//------------------------------// // If at first you don't succeed, dry, dry, again // Story: The Amazing Crossover Race // by FireDasher24 //------------------------------// Episode 15: If at first you don't succeed, dry, dry again. (Scenes from the previous race are shown as there is another recap.) Discord VO: Last time on The Amazing Crossover Race. Our teams got to experience Beijing, China. Most of them did, but others didn't to say the least. It was two intense challenges that involved a lit of exercising, but mostly in the second challenge. The Ex-Sisters won the leg and while the Bowsers tried their hardest, they totally crashed; multiple times at most and wounded up losing the race. However, it was a non-elimination round, so they were saved for another leg. Discord appears. Discord: We have gone from 24 to only 13 teams still in the race and after today, we'll be down to a baker's dozen. So get ready because it is time for more of... The Amazing Crossover Race! After a snap of fingers, the intro begins. (Intro finished.) Episode 15: If at first you don't succeed, dry, dry again. "We're back in Beijing, China." Discord began "It's time to start the next leg with yesterday's winners: the Royal Sisters or Ex-Sisters whichever they prefer, will get today's first travel tip." Celestia gets the tip from the cloudbox. "Are you going to tell me where we're going?" Luna asked "Can you let me read it first or not?" Celestia asked her. "Only if you stop hogging it!" (Interview: Ex-Sisters) Celestia: I know we got first yesterday, but we are still angry with each other. Luna: Very angry, but that doesn't mean we can give up now. (Holds up the bypass ticket and a redo.) Especially since we have these to help us. Celestia: Just be sure you don't lose them like- Luna: Don't even finish that sentence! "Fly straight to the Dry Dry Desert." Celestia read. (A picture of the Dry Dry Desert is shown.) Discord: Located in the Mario Universe, the Dry Dry Desert is a vast and hot region in the Mushroom Kingdom. Many side-quests, badges and items are available in this large desert along with a small desert town called the Dry Dry Outpost. Teams will take one cargo plane to here and find the next cloudbox located in the desert plains. The teams line up by the bus stop and wait for the next bus to arrive. The Bowsers are the final team to depart as they now receive their travel tip. (Interview: Bowsers) Bowser Jr: I HATE starting out in last place! Bowser: How could those tricky buddies of ours ditch us? We were supposed to be a team. Bowser Jr: Yeah, but you gotta admit, they learned from us. I'll give em' props for that. Bowser: Very well, but we are NOT done with that filly! We still have some unfinished business ahead of us. Bowser Jr: Oh screw it! We're not targeting her anymore. Bowser: What? Bowser Jr: Those backstabbing twins made me lose, so how about we return the favor? Bowser: I like the way you think. The bus arrives at the stop and all the teams get on. "Uh Ringo, could you hurry up?" Raffina asked looking for her partner. "I'll be there in a sec." Ringo answered as she entered the bus in a new outfit. She is now wearing a white shirt with a yellow sweater vest on top along with the red skirt she still has on. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/arleandcarbuncle/images/2/2b/Ringo.png/revision/latest?cb=20190622170510 (Interview: Schoolgirls) Ringo: I thought I'd give myself a small change in my clothes. We're close to the halfway mark, so I just wanted to mix it up by changing my outfit. Raffina: What can I say? It would be nice to have a change. Although, I wish I brought another pair clothes. Ringo: I'm sure it will be fine. "With the teams arriving at the airport, all 13 of them are now onboard and heading off to the desert." Discord said with the voice over. (Cut to the plane already in the air and pan inside). "A desert? This is like the second time we've done something like this in our world." Mario said. Soarin pops up behind them. "Technically it's the fourth time after today. We survived Egypt, the other one from your universe, and Mexico." "He does have a point. Some of the challenges will get harder from here on out." Spitfire added. "One wrong move can instantly turn someone's game around." Luigi thought. (Go to the Schoolgirls in their seats.) "Reading something else?" Raffina asked Ringo. "Nope, just sticking with the old usual." Ringo replied. "Wow! Did you just get a new outfit Ringo?" Twilight asked liking the outfit she