
by JM4N245

Chapter 2: Pain


"So what do I do first?" somehow saying those words gave Zak a chill down his spine. "Well we first need our recipe book silly filly!" she said. "Why?" he said. "Well how else are we going to be able to make our cupcakes?!" she said. "Oh right! I forgot." he said.
"Sooooo wheres the recipe book?" he said. "Oh, its in my bedroom, just head up the stairs to the first door on your left!" she said. After hearing the directions he shot up stairs and opened the first on his left like Pinkie said.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ok recipe book, recipe book, now if I was a recipe book where would I be?" he said. 2 minutes passed looking the book when he heard a loud CRASH. He thought for a minute what was going on down there. As curious as he was he was determined to find that book! 5 minutes passed looking for the book when he finally found it.
"I FOUND IT!" he shouted to Pinkie. Just like the way he got up the stairs he shot down them as fast as he could.
Not looking where he was going he slipped and landed on his back. "Owww....what happened?" he said. While rubbing his head he noticed something on his hoof. It was red and sort of thick. "What the hay is this stuff?" he said.
He then noticed a knife covered in the same stuff next to him. "What the?" he said. He then thought in his mind "Maybe Pinkie was trying to get a frosting bag open and she spilled it." he thought. Then finally noticing a red stuff covered pink pony.
Then a final thought shot threw his mind "This isn't frosting....THIS IS BLOOD!" he thought. He then dropped the knife and screamed then ran out the front door of Sugarcube Corner.
As soon as he got far enough from Sugarcube Corner he then hid behind a tree and sat down and started to think. In his mind he thought "OH CELESTIA WHAT THE HAY HAPPENED!" he thought. "ITS OK ITS OK ITS OK ITS ok its ok." he thought. He then took a deep breath. When he was done taking a deep breath he then realized he was covered in blood.
"Oh god I got to get this blood off me!" he thought. Not long after thinking that he heard someone say "OVER HERE!" the pony who said that was Twilight Sparkle and behind her were Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and leading was Applejack. They then stood in front of the pony who was looking confused about who they were but before he could explain what had happened Applejack yelled "HE DID DO IT LOOK HES COVERED IN HER BLOOD!" she yelled. Zak then quickly thought "Oh no, THEY THINK I KILLED PINKIE PIE!" he thought quickly. Rarity then shouted "HOW COULD YOU!" Applejack turned around and bucked Zak in the nose.
As soon as that happened blood came rushing out of his nose. He then put one of his blood covered hooves on his nose to try and stop the bleeding. After that Applejack ran off and up next was Rarity. Rarity then punched Zak in the side of his jaw. After that Fluttershy came up and repeatedly hit Zak in face spreading the blood that was coming out of his nose all over his face, making him taste his own blood.
After Fluttershy flew off next up was Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash gave Zak a guilty sort of look and then suddenly kicked him the stomach. Like Fluttershy, Rainbow flew off leaving only Twilight Sparkle left. By the time Twilight was ready, Zak was sitting there covered in blood, crying silently, and in pain ready for the next attack. Twilight then stood there rethinking about doing this then remembered why she was doing this, Pinkie Pie.
Now angry as ever, Twilight then grabbed Zak's mane and banged the back of his head against the tree as hard as she could for about a full minute. Twilight then let go and left but before leaving Twilight said one final thing "May Celestia have mercy on you." then ran off. Then finally after all that Zak was alone but in pain, crying, wishing that he never came to this town.