//------------------------------// // A Tyranny of Chaos // Story: A Chaotic Destiny // by Fantasy Stars 789 //------------------------------// It had been a year later; Azure was now 17. Still after all these years, no sign of Sugar Song, not even letters. She had completely erased her from her memory, but deep inside she knows she is still her friend... Azure began having more free time over the years; however, she uses this time to practice magic, and spy on Twilight to report to Discord. She can sense that Ponyville is getting weaker. Their time will be soon. Azure completely spends her time to herself, spending time in her world of chaos is not enough for her, she wants the real world. If no pony is there to stop her in time, Equestria may live on, through their wrath... "Still no sign of Discord girls..." Twilight said "Aww! I loved his chocolate rain!" Pinkie Pie said. They all glared at her. "Perhaps he was just playing a game with us last time... to test us." Rarity said. "Perhaps we are taking all these precautions for nothing..." Twilight said. "He still had strength when he left, he needed no time to recover." "Perhaps we should relax for a while, but first has any pony seen a sign of him?" "My animals haven't seen him in the Everfree," Fluttershy said. "No sign of him in Apple Achers" Applejack said. The others shake their heads. "Then let's just go back to the way things were, like nothing ever happened," Twilight said. Azure was watching cheerfully in the bushes. "It's time..." she mumbled to herself with a grin. Now only time will tell what happens to Ponyville. "Another letter." Discord said as if annoyed. "Perhaps it will have something interesting this time..." It says "The mane 6 have put away their elements, they believe that nopony will be coming back, the time is now for chaos..." "Hmm.. chaos?" Discord said with a smile on his face. "Just to make sure..." Discord turned himself invisible and entered Ponyville. He found the mane 6 and saw them relaxing near a lake. He returned to the Everfree forest. Screwball was sleeping peacefully. "Screwy, Screwy wake up!" Discord said. "Huh? What's going on?" Screwball said. "It is time my dear... the time for CHAOS!" Screwball Jumped up in the excitement and chuckled. "Those ponies will never see it coming!" she said. They raced to Ponyville and didn't hesitate to use their magic. Azure looked around, then looked at Discord and smiled. She walked over to them, Un hesitantly. "Hello," she said. "Who are you?" Discord said. "I am Azure Shadow." "Wait.. were YOU that pony who was writing all those letters?" She nodded. ", and I am here to join you," Azure said. "How would you do that? It's not like YOU have any magic!" Screwball said with a grin. "Oh but your wrong..." Azure said. She then froze time, only the three of them can move. This caught Discord's attention. "How do you have magic? Whatever... Let the trio of chaos thrive!" Discord said. "Azure! Azure Shadow where are you!?" Obsidia shouted. "Azure! Azure!" Sky Chaser said. The two had been searching for almost an hour. They heard laughter in the distance and turned. There lay Azure, making chaos with Discord, and Screwball. Quickly they ran over to her, worried. "Azure! Azure what are you doing!" Sky Chaser said. Azure rolled her eyes. "Oh great, it's you two," she said. Screwball and Discord started to watch. "Why Azure? Why are you doing this?..." Obsidia said, tears beginning to fill her eyes. "Why? Why! Because no pony accepted me, that's why!" Azure said, with hatred in her heart. "Even my only friend betrayed me!" "If no pony will see me as their friend, then they will see me as their devil! And bring chaos to their world!" "Azure! This isn't the way!" Obsidia said. "Please stop..." Both of her parents now crying, and worried. "I've heard enough of you!" Azure said. She teleported her parents farther away. "Now... back to chaos." Discord and Screwball looked surprised, then smiled. But before they could use their magic- "Discord!" Twilight said. She paused then looked around, towards Screwball and Azure. "Hey! Who are you two?!" Rainbow Dash said. "Were Azure Shadow and Screwball, together with the three of us will rule your pathetic land!" Azure said. The mane 6 knew that the elements could only be used on one creature at a time... "Get Discord," Twilight said. Discord could not escape in time... and he was now stone. "Noo!" Screwball said, crying. Quickly she teleported away before the spell hit her too. They turned to Azure... Her parents saw what was going to happen and quickly tried to run after her. "You'll see me again!" Azure said then flew away, using her magic to fly faster. Her parents watched her fly away. Azure knew she would come back, more powerful than ever...