has on. Ringo nodded yes. "Of course, it's another outfit I picked out for something like this." "I love it!" Sunset complimented. "Thanks!" Twilight then turned to Raffina. "Why don't you have another outfit?" "Uh, basically, this is what I normally wear." Raffina answered. "I don't have a second outfit like my partner does. Rarity pops up in front of her. "Well darling, you must simply allow me to make you another one. After all, I made all my friends dresses for the Grand Galloping Gala." "That must have been a lot of work you've done." Ringo said. "It's what she does. My friend Rarity is a designer." Twilight told them. "Interesting, I'll come by your place and let you know if I need another outfit." Raffina said thinking about switching her usual outfit Rarity beamed with excitement. "Really? Oh thank you darling. You won't be disappointed." After a few hours of flying, the plane lands in Dry Dry Desert and the teams exit the plane. Just then, dry bones was nearby holding up the Bowsers picture. They stopped by and saw him holding the picture. "Pardon me, but are you the Bowsers?" Dry Bones asked. "The one and only!" Bowser Jr smiled. "I was asked to find you when you exit the plane. Follow me!" Dry Bones leads the way and the Bowsers follow him "He must be the one to help us out." Bowser thought. Dry Bones stops at the green pipe. "Here we are, just go down this pipe." "I bet it is a shortcut to the finish line." Bowser Jr said hoping it is. "Only one way to find out." Bowser said. They jump into the pipe and when they jumped out, they didn't see the finish line. "What a rip off. This isn't the way to the finish line." Bowser frowned. "It's not." Discord tells them as he appears in front of them. "This is your penalty challenge!" Bowser Jr got confused by this. "What do you mean penalty challenge?" "Every time a team loses a non elimination round, they must partake in a penalty challenge to resume the race. For this penalty challenge, both of the Bowsers have to sculpt a three dimensional pyramid using the items in front of them." Discord explains to them. "There's nothing here!" Bowser nearly yelled. "That's the idea. You guys are going to use your bare hands to make the pyramid up to 6 feet. Once it reaches the acquired height, you may take this warp pipe to the first challenge and continue racing." Discord then disappears leaving them behind. Bowser Jr scowled at this. "I am not going to spend hours using my hands shoving sand." Discord reappears "You won't have a choice. I blocked the pipes and put a spell around the area to prevent you from leaving. Have fun with the job." He disappeared again. "I HATE everything!" Bowser frowned. The Bowsers are up to hands in sand as a few teams find the cloudbox. "It's a one or the other this time: Buggy Bash or Treasure Hunt." Spitfire read. Discord appears over a storm cloud. "We're back to another one or the other challenges. This time, teams have a choice of choosing Buggy Bash where one player takes the kart and their partner uses a remote control to control their vehicle and collect 8 coins throughout the track. Here's the catch, you must cross the finish line in under 1 minute with 8 coins in total. Miss a few or go over the limit, you have to start over again. The other option teams can pick is the treasure hunt and search in this clear desert area and find two Golden statues buried in the sand. It can be any of the four relics: Mushroom, Flower, Star, or the Crown. Teams must finish either task and make their way to the finish line which is located in a small town I mentioned earlier, the Dry Dry Outpost. Last team to arrive and step on the finish line, will be going home next." "Driving is faster. We're doing Buggies!" Spitfire declared Soarin agrees with her. "Buggie time!" Rainbow Dash said. "Treasure hunt!" Wario chose. "We're goin with buggies!" Applejack confirmed. "I think you know what we're going to pick." Raffina smiled while looking at her partner. "In that case, we're going with Treasure hunt." Twilight said "You read my mind." Ringo added agreeing with Twilight. "Oh oh, can we do the kart challenge? You know how good I am at games." Button pointed out. "Well okay, but you get the remote, and I get the kart." Sweetie Belle said. Button nodded "Ok!" Luna was thinking about which choice to go with. "Well..." "Oh no you don't." Celestia interrupted. "This time I get to pick the challenge and I say we do the treasure hunt." "But the kart challenge is faster." Luna pointed out. "I'm not taking