An Iron Sunset

by Dragon Angel Knight

Burnished Dreams

And now, we come to a crossroads. Our pony has found her Light. She has been properly armed.

...and now she must be tested. She will survive her Trial, that much I can assure you, however, events will happen before they were meant to happen. A House will stand with the City, a Saint returned, and a Friendship will be made. All the while, The Young Wolf will do what they were meant to do, but they are not the focus of this story…

You are granted a vision of a fanged equine smiling through the dark, and a laugh that would chill even the most stalwart of Titans. A flash of vivid electric blue eyes with cat like slits for pupils dances in the dark, a not-quite malevolent glint to them.

Come, I would quite like to meet you…

Oh Phoenix, Mine…