//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Terms & Service // Story: Unidentified Path Forward // by Partycannon_ //------------------------------// 'Well at least my eye doesn't hurt anymore' thought Sweetie Belle narrowing her eyes. She was in her room, the curtains where closed and the light was off. Sweetie looked in her large mirror, seeing the same pony she saw every day, now with subtle differences. There where small greyish lines that connected each of her limbs, not only that but her eyes seem to be more mechanical. It also did not help with the green lines and text that appeared in her right eye. A knock came from Sweetie Belles door then she heard a familiar voice: "Sweetie Belle, are you awake? You do need to get ready for school." "I'm up Rarity, um, is it okay if I don't go to school today." asked Sweetie in a tired tone. Rarity opened up the door and came over to her sister, Sweetie then turned to look at her. "Oh? What ever is the matter Sweetie Belle?" asked Rarity giving her sister a concerned expression. "Your eye seems fine now but you do have some bad bags under them." "Yeah, I uh, didn't get much sleep last night." said Sweetie while looking to the ground. "I thought something was really bothering you last night but thought it was just your eye irritating you? Is something else going on, Sweetie Belle you can talk to me about anything, I promise," said Rarity while taking a seat on Sweetie's bed. "Well, I uh, haven't felt like myself recently and I really need to do some thinking," said Sweetie taking a seat next to her sister, while still looking down. Rarity then gives her sister a big hug, "I understand, I'm here for you, forever and ever. Of course I'll tell the school you wont be coming in today. If you ever need ANYTHING let your big sister know. No mountain will be unturned for you, even if it is made of dirt." "Thank you," said Sweetie while giving her sister a hug back. 'It seems that other pony's can't see my machine like lines or eyes, which rules out, for the most part, that I replaced a filly named Sweetie Belle.' Sweetie was in the middle of thought. 'ugh, there are just SOO MANY QUESTIONS! Wait, there is always one place I can go to get answers but... Until I know more I just cant give anyone the idea that I'm a robot, especially Twilight.' The white filly continued to walk in a circles while losing track of time. Sweetie continued to sink further in thought. 'How can I take a book from Twilight without her knowing or her suspecting me? Well I could ask Spike to keep it a secret, no that will just make me more suspicious. It also doesn't help that Twilight constantly reorganizes her books. Hmm, I might have an idea.' Sweetie Belle then leaves her room and heads downstairs. "ALRIGHT I'M GOING TO GET SOME FRESH AIR!" Sweetie shouted through the Carousel Boutique. "OKAY, COME BACK SOON, I'M MAKING LUNCH IN AN HOUR!" Rarity responded from another room. Sweetie once again is in front of a large oak tree, Twilights home to be exact. Sweetie Belle was hesitant to knock but decided to anyways. Thankfully this time there was no Clash, Sweetie let out a sigh of relief. The door after a few long seconds opened. "Oh, hello again Sweetie Belle, wasn't expecting to see you so soon, please come in," said Twilight. "Thank you, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something. I'm just here to pick up a few books for the Cutie Mark Crusader's," said Sweetie Belle while entering the tree. "Oh, are you doing that today? I heard from Scootaloo and Apple Bloom you had a rough day yesterday when they returned the book you borrowed. I know you want to get your cutie mark but I think you should rest for the day," said Twilight with smile. "Uh... I know, but you know how boring it is sitting around doing nothing, so I was looking to borrow some books to keep my interest and it would help later for crusading" Sweetie had to think before answering. "Fair enough, so what are you looking for?" asked Twilight. "Um, actually is it okay if I just look around?" replied Sweetie Belle. "Sure, if you need any help let me know," answered Twilight, she then picked up a book with her magic and flipped to a book mark then begun reading. Sweetie Belle then slowly began walking from one side of the room to the other searching for a book about robots. She found one but after pulling it out she saw the cover was some si-fi adventure. Something in her right eye did catch her attention however. -:: Searching... Searching... Searching... Found: Item of Interest ::- Then after looking through the room Sweetie Belle noticed one of the books, instead of the usual green lines in her right eye, was instead blue lines while overlaying the book. Sweetie picked up the book, and sure enough: The Research of Robots, in Depth Knowledge. 'Alright better pickup at least one more book so that its less suspicious' thought Sweetie Belle as she picked up another random book nearby. "Alright Twilight, I got the books," said Sweetie Belle, trying to hold a small smile. "Okay, lets see what you got here, Research of Robots, and....." Twilight gave a long pause. "Reproduction of Ponies....." -:: Warning: Long Lecture Imminent ::- After managing to escape before things got worse at Twilight's, Sweetie packed the book on robots in her saddle and went home. Then after eating in mostly silence with Rarity, she then could finally read her book. Some time passed as Sweetie Belle read her book, learning what ponies know about robots. Sweetie Belle wrote notes as she read and to seal the deal if she was truly a robot she tried one of the features of robots in her notes: Night vision. 'Turn on night vision' Sweetie Belle thought, and after reopening her eyes she could see in the darkness of her room as if the lights were on. Sweetie Belle was both amused by this and horrified, she had to begin slowing her breathing and tried to focus. Regardless the feeling of dread slowly began to consume her. She decided to continue reading her book, this hardly made her feel better. Along with reading of cool gadgets like: Rocket propelled hooves, shout of magic emp, radar, something called a BFL, and a search ability, there where also things that deeply unsettled Sweetie Belle: Self destruct sequence, large mini missile launcher, rampage mode, memory reset, and anti life cocoon. Sweetie continued to read figuring out that she didn't exactly need sleep or food, however it still left her weak and craving them. She also found that robots have a certain magic that surrounds them, making an illusion so they look like every pony else, this is countered if the pony or robot knows of said illusion. If the memory rewrite didn't work then the only option is to continue knowing that she is a robot or to use the memory reset. "So, how's it going Sweetie Belle? Will you be able to go to school tomorrow?" asked Rarity with a small smile. Sweetie Belle and Rarity where in the kitchen, there were salads for each of them on the table. Sweetie's eyes were fixed on her food but not out of hunger. There was a long pause. "So.. How was your walk, you weren't gone for very long, where did you go?" asked Rarity continuing the small smile. Sweetie Belle was hardly moving, around every minute she took her fork and grabbed a small piece of green then took it to her mouth and chewed slowly. "Um..... You know I have been so busy with working on my new design I could really use maybe around three fillies to, I'm not sure, make some yummy food for me and my friends." Rarity was trying her best to keep up her smile. "Sweetie Belle, you are so good at cooking, can you and your two friends cook for me and my friends, everyone would love it so much, afterword I could take you and get anything you want from the store." Try as Sweetie Belle might, she could not go to bed that night.