any chances." (Interview: Celestia) Celestia: I have a feeling if we did that challenge, SOMEpony might make me crash accidentally and get us eliminated. I am not falling for it. "Well I certainly can't get my hooves dirty digging." Rarity said. "I guess we're doing-" Spike gets cut off as Rarity continues again. "However, the karts could be poorly built and fall apart." Rarity continued. Spike tries speaking again. "Does that mean-" "On the other hand, I'll get sweaty searching for treasures in the hot sun." Rarity continues complaining "So karts it is." Spike said. "However, some people get rough bumping into each other." She added. Spike sighed. "This may take awhile." "We're totally kartin'!" Gilda confirms. "Which do you prefer?" Mario asked Luigi. "I could go either way." Luigi answered with a shrug. "Want to flip a coin to decide?" Mario suggested. "Okay sure, heads and we do the treasure hunt. Tails, we do the go karts." Luigi said. "Hey guys, mind if we do that too? Rarity's having trouble deciding." Spike asked coming up to them. "Well there may be traps in the sand on either one." Rarity said continuing going through the cons of both challenges. "Okay, we'll go first, then you can have a turn." Mario then tosses the coin in the air and it landed on... heads. "It's heads, so we're treasure hunting." Luigi confirmed with a nod. Mario hands the dragon the coin. "Here you go buddy. Just give it back when you finish." Spike goes up to Rarity as she stopped talking now. "Okay Rarity, just like they suggested. Heads, we do the treasure hunt challenge, but if it's tails, we're doing the kart challenge. Here goes." Spike tossed the coin up into the air and landed on the ground. The scene then switches to both of them by the racetrack. "Why did it have to be this challenge?" She asked. Spike responded with a shrug. "That's just how it goes because it landed on tails. Why don't I take the kart and you can have the remote." "Well alright." Rarity said taking the remote. Cut back to the Party Ponies deciding. Pinkie Pie continues thinking about which choice would be good for them. "Hmmm, I can't decide between the fun racing challenge, or the fun treasure hunting challenge." "They both seem fun, so why don't we try both?" Cheese Sandwich suggested. "Yeah, that's amazing!" Pinkie smiled All the karts are lined up at the starting point. The countdown on the timer shows one light turning on, then the next one turned lights up below the first one, and the third one is lights upon the bottom. All three of them turned green signaling the players to go. Here's the track layout: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mariokart/images/0/04/MK8_GCN_Dry_Dry_Desert_map.png/revision/latest?cb=20161015075006 On a nearby watchtower, which was right in the middle of the course, the players that were using the controls were wearing headphones to communicate with their partners. "Hey, what those weird color boxes?" Apple Bloom asked spotting a multi-colored box up ahead. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mariokart/images/5/5b/Item_Box_-_Mario_Kart_Wii.png/revision/latest?cb=20190615011700 "No clue, let's see what it is." Applejack said using the controller to get her sister close to item box. Once it was touched, it revealed to be two coins. "Those boxes must contain two coins. I wonder how much more there are." Rainbow Dash thought. "They're in three separate places. You can only run through them once." Button Mash informed them. "Rarity, what's going on? I'm driving in the opposite direction and backwards too." Spike cried in panic. "It's not my fault Spike." Rarity replied over the headset. "I don't understand how this controller works. I can't figure out what to do." "Uh Rarity, for starters, you're holding the controller upside down." Applejack told her. "Oops." Rarity realized before flipping the controller over. "My mistake." "Now on your right, you can navigate your vehicle by going forward and backward. The left side only has you going left or right. Applejack said explaining to Rarity how the remote control works. "Well, this could take some time getting used to." Rarity thought as she tries getting the hang of the controller. "Practice does make perfect after all." Applejack said. Go over to the treasure hunting challenge where some teams are digging for the statues. "How do you think we'll find two statues without using magic?" Twilight asked still digging. Raffina shrugged. "Well if you were able to do a lot of other stuff