The Bizarre Adventure of Three Fillies

by TemporaryName

Chapter 8: Escape the Fate

Starlight Glimmer had done well for herself in the last year or so. What started with an exile from the town she founded had morphed into nearly ending the world led to an apprenticeship with Equestria's second newest princess, becoming the warden of the crystal castle of Ponyville, and a cozy headmare position at the Ponyville School of Friendship. Had she dreamed of this chain of events as a foal, she would've questioned her choice of tea.

Starlight couldn't complain, though; yes, the hours were long and her duties were numerous, varied, and often stressful. But the castle's purple and blue crystalline rooms were cozy and offered ample room for the study of spellcraft. Thus right now she laid in a small nook by the window, a copy of 'Hard Light for Domestic Use' open before her. She wasn't sure how it would help more than her current spells already did, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. As she turned another page-.


“Of course. On my day off, too.” Starlight shut the book and went to answer the door. As she walked, she took the time to appreciate the castle walls. To the average pony every inch looked identical, yet Starlight Glimmer could see the subtle differences; how two segments of wall separated by only a door could have radically different crystal latices, and how the castle's magic flowed through them. When she first leaned this, she was enraptured, now she doesn't think twice about it when going through her daily routines.

Starlight didn't know what was at the front door; students asking for help, somepony with an overdue book maybe. She wasn't expecting a familiar trio of fillies dragging an unconscious stallion, their faces bashful and eyes avoiding her own. Oh, and Discord stood nearby, as if she needed more proof things went pear shaped. Her mouth hung open like a fish's as she grasped for something to say.

“I... what?” That was good enough, right?

“We can explain!” Sweetie Belle squeaked in the suspicious and quick manner of guilty foals. “You see, this stallion teleported Zecora far away from here-”

“Tele-” Starlight looked at the unconscious earth pony. “How?”

“So,” Sweetie ignored Starlight's perplexed tone, “We need to tell Princess Twilight we found a stand user and how one of our friends is freezing her tail off in the middle of who knows where because of him. Since you're her student...” Sweetie trailed off, rubbing her hooves together as she struggled to maintain eye contact.

“Again; what?” Stands, teleportation? Just what did she miss?
“Oh, right; you haven't heard.” Scootaloo nodded to the chaos serpent behind her as the platform carrying the stallion moved on its own. “Discord can help us explain. It all started with some golden arrows-.”

“Stop, Stop. Stop.” Her horn glowed and with a burst of magic, Starlight summoned a pencil and notepad. “First let's head to the kitchen, then I'll spend the next three minutes sorting my thoughts and listing my questions. Then you can explain everything as I take detailed notes.” When she finished her statement, everyone who was awake stared at her with a curious, almost accusing expression.

“Are you sure you ain't Twi?” Applebloom asked warily. “Cause you sure are takin' notes like her.” Starlight shrugged

“It's a learned habit from dealing with her frequent info dumps. I would have been completely lost otherwise.” Mrs. Glimmer turned around and walked inside. “Now, do any of you want iced tea while we talk?”

“So, golden arrows Discord got from an extra-universal creature grants ghostly guardians and additional abilities to whomever survives its strike. You three were recently pierced by one while Slight Hoof, the stallion, was pierced a while ago, and all of you developed these 'Stands'. Am I getting it right so far?” Starlight Glimmer asked her guests as they sat around the kitchen table, each sipping glasses of tea. The fillies nodded and Discord gave a thumb's up. “And you need my help to get Twilight's help because Zecora needs help?”

“That's pretty much it,” Scootaloo said.

“Okay,” Starlight slowly started, “first question; why don't I just help Zecora directly?” She was a powerful unicorn, so why add the unnecessary steps?

“I'm just following along for the kicks,” Discord shrugged.

“Well, Princess Twilight did tell us to let her know of any further stand related developments, so...” Sweetie's justification was weak. She knew it, Starlight knew it, everyone in the room knew it.
“I can send a letter to her, you know.”

“Of course we knew!” Sweetie squawked. “We weren't thinking about you.” She soon realized her faux pas. “Not that you aren't important enough to be let in the loop! It's just, you weren't there when this was explained and everything else was going crazy and-”

“Sweetie.” The small unicorn looked at her larger counterpart. “You don't have to apologize. Celestia knows I've made enough short sighted decisions with far more disastrous consequences to be allowed to judge you. I will find Zecora and write up a thorough report for Twilight. Does that sound good to you?”

The fillies could not argue with the elder mare's logic, and conceded to her point. “That's great, but can you also help us lock this guy up?” Scootaloo nodded towards their unconscious captive. “He was kind of the one who sent her away.” Starlight knew Scootaloo had a point. She also knew there were logistical issues in keeping a prisoner who could literally walk out of his cell. She weighed her options and made the obvious choice.

“I'll prepare the dungeon,” she deadpanned.

“Wait, this castle has a dungeon?!” Applebloom exclaimed as Discord grabbed the stallion.

“Don't all good castles?”

It was dark and Slight Hoof was in pain. His hooves hurt, his knees were sore, and the back of his head throbbed with pain that lacked a sufficient metaphor. Still, the fact he could feel anything proved he was alive; he would've felt grateful, but his throbbing headache made most higher thought impossible. When he finally cracked open his eyes and adjusted to the searing light, he was surprised to be surrounded by garish purple crystal. The air was cool around him and his mouth, throat, and eyes were dry.

