//------------------------------// // Love conquers All // Story: Seeing the Light // by Animalman57 //------------------------------// The clouds started going across the sky, making the dilapidated tower look even darker and more mysterious than before. There was no light coming from the tower and all the cute animals were nowhere in sight. It was a setting perfect for a final confrontation. And Discord was sure they were here. Twilight, Angel and Discord burst though the waterfall and came out of the tunnel leading to the secret meadow with the tower. Twilight's eyes widened at the sight of the old, abandoned tower, wondering how long it has been hidden here without anyone finding it. But now was not the time for such thoughts. They halted in front of the door and looked up at the 70 foot height of the tower. "Fluttershy, Fluttershy, let down your hair, so that I may climb thy pink stair!" Discord yelled up. Twilight turned her head and raised an eyebrow. "What? I've always wanted to parody that." Twilight and Angel rolled their eyes before Twilight lit her horn, and blasts the door open. Discord was about to walk in before Twilight put her hoof on his shoulder. He turned his head and saw Twilight looking concerned for him. That's a sight I never thought I'd see. "Are you sure about this? Without your magic, Chrysalis could hurt you or worst." Her eyes lifted up to his faded scars. She'd seen them once or twice before in many of their rivalries but this is the first time she saw them up close. Discord saw where she was looking and turned back to the door. "Twilight, the love of my life in trouble. I need to save her." Twilight nodded, if a bit reluctantly, and the three of them headed up. Meanwhile, in the main room, Fluttershy was screaming through her cloth gag and struggled against her binds as Chrysalis dragged her with some rope. Chrysalis was grabbing some things from the tower that would've been hard to get where they planned to go. "Oh, really, stop struggling, my dear." Fluttershy practically gagged at hearing the witch's usage of Discord's term of endearment for her. "You'll like where we are going. It's a beautiful jungle full of those dumb animals you love so much. And far away from everyone else. Oh, and don't worry about your friends, family and love. I'll make sure you forget all about them when we arrive. It'll be how it should've been before, just you and me...until I drained enough of your love that I don't need you anymore and...dispose of you." Fluttershy's eyes widened as she figures out what Chrysalis meant by 'dispose of' and struggled harder while screaming louder, though still muffled by her gag. "Oh, stop making a mountain out of a mole hill, darling." She said casually as if Fluttershy was making a big deal out of missing toothpaste or something. Chrysalis' horn glowed as she lifted Fluttershy into the air. Once Fluttershy reached her face, Chrysalis' eyes started glowing a brighter green. "Don't you see? It'll be mother and daughter, alone on an exotic paradise." She whispered in a soothing, but insistent tone, "Doesn't that sound like fun? Just me and you. Together forever." Fluttershy tried resisting looking into her eyes, knowing she was trying to hypnotize her. Eventually, however, Chrysalis forcefully grabbed her chin, forcing her to stare into the changeling's eyes. Just as her beautiful teal eyes started turning the same green as Chrysalis' and the past two days started to become fuzzy, the door burst open. Chrysalis dropped Fluttershy, surprised by the opening of the door. She turned and saw Discord, Angel and Twilight, ready to brawl. Fluttershy's eyes blinked back to teal and her mind cleared before she looked over at her friends and lover. "Discord! Angel! Twilight!" She screamed into her gag, ecstatic to see them. Chrysalis groaned in irritation. "Caballeron had one job, and he couldn't even do that right." Twilight turned to Discord. "You two get Fluttershy. I'll distract Chrysalis." Discord nodded, not really wanting to argue. Twilight charged forward and pounced on Chrysalis while Discord and Angel rushed to Fluttershy. Angel bit the rope to untie her and Discord took the gag off her mouth. "Are you okay, Fluttershy?" He asked, not really caring he called her Fluttershy instead of Posey. It just felt right. Fluttershy jumped forward and hugged the base of his neck. "I am now." She said with a smile and watery eyes, delighted to see her favorite draconequus. Discord wrapped his arms around his favorite pony and hugged her back just as tightly. Chrysalis kicked Twilight off before standing up and charging herself. Twilight got up and counteracted Chrysalis' horn with her own. With horns locked, Chrysalis grinned evilly and started moving forward. Due to her smaller size compared to the changeling, Twilight started skidding across the floor, not physically strong enough to try and stop her. Realizing she would lose this strength contest, she lit her horn and teleported away to appear just above her. Chrysalis turned and started flapping her insectoid wings as she flew up to face Twilight. Twilight deflected Chrysalis' magical blows and Chrysalis blocked Twilight's as well for about a minute until Chrysalis got frustrated and started spamming her attack. Twilight blocked most of them, but one hit her right in the chest, sending her flying into a bookcase, promptly knocking her out before she hit the floor. Chrysalis landed and turned her head towards Discord and Fluttershy, glaring at the draconequus. Discord glared back as he set his love down and stood over her on four legs, growling like a lion with his hair standing on end, his ears pinned against his head, his claws on his paw extend outward, and his carnassials exposed to show he means business. Chrysalis hissed in retaliation, revealing her long