without magic, then you can do this one. Let's each start from one end, we'll go left you go right." "That way we can go down each section-" Sunset continued. "And with a bit of luck-" Ringo added on. "We could find two statues in no time at all." Both Pen Pal and Schoolgirls finished altogether. "I can't believe we have an amazing chemistry." Twilight smiled. "I know, let's get to our sides and find those statues." Raffina agreed before they split ways. Cut to another part of the area where the Mario Bros. are digging. "Phew! It's a lot of digging to find two statues." Mario said feeling a little hot from the sun. (Go back to the Dune Buggy challenge where Soarin swerved right in front of someone.) "I just grabbed two more." Soarin tells Spitfire. "Nice job Soarin!" Spitfire commented. "Hey! You just cut me off. Nobody ever cuts me off." Gilda nearly yelled to Spitfire. "I'm just trying to grab coins like you. Just don't worry about it." Spitfire told her. "Don't worry about it? DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT? Gilda then gets angry and slammed Spitfire against the wall. "Oh now IT IS ON SISTER!! You're going to be stuck on the ground for awhile after I break your wings." "Back off feather face! You forgot you're talking to the leader of an elite flying force." Spitfire warned her. "You tell her. That will teach her messing with you!" Rainbow Dash said agreeing with Spitfire. Gilda then turns to Rainbow Dash "You want to make something of it Dash? Bring it on!" "Oh it's already brung! Brought? You know what I mean." Spitfire said. "I think you mean it's been on!" Rainbow Dash said glaring at Gilda. All three of them starting shoving each other repeatedly against the wall as the others players who were still there tried avoiding getting caught in the squabble. Soarin realized he's getting out of control "Huh? What's going on? What are doing Spitfire?" "Rainbow Dash stop! We gotta focus on the challenge." Scootaloo said realizing her kart was out of control. "Why is Trixie's vehicle out of control?" Trixie asked feeling confused. (Interview: Tricksters) Gilda: I never get over anything. I still can't get through all those pranks that happened at my party. Trixie: You got pranked at a party? Gilda: Never... speak... of... that... again! Got it? Trixie(nervously): Yes. (Interview: Wonderbolts) Soarin: Did you really have to make me swerve all over the track? Spitfire: It wasn't the entire track, just part of it. Besides, she started it in the first place. It's not my fault she has anger issues. (Interview: Pegasisters) Rainbow Dash: Gilda seriously needs to lighten up. It was just three little coins, she didn't need to lose her cool. Scootaloo: You could have warned me before you planned on doing something you were going to regret. Rainbow Dash: *laughs nervously* Oh yeah, I probably shouldn't get involved especially since we're in the middle of a challenge. But you gotta admit, she kinda had it coming. With all the shenanigans the three of them pulled, they had to redo the challenge either losing a few coins or going over the limit. "Oh great, now we got to start over." Spitfire frowned. "Wouldn't have to if you didn't cut me off." Gilda scoffed. "Oh really? Would you rather have me cut YOU off?" Rainbow Dash asked with a glare. All three of them glared at each other. We go back to the penalty challenge with the Bowsers are nearly finished building their pyramid. "Almost there and we're just about done right... Now!" Bowser said putting the finishing touches on the sand sculpture. It shows the sand pyramid that reached the acquired height, then the exit was opened up. "We did it! Now we can finally get out of here." Bowser Jr said knowing they can leave. "Now we got to get back to the race." Bowser reminded his son. "This race is not going to win itself." They jump down the pipe and head off to the next challenge. Go ahead to the challenge where Ringo is passing by a deep hole. "Whoa, how deep is this hole?" Ringo asked looking down there. "Whoever dug this is thirty feet deep." Twilight comes over to her and looks down. "I have a pretty good feeling who that might be. Pinkie, are you down there?" "Yes, I didn't realize how deep I was. I thought one of the treasures would be down here." Pinkie called out then she climbs out of the hole. "How many statues did you guys find?" "We both found one each." Twilight replied holding a gold statue she and Sunset found "Aha! Found one!" Luna said as she reveals a golden star statue she found. "There's