//------------------------------// // Prepare to engage // Story: The Librarians and The Summoned Cat // by Dragon Shimmer //------------------------------// When Sabrina and Silver are just landing on the roof of the castle, a fire spear flies into her as the changeling uses her boomerang to block. She sees a familiar orange dragon walking toward her. The orange dragon creates more fire spears as Sabrina yells, "Hey, it's me, Sabrina. Please don't hurt me." "Nice lie," Sunset fuses all the spears and creates a fire missile, "Sabrina that I know is a human, not changeling." Sabrina sighs, "you wanna proof?" Sunset nods as the changeling throws the boomerang to her, "Here, take a look at this." The orange dragon catches it and starts to analyze the weapon. She realizes it belongs to the queen of Earth(en) as she looks back to her, then Sunset throws back to her as Sabrina smiles, "Long time no see, Sunset." "What are you doing here?" Sunset leans on the big clock, "You want to drag me back to Earth(en)?" "No," Sabrina huffs, "Why should I do that?" "Then what are you doing here? Drag Noleg back?" asks Sunset as the changeling nods. Sunset sighs, "Bet that someone is angry at my house now, right?" "You don't have to say twice. Anyway..." Sabrina looks at the sky, "Those bug-ponies are the guests of your city?" "No," Sunset shakes her head, "I wonder what did you see?" "Many bug-ponies are outside of the shield, and the shield is fading. Eldaro can't aid you if something bad does not happen. They are watching." Sabrina points in front of the gate, "Don't worry. I bring a gift for you to celebrate your journey, Black Mage." "Long time I didn't hear that thing," Sunset flies up, "Protect Celestia for me," "Of course," Sabrina takes out a shotgun and throws it to the orange dragon, "You will need it," "I don't think so..." Sunset is going to throwback to the changeling but Sabrina raises her front hooves to stop. Sunset sighs as she flies down the castle. Sabrina puts her hoof on her ear, "Hey Eldaro, those bugs are not their ally." "Let me think about this." replies Eldaro, "You will spy on them. If there is a danger for their ruler, help them." "Got it," Sabrina turns to the Silver as the eagle is analyzing to find out which way to come inside. The changeling leads the purple duo to the pink alicorn. When they see it, Cadance is tied up in several chains with a lot of bruises. The purple unicorn glares at the changeling as he is trembling but Spike puts his claw to her shoulder and shakes his head. Twilight takes a deep breath and puts the princess of love down. The pink pony coughs and opens her eyes. She sees Twilight and Spike are carry her out as she hugs Twilight tighter. The purple alicorn asks, "What's happened to you?" "Twilight," the pink alicorn cries, "Chrysalis captured me and threw me here. I don't know what happens with Shining right now." "He is not okay right now," answers Spike, "Twilight told me about the brainwashing. I hope Sunset has a reserve spell for that." Suddenly, a magic circle appears on his left ear as the purple dragon sighs, "Since when Sunset draw me a magic circle like this." Spike presses the circle, "Hello," A voice comes from the magic circle, "Hey Spike, we got a problem." Twilight, Cadance, and Spike look at each other as he wants to hear it. Sunset continues, "The changelings are going to attack us, but I can't engage to attack their queen without Cadance. Come there quick, the wedding is starting." Cadance grasps as she wants to run out of the cave but due to the wound, she can't. Spike starts caring for the pink alicorn as he answers, "Don't worry, we will come there as soon as possible." "I admit it's too late," Sunset sighs, "But don't worry, we have allies this time. Sunset, out," "Hey, hey, what allies?" asks Spike but the orange dragon shuts down. Spike looks at the purple unicorn, "We have to go faster. The wedding is about to start," Spike carries Cadance and the purple duo runs out of the cave. The wedding is celebrated as many ponies around are clapping their hooves to cheer the couple. When the couple is inside, Sunset realizes that Shining is like someone just having a crazy working day. The couple stands in front of Celestia as the white alicorn announces, "Lady and gentlecolt, we are here to announce the royal wedding all the time." All of them clap their hooves, except Sunset as the white alicorn glares at the dragon. Celestia turns to Cadance, "Cadance, will you take this stallion as your husband?" "Yes, I will," Cadance closes her eyes and bow. Celestia turns to the white stallion, "Shining, will you take this mare as your wife?" "I deny," shouts the voice from the door as everyone turns to the voice. They see Princess Cadance walking inside the hall with the help of the purple duo as everyone around is murmuring to each other. The pink alicorn points at the pink pony, "Everypony, this is the fake me. She has captured me and imprisoned me in the abandoned crystal mine." The fake pink pony laughs as she is revealing her true form. Luna and several guards walk inside and point the weapon as the changeling queen. The changeling grins, "Look like I have to face up the card." The changeling drains all of Shining's magic as the shield is broken. The changeling drones start to fly down the capital. The changeling queen's horn glowing as the room is shining. Celestia feels something not good inside as she lies down. The changeling queen looks at her and grins, "Once I take you, Equestria will be mine." All of the ponies have teleported out of the room, except the white alicorn. Celestia looks at her helplessly, "What have you done to me?" "Nothing," The changeling queen puts the cup of wine down as Celestia grasps. She then takes out the sword, "Just a simple paralyze medicine. Remember this name in Tartarus, Chrysalis." When the queen is going to slam the sword down, a loud 'bam' sounds in the hall. Chrysalis