As he struggled to his hooves, it became apparent he was captured. Hopefully there was a guard nearby he could ask for water; he felt hungover, but he knew he didn't drink anything last night.

When he heard the sound of that vital liquid pouring into a glass, he thanked whatever higher powers were up there. When he turned towards the source of the sound and was met with the sight of a lavender pony, he cursed them.

“Glad to see your finally awake.” Her voice sounded muffled and Slight Hoof's vision was blurred, but he knew in his heart who was before him.

“Glaaaa... Twillight.” He wished he could force something wittier from his mouth.

“Uhh, no?” And he also got her name wrong? Wonderful. “Starlight. Princess Sparkle is a bit busy at the moment so I'm here to get some much needed information out of you. Now, I'm guessing you don't want to cooperate; believe me, I've been there before. But you did kind of foalnap one of my friends – well, my friends' friend – and I just can't let that go. So, just answer my questions and we'll be done. Sound good?”

It did not sound good, but he didn't complain. Partly because in an interrogation, it was never a good idea to reply with sarcasm or upset your captor, unless you wanted to stay caged for the rest of your days. Mostly it was because he was really thirsty. He nodded to show Starlight Glimmer slid the glass of water down the table, which he quickly chugged. “Can you speak now?” Starlight asked.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“Wonderful! Now, first question; do you know how you got your stand?” It would have been easy to deny the question and claim he didn't know. Easy, but not the best option; interrogation is a bit like a market transaction, with each party hoping to get what the want at as little cost as possible. What every interrogator wants above even a confession is information. The captor may be innocent, or at least not the most guilty, and any information they are reluctant to part with could be critical. Similarly, the one interrogated, if they are skilled enough, can obtain some concessions, such as a reduced sentence or fewer charges levied against them.

“My wha-”

“Don't play dumb with me,” Starlight deadpanned, “The ponies who brought you in informed me all about your power. Just answer the questions and everything will go just smoothly.” The stallion's brow crinkled in confusion, his lips spewing silent mumbling. 'Does he still not know what's going on? Oh Celestia, he didn't hit his head to hard, did he?' A cold sweat broke out on Starlight's back. 'I hope it's temporary. The fillies don't need that kind of pressure on their minds at their age.'

“I-I think I remember who you are,” Slight Hoof drawled out. “You're the assistant of the Princess Twilight.” His eyes narrowed. “You ain't a guard.”

“Er, no. What does tha-”

“Am I being detained?”

Starlight flinched at his sudden declaration. “I'm sorry?” She replied, tone unsure.

“Am I being detained?” Slight Hoof repeated a little slower, a little more tense.

“Yes, now answer the-”

“On whose authority?” Slight Hoof's interruption was answered when Starlight slammed her hooves on the table between them.

“On royal authority vested into me by Princess Twilight Sparkle, the same authority that will have you locked in a cell for a thousand years if you keep deflecting.” At this, the stallion had the audacity to look perturbed, offended even.

“As far as I know I've been arrested against my will and made to answer questions designed to entrap. The law of the land allows me to verify if the detaining party is entitled to do so, and not just entitled.” Slight Hoof accusingly pointed his hoof at Starlight. “You claim to have the authority, but from what I've gathered you're just a glorified student and desk jokey. Now, if you were to provide the proper paperwork, I'd be more than happy to cooperate. Until that happens...”

“You'll keep your mouth shut,” Starlight finished.

“And I'd be well within my rights to do so,” He cheekily replied.

Starlight hated to admit the thief had even the slightest understanding of law, but she even if she was in her rights to keep him here, even if she had indisputable royal authority to do so, having someone more official would make the process go by smoother.

“This is going to take a while, isn't it?” she asked herself.

Carousel Boutique's vibrant yet cool exterior was only pronounced by the rising sun. Here Applebloom stood, waiting for her friends to arrive. They promised one another to have a day of fun and relaxation out on the town, one without any chores or supernatural complications. If someone told Applebloom a year ago she would be involved in affairs akin to a fantasy story, complete with ancient artifacts and magics, she would've probably believed them, given her sister's own adventures. It's almost funny; three years ago she daydreamed about her life getting shook up, but now that it's happened multiple times she now understands why Granny Smith kept complaining about them making a racket.

“Hey Applebloom! You doing alright?”

“Oh, Scootaloo! Ah didn' see ya there!”

“Figured as much; you were staring at the ground like it offended your family. Something wrong?” Before Applebloom could answer, Scootaloo noticed her friend's stand in front of her, doing nothing but staring at their master. “Oh yeah, those guys.”
“E'yep! They were an awful big help today with the mornin' chores.” Her smile fell slight. “Ah thought Applejack would like it, and Ah think she did given her smile, but she just shook her head and mumbled about 'cheatin' little varmits' when Ah told her.”

“Eh, probably just jealous. I know I am.” The last part was devoid of energy.

“Don't worry Scoots,” Applebloom scooted towards Scootaloo. “Ah'm sure you'll find out what your stand can do soon enough. And when you find out, Ah bet-”

“Okay, stop!” Applebloom recoiled at her friend's interruption. “First of all, you sound like everypony else when we were trying to get our cutie marks. 'Oh, don't rush it, you'll figure it out eventually.'-”

“Ah mean, they were right.”

“Doesn't make it any less annoying.” Applebloom had to agree. Heck, given what their cutie marks were for all those failed attempts were necessary. “Second,” Scootaloo continued, “I'm not jealous that your stand has a power already, but rather a name.”

