//------------------------------// // Adoption Day // Story: The Love of a Family // by Asterid //------------------------------// Chapter 11- Adoption Day Celestia’s sun crested the peak of Canterlot Mountain, bathing the land of Equestria in golden rays of life-giving light. As the sun shone down on the Castle of Friendship, a single shaft of light made its way through the silk drapes of Twilights bedroom. As the glowing beam made its quiet journey across the floor, it quickly reached the sleeping form of Rainbow Dash as she lay with her hooves and wings wrapped around her Princess’s barrel. As the shining light shone in her tightly closed eyes, she struggled to stay asleep, but it was to no avail. Gently unwrapping herself from around Twilight, Dash rolled off the bed onto the cold, crystalline floor. Fluttering her wings a little to relieve any stiffness, she walked around to the other side of the bed and gently shook Twilight awake. “Wakey wakey, Sparkles, time to get the kiddos up and head to Town Hall.” She said with a grin. “…you need to wake her up with a kiss…” whispered Twilight, trying not to move her lips as she pretended to be asleep. “Oh, well if you insist.” Dash snarked, leaning down and giving Twilight a brain melting, soul searing kiss. “Mmmmm best marefriend ever,” Twilight giggled, finally opening her eyes, “You go get the kids up while I get ready.” “Oh yeah, give me the hard job, thanks sweetie,” Dash replied, before turning to the door, giving a little wiggle of her flank as she walked. Nudging the door open with her wing, Dash walked across the hall first and knocked on Spike’s door, waiting until she heard the young Dragon walking around. Walking a short way down the hallway, she knocked gently on Scootaloo’s door next. When she didn’t hear any movement from within the room, Dash nudged open the door and poked her head inside.  “Scoots? Time to get up squirt, we need to go to Town Hall.” Rainbow called, knocking on the door again as she walked inside. Looking towards the bed, Dash could still see the filly curled up under her blankets, the slow rhythmic rise and fall of her breathing signaling that she was still asleep. Walking over to the bed, Dash tried again, gently shaking the filly this time. “Come on, silly filly,” Dash repeated, “Rise and shine, we got things to do.” “…mumble mumble…five more minutes, mom…” Scootaloo grumbled as she pulled the blankets tighter around her. A wicked smile spread across her face as Dash reared back on her back legs and flared her wings before crowing like a rooster. As the loud noise echoed around the bedroom, poor Scoots shot into the air, her wings buzzing like a hummingbird before she bounced onto her cloud bed. Glaring at her soon-to-be mother, Scootaloo shook out her mane and tail before ruffling her wings. “One, that was mean. I was having a really nice dream.” Scootaloo said. “Dreaming about fluffy little Unicorns, were we?” Rainbow teased. “Two, how did you do that, it was so cool.” Scootaloo asked, ignoring the gentle ribbing. “Oh, the whole imitation thing?” Dash answered, rubbing her hoof on her chest floof, “That’s a little trick your grandad taught me. I’ll teach it to you while we work on getting our…Aeromancy skills up to scratch.” “Why do you get all twitchy when you talk about that kinda stuff, mom?” Scootaloo asked, leaping off the bed and walking towards her bathroom. “That is a story for a different time,” Dash replied with a shudder, “For now, get cleaned up. Knowing Sparkles, we’re gonna be heading out soon.” As the filly walked into the bathroom and shut the door, Dash returned to her and Twilight’s room just as Twilight was walking out of the bathroom. Temporarily mesmerized by the sight of her marefriend, her mane dripping from the shower, Dash was rooted to the spot. Seductively, Twilight walked over to Rainbow and gave her a quick nuzzle. “Tag, your it, featherbrain.” Twilight said with a smile, “Go take a shower and see if you can straighten out that bird’s nest on top of your head.” “Hey, not all of us can roll out of bed looking like a practically perfect princess first thing in the morning.” Rainbow snarked, “Do you mind if I borrow your body wash? I haven’t had a chance to pick up more yet.” “Not worried about smelling like sunshine