Family of Chaos

by Animalman57

Mom was a model?!

Wildflower loved helping out her 'auntie' Rarity in her boutique with clothes. Just cause she was a tomcolt, it didn't mean she hated all things girly. That was an unfair stereotype in Wildflower's opinion. Besides, her much more girly sister was a little bit of a tomcolt as well, just not as much. Fluttershy didn't mind that both of her daughters developed tomcolt tendencies. Rarity was less enthused (though she loved them both all the same), which was why she loved having Wildflower over to help with her dresses.

On this particular day, Wildflower was needed to help with a line of clothes inspired by some of Rarity's older designs. Rarity wanted to look at some of her old designs to see where she could improve from her past, but keep the same flair as her older looks.

"Wild, sweetheart, could you get some old fashion magazines of mine? There should be a box full of them on that shelve up there." She pointed to a box on top of an old shelve as she worked on a dress.

Wildflower nodded. "Yes, auntie Rares." It was a good thing she was a pegasus and could fly to that top shelf. She flew up and grabbed the box. But she struggled to move it.

"Jeez, this box is heavy. How many magazines are in here? Come on, you stupid-" Just then, the box fell and the weight made her fall with it.

"Woah!!" She yelled as she fell and crashed. Rarity turned around as soon as her heard the crash and ran over to see if her 'niece' was safe.

"Wildflower, are you alright, darling?" Rarity asked in concern. Wildflower lifted up the box from her head and nodded. Rarity sighed in relief. She would've been so worried if Wildflower was hurt.

"I'm so sorry, Wild. I didn't think that box was so heavy. I'm just glad your okay. Can you help me clean this up?" Wildflower nodded and Rarity went pick them up.

Wildflower started to get up when she saw a magazine laying open on the ground. She picked it up and saw it had images taken by world famous Photo Finish. Spending time with Rarity has given Wildflower more knowledge on the fashion industry than she probably would've had, even with her minor interest in fashion. She decided to look through it, curious of what's inside. Her eyes widened as she saw a much younger version of her mother posing cutely in a green dress. Not believing what she was seeing, she kept looking through the magazine only to find the whole magazine is full of her mother modeling. Even the cover, which she barely looked at before seeing Photo Finish's name, had her mother dressed as a nature queen.

Rarity was picking up the magazines and putting them in the box when she noticed Wildflower reading one of them.

"Whatever have you got there?" She asked as she walked over to take a peak. Wildflower handed over the magazine and Rarity took a quick look before her eyes widened.

"Goodness, I completely forgot about this. It feels like so long ago." She sighed nostalgically.

Wildflower blinked. "Mom was a model?!"

"Oh, yes. Very briefly, but she was. This was shortly after we met Twilight, before she became a princess. We hadn't even met your father yet, let alone try to reform him." Wildflower just couldn't believe it. Her mom, a model? It didn't seem like her at all. She needed to ask her mom herself. She got up and rushed out the door.

"Wild, what about-" Rarity tried to ask, but Wildflower was already in the air. Rarity sighed. "I guess I'm gonna clean this up myself." She walked back inside to clean up the fallen magazines.

Back at their home, Fluttershy was drinking tea in her armchair as she looked over and saw her daughter napping on the couch. Raven's long body stretched over the couch like Discord himself would as she daintily snored. Fluttershy smiled at the peaceful smile on her daughter's face as she slept.

She could see her now elderly Angel bunny cuddling Raven's paw. It was amazing how despite how much he still doesn't like Discord, Angel adored Raven. Maybe it was Raven's connection with animals that she shared with her mama. Or maybe it was that her personality was closer to Fluttershy's than Discord's. Either way, it was cute that Angel cared about her daughter even in his old age.

Discord was in the kitchen making some more tea as well as some snacks for the both of them. Even though they have been married for years, they still have regular Tuesday Tea meetings. Wildflower didn't really like tea, so she usually goes out when they have their get together. Raven sometimes joined due to her liking tea, though usually didn't as it was more of a husband-wife bonding thing.

Just as she sipped her tea, the door slammed open. She dropped her cup and it shattered on impact with the floor.

"Sugar." she whispered, not wanting to say that out loud when her kid was present. She turned her head and saw Wildflower running to her.