“A name?” Applebloom deadpanned. “Are we really gonna go on about this now? How hard can it be to name somethin'.” For goodness sake's, they thought of 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' is a couple of minutes and Men at Work just popped into her head. She didn't want to think Scootaloo, the filly who idolized Rainbow Dash, was being indecisive, but it was starting to look that way.

Applebloom did not expect her friend to be offended. “Well, sorry some of us aren't geniuses at naming things! I spent all of last night and this morning trying to find a name, and nothing fit!” As though it could sense it's master's rage, Scootaloo's stand summoned itself beside her, red feathers contrasting against Carousel Boutique. “I mean, I'm sure something fits perfectly, but I sure haven't thought of it.”

“Hmm...” Applebloom pondered, hoof rubbing chin. “Free Bird?” She offered.

“Not really free when I control it with a thought, is it?.”

“King Crimson?”

Scootaloo shuddered. “I feel that one's already taken, and king? Really?” She gestured to the bird as it pecked under it's wing.

“I've got it! Falco!”

Scootaloo shook her head. “Already thought of it, but like all other bird names it didn't really fit; just seems too obvious, you know.” She sighed and laid down on the ground. “You're probably rightin that something will come eventually, and when it does it'll be the most radical stand name ever. It's just annoying calling it 'my stand' or hearing 'Scootaloo's stand' all the time, you feel?”

Applebloom contemplated the thought. “Yeah, Ah see how that might grate on the nerves.” And so the fillies stood outside the building and discussed their plans for the day. Between enjoying some Sweets at Sugar Cube Corner and running about on the outskirts of town, kites in tow, they were confident this would be the best day in weeks. When the door opened and the third member of their party left her abode, their planning already leaked into the following day.

“Alright Rarity, I'm leaving. I'll try to be back before sunset.”

“No, no, no!” Rarity stopped towards the door. “That won't do at all, Sweetie Belle. You will be back before sunset, and you won't go around fighting random ponies.” Sweetie tried to move out the door, but a light blue glow locked her legs. “Do I make myself clear?” Rarity's tone allowed no argument, and Sweetie had no need to argue.

“Yes, Rarity. I will be back before sunset.” The older mare smiled, let go of her sister, and gently closed the door. All three of the Crusaders were together again, and their day of leisure could finally begin. “So,” Sweetie Belle yelped excitedly, “what are we going to do first?”

“Alright.” Starlight Glimmer paced across the holding room, Slight Hoof sat still at one end of the table, and a pegasus guard stood at the other, the light from the lamp in the center of the room gleamed off of his pristine armor. “This is Sweet Pea, member of the Ponyville guard. He has formally agreed to your detainment and the beginning of your questioning. Yes, he does have authorization and yes, he can and will prove it on request.” She spun on her hooves towards the stallion. “Is this assessment accurate?”
“Yes, ma'am.” Sweet Pea's deep baritone echoed through the room as he held out a small pile of documents. “Have the warrants right here, as well as any other paperwork needed.” He lightly tossed the papers on the table and they slid towards the center. “So, Mr. Hoof, please answer any and all questions Mrs. Glimmer has.”

Slight Hoof wore a pensive frown as he thought over the guard's words and whether it was worth it to continue this charade. Yes, he could stand to stall for a little more time, try to find some other angle to escape into, but was that worth irritating his captors? 'No,' he decided as he lightly shook his head. “Alright sparkles, shoot.” At least he can take satisfaction in her irritation.

“Firstly,” Starlight forced down her emotions, “We know you have a sta – a particular magic that the Princess of Equestria and several others are currently interested in.” She placed her fore-hooves on the table and leaned forward. “Do you have any idea how you got it?”

“Well, when a stallion and mare get plastered-” Slight Hoof's sentence came to a screeching halt at the scowl Starlight leveled his way and his eyes widened. “Right, not the time for a joke I see.” He composed himself before continuing. “Still, it's the best explanation I have. For as long as I can remember I've had my Roadhouse Blue beside me, its presence a constant comfort on my mind.”

“Really?” Starlight asked unimpressed. “That's it?”

“Why the skepticism?” Slight Hoof asked, brow as still as stone. “Ponies are already born with predispositions towards certain skills, so why would this be any different?” It wasn't. Starlight knew that and was only performing her due diligence. The more questions she asked, the better the read she would have on him, and already she knew of his greatest tell, told directly from the Crusaders last night. To be honest with himself, Slight Hoof would probably be in a jail cell before the day was out.

Yet Slight Hoof didn't become the pickpocket or petty thief he was without a willingness to face danger and risk, nor did he spend his entire career without seeing the inside of a prison cell. It was in the nature of ponies, of all organisms to survive no matter the cost, and it was a feeling Slight Hoof had plenty of tie to get acquainted with

“Alright then, next question.”

“Er, permission to speak, ma'am?” The guard hesitantly asked.

“Is something wrong?”

“What I've heard of this conversation thus far sounds classified. Am I authorized to be a part of this? Should I leave for the time being?” His tone waved a bit, but was otherwise professional and contained neither accusation or irritation. Starlight weighed her options; on the one hoof, having Sweet Pea around could provide the intimidation that causes Slight Hoof to spill. There was no denying it, that pony was built like a brick wall and had a mind disciplined enough to match. On the other hoof, did he have authorization? Should Starlight give authorization? Was she allowed to?

