
by JM4N245

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Authors note: Thank you for taking the time to read this. Keep in mind i am not very good at being descriptive so it may be hard for you to picture this in your head. I hope to have more stories up and hopefully more readers thanks for reading and Enjoy!

It was a bright day in the town of Ponyville. In the town of Ponyville were ponies hard at work, farming, building, teaching, or just doing nothing. At the front entrance of the town stood a proud looking pony by the name of Zak Smith. His body color was a light'ish looking orange and his mane was a dark blue, similar to Spitfire's look, only opposite. His eyes were the same color as his mane, dark blue.

His cutie mark was a PS3 controller, therefore his special talent involved Video Games but what video game and of what to do we will never know. "Well this is it" he said. "Time to begin my new life!" he said with a bit of excitment. Soon after saying those words he started to walk past the front sign and enter Ponyville.
"Oh my Celestia this town is amazing!" he said. While walking through the town of Ponyville he saw a School, Farmhouse, and even a park! After noticing all of those places he saw some random ponies waving at him. He did not want to be rude so of course, waved back. As he was waving he did not realize a pink poofy haired pony was standing right in front of him.

When he turned back he jumped and backed up a little. "Hi! my names Pinkie Pie and I noticed your new here!" she said. "Um...yes I am....how did you know?" he said. "Well i've never seen you around town, silly filly!" she said. "Oh yeah....right." he said.

"Wanna help me make some cupcakes?!" she said now jumping a bit. In Zak's mind he was deciding if he should or should not. "I don't wanna be rude, but I just met her so I cant really trust her, NO you will be nice and make cupcakes with her you are in a new town after all." he thought in his own mind. "All right, lead the way." he said. "GREAT!" she said now jumping up and down.
When they got there Zak noticed the sign above the door said Sugarcube Corner. "Weird name." he thought to himself. As he entered through the front door he noticed almost everything is pink. "Nice place." he said sarcastically. While Pinkie Pie did hear the sarcasm she did not care for she was to excited about making cupcakes. "All right lets get started!" she said jumping up and down like the floor was hot lava.