Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero

by Cavalryunit001

Step into Legend

“Come on, Topaz, hurry up! We can’t be late for this.” It was 9:00 a.m., and Diamond Heart was waiting anxiously with Ruby at the kitchen. 

“Just a moment, dear,” called out Topaz, “I’m almost done applying my makeup.” Clearly unable to accelerate the process, Diamond just sighed and turned his attention to Ruby. 

“Sounds like Mummy wants to become the next Miss Cydonia, little one.” Ruby just giggled and held her hooves out to him. Her father was more than happy to oblige, and he carefully picked her up from her toddler’s chair and placed her inside his right saddlebag... and no sooner did he do that than Topaz moved down the stairs to meet with them. 

“Sorry for the wait,” she told Diamond, nuzzling him, “How do I look?” 

“*sigh* Beautiful as always, love. I can’t see why you feel a need to try so hard. It’s not like we’re going to a wedding or anything.” 

“You forget, dear: a lady must always look her best whenever she goes out. Especially when she’s with her husband.” 

“Nonsense. Bladewing’s the star of the show here, remember? How good either of us look at the ceremony will hardly even matter. Besides...” Diamond grinned mischievously as he rubbed his muzzle against her neck and cheek. “The only eyes that should be turning towards such a beauty are mine.” 

“Then let me be beautiful for you, my love,” Topaz cooed with a whisper, “Let me give your fellow stallions a reason to snort with jealousy. Rose certainly had that effect around Bladewing. Why don’t you let the wife have a crack at it?” 

“Hm... looking more like a stud does sound appealing...” Topaz couldn’t help but giggle as Diamond pondered the idea while rubbing his chin with a hoof. 

“Tell you what: if you let me take a little more time to improve this look, I’ll try on that sexy outfit you’ve been asking for when we get back. You still want to see me in it, no?” Topaz’s lustful remark was all she needed to crush Diamond’s resistance, a defeat that was as plain as the blushing that quickly spread over his cheeks. 

“Grr, damn it. That’s so not fair. You know such garments are my weakness.” 

“You have nopony to blame but yourself for that, love,” mused Topaz with a sly grin, “You always were a naughty one... but it’s one of the many things I love about you. Indulge in my desires, and I’ll indulge in yours – and I promise that you won’t regret it one bit. What do you say?” 

“*sigh* All right. You win.” With her victory literally secured by his words, Topaz chuckled and kissed Diamond lovingly on his lips. 

“You’re the best, dear husband,” Topaz spoke softly to him, “I won’t be long.” 

“Of course.” Diamond stood by the door for a few more moments as Topaz went back to their room. He certainly didn’t mind indulging in his wife’s tastes – he just thought she chose a really bad time to ask for it. It was all the more fortunate for him that the carriage he reserved yesterday had just arrived at his house. The sound of the wooden wheels slowing to a halt assured him that everything will still go as planned. To further reinforce this notion, Topaz came back down the stairs soon thereafter. 

“See?” giggled Topaz, “That wasn’t long now, was it?” 

“Not long at all,” agreed Diamond with a smile, “Our carriage has just arrived. Let’s not keep them waiting.” 

“Agreed.” Without any further delay, the couple went outside with little Ruby and entered the carriage. The carriage itself departed for Mountain Wind’s palace soon after, maintaining a steady, yet reliable speed on the cobblestone roads. 

While the Hearts were on their way, Bladewing was in the palace conference room dressed in his Council knight armor. The other knights were with him, and they were all waiting for the king to enter the room and speak with them one last time before the start of the ceremony.  

“’Tis quite a sword, laddie,” said Clover, looking at the sword in the box, “I can’t imagine what could make the goddess give ya such a fine blade.” 

“Ja,” added Laurie, “It’s almost too good to be true. Ze royal armory has many swords, but none like this one. Are you zertain that it belongs to ze king?” 

“I am, Laurie,” answered Bladewing, “It has to be. It shouldn’t have the royal crest on it if it wasn’t Mountain Wind’s. Besides, he might know more about it than I do.” 

“Yer doin’ the right thing, sugah,” agreed Ice Luster, “This here blade could be her testin' yer soul again for all we know… and it sounds like she’s got nuthin’ ta worry about.” 

“Nah, his soul was always good,” spoke Skywalker confidently, “He didn’t need to go through all that ritual stuff to prove it. Faust just repeated what we already know.” 

“Maybe so, Sky,” countered Lafleur, “but ze ritual was necessary nonetheless. Imagine how mistrustful of us ze people would be if zey found out we let Bladewing join ze crew without it. Ze scandal would be too much for even Mountain Wind to snuff out.” 

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Faust’s word beats ours any day.” The others mumbled in agreement just as Mountain Wind and Father Nexus entered the room. 

“Good morning, everypony,” the king spoke to his knights, “I appreciate that you’ve all arrived on time. Now we can proceed as planned.  Do you all remember your lines for the ceremony?” The king was pleased to hear his knights agree in unison. “Good. Does anypony have any last questions before we begin?” Assured by the silence he received, Mountain Wind let out a soft, satisfied grunt before he turned his gaze towards Bladewing.

“So, Bladewing,” he told his pegasus friend, “I am told you have something for me?” 

“I do, your majesty,” replied Bladewing. Mountain Wind waited patiently as Bladewing took out the sword from the box, now sheathed in its scabbard once more, and gave it to him… but just as he did so, both Mountain Wind’s and Nexus’ eyes opened wide. 

“What?” Mountain Wind stood dumbfounded as he gazed upon the blade, much to the Council’s utter surprise. Here they thought the king would know something about this weapon, but they couldn’t tell if he was a clueless as they were or if there was something special to him about the sword that the Council wasn’t aware of. Thankfully for them, the latter case was reality, but Mountain Wind had to ask more of Bladewing before he would divulge such information. 

