//------------------------------// // Going out for dinner // Story: Family of Chaos // by Animalman57 //------------------------------// Discord, Fluttershy, Wildflower, and Raven all appeared in a flash of light to a restaurant in Canterlot. Fluttershy felt a little too tired to cook dinner tonight, so her caring husband suggested that they go out. Fluttershy agreed, realizing it had been a while since they did that as a family. She remembered Rarity talking about this Neightalian place she went to at their last spa trip that was, in her words, simply divine. So the four of them dressed up and Discord teleported them to there. Fluttershy was wearing a simple black off-shoulder cocktail dress with ruby red shoes on her back hooves. Instead of her usual earrings, she wore pearl ones and her lips were covered in lavender lip gloss. She had matching lavender eyeshadow as well as black mascara, and her mane was held in a loose ponytail, with her bluebell hair clip standing tall and proud. Discord was wearing a white dress shirt with a black waistcoat over it. A red rose was on the waistcoat's lapel, and a slightly crooked purple bow tie rested on the white shirt. He also wore black trousers. Wildflower wore a simpler outfit, namely a cute navy blue satin slip dress. Her back hooves had black shoes and unlike her mother, there was no makeup on her face. Her mane was also unbraided, brushed in a way to look like a flowing river. Lastly, Raven wore a strapless red mini dress with sequins. She also had matching glittery red eyeshadow and her mane was out of her typical ponytail, it being long enough to go past her shoulders. Her feet had no shoes like her father and she stood on two legs, as so to not ruin a dress clearly meant for a biped like a draconequus. Fluttershy looked up at the name of the restaurant—La Migliore Pasta. She knew a little Neightalian, so she knew it meant 'Great Pasta'. Seemed a little egotistical, but she didn't want to judge them before trying them. A clone of Discord, one wearing a butler outfit and curly black mustache, appeared and opened the glass door. "Ladies first." It said in a false posh accent as it bowed. Fluttershy giggled and walked through the door with her daughters not far behind. As soon as they entered, they were blown away by how big the place is and the massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Discord walked in behind them after dismissing the doppelganger and groaned. "Could it be any more shiny?" He complained. Fluttershy nudged him. "Be nice." She said sternly. They walked to the podium and grabbed the attention of the earth pony stallion standing behind it. He was light brown with a silver mane with streaks of white, a black tux, and golden eyes. "How many in your party?" He asked. Fluttershy answered, "Four, please." He nodded, grabbed some menus and led them to their table. As they were walking, Raven noticed several rich looking ponies staring at them, or rather her and her dad, with clear distain. She hugged herself. If she could turn into a pony to go out in public without stares, she would, but physical transformations were one thing she couldn't do, so she had to deal with it. She whimpered as she felt more stares on her. Discord heard her whimper and turned to see his princess lagging behind, nervous of all the stares, so he floated backwards towards her and wrapped his tail around her waist. He was much taller than her as Raven was still young, with her only reaching to about his chest. He smiled supportively and walked with her. She smiled in appreciation and laid her head on her daddy's chest, hugging his talon as they walked. Discord resisted the urge to give the crowd trouble for scaring his daughter. It was hard, as he was very protective of her, but he wanted this night to be nice for the family and he didn't want them kicked out due to his actions, no matter how justified he might feel about giving them chaos to protect his daughter. They made it to their table on the upper story. Discord spawned two more clones to pull out Fluttershy's and Wildflower's seats as he himself pulled Raven's seat, still trying to be supportive. She smiled and sat down, lying her tail on the floor so she can sit comfortably. Discord sat next to his wife and dismissed the duplicates. A few moments later, a tall slender unicorn mare with an apricot coat, green eyes, blue eyeshadow, blue waitress uniform with a white apron and a light strawberry blonde mane tied in a loose bun walked up. She set down the restaurant's complimentary bread sticks. "Bonsoir, I'll be your server tonight. Anything to drink to start off with?" She asked, in an Prench accent. "Just water for me, please." Fluttershy said. "A root beer for me." Wildflower responded next. "A cherry Neightalian cream soda, please." Discord said next. "Same as my sister, a root beer, please." Raven finished. The mare nodded as she wrote them down. "Alright, they should be here soon." She walked off to get their drinks. They looked over their menus and ate the bread sticks while their waitress was gone. "Have you figured out what you want, girls?" Fluttershy asked her two girls. They both nodded as the waitress came back with their drinks. "Okay, have you decided on what to eat?" She asked. "I think we have. I'll have the penne pasta with marinara sauce and bell peppers and a caesar salad with only a little bit of blue cheese, please." Fluttershy said. Their waitress wrote it down nodding. "Alright. And for you, monsieur?" She asked Discord. "Oh, I'm not too hungry, so I'll have some vegetarian lasagna, an order of fettuccine alfredo and some