"Mom! I need to ask you something!" She yelled.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "Why aren't at Rarity's?"

"Mom, nevermind that. You were a model?! And you never told us?!"

Fluttershy shushed her. "Wildflower, your sister is asleep. Be a little quieter, please." Raven started waking up anyway. She groaned as she woke up.

"Hey, sis. Hey, mama." She said tiredly as she sat up and rubbed her eyes with her paw. Angel glared at Wildflower for waking her up. Wildflower at least had the dignity to look apologetic.

"Sorry for waking you, sis. But seriously, mom, you, model? Really?!"

Fluttershy sighed. "Yeah, I was a model. It didn't last too long, but it was before I ever met your father. How did you find out?" Wildflower kicked the floor in response.

"Auntie Rarity had an old magazine with you in it and I found it trying to help her." Fluttershy sighed, rubbing her head with her hoof.

At that point, Discord entered from the kitchen, holding some sandwiches and tea. "What's all the hullabaloo about?"

"Dad, did you know mom was a model?" Wildflower asked.

Discord soon had a blush on his muzzle and looked away, almost as if nervous. "Y-you don't say?" He said while scratching the back of his head with his tail, as his hands were full. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow wondering why Discord was acting weird about this. She then supposed she never told him about it, so he probably felt a bit awkward about it.

Fluttershy ignored that and saw Raven looking surprised by the news as well. "What happened, mama?" Raven asked, as she held Angel in her paw and claw. Fluttershy sighed as she decided to tell them.

"Like I said, it was a long time ago. Rarity said she needed my help with modeling her clothes off for somepony named Photo Finish. I didn't want to, but I was a lot less confident back then, so I caved in when she begged. The photo shoot went well, and Photo Finish said she wanted to help me shine across Equestria. I really didn't like doing it, all those ponies staring me, but I thought Rarity was happy with me doing it, so I kept doing it for her."

"I found out later that Rarity was jealous of me. She wanted to get to be recognized for her outfits, but thought I was liking modeling, so she didn't say anything. Once we told each other, we promised not to hide out feelings like that again and I quit, not wanting to continue something I didn't like." Fluttershy finished her story as both her daughters looked at her surprised at the story.

Wildflower frowned slightly. "I guess if you were uncomfortable, you shouldn't force yourself to do it, but my mom as a model would've been cool." Fluttershy smiled at her daughter accepting that Fluttershy didn't like doing modeling.

Discord coughed into his paw, obviously wanting to end this conversation. "Since we're all here, why don't we all have some tea?" Fluttershy and Raven smiled while Wildflower frowned.

"Aw, poo." She muttered. Dad was always trying make her try different tea brands to find one she liked, even though she clearly hated every flavor so far and since she was here instead of at Rarity's, she was stuck.

Later that night, Fluttershy came into her bedroom after taking a shower in their private bathroom that Discord added to their room. She had a green towel wrapped around her body and another on her head.

"You awake, Cordy?" She asked as she walked in only to discover her husband reading a magazine with her dressed as an angel on the cover.

One of her old modeling magazines.

He looked her way before jumping up and hiding it behind his back. His entire face and neck turned red and he started sweating nervously.

"O-oh, hey, Flutters. You done with your shower already?" Fluttershy gave a stern look and raised her eyebrow while tapping her hoof on the floor, clearly not wanting to be lied to. He sighed and pulled out the magazine.

"I, um, found out shortly after that mess with me and Tirek and...I was curious, so I found some copies were pretty in them, so I...kept them. But, I knew you probably didn't want to be reminded of that, so I never brought it up and been looking at them in my own spare time." Fluttershy now knew why he was uncomfortable earlier. He didn't want her to know about him looking at something she did that she didn't like doing in the first place.

She crawled onto the bed and kissed his cheek, surprising him. "Thank you for telling the truth. I'm surprised you kept that secret for so long, but it's sweet that you cared enough even before we were dating not to bring it up, knowing I didn't like it." Discord smiled and tossed the magazine away.

"Eh, they're not great anyway. Not when I have the real deal right here who is more gorgeous than ever."

Fluttershy giggled. "You flatterer."

They kissed a bit before cuddling in bed, not caring about the mag on the floor. Not when Discord had a real angel with him in his arms.