“Where did you get this, Bladewing?” 

“Well, I’d tell you, but I’m not sure if you’d believe me.” As if reacting to his hesitation, the runes on the sword glowed brighter, allowing more light to emanate from the scabbard. Seeing this, Mountain Wind knew he was in for quite the tale.
“… try me.” Bladewing needed no further persuasion, and he proceeded to calmly tell Mountain what happened that night. 

“All right. I decided to stay in the Temple and try to pray to Faust after she pardoned me of my sins. After a few seconds or so, she answered my prayer and her apparition appeared before me. I spoke with her as much as I could about my future - you know, like what she has planned for me and such – but all I could get from her was that my ‘journey’ had only just begun. After that, she temporarily blinded me and left me alone in the Temple. When I came to, I noticed a box with this thing inside. I saw that the hilt has the royal crest on it, so I figured she wanted me to give it you. That’s it, that’s all I know.” After having heard Bladewing’s story, both Mountain and Nexus seemed more relaxed. The two stallions were still surprised, of course, but now it seemed they understood what was going on. 

“Could it be, sire?” Nexus asked him. Mountain Wind looked long and hard at the sword as he thought, pondering over and over what the sword’s appearance could mean… and after a moment or so, he convinced himself of the answer, one the Council was eager to know as they saw him make a relieved smile while looking at his reflection in the ruby hilt. 

“Yes… and after so long, too.” 

“Forgive us for not understanding, sir,” spoke Silver Streak, “but is there something we should know about the sword?” Mountain Wind was not one to keep information like what he knew of the blade a secret, but he felt that he needed a better setting first. 

“I’ll explain soon,” answered Mountain Wind, “but let’s carry on. The ceremony starts in a few minutes.” The king turned his head back to Bladewing. 

“Thank you for giving this sword to me, Bladewing. You have no idea how deeply I appreciate it.” 

"You're most welcome, sir,” replied Bladewing with a smile, “I’m glad to be of service. I’ll see you in the throne room.” 

“*chuckle* Indeed.” Mountain Wind turned his back to the council after finishing his conversation with them. “Come, Nexus. We must make ready.” 

“At once, your majesty.” With the sword in his right hand, Mountain Wind and Nexus left the conference room without further ado… but though they both left calmly, the Council knights (save for Bladewing) were anything but. For the first time in decades since his wife and son were taken from him, the king smiled before them. It was a smile so warm and tender that it belied the suffering he endured up to that point. Needless to say, all of the knights were shocked beyond comprehension… well, all except Bladewing. 

“What’s the matter?” he asked them, “Is it so wrong to see him smile?” 

“Well, no, but...” Bladewing could hear the surprise in Lafleur’s voice as she tried her best to stay calm and collected. “… zis… zis is different. Much different.” 

“I’m not sure I follow.” 

“Ya don’t understand, sugah,” said Ice with a grin, “Mountain Wind’s been through Hell and back for years now. Do ya realize how long it’s been since he gave us a smile like that?” 

“No. How long?” 

“Too long,” answered Laurie, “Most of us have vatched him closely, even before we vere knighted. Ze only way he vould ever give a smile like that is if something truly special has come into his life… and it seems that sword has something to do vith it.” 

“What? So then you mean-“ 

“Aye, laddie,” beamed Clover, “Something wonderful has happened… or will happen soon, at least. I can feel in me bones.” Bladewing couldn’t resist joining in the giddiness that slowly befell the knights. 

“*chuckle* Wow. I guess when you guys put it that way, this smile really is different. But what could be the sword’s role in all this?” 

“Heck if we know, stud,” spoke Sky Walker, “but if I had to guess, he’s gonna spill it to all of us at the ceremony itself.”

“I see. Well, if that’s the case, let’s get to it. Let’s give the populace a good show!” Bladewing felt encouraged to see the others shout in agreement, a sure sign for him that his knighting will indeed be one of the most hallowed moments of his life. 

It took only a few moments for Bladewing and the others to get into their positions. The Hearts, meanwhile, had just finished made themselves comfortable in one of the rows of seats situated high in the throne room. 

“Whew, thank Faust Bladewing reserved these seats for us,” sighed Diamond. 

“You said it, dear,” replied Topaz, “This is the perfect view in which to watch the whole ceremony. Isn’t that right, Ruby?” Ruby just cooed and nuzzled her mom as she nuzzled her in return. Not long after that, Rose Blossom and Blaze made their way to the seats next to the Hearts. Rose herself wore the same outfit Bladewing bought for her back at the Fortune Tune mall, with the only major difference being that she applied a bit of makeup this time around; Blaze meanwhile was now wearing the slim white gown that her cat Rei-Rei had previously ruined for her (after getting all the fur out, of course). Both mares were beautiful regardless, and they were excited to see their the Heart family was sharing the seats next to theirs. 

“Oh wow,” Rose gasped, shaking the couple’s hooves, “It’s so good to see you here, Mr. Heart, Mrs. Heart.” 

“Ditto, Rose,” replied Diamond, “I don’t suppose Bladewing also reserved some seats for the two of you?” 

“He sure did, Mr. Heart,” replied Blaze happily, “We weren’t gonna miss this for the world… and I’m sure you guys wouldn’t either.” 

“Well said, my dear,” spoke Topaz, “Now make yourselves comfortable. The knighting ceremony will start any minute now.” Rose was happy to oblige her. As soon as she sat down, Diamond Heart decided to continue the conversation just a little while longer. 

“So tell me, Rose: how does it feel to know you’ll soon have a Council knight for a coltfriend?” 