mozzarella sticks." He answered. She wrote it down, slightly confused by the not too hungry comment as he ordered a fair bit before turning towards Wildflower. "I'd like some spaghetti and wheatballs, please." Fluttershy smiled at her daughter using her manners. The waitress wrote it down before looking to Raven. "And for you, mademoiselle?" Raven looked up nervously at the smiling waitress who asked for her order. "Um...the parmesan shell pasta with mushrooms, no tomatoes, a small salad with ranch and some mozzarella sticks like my dad, please." Their waitress wrote it down, still smiling. "Alright, your orders should be ready in a little bit." And she walked off, her short tail swishing slightly as she left. Raven sighed in relief as she walked away. Their waitress hadn't been judgy, but the earlier looks made Raven nervous about their server. As they waited for their food, Discord talked about his latest trip with Twilight and Spike to the Saddle Arabian desert for a diplomatic affair. All of them giggled when he mentioned an humorous incident involving Spike and a camel. Just as he finished his story, he caught out of the corner of his eye a pair of posh looking unicorns and their son being taken to their seats. The mare was grey with a mane that was two different shades of purple and icy blue eyes and was wearing a dark emerald green dress with purple eyeshadow and red lipstick. The husband had similar blue eyes, but had a blue mane and red body and was wearing a blue tuxedo. Their son had the mane of his father, the fur of his mother, both of their eyes, and was wearing a grey dress shirt. Once they sat in the table across from them, the mare looked up and, once she saw the Chaos family, frowned heavily. His enhanced hearing picked up her whispering to her husband. "This is one place I liked that's now ruined. Who's bright idea was it to let those beasts in?" Her husband nodded in agreement, also having a sour expression. Their son also looked at them with disdain. Discord snorted, smoke coming out his nose before ignoring them. They can go eat a railroad spike for all he cared. Their food arrived finally arrived as Wildflower finished telling a story about what she and her friends did earlier today. Their waitress smiled as she handed them out. Once she did, she asked "Can I get you anything else?" They all declined and she smiled and walked off. As they ate, some with more manners than others, Fluttershy finally noticed the unicorn family and how every now and then, they would look their way and look with clear judgement. It annoyed Fluttershy, perhaps even more so than Discord. Who were they to judge her family and who she chose to spend her life with? How dare they even think her family wasn't a real family just cause she married a draconequus and had children with him? The nerve of them! But she decided to ignore them. She wasn't gonna let some judgmental ponies ruin their family dinner. As dinner was almost finished, Raven asked to go to the bathroom and was excused. As she went in, she soon came across the older unicorn mare from the table across, having left to powder her snout. She ducked her head behind the dark mane she was named after and went to walk past her to a stall. She was nearly past when her tail accidentally, but lightly, hit the older mare on her flank. Despite the lightness, the unicorn felt it and yelped in surprise. She turned and saw Raven looking scared. "Sorry, ma'am. I didn't mean-" she tried saying, but the older mare cut her off. "Watch where you're swinging that thing!" She yelled. Raven just nodded before heading into the stall closest to her. She sighed as soon as she went in. Why do some ponies have to be so rude? She sat there for maybe two minutes, hugging herself with her mane draped over her depressed expression before her bladder reminded her why she came into the stall in the first place. Once she was finished doing her business, she peaked out the door. The older mare was still there, so she wisely choose to avoid her as she floated towards the sink. She washed her paw and claw and grabbed some paper towels to dry her hands. As she dried them, she could feel the unicorn's judgemental stare. She tried to ignore it as she rolled the used paper towels into a ball and threw them into the trash bin. They made it in, making her smile before she frowned, thinking of how to past the mare without hitting her again. She eventually settled on teleporting. She could do it, but she can only go so far before she gets nauseous. However, it was only a couple of feet to the door past the mare. She could make it and still be fine. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and snapped her paw, successfully teleporting across the room. She smiled, then flapped her wings and flew out the door. She flew up back to her seat and sat down. "You okay, honey? You were gone for a while." Fluttershy asked. Raven just nodded, clearly wanting to forget her bad experience and went to finish her dinner. They declined dessert, the ponies being too full to have any, Discord wanting to be polite, and Raven just wanting to go home. The bill was paid by Discord (despite Fluttershy having already pulled out her bit purse to pay) and the four of them stood to head out. As Raven stood up, though, her tail accidentally hit a waiter carrying a platter of drinks and he tripped. He fell and the drinks landed on the unicorn mare, staining her dress. The mare screamed before glaring at Raven. Raven actually shrunk in size slightly before hiding behind her mother, her tail in-between her asymmetrical legs. Fluttershy looked apologetic as she