//------------------------------// // How to Train Your Chicken Part 1: Doctor's Orders // Story: The Love of a Family // by Asterid //------------------------------// Chapter 8 – How to Train Your Chicken Part 1: Doctor’s Orders Scootaloo woke up in her room at the orphanage, a smile stretched across her muzzle. Her dream the previous night had starred her sister/mother Rainbow Dash as well as her favorite white unicorn, Sweetie Belle. Dash had been teaching her how to fly and after having completed her own version of the Sonic Rainboom, Sweetie Belle had been very…enthusiastic in helping Scootaloo celebrate. Flinging the Wonderbolts blanket from her body, Scootaloo rolled out of bed and trotted out the door to her room. Walking down the hallway towards the dining room, the young filly saw a familiar flash of rainbow-colored hair turn the corner leading to the caretaker’s office. Deciding that Dash was probably more important than breakfast for the time being, Scootaloo used the skills she had gained during the recent ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders Ninjas’ adventure to sneak down the hallway unnoticed. Pressing her back against the wall, she edged to the doorframe of the caretaker’s office. Straining her Pegasus hearing to its fullest, Scootaloo struggled to eavesdrop on the conversation. “…made arrangements for the doctor’s appointment for today.” Dash said, “My partner and I would have her for most of the day.” “Partner, Miss Dash?” Mrs. Minder asked. “We were under the impression that you would be adopting Scootaloo as a single parent,” Mrs. Taker stated, “Who will be helping you raise her?” “Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Dash said proudly, “We have decided that we will be raising both Scootaloo and Spike together.” “Oh, how wonderful,” Mrs. Minder said happily, “Two loving parents and an older brother to take care of her. She’s truly lucky to have you come into her life.” “Hey!” Scootaloo shouted as she leapt into the room, “I don’t need someone to take care of me. I’ve been taking care of myself just fine.” “Slow it down there, Scoots,” Dash said, “No one’s saying you can’t take care of yourself. Sparkles and I care about you and want you to become part of our family. Plus, if I’m your mom, there’s nothing stopping me from helping you find out what’s got you stuck on the ground and helping you get in the air.” Dash’s response caused Scootaloo’s train of thought to grind to a halt. A family wanted her. There were ponies that cared about her. Maybe even…loved her. She could feel cracks forming in the icy wall she had built around her heart to protect herself.  “Would…can I call you mom?” Scootaloo asked. “Of course you can,” Dash replied, sweeping the little filly into her forelegs, “But, what are you gonna call Twilight.” “Oooo I know,” Pinkie interrupted, popping out of a filing cabinet, “She can be Mama Twilight and you can be Mama Dash!” “Pinkie, what are you doing here?” Dash deadpanned, setting Scootaloo down. “Helping you, of course,” Pinkie replied, “See you guys later.” Diving back into the filing cabinet, the drawer shut itself in a cloud of confetti. “How did she do that?” Scootaloo asked. “It’s Pinkie Pie.” Was the only response from all three adults in the room. “Alright, now that the mushy stuff is all taken care of,” Rainbow said, “We’re gonna go meet Twi at Sugar Cube Corner for breakfast before we head to Cloudsdale. You’ve got a doctor’s appointment.” “Doctor’s appointment, yay.” Scootaloo said, unenthusiastically. Walking side by side, both Pegasi had a bounce in their step as they neared the bakery. Walking through the front door of the shop, Scootaloo spotted a familiar lavender mare browsing the muffins in the display case. Trotting up to Ponyville’s resident princess, Scootaloo nuzzled her before looking in the display case herself.  “What are you thinking of getting, Mama Twilight?” The filly said cheekily. Looking down at the orange Pegasus, Twilight was knocked for a loop hearing what she called her. Draping one of her wings possessively over the filly, Twilight pulled her close to her side. “Well, Scootaloo, I was thinking about a nice, healthy, cranberry orange muffin.” Twilight asked, her eyes glistening, “What about yourself?” “I want a double chocolate cherry muffin,” Scootaloo replied, “Gotta keep my energy up.” “A double chocolate cherry muffin is not breakfast, that’s dessert,” Twilight scolded, “Dash back me up here.” “Your mom’s right, Scoots,” Rainbow said, “Try the blueberry muffin. We’ll save the junk food for after your appointment. I’m going to stick with a coffee for now.” “Yay, Mama Dash is awesome!” Scootaloo chirped, her tiny wings buzzing as fast as possible. Placing her order with Pinkie Pie and hoofing over 6 bits, Twilight and Dash walked the little orange filly over to a table and each sat at her side. As both Twilight and Scootaloo began eating their treats, Dash sipped her coffee and enjoyed a few minutes of domestic happiness with her soon to be family. As soon as they were finished, they waved goodbye to Pinkie before placing Scootaloo on Rainbow’s back and setting off on their way to Cloudsdale. The smile on Scootaloo’s face couldn’t get any wider as she enjoyed the feeling of the wind rushing through her fur and rustling her feathers. Looking to her left, Scootaloo saw the same look of pure joy written all over Twilight’s face as well.  