hope it is at least"

Luna's eyes narrowed in slight anger "you HOPE!!" she yelled

Eclipse interrupted them both, her own eyes narrowed

"If we must do this let's just hurry and do it, then get outta here"

All three fillies agreed before Celestia knocked on the door nervously.

The orphanage door opened up with a slight creak, Tia and the girls hesitated as a middle-aged pony stepped in the doorway, her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard as she began to speak.

"What!? Oh..princesses..."

the pony stared at the young alicorns sleepily and gloomily before noticing Midnight in Eclipse's hooves.

"Please....can you look after her...our parents have disappeared into the storm and we don't know what to do....our castle in the Everfree Forest is far too dangerous for a young foal like Midnight...we don't want to send her away but it's to protect her until she's old enough...please you have to help..."

The pony rubbed her eyes
"girls...it's late at night-"

"Did we mention the fight between our parents and Sombra!" Luna reminded the pony sharply stomping her hoof on the ground soon calming down seeing her sister gives her a look then sighs.

"Anyway....my name is Tiddlywinks...I'm the owner of the orphanage...is there something funny young filly!?"

Luna shook her head smiling a little as she held in giggling "no...not at all...please carry on"
"As I was saying my name is Tiddlywinks Candlelight"

At this point Luna was on the floor laughing her head off, she smiled more hearing Midnight's soft tiny giggles join her roaring laughter

"you like that Midnight?"

Tiddlywinks Candlelight rolled her eyes groaning before saying in a very unenthusiastic tone
"give me the filly then...I'll make sure to look after her"

the princesses hesitated before looking at Luna who gave her future student one last hug
"the next time I see you Midnight... I'll take you under my wing I'll promise"

Midnight just booped Luna gently until they both felt themselves being forced away from each other, this made Midnight start whining and whimpering

"Celestia please! she doesn't know what's going on!"

Luna cried tears streaming down her face
"Luna the decision has already been made...I'm sorry sister"

"if our parents were here...they would've NEVER done this!"

Luna sat down, her ears drooping as tears streamed, flinching as the orphanage door slammed

Tia tried comforting her sister but she moved away

"Leave me alone! let's just get back home!"

The young princesses left the orphanage but Luna was determined to keep her promise to Midnight and that's just what she did.