We Don’t Socialize With Ponies Who Have Dragon Companions

by PPEF1

We Don’t Socialize With Ponies Who Have Dragon Companions

A golden carriage in the sky was being pulled by two royal guards. Inside the carriage was a purple unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, and her dragon assistant, Spike. They were heading to a small town called Ponyville to check up on the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, but also to make friends. Twilight, with a disappointed expression on her face, stared off in the distance as Spike was reading a letter that was sent to them by Princess Celestia.

“My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony’s life than studying. So I’m sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year’s location, Ponyville. And, I have an even more essential task for you to complete, make some friends.”

Twilight let out a sad moan. She didn’t want anything to do with making friends.

“Look on the bright side Twilight,” Spike said, trying to cheer her up. “The princess arranged for you to stay in a library. Doesn’t that make you happy?”

The unicorn’s expression quickly changed.

“Yes! Yes it does. You know why? Because I’m right! I’ll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon’s return.”

“Then when will you make friends like the princess said?”

“She said to check on preparations. I am her student and I’ll do my royal duty. But the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends.”

The carriage landed in the middle of the town. Twilight and Spike hopped out to get started on the list of things the princess asked of them.

“Thank you sirs,” said Twilight.

The royal guards let out a smile and flew back to Canterlot.

“Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about,” said Spike.

A pink pony with a pink fluffy mane walked up to the two.

“Come on Twilight,” Spike urged, “just try.”

Twilight nervously spoke up.

“Uh… hello?”

The pink pony let out a huge gasp and dashed out of sight into the distance. Twilight and Spike watched until she was long gone.

“Well that was interesting all right,” the unicorn said as she walked off to the next destination.

Spike let out a disappointed sigh from the fact that the first pony they met was anything but normal.


On their way to check up the preparations, Spike read off the checklist for the Summer Sun Celebration.

“Number one: banquet preparations, Sweet Apple Acres.”

The two arrived at their destination. In front of them was a farm filled with crops and was surrounded by apple trees.


Looking to the right of them was an orange earth-pony wearing a brown stetson running up to one of the apple trees. She quickly stopped right in front of it, turning around kicking the tree with her hind legs. The sudden strike caused the red and green apples to fall into conveniently placed baskets under the tree.

Twilight let out a sigh. “Let’s get this over with.”

The two then made their way up to the country mare. Twilight then introduced herself.

“Good afternoon. My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

Suddenly, the orange earth pony shook Twilight’s hoof vigorously up and down as she introduced herself.

“Well howdy-do Ms. Twilight! A pleasure making your acquaintance. Ah’m Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like making… new… friends.”

Applejack slowly stopped talking and shaking her hoof as she laid eyes on Spike.

“Um, is something wrong?” asked Twilight.

“No, nothing at all,” Applejack said, her eyes still on Spike. “Anyways, what can Ah do you for?”

“Well, I am in fact here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. And you're in charge of the food?”

“Y-yeah. You care to sample some?”

“As long as it doesn’t take too long.”

“Alright, follow me.”

Applejack led Twilight and Spike to a table that had a yellow tablecloth with orange stripes.

“Wait here and Ah’ll, uh, bring the food.”

The country mare started walking away to the barn to fetch the food preparations. Spike watched as Applejack walked to the barn then back to Twilight.

“I don’t know if it was just me, or if Applejack gave me a strange look.”

“No, she definitely did. Maybe you’re just overthinking it.”

Their conversation was then interrupted when hundreds of ponies came running towards them, each one having a plate of food. The ponies placed the dishes on the table to take a look at their guest. Up until they saw Spike, they all gasped.

“Is that a dra-”

Applejack quickly placed her hoof on one of the pony’s mouths.

“Hehe. Apples, huddle up now.”

The group of ponies huddled up into one big circle now starting a discussion. Twilight and Spike just watched unknowingly on what they were talking about.

Few seconds later the Apple family broke out of their huddle and turned their attention back towards Twilight and Spike.

“So,” started Applejack, “what d’ ya think?”

“Well, I can see the food situation is handled so we’ll be on our way,” Twilight replied.

“Alright, you do that now.”

Applejack watched as Twilight and Spike left Sweet Apple Acres, her eyes gazing and frowning at Spike.


“Food’s all taken care of, next is weather.”

Spike checked off the first thing to do off the list, then looked up to the sky.

“There’s supposed to be a pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds.”

Twilight looked up at the sky, Rainbow Dash nowhere in sight.

“Well she’s not doing a very good job is she?”

As soon as Twilight said that, she was quickly tackled by somepony into a mud pit. That pony was none other than Rainbow Dash.

“Hehehe, excuse me?”

Twilight gave Rainbow Dash a disgusted look.

“Let me help you.”

Rainbow Dash quickly returned with a cloud and placed it right above Twilight. She then bounced up and down on the cloud, letting all the water out, making Twilight all drenched.

“Oops, I guess I overdid it. Um, how about this?”

Rainbow Dash started circling around Twilight forming a rainbow tornado.

“My very own patented Rain-blow Dry. No, no, don’t thank me. You’re quite welcome.”

Rainbow Dash then realized that she made Twilight’s mane all poofy. She fell on the floor bursting out in laughter, Spike following suit.

Twilight, unamusingly, looked down at the laughing pony.

“Let me guess, you’re Rainbow Dash?”

“THE one onl-AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!”

Noticing Spike on her back made Rainbow Dash jolt up, throwing him onto the ground.

“Spike! Are you okay?”

“Yeah, ugh, I’m fine.”

Twilight then turned back to Rainbow Dash.

“Now what did you do that for?”

“I, uh, it was a, uh, A BUG! Yeah, I felt like I got stung by a bug.”