still one more statue we gotta find, so keep on digging." Celestia informed her. "You think I don't know that?" Luna replied rolling her eyes in annoyance. (Right now we're on the third run of the buggy challenge.) Apple Bloom got three more coins and adds them to her buggy. "Got three more." "Nice going Sugarcube! Now- Whoa!" Applejack jumps out of the way to avoid the squabble by Gilda and Spitfire who were constantly shoving each other back and forth against the wall. "Spitfire, can you stop this foolishness? I'm trying to collect the coins." Soarin reminded her over the headset. "Rainbow Dash please stop what you're doing and focus. I'm swerving all over the place." Scootaloo said over the headset. "Whatever you are doing, stop it! I'm getting sick from all the recklessness." Trixie said before she threw up right in her buggy. (Interview: Tricksters) Gilda: What can I say? I actually don't mind a little reckless driving. Especially when I am not the one getting bumped over and over. Trixie: But I am, and you actually think that is funny? Gilda: I didn't say it was. Just be glad I am not you. Rarity spotted the pond up ahead. "Wait, did they seriously expect us to drive through the pond on this track?" "Yeah, I've seen this stage before. Nothing will happen if you drive in it. These vehicles are designed to go underwater." Button Mash tells her. "They are? Well if you say so." Applejack said. "Wait, if our partners go underwater with their headsets, will we lose connection with them?" Rarity realized. Applejack only shrugged. "No idea." Once all their teammates emerged from the water, they made the final turn and crossed the finish line under a minute. "Did you get eight coins?" Applejack asked her sister. "Um, let me check first." Apple Bloom counted all the coins she collected. "That's eight coins, we're all done!" "So are we. I got eight coins as well." Sweetie Belle said. "Aww, I only got seven. We were short by one." Spike said feeling a little disappointed. "At least we know where all the coins appear. As some ponies say 'Third time's the charm.'" Rarity said before she quickly backed up to dodge Rainbow Dash who got shoved by Gilda. "So that's how we're playing isn't it?" Rainbow Dash asked glaring at Gilda. "You're asking for it!" "Bring it!" Gilda responded but she gets shoved into Spitfire as she pushed her back off. Rainbow Dash chuckled at this. "Brought!" Cut to the Treasure hunt where the teams are still searching for the treasure. "If there's a chance we went through half of the area-" Raffina began. "We should probably look in the spots where we least expect to find one." Twilight finished. "I know just the area to look." Ringo said having an idea. Go to another area of the digging zone. "Eureka! I found the last one!" Celestia said getting the statue out from the ground. "I found it. You just grabbed the statue after I came across it." Luna said with an angry glare. "Well I still tried. Just be glad I didn't do nothing." Celestia retorted. Back to the kart challenge. "That's 8 coins! Just need to get to cross under a minute, and we're home free." Spike said hoping he completes the challenge this time and managed to succeed. Rarity comes down from the watch tower and she and Spike head to the finish line. A few miles back, the remaining players kept on bumping into each other. "Spitfire come on, this is our seventh try and three teams already finished the challenge." Soarin said finally having enough of this nonsense. "Yeah Rainbow Dash, you gotta calm down and focus on the challenge." Scootaloo added agreeing with Soarin. Trixie actually agrees with both of them. "What she just said. I can't handle anymore of this foolishness." Meanwhile the Bowsers find the cloudbox and get the tip. "Another one or the other challenge, Buggy Bash or Treasure Hunt." Bowser read. "Let's find some treasure. We'll just keep it all to ourselves." Bowser Jr suggested. "Nah, that's going to take too long." Bowser disagreed. "We'll do Buggies, it's much faster." "Ugh, fine!" Bowser Jr groans. The Party Ponies find the last statue. "I found it!" Cheese Sandwich said to Pinkie. "That's two, so I guess we are done." Pinkie said. "Since we finished, you wanna try the other one?" Cheese Sandwich suggests. "Of course, it's going to be so much fun!" Pinkie replies. "As the Bowsers finally head to the first challenge and the Party Ponies switching theirs; even though they completed the challenge and decided to switch. We have three frontrunning teams that already