//------------------------------// // A shy sunset // Story: My past does not define me // by General Alduin //------------------------------// With great reluctance, Twilight said her goodbyes to Flash, perhaps even final depending on what happens in the intervening two years. She made her way out the gym, being congratulated by the students the whole way, and found Principal Celestia. “Principal Celestia?” Celestia turned around and smiled at Twilight. “Hello Twilight, did you need something from me?” “I do.” Twilight answered. “I need to talk to you about Sunset.” Celestia's smile faded lightly for a brief moment. “Of course. Perhaps we should take this to a more appropriate location.” Twilight nodded and followed Celestia out of the gym. “I take it that Sunset is from your world as well?” “Yes.” Twilight nods. “She ran away a few years back. I must warn you however, that though she is exiled from Equestria, she is still an Equestria citizen. If she is taken away by your authorities, there might be a diplomatic incident when I return.” “You won’t have to worry about that, Twilight.” Celestia answered. “There’s no laws covering her demonic rampage and I plan to make an excuse about the damage done to the school that won’t implicate her. However, me and Luna will have to re-evaluate Sunset's continued admittance to CHS. Something tells me she did more than steal a crown.” Twilight wasn’t surprised by that, but it did worry her regardless. “Principal Celestia, if I may, I know Sunset hasn’t been the best person over the years, but the Sunset I saw crawl out of that crater wasn’t the same person who stole my crown. If you expel her, she won’t be able to become a better person or make up for all her wrong doings.” The two stared at each other for a long moment. “Well, if a princess demands that Sunset be allowed to continue going to Canterlot High, then who am I to argue with her?” “I wasn’t-” Twilight stopped when Celestia gave her a look, quickly catching on, a small smile spread to her lips. “Yes. I believe it is in everypo-everyone’s best interest that Sunset isn’t expelled. We wouldn’t want any difficulties when I return.” “Of course.” Celestia nodded. “However, it might take some time to convince the School Board. They’ll probably want to hear about Sunset's past behavior and may not be as forgiving as you.” “If anypo-anyone can do it, it’s you.” Twilight said with confidence. “Now, can you please round up the other girls and have them meet me outside? I want to give them one final goodbye before I go.” “Of course.” Celestia nodded. “You may want to meet with Sunset before you go as well.” With that Twilight and Celestia went in opposite directions, Twilight towards the now destroyed exit and Celestia back into the gym. When Twilight got outside, she found Sunset Shimmer still shoveling debris with Snips and Snails. “Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset flinched at Twilight's tone and looked towards her. “Y-yes princess Twilight?” “I need to speak with you.” Twilight said in a neutral tone. Just because Sunset was regretful didn’t mean Twilight still wasn’t angry at her for stealing her crown and trying to kill her. Sunset nodded and shakily walked over to Twilight. Twilight's face softened when she saw the pitiful state the girl was in: bruises and scratches littered her body, her clothes were torn, her eyes were red and puffy, and she was covered in dirt. The two girls stared at each other for a few moments, Twilight trying to think over what to say. “I want to alleviate any fears you may have. You will not be brought back to Equestria to face justice, nor will you be executed. I will also not disclose your crimes to the general public and will spare your family from any retaliation from myself or Equestrias citizens.” Sunset brightened at that. “T-thank you Twilight. You have no idea what this means to me.” “However.” Sunset deflated, bracing herself for what was coming next. “This doesn’t mean you are pardoned. What you did was wrong and put Equestria in danger, put me in danger. That’s not something I can ignore.”  Sunset began shaking as Twilight cleared her throat and put on the most regal and authoritative tone she could muster. “Sunset shimmer, for your crimes you are hereby exiled from Equestria.” Sunset Shimmer began sobbing. Twilight briefly panicked, not having expected that from the girl. She quickly regained her composure and out a hand on Sunsets shoulder. “However, in thirty moons I will return. If  I find that you are an honest, generous, loyal, and kind person filled with laughter, you will be welcomed back home.” “B-but y-y-your friends will n-never accept me.” Sunset wiped her eyes. “I-I probably won’t even be a-allowed to come back t-to school after t-today.” “You don’t necessarily need my friends to teach you how to be a better person.” Twilight said simply. “I just want to see that you made the effort.” Sunset looked at the ground dejectedly. She gasped lightly when Twilight pulled her into a small hug. “I have faith in you, Sunset Shimmer.”  “Twilight! Get over here, the portal’s about to close!” Spike called out, causing Twilight to pull away from Sunset. She flashed Sunset a small smile and began walking towards the statue, her friends gathered in a group to see her off. Sunset merely stared as Twilight left. Not wanting to ruin their goodbye, she began walking towards the school entrance and hid behind a destroyed wall. Fluttershy stared at the statue sadly. She had just made a wonderful new friend, one who changed her life in fact and brought her friends back together, but now she wouldn’t see her for over two years. Even then they would only be able to hang out for three days before she had to leave again. Fluttershy instinctively reached to the top of her head, trying to confirm that the pony ears had disappeared. She let out a small sigh when she didn’t see anything and lowered her hands.  “Hey Shy!” Fluttershy turned around to see Rainbow Dash waving to her. “We’re all going to Pinkies for a sleepover. Wanna come?” Fluttershy smiled and opened her mouth to speak, but stopped when she caught a glimpse of Sunset. She looked over to the redhead who was hunched over a brick and sloppily applying mortar to it. “Uh, another time. I’ve got plans for tonight.” “Plans?” Rainbow Dash gave her a confused look. “It’s the Fall Formal, what are you-” Rainbow followed Fluttershy's gaze and realized what she was up to. “Ah… I see.”  “You don’t approve?” “Well, not really.” Rainbow Dash declared. “I mean, I know we promised Twilight and all, but I think I need a few days before I associate with… her.” “I know Dash, and I don’t blame you. This isn’t easy for me either.” Fluttershy looked back to Sunset. “But I don’t want her to be alone tonight.” Rainbow Dash just stared at Sunset quietly. “Well, I can't stop you. But if she starts giving you any trouble, just give me a call.” Dash flexed and patted her left bicep with a cocky smile. “Sure Dash.” Fluttershy rolled her eyes but smiled. “I’ll see you later Dashie.” Dash gave a quick salute with two fingers before joining with the rest of her friends. Fluttershy meanwhile walked towards Sunset, her pace slowing to a crawl as she got closer and closer. She was still deathly terrified of the girl, despite shooting a rainbow laser to her face. Fluttershy stopped halfway to Sunset as memories of how Sunset used to bully her flooded her mind. She took a minute to steel herself and continued onward. Stopping a foot behind Sunset, Fluttershy was at a loss of what to say. She had hoped Sunset would’ve noticed her by now, but it seemed she was lost in her own world. “Sunset?” Fluttershy recoiled back as Sunset jumped in fright and fell to the ground. “I’m so, so sorry!” She didn’t know Sunset was going to react like that. “I didn’t mean to frighten you!” Fluttershy cringed as she waited for Sunset to start yelling and berating her. “It’s… it’s alright.” Fluttershy's demeanor changed and her eyes widened in surprise. “Did you need something?” “Um…” Fluttershy took a few moments to answer, trying to decide if she had enough courage to do this. “I know you probably have a home, but I was wondering if maybe… you could stay with me tonight?” “What?” Fluttershy jumped back. Had she somehow offended her? It was hard to gauge how Sunset was feeling and how much of her personality remained intact. “I-if you don’t want to, th-that's fine.” The poor girl smoothed out her dress, clutching the fabric tightly. She started shaking fearfully, not knowing what Sunset was going to do. “We just d-don’t want you alone r-right now.” Fluttershy stepped back when Sunset stood up, her heart racing and ready to run away at any moment. “Sunset?” For what felt like a small eternity, Fluttershy and Sunset stared at each other. Fluttershy couldn’t take the silence anymore and opened her mouth, squeaking in fright as Sunset ran toward her. ‘B-but I was just trying to help!’ She knew this was a bad idea. Maybe Sunset didn’t truly change or Fluttershy had somehow triggered her in some way and prompted her to attack. She was about to cry for mercy when the wind got knocked out of her when Sunset barreled into her and wrapped Fluttershy In a tight hug. “I'M SO SORRY!” Sunset began bawling, practically incoherent as she sobbed out what sounded like apologies if Fluttershy tried to decipher them. Fluttershy just awkwardly kept Sunset from falling to the ground, no easy feat as Sunset was much heavier than her arms could handle. Fluttershy's body relaxed as she looked at Sunset's face and scanned the rest of her body. She was in terrible shape, no doubt from the rainbow laser earlier. Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel bad, despite knowing this was necessary and that she didn’t really have a choice in the matter. Fluttershy hugged Sunset back. This wasn’t the outcome she had predicted, but she welcomed it nonetheless. Her mind began racing with what was going to happen next: what she was going to tell her parents, where Sunset was going to sleep, whether Sunset needed medical attention.  But she pushed all those thoughts away for now, stroking Sunset's hair to calm her down. “Shh… it’s ok, just let it all out.” Fluttershy smiled. “Everything will be ok. I promise.” For the second time in three days, Fluttershy made a new friend.