//------------------------------// // Morning Breakfast // Story: Family of Chaos // by Animalman57 //------------------------------// It was a bright spring morning in Ponyville. The early morning sunlight peaked through the curtains of Fluttershy's room, landing squarely on her face. She groaned as she started to open her eyes and wake up. She yawned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes with her hooves before she noticed her husband's paw draped over her midsection as he slept peacefully, numerous Z's flying out of his mouth as he gently snored. He had removed his immortality shortly after he married her since he couldn't bear the thought of living past her or any potential kids they had. This resulted in white tiger-like sideburns growing out on his broad jawbones, making him look, in her opinion, even more handsome. She smiled at him and gently moved his paw so she could get up, wake the girls and make some breakfast for everyone in the house. After giving him a kiss on the forehead, she got out of bed, headed towards her dresser and took a moment to brush her mane so it looked nice before adding a white pearl necklace around her neck, attached some silver drop earrings, and put her mane in a loop, clipping it with a bluebell flower barrette. Discord had given her the hair clip when they first started dating and she had been wearing it since. She smiled at her reflection before turning around to wake her husband up. "Honey, it's time to get up," she said, nudging him slightly with her nose. He groaned, but opened his eyes and sat up, stretching his arms and yawned. As he stretched, many abnormal gear sound effects were coming from his joints, as if he was an old mechanical machine that was just starting up, while his yawn was mixed with the sound of a horn. Fluttershy giggled at the wonderful chaoticness that was her darling husband. "I'm gonna wake up the girls and make some breakfast. Does that sound good to you, Cordy?" she asked. Discord replied with that ever so charming smirk of his, "That sounds perfect to me, my dear." Fluttershy smiled before going towards their daughter's rooms. She decided to wake up the oldest, Wildflower, first. Discord had slightly modified her house on the inside while still being the same shape and space on the outside of the house since moving in and finding out they were having children. Perhaps the biggest change was adjusting the top floor so it wasn't just their bedroom, but a full hallway with their room across from the rooms of the kids. She soon walked up towards the door of their oldest and knocked on the door. "Wildflower, it's time to get up. I'm gonna make breakfast." There was no immediate answer, so she turned the knob and entered the room. The walls were covered in posters, namely of cute colt bands and the floor was littered with Power Ponies comics. Her bed blanket were a deep cerulean, while both her pillow and bed sheets were of a much lighter blue. Wildflower's pet scarlet macaw, Chilli, was sleeping on a stand near her bed. Fluttershy grimaced at the unclean state of her daughter's room before heading towards the loud snoring lump underneath the sheets of the bed. Fluttershy tried waking Wildflower again, shaking her slightly with her hooves as she said, "Wildflower, it's time to get up." Her daughter didn't respond except for snoring even louder. Fluttershy frowned as her ear flicked in irritation. She grabbed the covers with her teeth and pulled them off, waking up the teenage mare. "Alright, alright, I'm up. Sheesh," the cranky eighteen year old moaned before sitting up. Wildflower was a pegasus much like her mother and her coat was mostly the same buttery yellow as Fluttershy with her mane being a darker pink in color. Her bangs were cut fairly short, though she usually had a long braided ponytail drooping over her neck, though her mane wasn't currently braided. Her irises were the same teal color as her mother, but her pupils were red like her father's pupils. Her muzzle, ear tips, and leg stockings were a paler grey color to Discord's head and neck. The primary feathers on her wings were blue, like Discord's pegasus wing. Her tail was pure white, much like Discord's tail tuft. She had two small black hoop earrings, one for each ear that she seemed to wear even in her sleep and she had a beauty mark on her right cheek. Her cutie mark was a reddish cupcake with a blue wrapper and on top of the cupcake, there is a butterfly not unlike her mother's butterflies. She wasn't exactly a normal looking pony, but she didn't care. She liked how unique she looked compared to other ponies. She stared tiredly at her mother before rubbing her eyes and yawned. "It's way too early for anypony to be up," she moaned before stretching her wings. Fluttershy closed her eyes and shook her head at the grumpy teen before saying, "I'm going to start making breakfast and I thought you'd want some. Come down stairs when you are ready." With that, she walked out to wake up Wildflower's little sister, Raven Shy. Fluttershy closed the door to Wildflower's room and headed down slightly towards the youngest sibling's door. Fluttershy noticed that it was ajar, so she pushed it open further. "Raven?" She called out as she looked inside. Raven's bedroom was much cleaner by comparison as nothing was on the floor and things were more organized. The walls were each a different color and had a couple posters hanging up on each wall, some of Ogres & Oubliettes and others of cute animals. There was a drawing desk in the corner of the room full of papers, pens, and pencils, as her daughter loved to draw. A bookshelf sat next to the bed and currently coiled on top of that shelf was Raven's pet red-tailed boa, Ginger, sleeping soundly with a sweet smile on her face. Her bed sheets, pillow sheets and blanket were all different shades of red, Raven's favorite color. Curiously, Raven herself wasn't in the room, which worried Fluttershy slightly until she heard the shower being turned off. Strange, I didn't even hear the shower running before, she thought before shrugging and heading over. She arrived downstairs just in time to see Raven stepping out of the bathroom, her midsection wrapped in a crimson red towel and was now heading back towards her room. Raven noticed her mother and said, "Oh. G-good morning, mama. I hope you don't mind me taking a shower so early. I didn't think anyone was up yet." Fluttershy smiled up at the teenage draconequus who was standing on her hind legs like her father would when normally, she'd be walking on four legs like a pony. Fluttershy saw her daughter as a unique beauty, though Raven wouldn't call herself that. Her