“Okay… Anyway, I’m Twilight Sparkle and the princess sent me to check on the weather.”

“Yeah, yeah that'll be a snap. I’ll do it in a jiffy. Just as soon as I’m done practicing.”

“Practicing? For what?”

“The Wonderbolts!”

Rainbow Dash pointed to a poster featuring three ponies in blue suits with lightning bolts.

“They’re gonna perform at the celebration tomorrow, and I’m gonna show ’em my stuff.”

The Wonderbolts? The most talented flyers in all of Equestria? Pfft, please. They’d never accept a pegasus who can’t keep the sky clear for one measly day.”

Rainbow Dash was angered by the comment.

“Hey, I could clear this sky in ten seconds flat!”

“Prove it.”

Rainbow Dash accepted the challenge and started flying straight up into the sky, kicking clouds back and forth until the sky was all clear.

“What did I say? Ten. Seconds. Flat. I’d never leave Ponyville hangin’.”

Twilight and Spike were just speechless seeing how fast Rainbow Dash had just cleared the sky.

“Hahaha, you should see the look on your face. You’re a laugh Twilight Sparkle. Can’t wait to hang out some more.”

Rainbow Dash quickly left the scene, most likely to practice for the Wonderbolts. She quickly looked back, her eyes on Spike. 

“... Not. Especially with that dragon.”


Twilight and Spike headed inside Ponyville’s town hall to check up on the decorations. The town hall was filled with banners green and blue.


“Yes, the decor is coming along nicely. This ought to be quick. I’ll be at the library in no time. Beautiful indeed.”

“Not the decor, her.”

Spike pointed to a unicorn with purple, curly hair. The unicorn was hovering ribbons, checking if they were suitable or not.

“How are my spines? Are they straight?”

Twilight just rolled her eyes and walked up towards the unicorn.

“Good afternoon.”

“Just a moment please, I’m in the zone.”

The purple unicorn was pushing aside ribbons until she stumbled upon a sparkling red one.

“Oh yes! Sparkle always does the trick does it not? Why Rarity, you ARE a talent. Now um, how can I help you-AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!”

“What’s wrong? Is it my mane?”

“Uh, well actually, that too.”

“Wait what?”

“Nevermind that! Here.”

Rarity then started pushing Twilight out of the town hall.

“Wait! Where are we going? Help!”


The two were headed to check on the last preparation being music. Spike however, couldn’t get Rarity out of his head.

“Wasn’t she wonderful?”

“Focus Casanova. What’s next on the list?”

Spike cleared his throat.

“Music. It’s the last one.”

A lovely tune started playing in the background. The song was coming from birds on a tree with a yellow pegasus pony.

“Oh my. Um, stop please everyone.”

The pegasus flew up to one of the birds.

“Excuse me sir. I mean, no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny tiny bit off.”

The bird nodded its head, taking note.

“Now follow me please. A one, a two, a one, two, three-”



Twilight’s greeting scared the pegasus pony, her screaming causing all the birds to fly away.

“Oh my! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten your birds. I’m just here to check up on the music and it’s sounding beautiful.”

The pegasus pony perched down to the floor meeting Twilight’s head level, but she didn’t let out a word.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle. What’s your name?”

“Um, I’m Fluttershy.”

“I’m sorry. What was that?”

My name is Fluttershy.”

“Didn’t quite catch that.”

I’m Fluttershy!

The pegasus was unable to mutter her name out legibly as the birds came flying back to the tree.

“... Well, it looks like your birds are back. So I guess everything’s in order. Keep up the good work.”

All the pegasus could mutter out was still illegible.


The pegasus watched as Twilight walked towards Spike.

“A baby dragon?!” she shouted as all the birds flew away again.

“Yep. He’s my companion.”

“Hello,” Spike said, waving.

Seeing the dragon caused the pegasus pony to faint. Twilight and Spike just blankly stared at the unconscious pony.

“Well then… I guess we better get going.”

Spike hopped onto Twilight’s back and they headed off to the library they were going to stay in.


Twilight and Spike had arrived at the library. Opening the door, the two were met with Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, the yellow pegasus, and the pink earth pony from the beginning.

“What the?! How did you all find my house?”

“That’s not important right now,” said Rainbow Dash. “We were all informed about Pinkie Pie here about you.”

“Informed? About me? But I met you all individually.”

“Looks like you don’t have the full story,” said Rarity. “Pinkie told us that there was a unicorn who had a dragon companion, but we all pushed it aside since we just assumed she was exaggerating things like she always does.”

“Hey! I heard that!”

“Ponyville is a nice place, and we don’t… creatures like YOU here trying to invade it.”

Rarity pointed her hoof directly to Spike. His face started to make a sad expression as his green eyes started.

“W-what? Why?”

“Because dragons are big, nasty, and just ruthless creatures.”

“But, I-I’m not any of those.”

“Yet. When you grow up, you’ll be just like them, just like your kind.”

Hearing those words, Spike started to cry into Twilight’s chest. Twilight hugged Spike back with her left forehoof and gave the five mares an angry look.

“How could you say that?! Spike’s been with me ever since I raised him as a baby.”

“I’m sorry but that’s just facts,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Also, ponies with dragons might want to take over Equestria one day,” Pinkie stated.”

“Don’t give her ideas,” Applejack said, gritting her teeth. “Look Twilight, if ya wanna stay here, you have to send him back to the Dragon Lands. If not, then you’ll just have to leave.”

The choice was obvious for Twilight. She and Spike exited the library, closing it shut.

“It’s okay Spike. Come on, let’s go back to Canterlot. I’m sure the princess will understand.”