Seeing the Light

by Animalman57

An Unlikely Ally

Discord woke up to the bright sun shining right into his eyes. He groaned in irritation. Why did Celestia feel the need to make the sun so bright? he asked to himself as he tried getting up. A strong pressure on his chest made him stop and look down. His heart practically stopped when he saw Posey sleeping peacefully on his chest, her hooves gently wrapped around his body as his paw laid over her back. She snuggled her cheek into his fur while giving off a sigh of bliss and slightly tighten her grip around him. Suddenly, the memories of last night rushed back to him and his whole body turned the same shade of red as a tomato. He teleported away from her and reappeared just a few feet away.

His sudden teleport didn't seem to wake her, much to his relief. He could at least have some time to think. He decided to go for a walk so he wouldn't disturb her. As he walked, his paw went straight to where she kissed him the night before, just below his eye. It was so light; one could argue if it even counted as one. As light as it was, though, it stirred powerful emotions into him, ones he's never really felt before. But what did he really think of her? She certainly was pretty; he couldn't deny that. Even without makeup or jewelry and even with that little bit of pudge, she was far more attractive than any other creature he's ever seen. It was like she was supposed to be the princess locked in a tower, and the fact that she didn't seem to be made him all the more intrigued. Beyond the shallowness of her appearance, however, there were other reasons that he liked her.

She had a creative personality hidden beneath all that timidness and her kindness was unlike any other. While most beings wouldn't comfort him based on his reputation, no matter what he went through in the past, she hugged him and comforted him. She listened to what he said and never thought he was lying. Though he did take advantage of her naivety earlier at the pub, she truly did seem to care about every living soul and her heart was truly pure. She even said she didn't hate her own father for ditching them before she was even born. She also defended her mother when Discord called her tyrannical. Heck, she carried around that jerk of a bunny and loved him like he was her only friend, probably cause he was. Now that he thought about it, Discord never really had a friend before either. He had acquaintances (sort of) and allies (maybe), but no true friend. Was she his first one? Was he just misrepresenting her friendship for something more? In either case, he was pleased by the feelings Posey gave him, even if he didn't fully understand them.

At any rate, he soon decided to head back and make some food for them while she slept. Before he could, he heard a horn being lit behind him. He turned and saw a very angry looking Twilight flying in the air, ready to blast him all the way to Appleloosa if she so choose. Discord blinked slightly in surprise that she found him, but if anything could get him away from thinking about these thoughts, it'd be a sparring match with Princess Bookworm herself.

He smirked, "Well, I hope you're here to apologize." as Twilight's snarl grew even more vicious.

Posey's eyes fluttered open as she yawned and woke up. She used her wings to clear any excess gunk from her eyes. As her vision cleared, she noted Discord wasn't anywhere nearby. At first, she was sadden by his lack of a presence, she soon grew worried that he found the satchel and the crown her mother gave her and took off. She looked to where she stored it and it was still there. She sighed in relief.

He just went for a walk most likely. She decided she could use her alone time to preen her wings. Even though she couldn't fly, it was a regular part of her morning activities regardless. Can't have messy or broken feathers after all.

As she did, her thoughts drifted to her revelation last night. A small blush appeared on her cheeks as she thought about her growing feelings for the draconequus. While others probably wouldn't feel the same way, she thought he was attractive, in an unconventional way. He was the funniest person she's ever met and she enjoyed the feeling of laughing at his jokes, no matter how corny. He was also very powerful in terms of abilities, both with and without magic. Her blush grew as she recalled her tracing the muscles in his arms as they slept. And despite having a devil may care attitude, he was surprisingly sensitive to her feelings. He let her lean against him as she recalled her dad and he didn't push it when she lied about being okay after talking with her mother and hiding the satchel. She was happier when he was around, sadden when he was gone, even if he's going for a walk, and was jealous that Cosmos dated him, even if Discord said it didn't last and he didn't like the experience. For heaven’s sake, she kissed him! Not on the lips and she meant it like when she kisses Angel goodnight, but she kissed him. Her blush practically engulfed her entire face by this point, making her look more red than yellow.

Is this what love feels like? she pondered. If so, what do I do? That was the main problem. Discord probably didn't feel the same way and even if by some miracle he did, there was her mother to deal with. Should she just leave home to be with some guy she only met yesterday? She was turning 21 today, so she could leave home if she wanted to, but her mother seemed so heartbroken at the thought of her leaving earlier that Posey probably didn't have the heart to tell her mother she would be moving out to be with Discord. She sighed. She didn't know what she was doing at all.

Just then, she heard blasting coming from the forest. Discord! She ran towards the sound, hoping he was alright. Once she reached the source, her eyes widened. Discord was on the ground motionless as that purple alicorn flew over him. And it looked like she was about to blast him again. Posey gasped.

"Stop!!" she yelled. The alicorn turned her head towards her in surprise.