“Oh, it feels great, Mr. Heart. He’s been so wonderful to me. We got into some trouble here and there, of course, but he’s loveable all the same… and now, after what feels like forever, I get to share one of his fondest memories.” 

“Same here. He’s done more for me and my family than I can ever repay. I am proud to call him brother… and now I get to see him ascend to one of the highest positions in the land.” 

“Agreed. Let us never forget this day.” Diamond smiled and nodded, and the two ponies joined the others in watching the scene unfolding below. It wasn’t long before Blue Belle and Mountain Wind came into the throne room, and Blue Belle’s instructions to the camera crews signaled to all in the room that the ceremony will start soon. 

“Looks like it’s starting,” Topaz whispered to her husband, “Did you bring the camera?” 

“Sure did,” Diamond whispered back, “Give me a minute to take it out from the bag.” Topaz nodded and returned her attention back to the ceremony… and sure enough, it started just as Diamond got his camera working and trained at the area below. The official start was signaled by the sound of the royal trumpeters playing their trumpets. They played for but a few seconds before Mountain Wind signaled with his hand to stop and let Blue Belle take over at the podium in front of him. 

“Good morning, everypony,” spoke Blue Belle into the mic, “I am delighted that so many of you could come, for this day marks the ascension of a truly unique pony. From lands unknown even to him, this stallion came to ours with nothing but the garments on his back and the blades for which he is known to us all. Only Faust knows what he was like as a colt, but one thing we know for sure: he more than earned the honor our leader will bestow upon him. No matter how bad the odds were stacked against him, he stood tall and threw himself into the heat of battle again and again, whether it’s avenging the honor of a slandered comrade or saving both him and his family from the icy embrace of Death. If anypony understands the true meaning of ‘putting others before yourself’, it is he.” Diamond Heart couldn’t help but smile proudly at Blue Belle’s statement. No other pony in this room knew it better than he did. 

“That being said, everypony, let us never forget this day. Especially those of you watching from home. The loss of all that our uncommon hero once had is truly a tragedy… so let’s not make it a greater one by letting this once-in-a-lifetime event slip from our sight OR our memory. Now then, without any further ado, it is my great honor to formally introduce this brave warrior on the king’s behalf. Give a big round of applause for Bladewing.” The throne room thundered with the clapping of hooves as Bladewing moved into the throne room on cue… and none more so than the ones he personally invited to his knighting. Rose in particular was barely able to restrain herself from calling out to him. She didn’t need to, however, for Bladewing gazed in her general area not long after he passed through the palace doors. She smiled and waved at him with Blaze and the Hearts as soon as he saw her, and the pegasus in turn smiled back before returning his sight to the front. He stopped at the same spot where he saw Lafleur did in her knighting video, then turned around to face the palace doorway. Needless to say, it signaled Blue Belle’s next cue (as did the music that the troubadours began to play.) 

“Wonderful. I’m sure everypony here and at home is by now familiar with him. He is friend to all who need one… but today, the eleven that will soon welcome him into their circle will know him as so much more. Please give them a warm welcome as I call upon each of them. *ahem*… Lady Lafleur...” The crowd proceeded to applaud as commanded as Lafleur emerged from the doors and moved down the room towards Bladewing. As soon as she stood before him, she shook his hoof and assumed her position besides him. 

“… Sir Clover Field...” As with Lafleur, the crowd cheered as Clover moved through the doors towards Bladewing. However, he pulled Bladewing in for a hug with his free hoof just before he was done shaking hooves with him. As with the kiss on the cheek for female knights-to-be, it was tradition for the stallions in the Council to transition the hoof-shaking to a hug if the knight-to-be was male… and Bladewing was due for four more of these gestures before the knighting’s end. He waited patiently for each of the other knights to come and perform their welcome gestures to him as Blue Belle called them out, with each one standing in a line beside Clover and Lafleur. 

“… Lady Skywalker... Sir Silver Streak… Lady Ice Luster… Sir Brimstone… Lady Lauren von Schneider… Sir Crixus… Lady Flora… Sir Nikolai Kutuzov… and finally, Lady Ariadne.” Although Bladewing only had a few hours each day with the other five knights, it was more than enough for him to get to know them. Maybe not so much on a personal level as an associate level, but at least they got along well with him all the same. Now reassured that he earned the complete acceptance of the Council, he was ready for what Blue Belle had planned next. 

“Thank you for your generosity, everypony. Now we must give our attention to the esteemed ponies seated among us. Time and time again, they come to the knighting ceremonies to recognize each newcomer to the Council. Bladewing is no exception. Please show your greatest admiration as they descend from their seats to accept Bladewing’s new role in our nation. *ahem*… Lord and Lady Filos, of the House of Tiburon…” Bladewing waited patiently as the couple walked together towards him, complete with cheers from the crowd. Once they did, he bowed his head in respect and shook hooves with them, first Lord Filos himself and then his wife. Bladewing was pleased to have met a Coltec Lord for the first time in his life, and he looked forward to see each of them. He just had to wait patiently for Blue Belle to draw them out one by one.
“... Lord and Lady Ignacio, of the House of Varracruz… Lord and Lady Lighthoof, of the House of Conego… Lord and Lady Vylon, of the House of Sandoval… Lord and Lady Sparrow, of the House of Nuves… Lord and Lady Swiftsure, of the House of Soros… Lord and Lady Ladrus, of the House of Perova… Lord and Lady Strong Claw, of the House of Agila… and last, but certainly not least…” Bladewing waited eagerly for Blue Belle to finish, for he knew exactly who he had left to meet. 