“Yes, Mrs. Shimmer,” Slight Hoof didn't even try with that one, “Whatever should he do?”

The sun shone bright and high in the sky as a gentle wind breezed by in the vast fields on the outskirts of town. The pegasai had cleared the sky of all but a few clouds, yet a gentle breeze blunted the Sun's scorching rays. Overall, it was a comfortable summer day for the residents of Ponyville. For the farmers, it was another ideal day to harvest their crops. For the more well off ponies it was an opportunity to browse the merchant square in search of something exotic. For the Cutie Mark Crusaders, it was a perfect day to fly a kite.

“C'mon Sweetie, you have to run faster to get the kite high up in the air.” Scootaloo lightly jogged beside her unicorn friend, providing words of encouragement and advice. When Applebloom had first suggested their first bit of fun for the day, Sweetie Belle was the most apprehensive. She believed that there wasn't enough wind to keep the kite suspended. Fortunately, Scootaloo was there to provide a brilliant solution; if there wasn't enough wind, they would just have to run fast enough to make some.

There was only one problem, one unexpected complication.

“I'm trying, okay!” Sweetie yelled, short of breathe as she ran at a top speed of not fast enough. They have been going at this for the past hour or so, and though her friends helped teach her and gave advice, none of it worked. Her legs burned, her breathes were deep and frequent, and her heart was doing a convincing imitation of a hummingbird's. “I think I'm too injured from yesterday.”

“How?” Applebloom asked. “Me an' Scoots took the same tumble as you and we're doin' jus' fine.” Indeed, Applebloom breathing was even as she stood tall and proud. while Scootaloo made the marathon Sweetie Belle went through seem like a brisk jog.

“It's just how Sweetie Belle is,” Scootaloo interjected with a faux refined tone, “refined and ladylike, too much for such physical activity we commoners are accustomed too.”

“Or maybe you two are simply a pair of over-muscled brutes,” Sweetie Belle grumpily replied.

“Life on the orchard does have its benefits.” Applebloom struck the ground with her fore-hoof in demonstration, the volume muffled by the dirt yet still well defined. Whether that was due to Applebloom's strength or the adrenaline rushing through Sweetie Belle's veins neither pony could say.

Scootaloo looked at her friend's exhaustion and her mildly bloodshot eyes and gained acute awareness of the growing exhaustion in . “Maybe we have been out here long enough. Anypony want to take a break? We could get some ice cream.” Scootaloo started to walk back towards Ponyville, when she was stopped by Sweetie Belle.

“Hold on,” She breathed out. “I think – I think I've caught my breathe. One more try, then we'll go.” Scootaloo wanted to argue, but just one look at her friend's steely determination kept her criticism and concerns at bay. One nod of her head later and the two of them were off once again. The wind breezing through their manes as they ran through the fields. Sweetie's body still ached, her throat was dry and her legs burned. Yet still she pressed on, and as her pace increased she looked behind her sand saw the kite rise higher and higher. She smiled, Scootaloo smiled, and though neither could see it Applebloom also smiled. At last, she did it! The kite reached its apex, and then-


The minute there was the slightest bit of tension on the string, it snapped. The kite slowly floated away as the Cutie Mark Crusaders watched on in disbelief.

“Are you kidding me?!” Sweetie stomped and screamed. “I jut got it working! After all that hard work it just breaks?! I jus – How old was this string?” She grasped the failed spool in her magic and inspected it in a frenzy. Unfortunately, when she pulled on the string it started to fray. Her blood felt like the magma deep beneath a volcano and she was fit to erupt, but instead she took a cooling breathe and calmed her rage. “Alright. That was unfortunate. Let's just go get ice cream. Yeah, that'll work.” There was no verbal answer, yet the three fillies started walking back to Ponyville, unaware of that creeping in the shadows behind them.

“Alright then,” A blue earth pony mare stated from behind an ice cream cart. “One vanilla cone with orange sprinkles, one chocolate cone with chocolate shell and chocolate sprinkles, and one apple sundae in a waffle bowl. That'll be fifteen bits.” A lime green field carried the money to the ice cream mare, grabbed the confections, and distributed them to the appropriate crusaders. The three sat down on a nearby park bench to enjoy their treats. As she slowly shoveled spoonfuls of sundae into her mouth, Applebloom noticed her unicorn friend was still down in the dumps from earlier. Putting her spoon down for a moment, she reached over to pat her on the back.

“It's alright,” she consoled Sweetie. “You were doin' good before the line broke.” She reached to get another spoonful when a realization struck. “Say Scoots, how old was that string? Sweetie asked the same thing, but you never answered.”

“I only bought it about a week ago.” Scootaloo shook her head. “It shouldn't have broken that easily, right?” Of all possible questions, this was the one that knocked Sweetie Belle out of her funk.

“It was probably due to badly spun thread. Rarity suffered their terror before, so I guess I have one more thing .” She licked her ice cream, the cold sweetness soothing her throat and relieving her of the summer heat. “Every time she did, after dramatically bemoaning her poor fortunes, she would march up to whoever sold it to her and demand a refund. You should do the same.” To her friends surprise Scootaloo merely shook her head.

“See, if I was certain that was the case, I would. Heck, if this happened just a week ago I would. But knowing what we know now...” For a while the fillies sat in silence, the statement stewing in the backs of their minds. Eventually the point of her statement clicked in the back of Applebloom's mind, who could scarcely believe her friend's suggestion.

