//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Magic Dual (Edited) // Story: Somewhere He Belongs // by SuperSamYoshi //------------------------------// The next morning, Twilight and Sam went to see Mayor Mare about Sam’s adoption. The process was quick and after signing some papers, Sam was Twilight’s son. The new mother and son hugged each other and thanked Mayor Mare for her help. Later that day, Sam and Twilight were at Fluttershy’s Cottage where Fluttershy was telling her animal friends not to be scared of what Twilight was going to do to them. “Don't be scared, little friends. Twilight is wonderful with magic,” Fluttershy said before turning around to glare at Twilight, “Anything happens to them, Twilight, so help me...” “Aww don’t worry Fluttershy”, Sam said, giving her a smile. “Of course she's good with magic. Twilight's great with magic. I guess I just don't want my little friends to be scared. Oh, oh, look how scared they are!” the yellow pegasus commented with fear while pointing at her animal friends. However, the animals appear to be excited about helping Twilight with her trick. “I promise, Fluttershy. Nothing bad will happen to them,” Twilight assured her shy friend. “I know”, Fluttershy said, calming down a bit. Twilight then walked closer to the animals. “Stop, stop!” Fluttershy cried out, “They can't take it!” But Twilight hadn’t even picked the little critters up. The animal’s glow with Twilight's magic and starts to fly in the air while Fluttershy starts biting her hooves. The animals happily flew around in the air in the shape of an infinity symbol, and safely landed on the ground. “Mum, that looked amazing!” Sam called out. “Phew!” Twilight sighed, “That's all for now, little ones. Maybe we can practise again later, if Fluttershy says it's alright.” The animals chittered as they all ran up to a still very scared Fluttershy. Twilight thanked her child, “I have to be at my best when she arrives with the delegates from Saddle Arabia. I can't believe she's trusting me with the entertainment.” Sam snorted at the name, “Saddle Arabia,” he chuckled. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash zooms in and crashes into Twilight. She looks frantic about something. “Twilight! Come quick! It's an emergency!” She told her. “What?!” Sam asked, a little worried. “Somepony is causing havoc in town”, Rainbow said before taking flight, “hurry, quickly.” When Twilight, Rainbow, Sam and Fluttershy ran into Ponyville they spotted a hooded mare, who just zapped Rarity, spawning a brown dress on her. “You beast!” Rarity pouts, “this shade of brown should only be used for accents!” She faints as Applejack catches her on her back and walks away with Pinkie Pie. “Come on, Applejack,” Pinkie said, “we've got to get her in a nice, soothing pink, stat!” “What's going on here?” Twilight asked in confusion. “Well, well, well,” the hooded mare said before revealing who she was, “If it isn't... Twilight Sparkle.” Everypony gasps to see who she was. Her fur colour was light blue while her mane was silver, she was also a unicorn. Or was she. She was three times bigger than a normal pony, she had long dragon like horns on her head, razor sharp fangs and claws coming from her hooves “Trixie?” Twilight gasped in shock, “What happened to you?” “Who’s Trixie?” Sam asked in confusion. “You call that great and powerful?” Rainbow mocked her magic skills. but Trixie casts a spell on Rainbow, causing one of her wings to enlarge and making her lose balance. “Oh! She's Rainbow Wobble, now!” Snips told Snails. “Yeah! Ha ha ha ha!” Snails laughed. Snips and Snails still remained loyal to Trixie. “Good spell, oh Great and Powerful Trixie!” But that does not move her. “You two! Quiet!” She zapped both of them, fusing the two colts by the tips of their horns. “Stop picking on my friends, Trixie!” Twilight called out but Trixie didn’t listen. “You and I have some unfinished business,” Trixie smirked, “my magic's gotten better since I was here last. And I'm going to prove it! Me and you, a magic duel. Winner stays, the loser leaves Ponyville forever!” “Forget it!” Twilight said angrily, “I'd never make a deal like that!” “Hm, suit yourself”, Trixie said, before she went back to causing havoc, she noticed Sam hiding behind Twilight. She used her magic to levitate Sam closer to her. “Oh and what do we have here, a hairless ape”. “Please put me down”, Sam said nervously. He was shaking in Trixie’s grasp. “Put my son down now Trixie!” Twilight shouted in anger. “This freak is your child, Twilight?” Trixie asked evilly. “MUM HELP ME!” Sam cried out helplessly. “Duel with me Twilight, or you freak of a son will be turned into a copy