“Lord and Lady White Fang, of the House of Lobos.” It wasn’t long before Bladewing saw White Fang and his wife walking towards him… and he was pleased with the experience. As Clover himself mentioned, White Fang’s demeanor was very pleasant, a character that certainly belied the sense of fear his scar would normally induce. Bladewing needed not a single word from him to know straight away (not that he had time for it right now – he was prohibited from saying much more than a “Hi” to any of the Coltec Lords throughout the whole ceremony.) He was just as surprised to see that despite the scar over White Fang’s eye, the eye itself was perfectly intact. Bladewing wondered if perhaps the reason for it was because White Fang managed to pull his face back far enough to keep the enemy blade from damaging his eye, but he decided he’ll ask later when he gets Mountain Wind’s permission to speak with him. After all, he was certain that White Fang didn’t yet trust him enough for a casual conversation. 

“We appreciate your company, lords and ladies,” Blue Belle said to the couples, “Thank you again for gracing our halls with your presence. Now then, everypony. It’s time for the moment we’ve all come to witness. As such, my final request to you this day is to set your gaze upon our supreme leader. Since the day Bladewing rose from his seat in the audience and won his battle against the legendary Viper Twins, he was fascinated by what drove him to win… and once he looked deep into this stallion's heart, he knew that Bladewing is more than worthy of the honor he will soon bestow on him. All hail his royal majesty, King Mountain Wind.” Blue Belle indeed needed no further words, for the crowd was more than happy to oblige her. They cheered loudly for the king as he rose from his throne and walked towards the podium. Bladewing himself wondered why he had no sword swinging gently from his hip this time, but he was sure he’ll find out soon enough. The king signaled with his hand to the troubadours to stop playing their music before addressing the audience, with Father Nexus standing beside the throne room holding the sword Bladewing brought in. 

“Thank you, Blue Belle… and I thank you, everypony, for coming to the ceremony. It’s a wonderful thing to know that so many of you were eager to come. So much so that a crowd is huddled around the front gates of my palace this very moment – certainly a first for me. I lament that this room is not big enough for all of us, but I implore those watching outside to please stay calm and be kind to my two guards who are posted there. I would like them to emerge from this ceremony un-trampled, if you please.” The crowds both inside and outside couldn’t resist letting out a little laugh as Mountain Wind made this light-hearted joke. Rigor and Solar in particular just smiled and chuckled at each other knowing that for the first time since their enlistment, their king was in much brighter spirits. 

“Now, then… jokes aside, everypony, I am truly honored to see that so many, both here and across the land, have taken time out of their morning to witness an event that will soon be immortalized. Our pegasus friend has been on quite the journey these past few days. He arrived in our land with next to nothing – even his memories weren’t spared – and yet in such a short time, he had done and earned more than most others couldn’t achieve in years… and he’s done it all without ever thinking of himself. These selfless acts of service, coupled with his inherent strength and his incorruptible loyalty to the light, are all what I looked for in the one to replace the now-retired Sir Burning Ridge. Some among you may be asking, ‘But he’s still alien to us, sir. How can you be sure Bladewing is the one to replace him?’ Well, my friends… this is why.” Mountain Wind motioned with his right hand to Father Nexus to bring him the sword, the blade itself still sheathed in its scabbard. As soon as Mountain Wind took the sword from him, Nexus bowed his head in respect and took his place next to him by the podium. Mountain Wind made sure to let everypony inside see it, including the camera crews to either side of him.

“This was given to Bladewing by Faust herself. It’s much more than a mere weapon. It is evidence of the promise our holy mother made to us centuries ago. A promise that despite being discarded by most of our ancestors was remembered and faithfully executed by the nine who didn’t. It seems through none other than Bladewing, Faust has assured me that not only does she remember her promise, but also that she will fulfill it soon… and Bladewing will be the one to help me see it through. If his character and actions alone aren’t already enough reason to knight him into the Council, then this very blade certainly is.” Mountain Wind moved in front of Bladewing not long after finishing his speech. The Council knights in turn formed an incomplete circle around Bladewing, each of them excited for what is to come (as was Bladewing himself.) 

“Do you know why you are here, Bladewing?” the king asked him. 

“Yes, sir,” replied Bladewing. 

“Why are you here?” 

“To become a Council knight, sir.” 

“Do you comprehend the responsibilities – and the power – that come with this honor?” 

“Yes, sir.” 

“And do you understand what the punishment will be if you are caught mishandling either?” 

“Yes, sir.” 

“Very well. Now then…” Mountain Wind lowered himself onto one knee until he was eye level with Bladewing. 

“Do you accept these terms and conditions without question?” 

“Yes, sir.” 

“Good.” Now that everypony in the room saw that Bladewing accepted the things he will do and experience as a knight, Mountain Wind rose once more to his feet. 

“Tell me, Bladewing: do you believe in destiny?” Bladewing and the Council knights were surprised. The sword was one thing, but they didn’t plan for Mountain Wind to say something so off-script. They looked in confusion towards each other, then back to Mountain Wind, unsure of what will happen next. By contrast, the audience were none the wiser, for they believed it was all part of the process. Bladewing himself stood just as surprised as Mountain Wind was confidently happy.
“No, sir.” Despite his answer also being off-script to the other knights, it was exactly what the king needed to hear. 

“Then you shall see why I do.” Less than a second later, Mountain Wind quickly drew the sword from out of the scabbard. He pulled it out so quickly in fact that the noise of its release sounded just loud enough for all in the room to hear it clearly… and they were absolutely mesmerized by how beautiful the sword really was. 

“Behold, everypony!” declared Mountain Wind, “The Sword of Cielo!” Both the audience and the Council knights alike awed in wonder at the the blade that now glowed brightly in Mountain Wind’s right hand. 