Cresting another cloudbank, the city of Cloudsdale unfurled itself in all its splendor. Celestia’s sun glinted off of the marble like pillars and domes. Wonderbolt’s stadium stood proudly in the center of the city, surrounded by statues depicting the famous Pegasi, all crafted from crystalized rainbow. “While we’re here,” Dash shouted over the sound of the wind, “We should visit my parents. That way I can introduce them to my special somepony and our daughter.” “Are you sure?” Scootaloo asked, her hooves wrapped around Dash’s neck, “What if they don’t like me? What if they hate me for not being able to fly? I don’t want to come between you and your parents.” “There’s nothing to worry about wee’in.” Dash said, “My parents are the last ponies who would judge you. Trust me on this, your grandparents will love you.” Flying around the stadium, the large hospital complex came into view. Standing 7 stories, the massive complex dominated the skyline and nearly blocked out the light of day with the incredible shadow it cast.  Entering the main door, Scootaloo climbed off of Dash’s back and heard the musical falling of water. Turning towards the main atrium, the filly saw an incredible sight. A large fountain made out of metalized clouds launched liquid rainbow into the air for it to fall harmlessly into a shallow pool at its base.  “Beautiful…” The little filly gasped. “I know right?” Dash replied, “Come on, lets get you checked in.” Walking up to the reception desk, the trio found a pure white Pegasus with a blue main and tell with a blue cross on her flank.  “Hello, my name is Nurse Blue Cross,” She said, pulling a small clipboard from a rack on the wall, “How may I be of assistance.” “My marefriend and I are taking little Scootaloo here for an appointment with Doctor Science,” Dash said, placing a wing protectively over the filly, “We are hoping to get some assistance with her flight issues.” “I’ll let Doctor Science know you’re here,” The mare replied, handing Twilight the clipboard, “Just need you to fill out this information. Please sit over in the waiting area, the Doctor will collect the information from you.” Taking a seat in the waiting area, Twilight picked up a quill in her magic and began filling out the form while Scootaloo and Dash began reading a flight magazine with an article about the Wonderbolts. Before long, a fluorescent green pony with neon blue hair came trotting up to them. A white lab coat was wrap around his barrel, with slits for his wings on the back.  “Hallo, everyvone,” He said with a thick Germaneian accent, “My name iss Doctor Veird Shience, I believe I vill be helping young Shcootaloo today, ja?” “Ja…sorry, yes,” Rainbow replied, “I’m hoping you can tell us why Scootaloo is having trouble flying.” “Ze little one iss having problems flying?” The Doctor asked, “Vell, let us go up to the magic shcanner and shee vhat ve shee.” Guiding the TwiDash family down a long hallway, the Doctor entered a small room portioned into two parts. On the right-hand side was a small console with several controls on it. On the left-hand side was a small, clear cubicle with small diodes along the walls. “Now, young Shcootaloo, please shtep into ze shcanner und shtand very shtill. Ve vill run a few tests and record your magic levels. Once zat is completed, ve vill shee vhat can be done to ashist you.” The Doctor said, walking up to the console. Walking cautiously into the small scanning cubicle, Scootaloo felt like she was being put on display. She tried to stay still, but her discomfort was causing her tiny wings to buzz at odd intervals. As the Doctor began pressing buttons on the console, the diodes int the cubicle began to glow and a small net of light began passing over the fillies body, scanning her from all angels.  “Hmmm, interestink,” The Doctor said, reading from the monitor screen as paper began rolling out of the console, “Vary, vary interestink.” “What’s up Doc?” Dash asked, her own wings fluttering. “Let us have young Shcootaloo join us and we will discuss this in my office.” The Doctor replied, collecting the printouts and turning off the scanner. “Come on Scoots,” Twilight said, waiving over to the little filly, “The Doctor is going to go over your results with us now.” Stepping across the hall, the four ponies found themselves in a large office with a desk against the opposite wall. A small fireplace was set into the right-hand wall, with large bookshelves on the wall opposite it. Taking a seat behind the desk, the Doctor motioned the family to sit before them. “Zo, I half found a few very interestink things based on the readings from ze shcanner,” The Doctor began, “To begin vith, young Shcootaloo has a very large magical core, eshpescially for one zo young.” “That’s good right?” Dash asked, “I mean, a large core means she’s got access to all the Pegasi magic she could need to be able to fly.” “Ya, zhat is correct,” The Doctor replied, “Ze problem zeems to arice from ze child’s fairy sreads. Zey grow normally from her core, howefer, zey do not reach all the way the ze tips of her vings, causing ze vings to be undergrown und underpovered.” “So, I’ll never be able to fly?” Scootaloo asked quietly, her head hung low. “Oh no, you vill definitely be able to fly,” The Doctor said, a smile on his face, “Howefer, you vill need to begin a long rechiment of exercises und supplements. You vill also need to take daily doses of Ambrosia for roughly vone months’ time. Zhat vill help your fairy sreads to extend sroughout your wings and allow zem to grow big und shtrong.” “This is wonderful new Doctor,” Twilight said, happy tears tracing lines along her muzzle. “Doc, thanks for making all of our days.” Dash said, wrapping a wing around Scootaloo, “We’ll start training tomorrow Scoots. Tonight, Twilight and I have a few things we need to teach you. Especially since you have to learn courting rules for Pegasi and Unicorns.” “Wait, both!?” Scootaloo shouted, her wings buzzing loudly, “Why both?” “Well, you have to explain Pegasi rules to Sweetie Belle and you need to learn Unicorn rules.” Twilight replied, “I appreciate your help today Doctor. Now, come along girls, we have to go visit the pharmacy to get your supplements. I’ll brew the Ambrosia myself.”