completed the challenge and are in a hoof race to finish line." Discord said voicing over Right now, the Apple Siblings in the lead. They look behind to see if another team is coming. It reveals to be the Ex-Sisters trying to catch up with them, and the Gamers try to keep up with the two teams ahead of them. Pretty soon, the Dry Dry Outpost is seen as the three frontrunning teams race towards the finish line. All three of the teams keep on running and running until one team makes it to the Outpost and stepped on the rug. "Wow, how can anypony be that fast?" Discord asked in amazement. "Never mind, congrats on coming in first place for the second time." "Yeah, we won again." Apple Bloom cheered. "We sure did little sis." Applejack smiled. "There's some water right on the table over there. Help yourself to a bottle." Discord offered. "We don't want any of the players getting heatstroke, and I also set up a tent for you all to enjoy some shade. "Thanks, it's the least we can do since we endured the heat again." Applejack said as she and Apple Bloom leave as the second team arrives at the finish line. "Ex-Sisters, you're in second place, and you two are still in it." Discord tells them. "That's great." Celestia sighed in relief. "Excuse me for a minute. I need some shade right now!" Luna said running towards the tent. (Interview: Ex-Sisters) Luna: We are still mad at each other, but I still like coming in the top three. Celestia: Hey, that's something we have in common. "Gamers, third place." Discord tells them as they just arrived. "Wow! That's the highest placement we've gotten so far." Sweetie Belle said. "We must be getting better at this." Button Mash added agreeing with her. As soon as they left, he turns to Fluttershy. "I'm quite surprised they're still here." "Me too. They certainly give it their best." Fluttershy added. (Back to the buggy bash challenge) "I take the tower, you take the buggy." Bowser said as his son gets in. "And go faster. I don't wanna start over by going slow." Bowser Jr suggested. "Well you need eight coins in order to finish." "You mean those three teams that just finished the challenge?" Bowser Jr asked point to three teams that passed the finish. Page back to the other three teams that finished at 0:57. "Finally!" Gilda said "Now we can leave Soarin!" Spitfire said confidently. "Let's roll Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash said. (Interview: Wonderbolts) Spitfire: I guess I got a little carried away, and I kinda lost my focus. Soarin: A little? Spitfire: Okay fine, a lot carried away. I promise I won't lose my focus or do anything like that ever again. Soarin: Let's hope so. (Interview: Tricksters) Gilda: I must admit, that girl's got guts. She really has mad skills, but I still can't be to careful. Trixie: Like how careful you were with me on that kart? Gilda: *nervous laugh* Oh right, sorry about that. Meanwhile, some teams that chose the treasure hunting challenge find their second statue and leave. "I found a golden mushroom statue!" Sunset called out. "We just found the golden crown." Ringo said to the Pen Pals. "I found the golden flower statue. That's two statues." Mario tells Luigi. The three teams that found the second statues leave the digging area and head to the finish line. Skip ahead to the Dry Dry Outpost as team number four reaches the finish line. "We made it!" Rarity said feeling relieved. Discord comes up to them. "Not a moment too soon because you and Spike are in fourth place." "Fourth isn't so bad, we're improving at least." Applejack comes over to them. "Hey Rarity, wondering when you'd show up." "Well at least we made it, now if I can just get some shade." Rarity said then spotted the tent. "Thank goodness, I need to cool down after running in this heat." "Wait for me!" Spike called out to her as he follows her. Back at the first challenge. "Did we make it?" Bowser Jr asked over the headset. The timer shows 1:20. "What? 20 seconds over? You gotta be KIDDING ME!" Bowser complains. Cheese Sandwich pops out of the water. "Did you hear something?" "I don't know." Pinkie replied coming up from the water. "Must be hearing things." She goes back underwater. (Interview: Party Ponies) Pinkie Pie: We were just about to start, but then we saw the swimming pool nearby. Cheese Sandwich: It was pretty hot in this place, so we decided to cool off with a swim in the nearby pool. Pinkie Pie: Yeah, it is so much fun swimming. We should have came here first. More teams arrive at the finish line where it reveals the order they arrived and their pictures are shown. Discord VO: Pegasisters you're fifth. 