“What?” gasped Diamond Heart, “But how is this possible?” 

“I wish I knew, dear,” replied Topaz, “I always thought that blade was little more than myth.” The couple waited with the rest of the audience, in great anticipation, to what Mountain Wind was going to do next. 

“I can hardly believe it myself, my friends,” he told them, lowering his arm, “but I can confirm that this is indeed the fabled Sword of Cielo. A blade dating back to the very birth of our kingdom, it was crafted by the ancient Coltec blacksmiths… and blessed with holy magic by the very first High Priestess of the Faustian Order. Faust spoke to her one night through a vision, one where the holy mother promised our ancestors that in exchange for worshipping her and following the path of righteousness, she would protect our people for countless generations, make us a leading nation in this world… and one day bring us into a lasting era of peace and prosperity. This blade, she said, was meant to serve as proof of that promise. However, to ensure that it will never fall into the wrong hooves, Faust sent angels to take the sword and keep it with her in Heaven. The High Priestess foretold that she will return this sword to the royal family and fulfill the third part of her promise…” Mountain Wind slowly turned his head towards Bladewing with a smile before continuing. 

“… when a warrior with blades of light brings it to them.” At this point, Bladewing was taken completely by surprise. There was no mistake: the one this High Priestess spoke of was him. The Council knights were both surprised and thrilled, for not only did they realize who this “warrior with blades of light” was, but also that they were in effect helping Faust fulfill her promise to their people. But while they were ecstatic, Bladewing himself was just barely so. 

“Wow… so Faust really thinks I am destined for greatness. Great.” Bladewing wasn’t sure whether to continue to be surprised or accept this notion and be happy that she’s “guiding” him on this journey. After taking a look at how happy his soon-to-be colleagues and everypony else are, he decided that he will finally embrace the latter thought, a choice he confirmed with a smile. 

“Heh. Very well. If you insist, goddess. Let’s see what else you have planned for me on this journey.” Now without a shred of doubt left in his mind, Bladewing waited for whatever else Mountain Wind had to say. 

“I meant it when I said I appreciated your giving this sword to me, Bladewing,” spoke the king, “Through you, Faust has given me renewed hope in her promise… and I’m confident that you will be an essential part of it. Now I have but one question left to ask you: will you help me bring it to life?” Bladewing was unsure of what to say at first – he was no more prepared for this sudden change in the ceremony than the others were – but when he realized that Mountain Wind was speaking from the heart, he understood exactly where he would find the words he sought. He took in a deep breath before uttering his answer. 

“I’ll be honest, sir: I'm a bit hesitant to answer that. Never in all my life did I think that I would one day be here… or that I would ever find myself believing in an otherworldly power. I used to believe that such things don’t exist, that only I am in control of my fate. Even now, as I learn I’ve played a critical role in Faust’s plan, I still hold on to this latter belief… and yet it’s because of this role I played that I now understand the true meaning of destiny. It’s true that our choices shape our future but in the end…” Bladewing looked up to Father Nexus before continuing. “… no path is set in stone.” Needless to say, the old priest was pleased. His words have finally sunk into Bladewing’s mind, and his retelling of them was all he needed to know that Bladewing was sincere. He smiled as he waited for what else the pegasus had to say. 

“That said, my lord, if there’s anything I’ve learned from my time in this land, it’s this: a little faith goes a long way. I may have done all of my deeds on my own, but it was Faust who rewarded me for each of them. Now I have a home, a new family…” Bladewing turned around to face the Council knights. “… and soon, the best comrades I could ever ask for.” The knights couldn’t resist returning Bladewing’s grin with smiles of their own. They were flattered that Bladewing showed how special they were to him… and like Father Nexus, they were eager to hear more as Bladewing returned his attention to the king. 

“So now I say, sir: I have my answer to your question. If helping you fulfill Faust’s promise means that we’ll all live the lives we were meant to have… then for the sake of my family, my friends, my new homeland…” Bladewing turned his head one last time, this time to face one very special pony. 

“… and the one who owns my heart…” Rose felt her own heart melt as Bladewing uttered that phrase. It may not have officially counted as Bladewing saying he loves her, but she knew nonetheless that it was a huge step in opening himself up to her. Here he was openly declaring in front of everypony in the land that he belonged to her. If this wasn’t proof enough that Bladewing had feelings for her, nothing was. She watched with her soul aflutter as her stallion turned his face back towards the king. 

“… I vow to give my very life if needed to help you do it.” The Council knights grinned with content. They were relieved to hear that Bladewing finally accepted Faust’s role in his life… and more importantly, that he agreed to help the king fulfill her end of this five thousand year old agreement. They turned their gaze towards Mountain Wind, who was now smiling proudly. 

“You have chosen wisely, Bladewing. I am certain that we will all one day be in your debt.” Mountain cleared his throat before continuing on with the knighting. 

“I find you worthy of this title, Bladewing. Now prove it. Swear your service to your country.” Bladewing bowed his head briefly before uttering his oath of loyalty to his king. 

“I am imperfect, my lord king. I have my share of wrongs and misfortunes just like everypony else… but I am here because you see potential within me. You see me as one who can help you guide this great nation to the utopian future it deserves… and I shall prove that to you before Faust herself. I vow from this hour henceforth that I will serve you, your family, and the proud people of Cydonia throughout all that we face, in war or in peace. I offer you my strength – and my faith – knowing that you will keep them well.” Mountain Wind tipped his head to Bladewing. 

“And gladly, I accept them. As both your lord and your friend, I vow to never lead you astray and to assist you in your time of need. For such are the bonds between a Coltec king and his knights.” The king then adjusted his grip on the sword. 

