//------------------------------// // The Bratzillaz Are Coming // Story: EqG Tales: Bratzillaz Edition // by Brian Sheil //------------------------------// School lets out for the weekend. The students head out to enjoy themselves. This includes Twilight Sparkle and her friends. "A whole weekend for ourselves!" Rainbow Dash cheered. "Saturday and Sunday are always good for us." "So, friends." Twilight said. "What are you guys going to do?" The other girls thought about their plans. "I'm planning to head for the beach." Applejack said. "I'm hoping to improve my surfing." "Too bad I can't be with you, AJ." Rainbow said. "My mom and Dad asked me to help around the house. Not what I had in mind. But, it's something to do." Rarity explained her plans. "Lyra Heartstrings asked me to make a lovely dress for her. She and Bon Bon are going out to a movie." "You know that Trixie's birthday is coming." Pinkie explained. "Right, girls?" "Let me guess." Sunset Shimmer interjected. "You're asked to plan a party." "You guessed it, Sunset. What are you plans?" "Maybe just relax in my apartment. Unless one of you guys want me to join you." "I have plans to connect to nature." Fluttershy said happily. "My favorite forest beckons." "As for me," Twilight added, "I learned that Volume 2 of 'Gunnerkrigg Court' is in the book store. I plan to have that book." Just then, a scooter came flying over their heads. It was unusual because scooters don't fly. As the scooter touched down on the ground, a slender woman with brownish red hair and wearing a dark green gown rose from the driver's seat. A small gargoyle rose up from the side car. "I swear, finding that portal to Canterlot City was not easy." The woman said to herself. "Navigating through that multiverse is very tricky." The girls wondered about this woman. Sunset looked at her with an astonished look. Why does she look familiar? Soon, the woman spotted the girls. "Ah. Good afternoon, my dears. I've been looking for you." "Looking," Twilight replied nervously, "for us?" "Yes indeed. I have heard so much of you seven girls." "Guys." Sunset said. "I think I recognize her." "Really, darling?” Rarity replied. "This lady is Headmistress Magika. Leader of that hidden school in a mystic forest. The Bratzillaz Academy." "BRATZILLAZ?!" The girls gasped together. "You heard of me. Huh, Sunset Shimmer?" Magika asked. "I heard many stories of that place." Sunset explained. "But, I never thought any of us would meet someone from there." "I'm sure that's true." Rainbow Dash had a thought. "Are these Bratzillaz suppose to be witch type cousins of those fashionable girls, the Bratz?" "You guessed correctly, Rainbow Dash." Magika praised. "Sounds like somebody did some research." "I often have my moments." "So, what brings you to our town, Headmistress Magika?" Twilight asked. "I figured to spend some time with your leaders, Celestia and Luna." Magika replied. "Just like the Bratzillaz are visiting you girls." "WHAT?!" Pinkie shouted. "We're going to get visited by witches?" "No need to panic, Pinkie Pie. These girls are not wicked. We of the Bratzillaz Academy swore to use our magic for good." "Whew. That's a relief." Magika got on her scooter and revved it up. "So long, girls. Nice meeting you." With that, Magika rode off. This left the girls shocked. "Sunset, did I hear that this school also deals in fashion as well as magic?" Rarity asked. "I think so." Sunset replied. "This won't be so bad after all." The girls all started to think that this might be fun. Twilight Sparkle makes a statement "This will be one interesting experience indeed." Meanwhile, in a restaurant in town, Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Headmistress Magika got together. "We're very honored that you can join us." Celestia said to Magika. "Thank you, friends." Magika replied. "I've always wanted to visit this fine town.” "Do you really think that Twilight Sparkle and her friends will get along with these magical students of yours?" Luna asked. "I'm sure they will. Trust me. Those seven girls are in for some wonderful surprises." This got Celestia and Luna intrigued. Meanwhile, at another table, hidden from those three ladies Abacus Cinch was listening in to the conversation. Members of the Bratzillaz Academy are visiting our fair city. Cinch thought to herself. Interesting indeed.