two of a kind

by Bestfluttercordfan

Chapter 2

The next day at sugar cube corner.

Applejack " Hi pinkie.

Applejack said as she walked in.

Pinkie pie " Hiya applejack.

Pinkie pie said as she hoped to her friend.

Applejack " So why did you want me to be here?

Applejack said confused.

Pinkie pie " Well it's about fluttershy.

Pinkie pie said.

Applejack " Let me guess she said no to the hearts and hooves day party again.

Applejack said.

Pinkie pie " Yes she always says no why won't she come.

Pinkie pie said as she pouted.

Applejack " Well fluttershy doesn't celebrate hearts and hooves day pinkie you have to understand this every year this happens fluttershy says no and you want me to go reason with her.

Applejack said.

Pinkie pie " I don't understand why fluttershy doses not celebrate hearts and hooves day I can understand nightmare night because fluttershy gets scared really easily.

Pinkie pie said as she pouted even more.

Applejack " Listen pinkie hearts and hooves day is about spending the whole day with the one you love now I don't mean friend or brother or sister mom or dad  I mean your special some pony the pony you want to spend the rest of your life with  the one you want to start a family with but fluttershy well she doesn't have a special some pony I don't even think she has a crush on any pony.

Applejack said as she hugged pinkie.

Pinkie pie " Your right applejack but if I can find fluttershy a special some pony she will come to the party oh your the best applejack.

Pinkie pie said as she bounced out of sugar cube corner.

Applejack " You can't force some pony to love another pony it won't work.

Applejack shouted at pinkie pie.

At fluttershys house.

Pinkie pie " Hiya fluttershy.

Pinkie pie said as she hoped inside.

Fluttershy " Oh hello pinkie pie.

Fluttershy said.

Pinkie pie " Have you met bulk biseps he's really strong almost every mare in ponyville Is drooling over him  I bet you think he's really hot don't you.

Pinkie pie said as bulk biseps  walked in.

Fluttershy " Muscles are over rated.

Fluttershy said as she took a bite from her pancake.

Pinkie pie " Ok so your not into muscles but he can provide you safety he can keep you safe from anything.

Pinkie pie said.

Fluttershy " I honestly doubt that.

Said as she thought about discord.

Bulk biseps " Hey  cutie wanna go on a date.

Bulk biseps said as he sat next to fluttershy.

Pinkie pie " He likes you fluttershy.

Pinkie pie said.

Fluttershy " I'm sorry bulk biseps your a good friend but no I don't like you in that way.

Fluttershy said.

Pinkie pie " Fluttershy this might be your only chance to have a special some pony.

Pinkie pie said.

Bulk biseps " Well I'm going to go I did what you asked pinkie.

Bulk biseps said as he went out the door.

Fluttershy " What the fuck  pinkie you thought if a stallion came up here and asked me out I would say yes then I would have a reason to come to your party on hearts and hooves day well let me tell you this it isn't going to happen I don't celebrate hearts and hooves day get the fuck out of my house now.

Fluttershy said angerily.

Pinkie pie " I'm sorry flutters I just thought.

Pinkie pie said sadly.

Fluttershy " Don't fucking talk to me you can talk to me when I know your sorry.

Fluttershy said as she slammed the door in front of pinkie pie.

At surgar cube corner.

Pinkie pie " dashie I don't know what I'm going to do fluttershy is really mad at me she  won't even talk to me.

Pinkie pie said sadly as she was hugging her mare friend.

Rainbow dash " I go hang out with my little sister scootaloo for a few hours and you go piss fluttershy off what did you ever do.

Rainbow dash said as she hugged pinkie.

Pinkie pie" Well I thought if I got fluttershy a special some pony she would come to my party that's on hearts and hooves day she never comes I just want her to come.

Pinkie pie said sadly.

Rainbow dash " Pinkie you can't force some pony to love another pony they don't love and you know fluttershy doses not  celebrate hearts and hooves day she never has even when me and fluttershy were fillies she never celebrated hearts and hooves day.

Rainbow dash said.

Pinkie pie " Your right dashie.

Pinkie pie said.

At discords house.

Spike " So this is where you live.

Spike said as he walked into discords house.

Discord" Yes  this is where I live.

Discord said as he was hiding a picture of fluttershy that  had hearts on the picture frame.

Spike " so What do you want to do.

Spike said.

Discord " I don't know.

Spike " Ok.

Spike said.

Discord " Spike  how do you make it look so easy.

Discord said as he looked at spike.

Spike " What do you mean discord?

Spike asked a little confused.

Discord " I mean how were you able to confess your feelings to rarity weren't you afraid that she might not of  feel the same way about you.

Discord asked.

Spike " Yeah I was afraid that rarity wouldn't feel the same way that's why I kept my feelings a secret for so long.

Spike said.

Discord " Well ok then.

Discord said.

Spike " Why did you want to know?

Spike asked curiously.

Discord " Uh no reason.

Discord said.

Spike " Ok.

Spike said.