“On your knees,” he commanded. Bladewing obliged and got down to knees without hesitation… and the knights responded in kind by drawing out their swords in unison as before, inches from their face pointed vertically. The troubadours meanwhile played the composition they made for this specific moment. 

“By the power of the king… and by the will of Faust… I dub you a knight, Mr. Bladewing, of this most prestigious of councils. Nevermore will you carry on through life as a mere subject. You will now serve as a leader among ponies, ever striving for what is right until I release you… or death take you.” At long last, Mountain Wind made it official and lightly tapped each of Bladewing’s shoulders with the still-glowing Sword of Cielo. He put it back into the scabbard (which to everypony’s amazement quickly turned from old to brand new) before moving on. 

“Rise, Sir Bladewing,” the king ordered, shaking Bladewing’s hoof as he did so, “and welcome to the High Council of Cydonia.” Happy that Bladewing was now officially their comrade, the other knights raised their swords above his head. The trumpeters in turn sounded off one last time, signaling the official end of the ceremony. The audience and the crowd outside the palace went into an uproar, as they knew that today indeed marked a special event: the dawn of a new era. 

“Oh, isn’t this wonderful, Father?” asked Blue Belle. 

“Yes,” Father Nexus replied, “Bladewing has finally accepted the stallion he was meant to be… and the holy mother rests knowing that the time to fulfill her promise has come.” 

“How much longer will it take to see it through?” 

“I don’t know. But…” Nexus looked towards Bladewing feeling at the greatest of ease. “… the wait will be worth it.” 

Now that the ceremony was over, the other knights holstered their swords and proceeded to hug Bladewing. If they didn’t already consider him a friend, they certainly did now. They all knew that their lives can only get better from here on out, and they were determined to make sure that Bladewing felt right at home amongst them… for they will do nothing less for one who was chosen by Faust herself. 

Once they were done, the knights, together with Bladewing, left the throne room and made their way back to the conference room. 

“Congratulations, laddie,” spoke Clover, “Yer now part o’ the crew.” 

“Thanks, Clover,” replied Bladewing, “I meant what I said. I’ve only known you all for a few weeks, but I feel in my heart that I couldn’t ask for better colleagues. I hope to build strong friendships with each of you.” 

“As do we, comrade,” spoke Sir Nikolai – a brown, black-maned earth pony – “We all vanted to see zis day come… and now zat we know it was you ze High Priestess spoke of long ago, our time with you will be even more special. We Brushians have saying about zat: good brotherhood makes ze best wealth.” Bladewing grunted softly and smiled in agreement. It wasn’t long after that Mountain Wind entered the room, and all of the knights, including Bladewing, bowed in respect to him. 

“You did well, my friends,” he said to them, “Especially you, Bladewing. I am pleased to know that I have your complete support in this centuries-old agreement.” 

“It was the least I could do, sir,” answered Bladewing confidently, “If Faust really thinks that I am a crucial piece of this puzzle, then who am I to refuse? I may as well enjoy the ride.” 

“*chuckle* I couldn’t have said it better myself.” It was at this moment that the king overheard Blue Belle thank the other ponies for coming (and also they were now free to go.) Knowing this, he turned his attention back to Bladewing. 

“Your family must be waiting for you. You are now free to leave the palace.” 

“Are you sure, sir?” 

“I insist. Just be sure to report to Blue Belle’s office by 9 a.m. tomorrow. She'll have your first set of assignments ready for you by then.” 

“All right. You have my thanks, your majesty. I will spend this time wisely.” 

“See that you do.” Bladewing bowed his head to the king one last time before exiting the room. It was at this moment that a sudden thought came to Mountain Wind. 

“Hm… now that I think about it… who is Bladewing’s new family anyway?” 

“That would be the Heart family, my lord,” spoke Silver Streak, “They were seated in the top row center of the west bleachers.”
“Ah. So Mr. Heart is this ‘brother’ he spoke of?” 

“Aye, sir,” replied Clover, “and rightfully so. That stallion owes him his life.” 

“Indeed, Clover… and I expect each of you to follow his example. You never know if the ones you rescue will return the favor later in life.” The knights agreed with their king and chanted “Here, here!” in unison. 

It didn’t take long before Bladewing was outside the palace; and as anyone in his position would expect, he was showered with attention by both fans and reporters alike the moment he was seen. However, this time around, he was not keen on lingering at the scene. With little more than a smile and a few waves of his hoof, Bladewing flew away from the crowd into the skies. The Hearts, together with Rose and Blaze, were already on their way home to meet up with him there, but his faster speed meant he will get there long before they did. The extra downtime was just what he needed to sober up from his excitement at the ceremony. 

Within the hour, Rose and the others arrived at the house. After opening the front door, they proceeded inside and spotted Bladewing seated at the table. His back was facing them, but he got up and turned himself around as soon as he heard the front door opening. He was happy to see them once more, a feeling he showed with another smile as he hugged Diamond and Topaz. 

“Good show, Bladewing,” said Diamond, “You were amazing back there.” 

“Oh, it was nothing,” replied Bladewing, “I’m just lucky I found the words to speak in a pinch.” 

“*chuckle* Don’t be so modest,” spoke Topaz, “This is your time to shine and you know it. At long last, you’re a Council knight... and thanks to that sword you found, it seems you’re destined to become much more than that. Your parents would be proud, wherever they are.” Unfortunately for Topaz, her words did not had the effect she intended. In fact, they did the opposite. Bladewing’s smile slowly disappeared as he remembered all he had lost, and he turned his head away in an attempt to hide his thoughts. 