is shocked when some force interacts with the sword as she has been disarmed. Looking aside, Sunset is holding the shotgun as it is still in smoke. Chrysalis is surprised, "How, how can you able not be teleported?" "It's easy," Sunset spins the shotgun, "Just some rooting spell that makes the teleportation unavailable." Chrysalis huffs, "It's too late, dragon. Celestia is under my hoof," Sunset grins as the changeling queen is confused. A punch comes from behind as Chrysalis has flown across the hall. Chrysalis looks back at Celestia but finds that another changeling with a large boomerang is standing on two legs. Looking around to find Celestia, she finds that the white alicorn is on Silver's back. "Ho... how? and who are you? You look like me, except the hair." "Just someone who comes here to beat you," Sabrina points at the bird, "Silver, get out of here and announce to others. We will fight with ponies." "yes, madam," Silver is flying away. Chrysalis tries to blast the eagle but a chair is flying to block the blast. Chrysalis looks at the orange dragon as she is sitting and folding her claws, "Looks like someone learned a switching position spell," The orange dragon points at the queen, "You need some help." "No need," Sabrina shakes her head, "This one is mine." Chrysalis stands up as she shouts at Sabrina, "You think you can take me, bring it on." The changelings are preparing to fight as the dragon just takes out the cake and eats it. Everypony is shocked when Chrysalis teleports them all. The changelings are attacking the capital as many ponies are panicking. Twilight and Spike run to the castle as the others look at each other. Rainbow asks, "Hey, where did you go?" "To get the Element," shouts Twilight, "We have no time to wait." all of them follow them as they want to get the elements away. Luna commands the soldiers to get these ponies to a safer place as the changelings are attacking them. Luna swings the scythe to make the changelings step back. The guards form the position to protect the princess. The changeling starts transforming themself as they are exactly to Luna and others. When they are trying to attack, the scythe is glowing blue. Luna looks at the scythe and swings it, a fog comes out and it makes the changelings back to their original form. The changeling is shocked as Luna is confused about this scythe. She shakes her head and charges at them Silver is carrying the white alicorn to her camp as Celestia is trying to move but she can't due to the effect of Chrysalis's medicine. Celestia asks the eagle, "Where are you carrying me?" "Just a little more," Silver looks at her, "We will take care of you," When Silver is flying to their camp, many changelings come to them as they want the white alicorn. Silver's wings become machine guns and she shoots them down. Celestia is amazed about the bird's thing, "At least they are not real bullets," then she continues to fly Eldaro is watching the capital as the ponies are fighting well. Eldaro smiles, "Looks like their ruler prepared this thing well. Even with a surprise attack, they don't back down." "So," Lance stands up, "Shall we go?" "When Silver come here with the ruler, we will join," Eldaro looks up and sees Silver is coming here with Celestia, "There she goes," Noleg jumps out from Celestia's head and hugs him tight. Matt hugs back, "Hey, you're here. We miss you so much." Silver lands on the tank and puts the white alicorn down. Natalie jumps up and checks the white alicorn as Celestia wants to resist but can't. The mage turns to the group, "She got paralyzed." Eldaro points at the bed, "Then put her on the bed, I will cure her," the others look at him in a weird look as Eldaro retorts, "What? I am afraid that we will be here long. All right?" "Yeah yeah," Matt carries the white alicorn with one hand as Celestia is surprised, then the swordsman puts her down, "At least she is cute." Celestia blushes while Matt sighs, " Anyway Silver, you got the map," "I got one," Silver takes out the map and puts it on the table, "This is the most detail map I got," The groups look at the map as Eldaro is analyzed it. After a while, Eldaro nods in understands and starts the command, "All right, listen up. We need someone who here with me, to protect ... eh... winged unicorn?" "Alicorn," Celestia huffs, "I am an alicorn, creature," "And I am a human, thank you," replies Matt as the others giggle. Matt looks at the capital, "Well, I see some smoke flying in the air." "Well," Eldaro shakes his head, "Lance, you right this tank into the castle. If some changelings are standing in our way, shoot them all," Lance is going to start the tank but Eldaro trips him, "Not yet. Natalie, you follow Lance to activate the large magic circle." "What magic circle?" Natalie takes the scope and sees magic circles are drawn on the city, "Okay, this is two magic circles in one. Who the hell can do this." "You know who," replies Matt, "Even us can't do this, and you know who can do the impossible thing? "point taken," Natalie takes out the staff, "I will activate this two-layer magic circle," "When we reach the magic circle, split up if they are still fighting." Eldaro takes out a pencil, "Lance will guard the tank while Matt will help on the west. Natalie helps the east." "Well, Sabrina and Sunset are inside the castle. I'm sure that they will guard this tank." retorts Natalie, "You're right about Sabrina, but not Sunset. She will go out and help the ponies." Eldaro smiles, "Lance, if you meet Sabrina, tell her fast and you will go to the North to help." Lace nods as the old man turns to the robot eagle, "I and Silver will come here. If something is wrong, the mortar will help you. Got it?" "Yes," says all of them "Now go, no time to waste. Remember, go fast as you can." Everyone jumps on the tank and prepares to drive into the capital. Celestia is amazed by the device while Eldaro just sits down and relaxes.