“You're serious. You actually think – not everythin' has ta be the work of an enemy stand!” Applebloom rubbed her forehead. “What's more likely, a second stand user having their sights on us, or some poor quality string.”

“We never actually had a stand user's sights on us,” Sweetie interjected. “Slight Hoof only fought us in reaction to our inquisition.” Her other two friends turned to her with expressions somewhere between disbelief and annoyance. To her credit, Sweetie Belle had the common decency to look a bit bashful at her statement and avert her gaze. “I'm not wrong.” Unfortunately, she hadn't enough decency to hold back her weak defense.

“Look,”Applebloom said calmly, “the point is your just bein' paranoid, Scoots.”

“No I'm not!” Her friends flinched back at the volume of her assertion. Scootaloo took a deep breathe. “Look, I admit it's mostly a gut feeling.” Scootaloo ignored the unamused stares of her friends. “Alright, entirely a gut feeling, but is it really that unlikely? What was it Discord said? 'Stand users attract other stand users?' Whose to say yesterday didn't draw in somepony else?” Again, her friends gave her a deadpan stare. “Alright, maybe I'm a bit on edge. I'll drop it for now, but if something happens that screams 'stand', don't say I didn't warn us.” Scootaloo punctuated her statement by stomping her forehoof on the table.

This proved to be a mistake.

As soon as her hoof touched the table it cracked in two, forcing Sweetie Belle to grip her cone and Applebloom to scramble for her bowl. In the former case, the telekinetic pressure ruptured the cone, spilling vanilla upon the ground below. Seeking to save something from her mistake, Scootaloo brought forth her stand and reached for her friend's waffle bowl. Unfortunately, upon contact cracks appeared, and it soon fell apart. When all was said and done, the fillies could only stare in shock. Again.

“Let me guess,” Applebloom deadpanned. “You didn' mean to hit it that hard.” She thought there would've been more irritation in her voice, but if anything there were only the faint wisps of confusion.

“I didn't hit it that hard,” Scootaloo protested. “I mean, do you think you could've broken it, Applebloom?”

Her friend gave it a moment's thought. “Nah, too sturdy. Er, it was.” Suddenly her head shot up. “Hey, maybe that's your stand power.”

“Breaking stuff?”
“I can see it,” Sweetie rubbed her chin as she stared at the splintered wreck. “Between the yesterday's window and floor, as well as the string, there is a pattern forming.” While she felt her logic was sound, her friend deigned to disagree.

“No, there is no way this can be my power. What kind of stand would have such a crummy ability?”

“How many stands did we see so far?” Applebloom proposed. “And how wide was the variety in powers Discord described.”

“Too wide to make any assumptions with our sample size,” Sweetie Belle said. When she saw Scootaloo's face morph from annoyed to distressed, she walked over to her friend and gave her a small hug. “It's alright Scootaloo; even if everything around you breaks like glass, we're still your friends.”

“I don't doubt that, but....” Scootaloo slumped in her seat. “If this is my power, it's sooooooo lame compared to you guys'! I can think of a hundred ways to use Men at Work or Quiet Riot, but this? Nothing useful is coming to mind! I still hope it's just some bad luck that'll run its course by the end of the week and we can all laugh about how silly we were!”

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle looked unsure at their friend's proclamation; there was just too much of panicked desperation in her voice. Yet if there was one thing Scootaloo was right on, it was how they had no real evidence on their own claim. Well, aside from that one that was just mentioned. All they could do now was clean up the mess to the best of their abilities. It might not be the most moral action to throw away public property, but it was the best they could do. It's not like they could just fix the bench.

“Hey, wait a second.” Applebloom willed forth Men at Work, which proceeded to scatter far and wide, bringing forth all manner of wood shards and adhesive. In minutes the bench was as good as new. Smiling, she turned to Scootaloo. “Ah guess I can see where you're comin' from; I can't stop thinkin' 'bout all the things men at work can make. A few of those Ah actually want!” Scootaloo could only grumble.

As they discussed the rest of the day's plans, none of them noticed the mare hiding in the shadow of a house, only her sky her legs visible. They didn't see her watch them with the intensity reserved for a predator stalking its prey, one that contradicted her casual stance. And they were far too absorbed in their own conversation, as well as too far away, to hear what she had to say.

“So, more stand users in town, huh?” Her mellow voice was enhanced by her faux aristocratic accent. “Silly fillies, I don't care how young you are. Ponyville is like a pie; only so much to go around, and I refuse to share. Lucky me, my stand is already primed to eliminate you without me lifting a hoof.” She started following the fillies. “Try to run, try to hide, but you won't escape [SLOW RIDE].”

Starlight paced back and forth in the, the only other occupant stuck sitting on the other side of the room bored out of his mind. Starlight decided to ask Sweet Pea to leave for the time being, but to stay close enough to hear any cries of distress. That didn't mean she enjoyed the lack of good company, nor that Slight Hoof qualified as such, though for a career petty thief he was remarkably polite, answering her questions to the best of his abilities, or so he claimed. The only reason she had to doubt him was the lack of information she received.

Despite the numerous hours that passed, Starlight Glimmer was no closer to uncovering the truth. Regarding his past and his stand he was an open book, yet at the slightest hint of inquiry regarding his criminal past, he deflected and obfuscated. Prying what he knew of stands out of him was like pulling teeth; all he would do is claim ignorance until the charade became laughable to keep up, at which point he would provide the bare minimum information to get her of his back. It was starting to wear on her nerves, and like how an axe needs to be sharpened after a day of chopping trees, she needed to take a moment's rest to sharpen her mind.

