//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: Off to Ponyville! // Story: Pieces of time // by StoryWeaver //------------------------------// "I think I'll settle for James, or maybe Ferrus. Jeckyl? Argh! Picking a name is hard for a crystal..." the crystal's voice had changed from that british accent to the accent I heard from these snobbish nobles. "I don't think you'll ever be satisfied with just a name," I was sitting down in a room near the bedroom I had been reassigned to. It had been remade into a sort of study that doubled as a lab. most of the tools that I would ever need for anything were within several paces of the deconstructed set of wings, of which they were almost complete. I just had to begin welding the feathers onto the wings and I would be finished with the sculpture. You thought that the wings were for something useful? No no no, my hands just got itchy, and if I don't have something to do then I go a bit crazy. A scientist can't be an artist? Come on! I've lived for thirty-two years! I devoted almost all of that time to learning everything I could! Metallurgy included with drawing and quite a few musical instruments. Ever heard of an array mbira? Didn't think so... "Krystis! That's my name!" That  crystal had changed to an irish accent now, where did it learn all of this!? "I learned it from ye, Doc. Ye got quite a memory don't ye know!" Krystis replied. ' "Can you please not do that? It's really disturbing, and very impolite."  "I can't help it, it's hard not to listen when you shout out your thoughts," God this crystal is annoying! It just didn't shut up! "I have have several millenia to make up for, I have some leeway!"  "If your going to reply to my thoughts do it in my head, alright? It might be a bit odd to certain people to find a piece of talking circus glass." I retorted. "first thing, it's ponies, not people, that's what got you in trouble during the introduction ceremony, and you better get used to being here on Equus. So far as I've gathered, Black matter doesn't exist here," ... A soft knock came at the door, and the princess entered, her hair still waving in a non-existent wind, I wonder how she sleeps like that...hm... I tore my roving eyes off her flank when she spoke "You're going to Ponyville, Doctor, and the crystal goes with you, you are both to learn about magic and how to control it," "who will be teaching us your highness?" "my star student, Twilight Sparkle," she said, her visible eye never wavering, or anything really, no smile this time or chuckle...I hope this Dusk Shine per-Pony is nice. Ever since the crystal first talked Celestia's been much more serious and a bit more strict, now she doesn't give everything I want for my art projects... "wennull we bay leavin'?" Krystis asked, the voice changing to a drunken slur. "you will be packed by tomorrow, Doctor, with two suitcases. You will take only what is absolutely needed with you." Was it just me or did I detect some hostility from her? I really need to tiptoe around her or end up like that Nightmare Moon...did they have an atmosphere on the moon? Or was there a bubble dome there? "start now, your projects will be here, I want you out on the balcony at the soonest, your escort will be several pegasus guard taking you via chariot," Now Krystis spoke up again, "oo, dis gon b gud!" I swear that rock was changing it's accent every time it spoke. "can we get something to put Krystis in? Maybe set it in a sword or staff or something?" I asked the princess, my hands automatically beginning to go back to working on the wing sculpture,  Krystis spoke again, "I'd personally like to be a part of those wings, then maybe I'd be able to help the boss get around and stuff," a normal accent! Yay! "You will keep-" She paused for a moment, "Krystis, out of sight for the duration of your stay in Ponyville. I am not requesting this William; this is a Royal command, and you will treat it as such. Am I understood?" I'm certainly not a fool enough to question her "Yes, your Highness, to the letter your Highness." although keeping it quiet would be impossible- ' I'll be talking to you here, bro ' Hush. ' you really have an absolutely huge mind, so much in here, yet most of it is- ' Shut. Up. Celestia was making to leave the room, but just before the door closed, she looked back with a stone cold stare to break that royal visage, "I trust I need not tell you what will happen if things get out of hand" I felt the emotion behind that, like physically felt it, like a wave of heat washing, if that's how you could put it, over me. "No, your Highness, you need not tell me," I replied, trying to hide the sudden fear. No. Apprehension. That had caught in my throat. Then she was gone, leaving me to begin agonizing over what to put in the suitcases...I could at least carry a book in my hands, ought to make it a good one... ' try starswirl's fifth book of magic: Teleportation magyks ' Does it have stuff about bending space into a non-euclidean format? ' I do believe ' Brought ' you need to fill this place with less- ' I said. Shut. Up. ' ... ' ... ' what? ' Good, now then! I was definitely going to put an extra lab coat into the suitcase, along with an extra set of dress pants and dress shirt, with my various other bits and pieces of clothing that these ponies didn't wear. First suitcase full... Already? This is gonna be harder than I thought...well, let's get to it!  _________________________________________ By the end of the day, after working furiously and finally finishing the wings, I welcomed sleep and almmost immediately fell. Intermission/ch6 ch6 of beginnings and ends I slept in fits for most of the night, odd dreams coming to me, all until one specific dream. I was floating in absolute emptiness, black nothingness, I was nothing but a presence. only one thing was visible in this...this void! twas a woman sitting there with her legs and arms crossed, don't ask me to describe her because I don't remember. "you have much to learn, Doctor," her voice was that of a frost siren, chilling, yet beckoning you to come closer, "you will come to me eventually Dackecurl, but for now you must meet mine associates, so all in good time," did I hear some warmth in that sentence or was it just me? suddenly everything was shattered, the whole dream came to a screeching halt and broke like so many pieces of glass. behind this was revealed a man, sitting on a pedestal looking bored, when he saw me he brightened considerably. "sup boss, just wanted you to get to know me a bit better," he said in a dutch accent, with a very specific twang that I knew very well. "Krystis, I was right in the middle of something, wha-" "OO, I wonder what, maybe it's Celestia? You've been ogling her flank a bit much lately." At this he let out a raucous laugh filled with mischief. "get out of my head Krystis, I'm gonna need to give you the talk in the morning, now get out!" I yelled, the scene shattered once again.  this time revealing a place filled with much clanking, an insanely high ceiling and shelves to outmatch price club's 5 times over, and filled to the brim with boxes! In the distance was a clocktower, an unfamiliar moving clock face adorning it.  a man about my height had appeared from out of a white door I hadn't noticed  there a moment ago. he sported a gray robe with a cowl, with which he had up to obscure his face in shadows. "Doctor William Dackecurl, a pleasure to finally be able to speak with you, I am Raymond, Guardian Master, but you may call me Ray."  "Well then, Ray it is, You can call me Doc, or Doctor, it's what everyone else called me," I replied nonchalantly with a shrug. "very well doctor, I believe we shall be meeting in person soon, though you won't recognize me," he paused, as if listening to something, "I am loathe to say it good sir, but the duration of your stay is about to  abruptly end, I shall gift thee one wish," he thrust a ring into my hand, "when you want to use the wish, have this ring on and merely state your desire." "like in Alladin?" I asked, my eyes going wide. "yes, just like Alladin, same rules apply, and you cannot undo a wish, so pick wisely. I bidst thee goodninja Doctor Dackecurl, have a good night's sleep now. You have a busy day ahead of you." (AN): Life, why do you rear your ugly flank face at the most inopportune of moments?