6th place. (Schoolgirls), 7th. (Wonderbolts), 8th. (Pen Pals), 9th. (Mario Bros.), 10th. (Tricksters). (Interview: Tricksters) Trixie: We would have been here sooner, but someone wasted all the time arguing and shoving. Gilda: Oh come on, I said I was sorry. Trixie: No you didn't. Gilda: I'm pretty sure I did. You just don't remember. "It comes down to three more teams for a chance of survival. I can't wait to see who will be today's losers." Discord announces. "We searched for two hours and not one statue is here." Waluigi complained getting sweaty. "Those cheaters must have better spots than us. I can't believe we're stuck here." Wario agreed then he hits the shovel on the ground and hear a loud clank. "Never mind, I think I know where the last one is." The screen is now in split screen form as the Twins quickly dig in that one spot retrieving the statue while the Bowsers are driving through the track with eight coins and increase the speed to get to the finishing point. "We got our treasure." Waluigi said holding up the golden star statue. "And now we're outta here!" Wario said as they start going towards the direction of the finish line. Bowser Jr crossed the line and looked at the time. "Made it! And with only two seconds to spare." The two teams are now racing neck and neck to the finish line. "You guys won't beat us this time. We beat you countless times before." Bowser Jr said glaring at the twins. "Fat chance, you can't beat us like last time. You guys lost last time." Wario boasted. "Well we're still here, but you won't be for long." Bowser smirked before kicking sand in their faces. "MY EYES!" Waluigi cried out. "That was a dirty trick you cheaters!" Wario nearly shouted. "Takes one to know one losers." Bowser Jr said. "See ya!" "We're not losing to those jerks." Waluigi growled. "In that case..." Both Wario and Waluigi ran fast to catch up with them and then they both pounce on Bowsers. All four of them began rolling toward the Outpost since it was coming into range. They kept on rolling and rolling until they all collapsed on the finish line. "We totally beat you guys." Bowser said dizzily. "Nuh uh, we beat you." Wario disagreed also feeling dizzy. "No we got here first." Bowser Jr said. "We did!" Waluigi retorted. Fluttershy comes up to both of them. "You tied." "WHAT!?" Both teams nearly shouted. "For what?" Waluigi asked. "For second last." Discord tells them. "SECOND LAST!?" Both teams yelled. Discord nodded. "Yep, neither of you win, but neither of you lose either." "Arrgh, I can't believe we almost lost again!" Wario ranted. "I HATE this race!" Bowser Jr growled in frustration. "Ditto!" Bowser agreed. Hours went by and it was already sundown. The Party Ponies were still swimming. "Hey, how long do you think we've been here anyway?" Cheese Sandwich asked. "I don't it must be hours probably. Why did you ask?" Pinkie replied not knowing either. Discord appears. "The is because I was just about to find you. In case you two didn't notice, all the teams just got to the finish line hours ago. You two are out of the race. Sorry! "Okay then, we'll be going now." Cheese Sandwich said getting out of the water. "Wait, you aren't upset that you're out?" "Of course not, it was still pretty fun doing this with everybody. See ya!" Pinkie said waving goodbye. (The best of Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich: Party Ponies) (Scenes of this team's great moments are played as they recap.) Cheese Sandwich: We're don't mind leaving, but this was still pretty fun. Pinkie Pie: I had tons of fun we did a lot of stuff here on this race. Cheese Sandwich: Ran through mazes, an obstacle course, parachuting. Pinkie Pie: Don't forget more times we had making splashes in the Falls, Mexico, even here. Cheese Sandwich: We also walked on hot coals, played different sports, and made a bunch of friends along the way, but best of all... Pinkie Pie: ..was Sweet Sweet Canyon! (The scene ends and the Party Ponies are walking through the desert during sundown.) "You wanna throw a party for the winning team?" Cheese Sandwich asked. "Yes, we can make it a 'Congratulations on winning the Amazing Crossover Race party' for the winning team at the last finish line." Pinkie replied. "Where do you think the last finish will be?" Cheese asked Pinkie. "Oh it's simple. It's in-" Pinkie then get interrupted because the screen cuts off before she could finish. (END)