She knew this, yet she thirsted for answers.

'Just a few more questions,' Starlight thought as she kept pacing. 'Like, three more then I'll take a break.' Her stare met Slight Hoof's, pierced through it even. 'If nothing else, he must be getting worn down too.' The air of the room was stale, and starlight knew she would have her answers soon enough. She just needed to be patient.

Starlight sat at the end of the table, grabbed a quill, and wrote down what she learned on the parchment before her. She knew Slight Hoof was hiding something, the occasional risen eyebrow was proof enough, yet what? What could he know that was worth hiding? No, no her thinking was wrong; it couldn't be some fact about stands only he knew, not with Discord himself on her side. So it had to be something a little less conceptual, perhaps something more physical.

...No. It couldn't be, could it?

The answer snapped into place as soon as it snapped into her mind. It made too much sense, but if he was behind that – She was being honest earlier about letting him go if he cooperated, yet if this proved true she would rescind her promise. And as she steeled herself, she knew what was needed to verify her theory.

“Well, Mr. Hoof, I must admit you answered my questions admirably this morning.” He perked up at this, not quite believing what he was hearing. “You've almost proven to me your innocence. I would let you go right now, but unfortunately there are a few things I need to verify.” His eyes narrowed, as though his delayed freedom was the worst thing in the world. His impotent rage filled Starlight with joy, and it took all her effort to keep a stoic image.

“What's there left to discuss?” His sounded genuinely curious.

“I just feel you might know about something rather important,” Starlight danced around the issue, stretching his patience to its breaking point. When a pony's mind is clear and calm, they can easily adjust their actions as they see fit. Yet set the mind aflame with rage and one becomes blind to their actions. Though Slight Hoof's mouth stayed a smooth line, his furrowed brow gave away his inner rage. It was honestly unnerving how out of place it looked on his otherwise serene face, and that was enough to convince Starlight Glimmer to hurry and deliver her final blow.

“I know you took the arrow,” Starlight stated. “What did you do with it and why?”

For a moment all was silent, neither party so much as twitching. Before Starlight could restate the question, Slight Hoof broke out in uproarious laughter.

“He he. Sorry, dear Glister,” He lied. “I just wasn't expecting such a random question out of you. An arrow? Really? What does that have anything to do with my power?” His tone was a smooth drawl that slid down her ear canals, and for a moment she thought she had made a mistake. Yet it took only a second to verify she hadn't.

“I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. In fact, I'd say you know what I'm talking about.” Starlight placed her fore-hooves on the table and leaned forward. “Do you know how I know?” When Slight Hoof didn't respond for a hot minute, she took answered in his stead. “It's all in your eyes.”

As she predicted, his eyes shot up the moment his most obvious tell was uncovered. To his credit, he made a fast recovery, tempering his expression as soon as it came. Yet his eyes, in that brief second she saw those orbs of raw emotion, fear shone through. Finally, Starlight had a thread she could pull on.

“I have no idea what you're talking about, and I don't think you do either.” Slight Hoof's calm voice held none of the fear Starlight expected. His eyes may have been a dead giveaway, but the rest of him remained stoic. How much practice did it take to achieve such control? Why could he never do the same with his eyes? These were questions Starlight hadn't the time to answer.

“Oh there's no need to be shy.” She slowly trotted towards the stallion with a smile. “Between you and me, I can kind of understand why you would go after it. The raw hunger for power, the desire to become more. I'm intimately familiar with this feeling; its what drives most of my studies, what drove me to some of my more unsavory actions, and satisfying this burning hunger is the greatest feeling in the world, isn't it?” Twilight may have shown her the problems with her town, yet ambition's flame was difficult to douse.

“Look lady,” Slight Hoof spat, “I don't know anything about this arrow, nor why it's so important. What I do know is that you don't have any evidence to back up your wild claim.”
Starlight's smirk only widened as her horn glowed. “Oh? No evidence, you say?” In a burst of magenta a manila folder materialized, a few photos peaking out the edges.. “Then I guess this is just the castle's tax records.”

Slight Hoof knew his eyes had flung open like the front door after a long day 's work, yet with the aura of impending doom that had settled over the room, he found himself unable to care. “How did they work so fast?”
“How do you know what they worked on, or who 'they' are?” And with that, Slight Hoof gave her the final nail for his coffin. He was in deep trouble, yet maintained his composure. He needed to appear strong, to keep Starlight from bulldozing through his defenses through intimidation. If Slight Hoof was to sell out his employers and his few morals with them, he needed to get something out of it, something worth the risk.

“Alright,” Slight Hoof tiredly conceded. “I did come across an arrow recently, and being the enterprising stallion that I am, I went out of my way to grab it.” He wasn't stupid; he was going to admit to as little as possible while still giving the mare what she wanted. The back of his mind was abuzz with ways to get out of his predicament; the only door Roadhouse Blue could use was behind Mrs. Glimmer, close enough that he could taste the tantalizing freedom. Yet the distance between him and there gave him pause. He had about a second to sprint to and open the door before being restrained by sorcery. With only one shot, he had to make it count.

Well, if opportunity wouldn't knock, he'd make it knock.

