Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts: Twilight's Reign of Darkness

by Juliaa

Only Love Can Hurt Like This

It was time. Rarity got Capper's letter and they decided tonight is the night they will finally get Twilight back, I mean save the world!

"Okay so just stick to the plan and it will work!" Sunset repeated.

"What if it doesn't work?" Applejack pointed out.

"Yeah what if Twilight doesn't change her mind?" Rainbow agreed.

"Can somebody please explain how is getting Twilight back on our side being our only goal going to help stop Nightmare Moon?" Fluttershy pointed out.

"Think about bigger picture!" Sunset was under a lot of stress. "And she will change her mind, you all will see!"

"We are doomed," Snape said to himself.

They sneaked into the castle.

Everything was going well, just as Capper promised. Maybe even too well. No attacks, no guards, everything avoided, no problems, everyone fine.

They reached throne room with not much struggle.

"This is so weird!" Pinkie whispered loudly.

"Tell me about it!" Rainbow agreed.

"Shush, I think I heard something!" Sunset panicked.

Suddenly, they turned around to see they were outnumbered by many. Surrounded by Nightmare Moon's army. She was sitting on the throne and next to her a guilty Capper.

"You betrayed me again?" Rarity was furious. Her heart was breaking in half. How could she have fallen for his trap again?

"Called it!" Snape eyerolled as Rarity cried.

"You will pay for this!" Sunset was angry.

"No, you will pay for this," Nightmare Moon was laughing. "You really think you can stop me? Think again!"

"Too bad, you could have joined us so many moons ago. You would have all the power," Twilight said.

"Twilight, please, come back to us," Sunset was desperate.

"I can't," she barely let out. Her face was indifferent but a tear dropped from her eyes.

"Sure you can!" Sunset got hope.

"No! I can't! Crucio!" she casted at Sunset.

Her screams filled the room as everyone started to fight. But more than the pain she was in was the pain in her heart. Twilight really won't come back, she is torturing her. It's over. And they are losing. There is no way they will make it out this time.


"Expelliarmus!" Discord casted at Twilight whose wand dropped and Sunset was free. There was no way she could save anyone so she started to run outside.

Twilight, Capper and Nightmare Moon were in shock. "You?!" Nightmare Moon was furious, "how dare you?!"

"I, unlike some others here, decided I won't trade love and friendship for some stupid power over world!" he pointed wand at Nightmare Moon. "So Capper, will you join me or not?"

Rarity was watching and battling a soilder, she got her hopes up. Maybe all is not lost after all.

"Never!" Capper pointed wand at Discord.

Or maybe it is lost.

"Flipendo!" Discord casted at Capper.

"Protego!" he defended.

"Crucio!" Nightmare Moon threw at Discord.

"Agh!" he fell in pain.

"Crucio!" someone said and Nightmare Moon was the one who fell in pain. Everybody turned around to see Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy?" Discord got up speechless.

"Run!" She yelled and started running after Sunset. He joined her.

"Oh no, you won't!" Nightmare Moon screamed. Darkness started appearing from every corner. It started to get closer to everyone, locking every window and door. Fluttershy and Discord jumped out last minute.

But everyone else was trapped.


Sunset was waiting outside when she saw Discord and Fluttershy approach.

"Where is everyone?" she was worried.

"Just get us out of here! Now!" Fluttershy yelled and Sunset got them out.


They were at their secret hiding place.

"Ugh, how could we have been so stupid! I knew it, I just knew something will go bad! And Twilight, she didn't want to join us. SHE ATTACKED ME?" Sunset was pacing around the room.

"Called it," Fluttershy couldn't help herself.

"Aren't you suppossed to be the kind one out of all of us?" Sunset was frustrated.

"We almost either died or got trapped by a crazy wizard," she reminded her.

"Okay, fair," Sunset took a deep breath.

"Can't believe he actually didn't join me! I really thought my short speech got through to him!" Discord was holding his head.

"I doubt any speech you make can make someone switch sides," Sunset eyerolled.

"Excuse me?" Discord was angry.

"You joined Nightmare Moon!" She reminded him.

"We all make stupid mistakes!"

"Can we PLEASE not fight right now?" Fluttershy interruped them.

"Aren't you the one who was the angriest at him?" Sunset was confused.

"Yes and I still am but our friends might be dying out there and we need to act instantly! We will clear our personal problems and fights later!" She was confident.

"Damn! That's the human I love right there!" Discord was amazed. "Thank you for saving me!"

"No problem," she smiled.

"You're right, we need to act now," Sunset had a headache. "Any suggestions?"

"We can't do this alone. Do you have anyone who can help us?" Discord asked.

Oh no. "Well not really" Sunset got awkward.

"But we do, don't we?" Fluttershy got uncomfortable too remembering who will they need to ask for help.

Oh no! "No, we don't!" Sunset was angry. There is no way!

Fluttershy, however, tried to be reasonable and think logically, "we don't have anyone else!"

"Who are we talking about?" Discord was suspicious. "If we are talking about the ones I think we are then no! There is no way!"

"It's the only way we have now!" Fluttershy pointed out.

OH NO! "It is..." Sunset said quietly. There was no point in denying it. They didn't have anyone to ask for help, no one who would actually join them. It had to be someone who hates Twilight, someone just waiting for a revenge on all of them. Sunset didn't even want to think about it but Fluttershy was right, it is the only way. If they are going to save their friends and the world, they will need to go get help from Shinning Armor, Cadence, Stacy and Mel.