“Yeah. I’m sure they would.” The solemn tone in Bladewing’s voice gave Topaz pause, for she feared she accidentally brought low his spirit. But though this was indeed the case, Rose had every intention of bringing it back up. As his marefriend, she felt it was her duty to do so, a point she made clear as she gently grasped his cheek with her hoof and moved his head to face her. 

“Bladewing,” she spoke softly, “Don’t be like that. Your mum and dad really would be proud of you. She didn’t mean anything else by it.” Bladewing nodded and firmly grasped her hoof with his own. His eyes slowly closed, and they stayed like that for a brief moment before he resumed the conversation. 

“I know, Rose. It’s just… well, let’s face it: I really did lose everything I once had. Blue Belle was right in saying that. Even if by some miracle I regain the memories you say I sealed away…” Bladewing let a tear streak down his right eye as he said that, a sight that shook everypony in the room. “… I might never see any of my old friends and family again. It makes me wonder just how painful my past was to make me overlook the memories of my parents in particular. Did I not love them enough? Or did I in fact seal away my past because their passing was the final straw?” 

“Aw, Bladewing.” Rose quickly embraced him in a hug. Even now, as he let the rest of his tears flow freely from his eyes, Bladewing refused to sob… for his heart was as strong as the rest of him, and he knew it was all part of the closure he needed to finally move on from his past and embrace the future he had made for himself. 

“It’s okay, handsome,” Rose continued, “I know you miss them. I would be crying too if I wasn’t sure about the fate of my own loved ones… but don’t EVER think that they’re gone forever. No matter where they are, your parents will never truly leave your side. Even if you don't remember them.” 

“How can you be so sure?” 

“Because I already know them.” Bladewing looked towards Rose with a mix of wonder and sadness. “Because I know you. You’re the sweetest and bravest gentlecolt I’ve ever met. I can tell that your parents did a wonderful job in raising you. It’s true that I don’t know their fates any more than you do, but they don’t need to be alive OR remembered to stay with you. If there’s one thing about family that my mother taught me, it’s this: children are the reflection of their parents. I didn’t understand her back then… but I do now. Only a father who risks his very life to protect his family can teach his son the true meaning of courage and to stand tall for the sake of justice no matter the odds… and I can tell that he taught you well. The same goes for your mum. Only a mother who truly understands love can show her child why it’s important to be kind to others and to never be afraid to show your truest feelings to them. If she could see the joy you brought me these past few weeks, she’d be at a loss for words to describe how proud of you she is.” Rose could see that her words had an effect on Bladewing, for his eyes stopped shedding new tears and he no longer had a sad look on his face. 

“Do you really believe that?” 

“*chuckle* You know I do. You may not think so, Bladewing, but your parents are still with you. It’s through both your actions and your character that their spirits live on in you, whether they’re actually dead or not – or even if you remember them or not. It’s only when you stop being yourself that they’ll truly be gone.” The wisdom infused in her words proved very soothing to Bladewing. If his soul were an army on the brink of defeat, Rose provided it with the morale boost it needed to fight on for the sake of their fallen commander. Needless to say, it convinced him that he had the strength to break free of the chains of sorrow that still bound him to his past. 

“Yes… you’re absolutely right.” Rose smiled and dried the rest of Bladewing’s tears after letting go of him. 

“Good. There’s no reason to be sad. You may not have your old family anymore, but you do have a new one. If it weren’t for your bravery that day at the fields, the Hearts wouldn’t have lived to see this day.” 

“Indeed,” added Diamond, “Topaz and I owe you more than we can ever repay in this lifetime. Letting you live here as part of our family is but a small fraction of the things we plan to do for you.” 

“My husband is right, Bladewing,” agreed Topaz, “It’s my own personal hope that we can change your life in far greater ways than you changed ours. You have my word that we won’t ever stop being there for you.” Bladewing chuckled lightly and hugged Topaz. 

“Thanks, Topaz. That’s very reassuring to hear.” After finishing his hug, Bladewing returned his attention to Rose. 

“I guess you have a point, Rose. In a way, I haven’t lost much of anything, have I?” 

“*giggle* See? And it’s not just a new family you have. You have new friends as well.” 

“That’s right,” chimed Blaze, “Besides your buddies in the Council, you also have me, stud. I used to think Rose would never have the spine to talk to boys and one day have a relationship with one because she was so damn shy around them. Once she told me so happily how brave you were in fighting those dragons, though, I had a gut feeling that you’d be the one to finally break her out of her shell… and MAN, it felt so good to be right. You have my sincere thanks for that, Bladewing… and I promise you just as I did with Rose that I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you two have a great future together.” 

“I’m glad I could be of help, Blaze,” replied Bladewing, “And thanks. I’m sure my relationship with Rose will flourish quite well with you around.” Blaze grinned and tipped her head to Bladewing just as he returned his attention for the final time to his mare. 

“And speaking of relationships…” Bladewing could almost feel the sincerity in her words as Rose put her hoof back onto his cheek. “…you also have me, Bladewing. Despite what Blaze here may think of it, I already knew you had a role to play in my life. I just wasn’t sure if it was as a friend… or something more. Once I got to know you a little more, I knew in my heart that the latter would be it. I may have struggled here and there to build up my courage to try romance, but you made it all worth it. Especially now that I can be the one to help you finally move on from your past and fill your future with the love and happiness you rightfully deserve.” If what Rose told Bladewing that day at the Fortune Tune mall wasn’t already enough proof that she genuinely wanted him, what she said now was certainly it. That being said, Bladewing smiled as he gently removed her hoof from his face. 