"Don't hurt him, please." Posey rushed forwards to check Discord's health. As she looked over him, there was no obvious marks, but she still didn't want to take any chances. Twilight landed on the ground and tilted her head in curiosity.

Why did she care about Discord? Doesn't she know who he is?

"Who are you?" Twilight asked.

Posey looked up towards her and said, "Oh, my name is Posey." before turning her attention back to Discord.

Twilight took a mental note of her name. "Okay...why are you helping him?"

Discord started groaning as he woke up.

"Discord!" Posey yelled in delight. "Are you okay?" Discord's eyes opened and he saw Posey perfectly framed by the rising sun to give her a halo of light around her as her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. He blushed heavily at the heavenly sight before he teleported from laying on the ground to standing between them, dusting himself off. He coughed into his talon, trying to get rid of his horrid blush before either Twilight or Posey saw it.

"I'm fine, my dear. Twilight here simply caught me off guard and got a lucky shot." Posey blushed slightly at his nickname for her as Twilight looked between them. Something's going on with them, but what? She ignored that as she turned towards the draconequus.

"Alright. You need to come with me, Discord. You're under arrest." Discord looked towards her and raised a brow.

"Under what grounds?" Twilight rolled her eyes at his statement.

"Besides all the chaos you've caused over the years? How about your latest crime, stealing a crown from the Pegasus Kingdom! I mean, it's one thing to mess with royalty like you normally do, but stealing a prized artifact from an already grieving family with that being their only memory of their lost daughter? That's low even for you." Discord sighed at the alicorn's accusation.

"This is what your worried about? Look, I wanted nothing to do with the crown. I was just manipulated by those idiotic Flim Flam brothers and Caballeron. I planned on finding them again, giving them the stupid satchel, which as you can see, I currently do not have, and leave them to whatever stupid thing they planned to do with it. I may be no hero, but even I have a heart for a grieving family, Princess. Even if I hate royalty at the best of times."

Twilight stared at him, clearly not believing his story. But one important question jumped out to her above all the others.

"Well, where is the crown?" At that moment, Posey spoke up.

"Um…I found it when he snuck into my tower and promised to give it back if he took me to see the lanterns today. So, if you hold off on arresting him, I can give you the crown and maybe Discord can apologize for his actions?"

"What??" Both Twilight and Discord yelled.

"B-but...I have a sense of duty. I can't hold it off for just anything. I certainly don't want to go anywhere with him willingly."

"It’s about time we finally agree on something, Miss Sparkle." Discord stated.

"Discord, please. You should try and make up for all the things you've done. And I think helping to return this crown will help. Please? For me?" Posey asked while batting her eyelashes. Discord tried looking away from her eyes to not give in, but ultimately failed.

"Oh, alright. I make amends. But only after the stupid lantern thing, alright?" Posey nodded, happy for the compromise.

Twilight, on the other hoof, was still very clearly upset, so Posey needed to convince her.

"Please, Twilight. You can even keep an eye on him so he doesn't do anything too crazy." Discord's protest of needing a babysitter were ignored. "Please, just for one day?" Twilight groaned, clearly trying to resist her puppy dogs eyes. But Posey pulled out her trap card.

"And it's also my birthday, just so you know." That did the trick. Twilight sighed.

"Alright. I'll wait until the lanterns are done. I'll even pardon him when we get back." Posey rushed forward and gave her a hug, shocking Twilight.

"Oh, thank you thank you thank you. I know you two don't like each other, but Discord really is a big sweetheart once you get to know him." Twilight looked unconvinced by that statement, but she bit her tongue. Discord teleported in between them as he floated in midair.

"Well, now that we are all the bestest of friends, how about we head into town? I did promise you to show you around, my dear."

Posey smiled. "That sounds fun. Oh. I need to grab Angel. Be right back." She ran off to get Angel as well as the satchel.

While she was gone, Twilight grabbed Discord's beard and brought him to her face.

"If you do anything, I will not hesitate to use my magic on you. That mare has her full trust in you and you better not break it." She let go, having said her peace. Discord rubbed his sore chin before he spoke.

"Look, I know you have every reason not to trust me. Believe me, I don't trust myself most days. But I don't want to break Posey's trust. But if you break her trust, I'll make your life a living chaotic nightmare!" He said menacingly as his eyes glowed and the tips of his eyebrows were on fire and he snarled, revealing his carnassials. Posey came back and Discord dropped the threatening display and quickly wrapped his arm around Twilight as he pretended to laugh.

"Oh my goodness, Sparkle. You are really funny." He 'laughed' then pretended to notice her coming for the first time. "Ah, there you are, my dear. Twilight and me were just having the most delightful conversation. Isn't that right, friend?" He said as he nudged her with his elbow. Twilight just stood there confused at what was happening.

"Anyway, shall we go?" He said. Posey nodded and Discord smiled in response.

"Well then, to see the lanterns, my dear." He gestured to the kingdom just down the hill. An enthusiastic Posey started down with a happy Discord right behind her and a baffled Twilight taking up the rear.