tongue before she charged forward. Discord roared and leaped, wrapping his body around her like a fuzzy boa, his claws digging into her body for a grip. Fluttershy stared in awe as she watched Discord wrestle with Chrysalis. Even without his magic, he was still stronger than a pony, and his animalistic body parts certainly help deal damage. Angel pulled on her tail and points to the kitchen. Fluttershy looked over to where he was pointing and smiled at seeing what Angel saw, kissing his forehead in appreciation before running to the kitchen, a little slower than normal due to her leg. Chrysalis and Discord banged against walls and shelves as Chrysalis tries to dislodge the troublesome draconequus. She managed to dislodge him. She was surprised that he wasn't using his magic to fight her off, but no matter. He won't stop her. The two clashed again as Discord bit her horn with his teeth. He was close to breaking it too, but he soon felt an intense pain in his chest. He let go and dropped to the floor, Chrysalis held the dagger in her hoof and smirking at his fall. "Looks like Caballeron wasn't so useless after all. At least he managed to nullify his magic, it looks like." She only really used the dagger to try and get him off her and keep her horn intact, but to have Discord dying on the floor was even better. Just then, she got banged in the head by a blunt object. She yelled in pain as she backed up, holding her head as it kept ringing. When her vision cleared, she saw Fluttershy standing over Discord on her hind legs, holding a frying pan in her hoof. And she was mad! "Stay away from him, you witch from Tartarus!" She yelled. Fluttershy looked down at her dying love and bent down to hug him, her chest on top of his. "Don't die, please. I love you." She whispered into his ear. She kissed the base of his ear, hoping he heard her. Just then, a bright pink glow emanated from their hearts. Chrysalis' eyes widened in fear. "No..." she whispered in horror. She has heard stories of this, of love so strong, it could defeat a changeling, but she had always told her clan it was only a myth. She even started to believe that herself after repeating it so many times. But now, she was about to be defeated by such power. The light soon blasted outward in the shape of a heart, a heart formed via a pegasus and draconequus. Chrysalis backed up in fear. Angel smirked and stuck out his foot, causing the former queen to fall out the window. She was still hit by the power of love and she screamed in agony, turning into dust. As the light fade, the last thing of her, a dust filled cloak, fell down the tower and landed on the ground just outside the broken door. And Chrysalis was gone forever. Twilight groaned as she came to. She stood up on shaky legs, stumbling for a bit before righting herself. She shook her head to clear her vision. She heard crying and looked over, only to her horror saw Fluttershy holding Discord's lifeless body. Chrysalis was nowhere to be seen, but it was kinda hard to take satisfaction in their victory when she could see a little bit of her friend's blood staining the princess' chest. "No no no, don't go, stay with me, Discord." Fluttershy cried, shaking his body, hoping he'd wake up. Twilight walked over to comfort her friend. Even Angel looked saddened at the situation, even if he didn't really like Discord still. Tears rushed down Fluttershy's face as she looked at his closed eyes. She felt his heartbeat slow down and stop against her chest just as Chrysalis was defeated, but she refused to believe it. She hugged him tightly, hoping some miracle could bring him back. "Please. Don't go. I love you. You were my new dream." Her heart was breaking. She cried into his neck, not feeling anything but sorrow. She didn't even register Twilight's hoof on her shoulder. Her entire focus was on the draconequus laying lifeless in her hooves. She lifted her head as a single tear ran down her face and landed on his neck in the shape of a broken heart. Once it did, it glowed bright pink. Magical tendrils flew around Discord's body, healing him. Fluttershy's eyes widened at the sight. Twilight herself couldn't believe it, but the princess' pure heart and declaration of love had magic strong enough to heal even the dead! Once the glowing stopped, Discord groaned and opened his eyes. "Discord?" Fluttershy whispered weakly, hoping this wasn't some cruel trick. He looked at her and smiled. "Did I ever tell you I prefer Fluttershy over Posey? It's much more fitting for a beautiful mare like you." Fluttershy gasped in delight as she smiled widely and hugged him, tears of joy soaking his fur as she yelled, "Discord!" He smiled at her, happy to see her safe. Twilight walked over and touched his neck. "You had us worried, you big lug." She has tears in her eyes looking at him, but a smile on her face. Discord smirked. "Aw, you mean you actually cared? I'm touched." Twilight shook her head. "You idiot." Discord's smirk grew. "Still need a thesaurus, Sparkle." One fell from the sky, this time missing Twilight's head. It opened up, but instead of all the insults that were there before, her synonyms for her name were replaced by one phrase, 'Discord's friend'. Twilight's smile grew as she looked at the page. Before Discord could say anymore, though, Fluttershy rushed over and kissed him on the lips. His eyes widened before closing them and enjoying their first proper kiss. Twilight looked away to give them some privacy, blushing a little, but happy for the couple. Fluttershy's grip slightly tightened against his neck as Discord held her head in his paw. They break off for air and leaned their foreheads against each other’s and gazed into each other's eyes, smiling at each other. Now that Chrysalis was gone, her old life as Posey was gone and Fluttershy's life can begin.