Stolen Childhood

by MistyShadowz

Chapter 6 - Baby Bee?

The day before had started out quite horribly, from the rude awakening to the Cinder kid and maybe even that CC colt, Choco was it? It was quite easy to call that the second worst day in the little life of Rainbow Dash. Second to the day before that when her own mother abandoned her, now that was not fun.

Though, if she were to tell ponies that the entire day had gone by in a similar manner, then she'd be called a liar right away.

She was left alone with dozens of foals for a good, long while - to her it had felt like eternity. The foals hadn't fallen asleep as she was instructed to make them do, in fact, most of them were flying around as though they were ready to be apart of some Air Force, or something. She had scowled at each of them, not getting the reaction she wanted. What ended up working was not any lullaby she may have remembered from her own parents or some glare that never seemed to phase the foals, but her chasing them around.

Yes, she chased the foals around. She couldn't fly herself, her wings being useless at the moment, so she found a magazine lying around and used that to chase the foals back into their cribs, she then rocked the cribs back and forth, until they fell fast asleep.

She herself had fallen asleep after taking care of all the foals and had decided to take a little nap, hoping to forget that entire day and the one before that.

"Please let this be a bad dream."

If she told anypony, now, that she hadn't let even a tear slip, then she'd be lying. In fact, quite many had stroked her soft, cyan cheeks that day, maybe more so than she ever had before.

The filly soon awoke in the same place she had once fallen asleep in, a drowsy-like state she was in, no doubt. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, adjusting her gaze to the bright lights of the little room. Blinking a few times, she took note of her location. Stone-gray wallpaper, slightly carpeted floors - one rough carpet was placed at the foot of each crib - and the unmistakable cries of foals echoed the little room.


She let out a small, nearly unheard, sigh. She was not fond of that room, nor the cries and most definitely not the foals inside said room. Getting up to her hooves, Dash made her way over to the right, a foal in the crib next to her. Getting up on the tip of her hooves, she managed to take a good look at the foal that was crying to her right this early in the morning.

The foal was small, like really small. She hadn't seen this foal flying about the day before, hadn't even known he existed until now. The foal was a small boy, wearing the cheekiest smile she'd ever seen in her life. The foal had a chocolatey brown mane, with the brightest shade of yellow as his coat colour, and baby blue eyes. The foal had his hooves raised up, flailing them about, trying to reach the older pegasus with them, making all sorts of foal-noises.

Blinking, Dash returned the cheeky smile and picked the foal up in her small hooves. She herself may have been just half his size bigger than the foal, but she definitely was able to hold him. She was now sat on her haunches, holding a bright yellow foal in her hooves, staring down at him with a cheeky smile.

The foal reached up and grabbed Dash on the muzzle, laughing to himself as he did so. Dash watched the foal play, clapping his hooves together after letting the cyan muzzle out of his little grasp.

"Having fun?"

She smirked. The foal paused, staring at her as though he were examining her. Then he clapped his hooves together, once again, and giggled.

Dash smiled, he was sweet, wasn't he?

"I like you, kid."

She said, rubbing his tummy, seeing if he liked it.

"Do you have a name?"

She asked the foal, expecting at least one chuck of it for her to make something out of - a nickname, at least. The foal merely blinked, again, staring as though the cyan filly had gone mad.

"What did I expect?"

She asked herself, rolling her eyes in a dismissive manner. She then looked down at the foal in her hooves and thought for a second.

Something chocolatey, something yellowy, something blue - to match his baby blue eyes - something coltish, and something she liked... she shrugged. The only thing coming to her mind was a very simple name - that had nothing to do with chocolate - and was about to declare the future stallion's name, when something a little better hit her.

"How about Baby Bee? You're really yellow like a bee, and when you're older we can call you Big Bee and-"

The foal clapped his little hooves, smiling brightly. The foal then placed a hoof on Dash's chest, looking up at her, curiosity evident in his little stare.

"Oh my name?"

She asked, to which the foal said nothing back to.

"Rainbow Dash!"

She placed a hoof of her own on her chest, and smiled proudly; she'd been having to say that a lot lately.
The foal tilted his, seeming to register what she told him, then clapped his hooves, making all sorts of weird baby-noises, Dash couldn't understand.


The foal tried to get the name, falling quite short on that attempt.

"How about 'Bow?"

She asked, watching the foal's face take on a few different expressions before landing on a satisfied one. He, yet again, clapped his hooves together.


He giggled, closing his eyes, satisfied with himself. Dash smiled.

"Now say, Bee."

She asked of him, to which her delivered quite quickly.

"Bee? Bee!"

He rejoiced happily, taping his hooves together, clapping, once again. Dash chuckled.

"You really like clapping, don't you?"

Her small chuckles were quickly followed up by the little foal - Bee - clapping his hoovesm giving her an affirmative 'yes' as an answer.

She spent the rest of the morning playing with Baby Bee, and had fun with him too. The little foal was a lot of fun to play with, he'd clap his hooves at anything he found pleasing, and the cheeky smile on his face just made Dash's day. She had found herself smiling more often that not, actually smiling this time, not pretending like she had for the entirety of the day before.

Bee was going to be a fun little friend to have.

To Be Continued!