and flowers?” Twi asked, a smirk on her face. “There is no way you have a body wash like that.” Dash replied. Walking out the door, Twilight paused and looked over her shoulder. “Its good to be the Princess.” She said before leaving the room to check on Spike and Scootaloo. Walking into the bathroom, Dash marveled over how someone could take a shower without kicking a rain cloud. Fiddling with the strange silver knobs, Rainbow eventually figured out how to get the shower hot enough for her. Lifting the bottle of body wash with her wing, Dash realized that Twilight did indeed have bodywash that was called Sunshine and Flowers. Taking a quick smell, it reminded her of all of the best parts of springtime. Squeezing a generous dollop onto her wings, Dash lathered up and rinsed off before working some more into her mane.  Stepping out of the shower, Rainbow kicked up a miniature tornado to dry off and began hacking at her mane with a hairbrush. Once it resembled something close to what Twilight would consider ‘acceptable’, Dash brushed her teeth before leaving the bathroom.  Walking towards the front door, Rainbow saw Twilight fussing over Scootaloo’s mane as Spike began tying on his bowtie. Putting on her saddlebag, Dash retrieved the stack of important papers from the side table near the door.  “Everybody ready?” Dash asked, giving Twilight a nuzzle. “We’re set,” Spike and Scootaloo answered at the same time before looking at each other and laughing. “Then head out,” Twilight said, her royal tiara fixed firmly on her head. Walking out the large double doors, Twilight and Rainbow kept the younger ones between them, a bounce in everyone’s step as they wandered through the town. Before long, they found themselves at the towering town hall. Entering the front door, they soon found their way to the desk of Mayor Mare. The tan pony was seated behind her desk, a teacup clasped in her hooves. Looking up, from the stack of papers she was reading, a gentle smile spread across her face. “Princess Sparkle, Miss Dash, so wonderful to see you,” She said, setting her teacup aside, “Do you have all of the paperwork prepared?” “Yeah, right here,” Dash replied, pulling the stack of papers from her saddle bag with her teeth before placing them on the desk, “Everything is set for Sparkles and I to become these two’s parents.” “Oh my,” Mayor Mare replied, clutching her hoof to her chest, “I wasn’t aware you would be adopting young Spike as well Miss Dash. That shouldn’t be a problem though.” Pulling the adoption paperwork in front of her, she began leafing through it verifying all of the information. Looking up with a smile, she grabbed a small stamp in her teeth and stamped a few places. Returning the stamper to its ink pad, Mayor Mare tapped a small bell on her desk, summoning a pair of squirrels from a small house hanging from the ceiling.  “Now dears,” She said, addressing the squirrels, “Take these down to the archives and make sure they are filed correctly.” Flicking the Mayor a small salute, the squirrels rolled up the paper work and scampered through a small doggy door built into the bottom of the wall. Reaching into her desk, Mayor Mare pulled out to blank adoption certificates as well as an ink pot and quill. Taking the quill in her mouth, she filled out the pertinent fields before sliding them across the desk. “Now, Young Spike and Scootaloo, I need to ask. As you are old enough to make your own decisions, do you have any reservations or concerns with Princess Twilight Sparkle and Miss Rainbow Dash adopting you?”  “I don’t,” Spike said, “Twilight has been taking care of me for as long as I can remember, and Dash is pretty awesome.” “Me either,” Scootaloo replied, “Mama Twilight and Mama Dash are the most amazing moms ever.” “Well then,” Mayor Mare said with a laugh, “Princess Twilight, Miss Dash, if you would please sign on the dotted line for each certificate. Once that is completed, you will both officially be the parents of Spikereous Sparkle-Dash and Scootaloo Sparkle-Dash.” With a flourish, both Twilight and Rainbow signed their names on the forms before sweeping both Scootaloo and Spike into bone crushing hugs.  “Next stop,” Twilight began. “Adoption Party!” Dash finished, happy in the knowledge that she had an amazing family.