of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” She threatened, already turning Sam’s hair silver. Judging by the painful expression on Sam’s face, Trixie was doing a number on his scars. “Trixie please stop!” Twilight pleaded. She didn’t want to see her own son be in so much pain. “So what will your answer be?” Trixie taunted. “Alright, Trixie,” Twilight sighed, “let's duel!” “Excellent,” Trixie explained. She then removes all the spells she made. Sam ran over to Fluttershy and Rarity for comfort, as they wrapped him up in a warm embrace. “If I lose, I won't set a hoof in Ponyville again,” she said, “but if you lose, you're the one banished from this one-horse town and your son will become my servant!” Everypony gasped at that statement, Trixie makes the first move and blasts a heavy cart loaded with two barrels of apples into the air. Ponies scramble out of the way from where it's going to crash, but Shoeshine trips and is in danger of being crushed. Twilight takes control of the cart in time and sets it and its contents right again, just as Trixie hurls six large pies at her. Thinking quickly, Twilight conjures a parasprite, which immediately gobbles up the incoming pies. The creature burps up another parasprite, but Twilight removes both of them before they can reproduce again. She has barely recovered from the magical exertion when Trixie drops a large sheet of snow on Twilight and the vicinity. Twilight easily melts the snow and shoots a beam of magic at her opponent, causing a long moustache to grow on her face. Twilight's friends laugh and Trixie haughtily snips her facial hair off with conjured scissors. Trixie then summons Snips and Snails, who fearfully bow to her. She suddenly zaps them with a helical ribbon of red magic that lifts them into the air. When they fall back to earth, Snips has become a wailing foal and Snails has become a withered elderly pony. “An age spell?” Twilight gasped, “but... how could you do an age spell? That's only for the highest-level unicorns!” “Well, Twilight? Give up?” Trixie mocked. Twilight determinedly tries to reverse the age spell, but the power required is beyond her capabilities. “Trixie is the highest-level unicorn!” she laughed, “And now it's time for you to leave Ponyville! FOREVER!” “That's enough, Trixie!” Applejack said, as she and her friends protected Twilight. “You proved your point,” Rarity said, “but you can't possibly expect Twilight to leave Ponyville!” “You fools,” Trixie chuckled, “She’s already…” But before she could finish, a buzzsaw of light fires towards Trixie from the side. Twilight and everyone look to their left. “Who dares?!” Trixie roared, looking to her right. She was a little shocked to see it was the superhero from Canterlot. “Back down unicorn,” Sam spoke in a different voice to try and disguise it. “Who are you?” Trixie snarled. “I. Am. Ultraman,” Sam replied. “Whoever you are, you won’t stand in my way,” Trixie shouted and fired a blast of magic, but Sam grabbed it, and crushed it in his hand. Trixie was shocked then fired some more blasts. Sam just smacked them away. Trixie then tried to fire a beam of magic, but Sam defected it with a pair of arm mounted energy blades on his arms. Trixie started to panic as Sam started to walk towards her. She used her magic to lift chunks of earth out of the ground, and threw them at Sam. But he just caught them and threw them to the ground. Trixie then summoned the barrel then placed it over Sam, but he just merely busted out of it. Trixie even tried to summon a wall to crush him. But Sam just fired a beam by crossing his arms and destroyed it. Trixie had started to back up in fear, no one had been that skilled to block her every attack. Applejack and Rainbow stood behind her to stop her from running away, she noticed this and just teleported behind them and ran away. She looked behind to see if Sam was still there, but then he suddenly landed in front of her. She screamed and just before she could run away, Sam grabbed her by the amulet on her neck and lifted her up. Trixie could do nothing as Sam grabbed her horn and drained the alicorn amulet dry by absorbing the energy through the horn. As he did, Trixie reverted back to normal, normal hooves, normal teeth, no horns. Just a normal unicorn. The now weak and powerless Trixie weakly looked at the Ultraman mask, as he then suddenly threw her into the air and into the lake. She tried to swim to keep her head above the water, but she couldn’t swim, and she started to sink. She tried to call out for help, but no one heard her. As Trixie sank to the bottom, she realised all the horrible things she did when she had the power of the amulet, and now she’ll die a sad mare in the