Visiting Jurassic World

by Animalman57

Welcome to Jurassic World

While the girls were getting ready to go to Jurassic World, on the island itself, the owner of the park, Simon Masrani was getting ready to get in a helicopter. They had just made a new enclosure for an asset, but he needed to see it for himself. Not only did he need to see if it was safe and he's never seen the new creature before, but he wanted to make sure the animal was comfortable. Much like his old friend Hammond, he didn't build the ultimate theme park for profit, he built it to make sure guests enjoy themselves and he wanted the animals to be happy, too. Jurassic World exists to remind us how very small we are in the grand scheme of things, and the new asset will certainly help with that.

His phone started ringing as he opens the door. He stepped back and answered his phone. "Hello, this is Simon Masrani. Velvet! I haven't heard from you in a while. How are the kids?" Velvet replied. "Oh they're doing fine. Shining Armor is still in the military, but he said he's coming home for the holidays, and wants to introduce us to his fiance." Simon smiled at hearing his old friend's voice. "Well, that's wonderful. And how's your daughter and adopted son?" "Spike is fine. He's starting junior high school soon. And Twilight is doing well. Actually, she's kinda why I'm calling you." Masrani raised his brow at the statement. "See, she's coming to Jurassic World with her friends and I was hoping, maybe you could give them a tour. I owe you for helping me and Night Light get together. Simon sighed. "I'd love to help, but you caught me at a bad time. My schedule is a little full at the moment. I do owe you, though. Tell ya what, I'll meet them at the monorail, bring them to the Innovation Center, and get them a tour guide. It's the best I can do on short notice. Actually, how long are they staying?" He asked. "Well, at least a week. The tickets I bought them gave them a room at one of the hotels as well. Masrani smiled. "Tomorrow, I'm free. So, I'll give them a tour myself tomorrow. Is that okay?" "Of course. Whenever you're free. I don't want to force you into it." Masrani's flying teacher waved at him. "Oh, shoot. I'll be there in a sec." He told his instructor before telling Velvet. "I gotta go. I'll meet them at the docks, though." "Oh okay. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me."

As he hung up, he smiled. He hadn't heard from her in ages. They've talked on social media over the years, but it isn't quite the same as talking in person. He knew of their kids and has seen pictures of them, but never personally met them. Life gets so busy for him, after all. But now he gets to meet their daughter, along with her friends. He hopped into the helicopter. Now he just had to wait for his operations manager to show up so they could see their newest attraction and so he could hopefully get to the docks when they arrive.

As the ferry moved across the ocean, Twilight couldn't help but feel excited. She was visiting Jurassic World! After so long of waiting, she was going, and with her best friends in the world to boot. Could it get any better? Her thoughts were interrupted by a spastic Pinkie Pie. "Isn't this exciting?! Are you excited cause I'm excited. I've never been so excited!" Twilight shook her head while smiling at the sugar crazed teen. "Hey, do you think they'll have Brontosauruses on the island? I've always wanted to see one." Pinkie asked. Twilight shrugged. She was tempted to correct her and say they have Apatosaurus, which are Brontosaurus, until she remembered the studies that showed they are two different species after years of them being thought of being the same animal. Maybe the park would have Brontosaurus on the way or in the park, then. Who knows? "Maybe, Pinkie."

On the beach chairs near by, Rarity was putting on numerous amounts of hair spray. Rainbow coughed as some got into her face. "Do you really need that much hair spray?" Rarity looked over her way. "Yes, I do. As wonderful as this park is sure to be, it's on a tropical island and the humidity will mess with my hair if I don't do this." Rainbow rolled her eyes. She looked over to Applejack and Fluttershy, who were simply enjoying the sun. Rainbow shook her head. Those two were close friends, arguably more than she was to Fluttershy when they were younger. At first, it baffed her until she realized how much they have in common compared to their other friends. They both liked nature and Fluttershy often helped out Applejack at the farm with her animals when she could. It made sense, even if seeing the two of them being close raised an eyebrow sometimes even now.

Rainbow's thoughts were interrupted by Twilight and Pinkie walking over. "What are you guys most excited for?" Pinkie asked. Rainbow smiled. "The T. rex. That thing is gonna be cool." Twilight smiled. "That's apparently the same rex as from the first park. I think her name is Rexy." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "That's a lame name, but still, she looks so awesome." Rarity whipped her hair as she finished putting the spray in her hair. "Well, I really want to see some calm herbivores in the Gryosphere ride. A T. rex ripping apart a goat is...ugh...just no. But, to see a Stegosaurus with its brilliant plates grazing right next to me, oh that'd be divine." Pinkie bounced up and down, "If they don't have any Brontosauruses, I'll settle for the aviary. Flying dinosaurs are my favorite outside of Brontos." Twilight sighed. She's told Pinkie before that pterosaurs aren't dinosaurs, but she keeps forgetting, it seems. At this point, she's given up trying to correct her.

Applejack chuckled a little at Twilight's frustration. "Well, I would love to see that Moss-asaurus." "Um, Mosasaurus." Fluttershy corrected. "Right, sorry." Applejack apologized. "But just something about that huge reptile jumping outta the water to catch a shark, it'd sure be something." Fluttershy smiled. "She seems like a good girl. But I wanna see the Gentle Giants Petting Zoo. All those baby dinosaurs, they're going to be so cute!" She gushed. Twilight smiled. "I can't wait to see the Innovation Center. Its suppose to be educational and fun." "Education is not fun, Twi." Rainbow snarked. Rarity rolled her eyes. "Oh, I'm sure they found a way to make even you want to learn, Dash." Rainbow scoffed. "Sure, Rare. And a mutant freak is gonna rampage the island." They all laughed at Rainbow's comment.

The ferry soon pulled up onto the docks. As they left the ferry, a man of Indian descent walked up to them. "You must be Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Welcome to Jurassic World!" Twilight's eyes widened. "Y-you're Simon Masrani!" He smiled. "Indeed I am. It's a delight to finally see you in the flesh, Twilight." "How'd you know who I am?" Twilight asked "Your parents and I were actually close once upon a time, Twilight. I've talked to them over the years and heard about you and your brothers. And may I say your just as pretty as I imagine. Certainly have your mother's looks from back then." He chuckled before turning to her friends. "And who are your friends?" "Oh, these are Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy." Rarity pushed through and grabbed Masrani's hand. "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Masrani." Rarity gushed. He smiled. "Please, just call me Simon." Rarity blinked before fainting. Rainbow caught her before she hit the ground.

"I'm gonna take you to the Innovation Center and find you a guide to bring you around the park. But first, let's get your stuff to the hotel, shall we?" He said. They all nodded and grabbed their things, following Masrani to the monorail.