head and graceful neck were the same grey color as Discord's own and her long and currently wet mane was the same black color as her father's, which is what led to her being named Raven. Her small, thin eyebrows were pure white, much like Discord's eyebrows. She had some markings around her eyes, a bit like the patches around the eyes of a panda, that were yellow like Fluttershy's body. Her eyes were identical to Fluttershy's, being the same shape and with eyelashes just as long and luscious. The only difference was the color of the irises, with Raven's being a gorgeous bright rosey pink color. She had two small cat-like fangs that were barely visible on the outside of her mouth due to her young age. Her ears were long drooping bunny ears that were black at the tips. The base of her neck had a white ruff of a vulture and her body was mostly yellow like her mother, though she had a dorsal stripe going down her back that was brown like her father's body. Her right wing was a dark pink bat wing while the left wing was a pegasus wing that was blue much like her father, though her wing had pink tips on her primary feathers that were the same shade as her eyes. Her right arm was a raven claw and her left arm was a black panther paw, which was currently holding up her towel. Her right leg was a bluish-grey kangaroo foot while her left leg was the hoof of a deer, complete with the spots on her leg that a young fawn would have, also due to her young age. Her tail was a violet snake tail with dark royal blue spines arranged in the same way the spines on Discord's tail are. Her tail tuft was the same shade of pink as her mother's mane and tail. Due to being part pony, she lacked any horns or antlers on her head and her head was shaped like a regular mare's head rather than a draconequus' head. She also had weaker magic due to her pony genetics, making her either unable to or have limits on certain abilities her father could do with very little effort on his part. Despite this, Fluttershy and Discord couldn't help but adore their sweet baby girl. "Oh not at all, sweetheart. I was just looking for you to tell you I was gonna make breakfast," she said. Raven nodded as she shuffled on her feet nervously before replying, "Okay, mama. Let me dry off, get ready and I'll come down stairs." Fluttershy smiled, flying up towards the sixteen year old draconequus and kisses her cheek. "You know, you should wear your mane down like that more often. It makes you look even more beautiful, honey," Fluttershy said before nuzzling her daughter and flew off to the kitchen to start cooking breakfast. Some time had passed and she had made some blueberry pancake batter. Blueberry pancakes were some of her daughter's favorites, along with Fluttershy herself. She hummed a little song as she swayed her hips slightly as she poured the batter into the pan. "Smells delicious, my dear," said the deep voice of her asymmetrical husband. Fluttershy turned her head and saw Discord standing, or rather floating, behind her. Fluttershy smiled at him before returning to her task and asking him, "Honey, do you mind using your magic to make some fresh orange juice? We seem to be out of fresh oranges, so I'll have to buy some next time I go shopping." She bit her lip as she asked this. Fluttershy always felt a little bad asking him to do such things. She knew he didn't mind at all and in fact he has suggested on numerous occasions to let him use his magic to do things for her so she didn't have to do everything, but she'd rather do things herself than constantly rely on her husband on things and seem greedy and needy in the process. Discord smiled before snapping up some oranges, "Not at all, my darling butter slice." He stacked all the oranges on top of each other and started peeling the oranges by spinning them on his talon like they were basketballs, causing the peels to turn into one long perfect coil as apposed to multiple peels before throwing the oranges into four cups. As soon as they hit the inside of each respective cup, they automatically turn into juice that filled the glasses to the perfect amount. Discord ate the remaining orange peel in a fashion similar to eating noodles to help get rid of the unusable peel without using the trash can. Their daughters soon walked in, Wildflower's mane now in her usual braided style, while Raven was walking on all four legs and wearing her mane in a ponytail, her usual hairstyle. Raven's forelock draped over her eye, like an emo fringe. The teens took their respective seats waiting for breakfast to be finished. "Mmm. Smells good, mama," Raven said. Fluttershy flipped the last pancake onto the stack for Raven. "Why, thank you, sweetie." Fluttershy said, blushing slightly at her compliment. She took the plate and handed it to her daughter. As she did, she couldn't help but frown sadly at the sight of a noticable notch on her daughter's right ear. A somewhat small, but permanent scar from an incident that happened when she was twelve, all because some creatures saw her as nothing more than a monster and the spawn of chaos. Discord still didn't have the most shining reputation, and that negative perception had been transferred to Raven due to her being a draconequus and having magic like him. Fluttershy couldn't help but feel peeved at the idea that someone attacked her sweet, innocent girl all because of Discord's past, which he has been trying to amend for years now, and he's come a long way. He still wasn't perfect, but she never demanded perfection in the first place. She shook her head to clear her head of these negative thoughts and went back to fix up Wildflower's plate while Discord floated the cups of juice towards both the girls and snapped up butter and syrup for them to put on their food. She soon finished her plate and brought it over to Wildflower, one that was a couple pancakes smaller than Raven's stack due to Raven eating more than her sister. Discord said it was normal for draconequi to be like that. Something about their magic needing the extra calories or something like that. She wasn't really paying that much attention if she was honest. Explanations on magic often went way over her head. But that's neither here nor there. Fluttershy went back to fix up her and Discord's plate but said draconequus stopped her. "Oh no. Allow me, your ever so dashing husband, cook up your plate, my dear. You just sit down and rest your hooves." Fluttershy rolled her eyes playfully before taking her seat. As her daughters ate their food and Discord was in the kitchen cooking up her and his own food, Fluttershy thought to herself, I can't think of any way for my life to be better.