“I can tell you what I know, but first; can I get some tea?” Starlight tilted her head at the odd request. “I'm parched and bored. Tea would fix both problems while also relaxing me. Wouldn't I be much more cooperative if I was in a calmer state of mind?”

Suspicious of his intent yet seeing nothing wrong with his request, Starlight teleported in a pot of tea and a pair of porcelain cups. Steam emerged from the spout as it was poured, a leafy and slightly floral aroma carried with it. “Thought you'd try to sneak out if left, and I knew you'd ask for another drink at some point, so I came prepared.” She gave Slight Hoof a cup. “I also have coffee, milk, and four different flavors of soda.” She paused and blinked. “Do you think Twilight rubbed off on me?” She asked before returning to the task at hoof. “Never mind, the point is that you aren't just walking out of here.”

Slight Hoof took a sip of his tea, considered Starlight's statement, and threw his steaming hot cup at her face.

“Gah!” Starlight screamed. The attack came too quickly for her to protect herself from the liquid pain. As she wiped it off her face Slight Hoof leaped out of his seat, summoned Roadhouse Blue, and reached for the door. Unfortunately, as he did the chair he was sitting in followed a second latter, locked onto his flank.

'Freaking magic,' Slight Hoof thought as his brow furrowed. 'Lucky me I have some of my own.' He commanded Roadhouse Blue to strike the chair away, shattering it in three. This didn't stop the chair, merely delayed the fragments for half a second, yet it bought him enough time to grab the door handle with his stand and try to fling it open.

Try being the key word here.

“Locked,” Slight Hoof deadpanned. As the debris of the chair slammed into him, he registered not the stinging pain, for his mind was consumed by the ease at which his plans fell apart. He didn't even think it was intentional on his captor's part! Who doesn't lock the door behind them? He tried to force the door handle open, thinking where cunning failed brute force would prevail, but his efforts were stopped before they could begin. A lavender glow enveloped him, and he soon faced an irate Starlight Glimmer.

“You know,” her voice was made of venom and sarcasm, “I thought you were taught better than to throw things at a lady. I was even going to put in a good word and have your sentence reduced. Now though?” She drew him closer and slight hoof could feel the arcane might buzzing beneath her skin. “Now I'm not so sure.”

One needed not to look at Slight Hoof's face to see his fear; the trembling of his body spoke enough. While no Alicorn, the raw magical power in the air and the unicorn before him didn't feel that different. 'Forget prison. This mare will kill me if I don't do something! C'mon, Slight, think. Think!' In his panic, Slight Hoof commanded Roadhouse Blue to strike out at the mare. Apparently, one punch to her horn was enough to knock her out. As her unconscious body lay there, the thief could only stare in confused bemusement. 'That's it? No, no it can't be.' His stand poked her cheek, yet there was no reaction. 'All that magic and she conjure a shield or something?! You know what, it's not worth questioning this good fortune.' Roadhouse Blue grasped the door handle, turned it harder than ever before, and broke the with a resounding click. When the door opened all that could be seen was sand and sea .

When the guards came in to check on the two and saw shattered furniture and Starlight Sprawled unconscious, they knew the worst had happened.

“Ugh. This day has been a bust.”

“Oh quite you're whinin', Scoots. Sure some things didn' pan out, but Ah wouldn't call it a bust.” Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were walking through Ponyville, ruminating on the rough day they had. After her friends brought up how things were breaking around her, Scootaloo couldn't help but more examples of the phenomenon. The rung of a ladder broke as she walked by, causing the stallion stepping on it to plummet to the ground. A pie practically exploded when a kind mare placed it on the windowsill, scalding cherry filling splashing on them all. And for what happened in Sugarcube Corner will not be repeated here, for all our sanity's sake.

'Still can't believe they banned us' Applebloom thought. That particular disaster had Scootaloo in a bit of a sour mood, one her friends could not shake her out of. Given all three of them were now denied some of the best confections this side of Ponyville, they couldn't blame her. Right now they were attempting their latest plan lighten her spirits; Sweet Apple Acres had a nice little pond deep within the orchard, one perfect for swimming in. It was a fun activity with few opportunities for things to go pear shaped, perfect for their string of luck.

At that moment, a bird flew into a nearby window, cracking both the window and it's spine.

“Sweet Celestia!” Sweetie Bell yelped.

At seeing such a flagrant violation of reality right before her, Scootaloo felt rage boil up from within. Yet seconds after it started she deflated, and instead felt sorrow and resignation, her frown looking more tired than anything else. “Maybe you're right, Applebloom,.” Her friend turned towards her. “Maybe this is my stand's power.”

In truth, Scootaloo had been thinking this was the case shortly after Applebloom brought it up. Yet the implications of breaking everything around her were just a bit depressing. So much so that Scootaloo rejected it on impulse just to keep herself from feeling guilty for all she inconvenienced just by standing around. Yet faced with more and more evidence, Scootaloo could keep the veil over her eyes no longer, as her friends could clearly see.

“Don't worry, Scootaloo.” Sweetie Belle bumped into her friend. “We will always be your friends, curse or no curse.” As soon as she finished speaking she realized her mistake. “N-not saying your stand is a curse, of course. It's just that it could be seen that way and you seem to think so. I-I mean...”