bottom of the lake. But as she started to lose consciousness, she just got a glimpse of somepony diving in to save her, it was Sam back in human form. Sam had jumped in as with his ultra-hearing herd Trixie needed his help and had to change back to human as the water would short circuit the Ultrasuit. He was in pain due to his scars being exposed to the water, but he pushed onward, determined to save her. He grabbed Trixie’s unconscious body and swam back to the surface. Ponies gathered round the lake to watch Sam swim to the edge with Trixie. Twilight and her friends helped Sam out with Trixie still in his arms. Sam then gave Trixie CPR to help breath again. It worked as Trixie started to cough up water. “Oh thank god,” Sam said, as Trixie sat up, a bit confused about why Sam just saved her. “Why did you save me?” she asked, “After I called you a freak”. “Trust me I’ve been called worse”, Sam told her, before his face turned to one of concern, “Trixie why did you do this to yourself? Turning yourself into a monster.” Trixie gave up and it was no use hiding her past anymore. “A long time ago, after my mother passed, my father grew angry and blamed everything that went wrong on me. I wasn’t troublesome, I meant well, but he didn’t think so. He treated me poorly and anything I would do; he would call me a failure.” Everyone listened to Trixie with sadness in their heart for her. “So I ran away from him hoping to be a good mare, however his attitude rubbed off on me and I started to boast that I was the Great and Powerful Trixie. And all the while, I was trying to make my father proud of me, but he never even smiled at me let alone care.” Trixie had tears stinging her eyes, as Twilight and her friends listened. Trixie felt something wrapped around her necks, she looked down to see Sam hugging her. “I forgive you”, Sam said, with tears of his own running down his cheeks. Trixie was taken aback by this, not expecting it at all. But for the first time in a long time, she felt loved. She then wrapped her hooves around Sam’s back returning the hug. “Thank you,” she said quietly, as she sobbed happily, Twilight, Pinkie and the rest joined in. That night, under the starry night sky, Princess Celestia and the two delegates from Saddle Arabia are watching Twilight's magic performance, in which she once again levitates Fluttershy's animal friends in an infinity symbol. Fluttershy finds it nerve-wracking, and Spike tries to comfort her as Twilight puts on her show for the delegates. The delegates were very impressed, but as she placed the animals down, some fancy fireworks went off in the background. “Huh?” she said in confusion, but then Sam who was standing beside her noticed that Trixie had set them off. “Trixie?” Twilight said, now noticing that Trixie was getting ready to leave. “It's the least I could do,” She said as she put her hat and coat on, “I treated you and your friends so horribly when I was wearing that Alicorn Amulet. I just couldn't control myself. You can forgive me, can't you?” “Of course,” Twilight replied, “If Sam forgave you, then so can I.” “Oh thank you,” Trixie said as she then turned around and started to walk away. “Hey!” Sam called out as he ran to her, “where are you going?” “I’m leaving Ponyville to continue my magic show,” Trixie replied, “and to hope I can find somewhere to call home.” “You don't have a home?” Sam asked. “I have my cart,” Trixie replied, “but that’s just a place where I can sleep, I haven’t had a place where I can settle down and call home.” She looked to the ground sadly. Sam looked at Twilight with a sad expression. “Well why don’t you live here,” Twilight told her, “you’ll have ponies to talk to, fresh food, have a proper bath, everything.” “Y-you really mean it?” Trixie asked with a shocked expression, “after everything I did today and last time?” “The past is in the past Trixie, and you can’t change it,” Twilight said, placing a hoof on her shoulder, “but you can change the future. So what do you say?” “Oh thank you so much Twilight,” Trixie cried as she hugged Twilight. “And I can help you get better at magic,” Twilight told her. “You can be part of our team,” Sam said, stroking Trixie’s neck. “Thank you, both of you, thank you so much,” Trixie said. As the night went on, Sam and Twilight helped Trixie settle down in Ponyville, they chose an empty spot in town for Trixie’s cart to stay until they could get her a proper house. Trixie is very grateful for Twilight to let her stay in Ponyville, she would even get a job as a babysitter, and she was amazing at it. She would even babysit Sam a few times and both she and him cherish the moments they spent together. But that’s a story from another day.