“*sigh*… You know what? You’re right. I may never have my old life back, but why should I be sad over it when I have a great start in this new one? I may as well be like the phoenix and raise a new me from the ashes of the old me. I guess I shed tears for my past one last time because I wanted to make it official… and now that I have, I’m finally at peace.” Relieved that she had succeeded in helping her stallion heal from the loss of his memories once and for all, Rose now knew what she had to do to get him to start looking forward to his future. 

“Good. So no more sorrow. I cannot bear to see you cry any more than you can bear seeing me do it. From now on, we will face the good and bad in your life together… and no matter how bad it gets, we will see it through to the very end. Deal?” Bladewing nuzzled his mare’s face before giving his answer, much to the warm delight of the Hearts. 

“Deal.” There was no question that everypony in the room was happy to see Rose successfully restore the happiness Bladewing lost only moments ago. As if more proof of it was even needed, Rose’s Cutie Mark began to glow with a strong red aura. It was surely a sign that she was more than worthy of the power this mark bestowed on her. 

“Thank you, Bladewing. That was all the proof I need that you’ve finally let me into your heart. *chuckle* Even after the fast one you pulled on me after our date.” 

“Ah,” Bladewing joked, “So you figured it out.” The stallion chuckled as Rose playfully stuck her tongue out at him.

“I certainly did, you sly colt. However, after what you said at the ceremony, this ‘stalker’ lacked the will to stay mad at you… and for that, she has forgiven you completely. Consider yourself lucky.” Bladewing couldn’t resist blushing and grinning nervously as he figured out what Rose meant by that. 

“Oh… right. THAT part.” 

“Mm-hm. That was very sweet of you… and now I want to reward you.” 

“Reward me? For what?” 

“For making me the happiest mare in the land.” Before anypony could figure out what she meant by this ‘reward’, Rose pressed forward and kissed Bladewing lovingly on his lips. Bladewing moaned in surprise as he felt her lips softly caress his own. The Hearts, including little Ruby, watched in awe at the romantic scene. Blaze meanwhile stood in complete shock, as she never thought Rose had it in her to be this deeply intimate with a stallion. She wasn’t complaining, though. At least she now had an excuse to playfully tease Rose if she ever tries to hide any juicy details about the relationship from her. 

“Not that I think I’ll ever need to,” she thought to herself, “I’m just glad Bladewing’s taking it pretty darn well.”

Unfortunately for Blaze, Bladewing wasn’t sure how to take it at all. Especially given he was nigh unprepared for such a move from Rose. After processing everything that happened until now, however, he decided that now was the time to reveal to Rose how he truly felt about her. As such, he finally shed his hesitation and embraced the emotion he kept from her since day one. He closed his eyes and wrapped his foreleg around his mare’s head as he returned the kiss with equal passion. 

“Way to go, Bladewing!” cheered Diamond, “That’s how it's done!” 

“Quiet, you,” joked Topaz, “You’re not ruining this beautiful moment if I can help it.” Diamond both grinned and chuckled nervously as his wife gave him an evil grin, and it was all it took for him to apologize and sober up to reality once more. 

The deed done, Rose slowly parted her lips from Bladewing’s, and Bladewing in turn removed his hoof from her head. All the stallion could feel right now was a warm feeling radiating from within. 

“Wow. So this is what you meant.” 

“*giggle* What can I say, Bladewing? I love you. Even if you won’t say it, I will… and I hope that someday you will too.” 

“Then you can stop hoping… because I love you, too.” Rose couldn’t believe what she heard. She wasn’t sure if he was teasing her again or if maybe – just maybe – he was sincere. She looked at him with longing in her eyes. 

“Do you mean that? For real this time?” Having heard exactly what he needed to hear, Bladewing let her have it. 

“With all of the heart you’ve successfully claimed.” Bladewing’s words were too much for Rose to handle. It’s only been a few weeks but given how much Bladewing teased her (albeit playfully), she felt he would never surrender his love to her… and yet after pulling his very soul out of the abyss (and of course her kiss), he finally legitimized her claim on him. This victorious conquest allowed her to let loose tears of her own, ones that unlike Bladewing’s were laced with joy. 

“Aw, come now, Rose,” Bladewing cooed teasingly, hugging her, “Don’t cry on me now. Didn’t you say something about ‘no more sorrow’?” 

“Oh, shut up and kiss me, you smug colt.” Bladewing was more than happy to oblige her command. The two lovebirds embraced each other’s lips once more. Truth be told, their love swelled so much it would make a particular pair of humans blush… but at least Rose and Bladewing’s love wasn’t frowned upon. Especially not by the four ponies that were more than happy to see Bladewing finally accept the romantic feelings he had for Rose. 

“*sigh* So it has come to pass,” spoke Topaz, “Our pegasus friend has finally given the relationship the care it needs to bloom.” 

“So he has, love,” Diamond spoke, “*chuckle* Let’s see how it goes.” Bladewing enjoyed the calming warmth of his mare with every second that she nestled in his embrace. Before long, they separated their lips from one another, but they still stood together. 

“I’m glad to have been a part of your special day, Bladewing,” Rose spoke softly, “and I hope that we will share many more memories together.” 

“You have my word that we will, Rose… and I promise to cherish each one as I cherish you: like a precious gem.” The love that flowed between the couple was powerful, a sentiment shared with awe by the four ponies watching them. Bladewing was uncertain what the future holds for him but in this moment, he could care less. He was now a Council knight, and after what felt like ages, he finally got the closure he sought for his past and moved on from it… and confessed his love to Rose while he was at it. There was little else he could think of that would make this day any better for him. He looked towards the cloud-filled sky with gratitude, as if to thank the goddess for having made this day so perfect for him. And so began Bladewing’s first step into legend: burying who he was, embracing who he is… and imagining who he will be. 

* * * END SEGMENT I * * *