Sweetie's frantic jumbled mumbles were interrupted by Scootaloo's giggles. “Thanks you guys. It's still a bummer, but you keep it from being a major bummer.” The mood of the party now uplifted, Scootaloo continued to speak what was on her mind. “Still, part of me hopes it's just the work of an enemy stand user.” When Applebloom slowed down and eventually stopped, Scootaloo released a frustrated sigh. “Really? I know it's kind of awful to hope for another one of those fights, but all... this,” she spun her hoof in circles, “is still kind of lame.” When Scootaloo received no reply, she started to worry. “C'mon Bloom, I get I'm the only one who thinks this, but-?”

“It ain't about that.” Applebloom's declaration surprised the pegasus. “When you said somethin' 'bout that the first time 'round, Ah admit Ah didn't buy it. However,” Applebloom said when she saw Scootaloo's face fall, “Ah did see the benefits of keepin' an eye out for such things. Multiple eyes, to be precise.” A wave of movement caught her friends' eyes, and they witnessed Men at Work crawling up and out of their various hiding places. When she turned to the right, Scootaloo could see some through a nearby window. When she turned to the left, she saw some standing right on the snouts of the townsfolk, who were oblivious to their presence.

All except for one.

Surrounded by – seven? Eight? Scootaloo counted eight – of Men at Work was a bright blue pegasus mare with ivory hair braided in a pair of ponytails. Not pigtails on the side of her head, but ponytails behind her head. Her cutie mark was of a broken mirror, and her cross legged stance conveyed aloof superiority. She tried to keep her body Still, yet the occasional twitch of her neck towards Applebloom's stand betrayed her status as a stand user. But none of that was as pronounced, as eye catching, as the piercing yet casual stare she leveled their way: like a parent more bored and disappointed in their delinquent child. When she realized the Cutie Mark Crusaders had their eyes on her, she slowly walked over to them, step by step.

'Didn't know it could feel so bad being right,' Scootaloo thought.

The mare stopped in front of the trio and studied them in disturbing detail. “So,” she started in a slow, haughty drawl, “it would seem you found out what I was. I admit, I expected you to mill around and die from my stand.” The blunt statement chilled the fillies to the bone as the confirmed stand user spat on the ground. “But you couldn't even do that. Now I have to go through the hassle to take you down myself.” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo summoned their stands as Men at Work returned to Applebloom's side, the three fillies tensing their bodies to flee from this mad mare. They really weren't prepared for another stand fight so soon.

“Of course I won't do it here.” And it looked like they wouldn't get one.

The mare's statement shook the fillies out of their focus. “What do you mean?” Sweetie Belle asked?

“Bah, perhaps I overestimated your intellects.” She ignored the fillies' anger at the insult and nodded towards the gathered crowd. “Do you see all these ponies? One twitch and my [SLOW RIDE] will break their bones or something.” She fixed them with an intensively apathetic glare. “Neither of us want that on our consciences , so we'll take it elsewhere.” To say the fillies were confused was an understatement, and their stunned silence was taken by the mare as an invitation to continue speaking. “To prove my word, lets take this spar to Sweet Apple Acres. It's a source of help for you and far away from the town.” Slowly, she walked away from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, only turning back slightly for one final sentence. “See you at high noon.”

“Hold on a minute there,” Applebloom stepped towards the mare. “How do we know you're not gonna trick us? Heck, we don't even know your name!”

The mare pondered on this for a moment. “Hmm. You're right. Call me Blue Breeze.” The trio of confused foals were left to gape at her retreating form. Sweetie Belle massaged her forehead, Applebloom stood still and stuttered, and Scootaloo was ecstatic.


“Yes! It's not my stand's power!” She jumped for joy, fluttering her wings with such excitement that she actually remained off the ground for a few seconds. “It's something else! I'm not cursed! I'm not cursed!” When she started to laugh in relief, Sweetie Belle knew she had to knock some sense into her friend.

“Calm down Scoots. Until we defeat this Blue Breeze you are still a walking hazard zone.” The reality check was enough to make Scootaloo frown. She knew her friend was right, but did she really have to kill the mood like that? It was the first bit of good news she received all day, for crying out loud!

“Well,” Scootaloo turned towards the direction of the orchard, “guess we better get to Sweet Apple Acres. The sooner we do the sooner we can get back to our summer.” With a pep in their steps, the Cutie Mark Crusaders marched towards their destiny.

It would seem their destiny was held up in traffic.

“I don't get it.” Sweetie Belle paced in front of the barn with Scootaloo, while Applebloom sat nearby. “She said she'd arrive at high noon! It is high noon, right Applebloom?” Her friend looked at the sun and gauged the time.

“Eenope. In fact, it's closer to one by now.” Her bored tone contrasted Scootaloo's fuming face.

“What? WHAT! Why would she say she would be here and not come? Is she that afraid we'd kick her flank?”

“Hmm,” Sweetie Belle pondered. “That would make sense, but perhaps she simply didn't want to fight.”

“Sweetie, what are you – No. No no no no no, you are not saying that, are you?” At least her friend had the decency to look bashful as she failed to look Scootaloo in the eyes.

“Sorry Scootaloo, but I think-”

“Don't say it!”

“-I think she might have ghosted you.”

For a minute there was naught but silence. A cool breeze passed through, yet the earth pony and unicorn felt no relief from the sweltering rage of their winged friend. Her mouth opened, and the two knew what was to happen.

“Oh no,” Sweetie Belle blanched.
“Uh, Sweets?” She turned to Applebloom, who held her hooves over her ears. “You might want to follow my example.” And she did, right before Scootaloo blew her lid.