tried to calm her down. "I'm so sorry, ma'am. She didn't mean it, I'm sure." The older mare ignored her as her husband tried to clean the dress with napkins. It wasn't working, making her even angrier. "Do you know how much this was?!" She yelled. "I'm not entirely sure, but I can help pay for it. Or I'm good friends with Rarity, I can maybe call in a favor or-" Fluttershy was interrupted by the unicorn who was red in the face with anger. "All I want is for you and the menagerie you call a family to get out!" Fluttershy glared at her, insulted by her comment before turning to Discord. "Take us home." She asked. He nodded, himself angry at her statement before teleporting them out. As soon as they got home, Raven flew up the stairs towards her room and slammed her bedroom door closed. A few hours later, Fluttershy, in a purple nightgown, makeup off her face and her mane down, checked up on Raven. She knocked, hearing her daughter sniff before saying, "Come in." Fluttershy opened the door and walked in. "Raven? You okay, sweetie?" She asked. Her daughter sniffed before looking up at her mother, no longer in her dress or makeup, but her mane was still down, and her eyes were now teal instead of pink and full of tears. Whenever she cried, Raven's eyes turn teal like her mother through an involuntary use of magic. Likewise, when she gets angry, as rare of an event as it is, her irises turn red with her sclera turning golden, like her father's eyes, with the pupils becoming more cat-like. She whimpered as she shook her head. Fluttershy sighed sadly at her depressed daughter and trotted over and sat in the bed. Raven looked away as she hugged her plush snow leopard, Spirit, tighter. Fluttershy frowned. "Raven, it's okay." She started stroking her daughter's mane. "We love you. Don't pay them any mind." Raven curled up further on her bed whimpering as Ginger coiled around and hugged her gently, her unique violet eyes staring in sadness at her owner. Fluttershy looked sadly at her daughter. She was an absolute sweetheart, but most just saw her as the daughter of chaos and treated her as such. Wildflower gets her fair share of hate as well, but they don't seem to affect her. She was a lot like Discord in that regard. Not caring about what others thought of them. Raven, however, was more like when Fluttershy was her age: shy, non-confrontational and taking a bully's words to heart, with the added self hatred of what she was. She hugged her daughter, careful not to hurt the boa. "Sweetheart, don't listen to them. You're our beautiful baby girl and we wouldn't want you to change. If it makes you feel better, the food wasn't that good, so it's unlikely we'll go back." Raven muttered, "Okay." She shifted a bit and hugged her mom with her arms and tail. "I love you, mama." Fluttershy smiled and hugged tighter. "I love you too, little flower." She let go and kissed her daughter on her forehead. Raven may of been much bigger than her, but she was still her little girl. Fluttershy jumped off the bed and left the room. "Good night, honey." She called out. "Good night, mama." Raven replied. Fluttershy smiled and closed the door. Fluttershy sighed as soon as she left. It was easy to act calm around her daughter when she talked to her, but inside, she was still angry at those ponies for insulting her daughter. And now she was heading back to her room, her rage started to flare back up. She opened the door to her room with her husband, who was sitting on the bed, reading a book with reading glasses. He didn't really need the glasses, he just liked visual gags and how wise they made him look, especially with his sideburns. Fluttershy was so annoyed at those snobs, however, she couldn't find the humor or marvel at how much of a silver fox he was in her opinion. She jumped on the bed and she snorted in annoyance. He looked her way with a raised brow. "Raven okay?" He asked. Fluttershy sighed. "She's fine. It's your wife who's peeved." Both of Discord's eyebrows jumped off his head, floating above his antler and horn in surprise at her statement. When Fluttershy had no regard for her language, she was beyond angry. "I just...those jerks!" She yelled before punching her pillow. "If they don't like us, they can...I don't even know! Why does it matter to them if I married you, though? It's my choice, not theirs. I love you and I adore our kids. Why is that not enough?!" She flopped her head onto her pillow and moaned into it, "I'm sick of it." Discord sighed, folding his useless glasses and stuffed them in a pocket in his fur and set his book on a floating stand near the bed before turning and hugging his mare. "Fluttershy, I love you." He said with nothing but full blooded honesty. She smiled and hugged his paw with her forehooves, stroking his muscles. "I love you, too." She said. Discord rotated his neck til he was in front of her and kissed her. She hummed as she wrapped her hooves around his neck. He stopped kissing her before smiling the kind of smile only reserved for her. "Don't worry about them, love. All that matters is how happy we are." Fluttershy smiled before sneaking a quick peck on his lips. She adjusted herself in his grip so her head laid on his chest, just above his heart, so she could hear it. Even when calm, his heartbeat was erratic, inconsistent, and chaotic. Just like him. He wrapped his tail around her hips, squeezing ever so slightly and moved his neck til it was at a more normal angle, laying on her pillow. They fell asleep like that, knowing no matter what prejudice they faced, they had each other and their children, and that's all they needed to be happy.