//------------------------------// // Looked After by Luna // Story: Grown With A Kiss // by reedman //------------------------------// When Princess Luna saw two giant stallions enter the castle grounds, she was floored. In all her years, she never thought she would see stallions tower above her in size. Even from the balcony of her room, they seemed large enough to look over the castle walls with ease. She needed to know more immediately. The red stallion was busy eating, while the guard was simply on patrol. She spread her wings, and flew down to the guard. Said guard saluted as she floated in front of his face. “Afternoon your highness.” the guard said. “Good day. How is thou so large?” she asked. “The hoomin, your highness.” the guard answered. “He...” the guard trailed off. “He what?” the princess pressed. “He kissed me and I grew to this size, your highness.” the guard answered. An answer that made Princess Luna blush very hard. “V-Very well.” she answered nervously. “Where is the human at this moment?” “The barracks with Captain Shining.” the guard said. “As thou were.” she said before landing on the ground. *** Pete slowly opened his eyes. His head ached a little. He hated the sleeping spell. No matter the pony that casted it, the spell always gave him a headache when he woke up. He should’ve seen it coming. Shining saw him as a weapon to protect Equestria. At least it was the more noble cause of all the ponies he dealt with today. For now, he needed to figure out where he was. He wasn’t in the barracks anymore. He was in a bed. A nice one. It was kinda small for him. The bed had a curtain around it. Purple with little blue stars dotted about. He pulled the curtain aside to get out of the bed. As he looked at the crescent moon-shaped bed, something felt familiar. The dark blue aesthetic was tugging at a memory in the back of his mind. He couldn’t put his finger on it. A flash of light blue caught him off guard. He took a moment to blink away the mild blinding effect. “Apologies Pete.” Princess Luna said. “I brought thee a glass of water.” He graciously accepted the glass. “Thank you, your highness.” Pete said as he quickly drank it all. She took the empty glass with her magic, and it disappeared. “I remembered thou had complaints of headache and thirst after a spell of sleeping.” she said. The princess of the night wasn’t a pony he spoke to frequently. However, Princess Luna played an essential role with helping him adjust to his new life in Equestria. She helped dispel numerous nightmares of being kidnapped by Twilight. She was the first princess he spoke to. She was the one who asked Princess Celestia to grant him citizenship status. “It’s great to see you.” he said. “This has been a rough day.” “After I had you teleported to thine bed, the captain told me your tale.” she said. “Thy lips have been busy today.” “Kissing ponies, and running from the ones that wanna kiss me more.” he said. “I was hoping your sister could get rid of this so-called gift from Discord. It would be nice to go back to normal, or at least my normal.” To his dismay, the princess shook her head. “Before today, changing size with magic was but a theory.” she said. “My sister is powerful. Yet, I doubt she could undo what Discord has done.” “So growing ponies is the rest of my life?” Pete asked, feeling defeated. The royal mare saw his sadness and had a quick response. “What if thou were to learn control of this power?” Princess Luna asked. “I’ve been trying to control it.” he said. “My species doesn’t have magic, so it’s a lot of guesswork for me.” “The royal library has many books on the basics of magic.” she said. “I may not be a teacher like sister, but I shall tutor thee best I can.” *** Despite the relative seriousness of the situation, Princess Luna couldn’t help but be a little excited as she walked down the hall with Pete. She never had the chance to have a protégé like her sister. Being banished to the moon for a thousand years took away that opportunity. With Pete’s new magic, this could be her chance to have her own ‘faithful student’. “Lulu?” a voice called out. The two turned around to see Princess Celestia approach them. “I’m glad you found Pete. Now I can help him get his magic under control.” “Apologies ‘Tia.” she said as she stepped between her sister and the human. “Pete will be under my tutelage. I am more than capable of teaching him.” “I do not doubt your capability sister.” Celestia said. “I simply think-.” “That thou is thy better teacher?” Luna interrupted. “Were this a matter of dream magic, I wouldn’t question your stance.” the white princess said. “However this growth magic is new, and requires careful analysis.” The princess looked towards the human with a soft smile. “Now come along Pete. We have a lot of work to do” Pete reactively started to walk, but Luna flexed her right wing to block his path. “Stay Pete.” she said. “I will be the one to teach thee. Sister already has one protégé, she does not require two.” “That’s what this is about?” Celestia asked before she scoffed. “This is just like when Mother gave me a doll for my birthday. You threw a fit until you had one of your own. Now you want your own student?” “Oh? Since thou is thy bigger sister, thou should have thy way?” Luna asked back. “Right now, yes!” the older sister said. Princess Luna had enough. With a glow of her horn, Pete was leaning towards her. She brought their lips together and closed her eyes. She felt a tingling through her body. After a moment, she pulled away. When she opened her eyes, it was a sight she has not seen in centuries. She was eye level with her sister. The mare couldn’t help but smile smugly at her surprised sibling. “Now that is no longer the case.” Luna said. “Come now Pete, thine faithful student.” The two began to walk away. “If size is the only way you will listen, then fine.” Celestia said as she pulled the human towards her with magic. *** When Pete woke up this morning, his biggest concern was taking inventory at the Carousel Boutique. Now here he is, involuntarily kissing the oldest and most powerful mare on the planet of Equus. That happened right after he was forced to kiss the second most powerful mare. After all this was over, he needed to have a talk with all these ponies about boundaries. “Are you ready to listen to your big sister now?” Celestia said looking down at Luna. She now doubled the moon princess in size, and levitated the human out of reach. In a flash, Princess Luna teleported into the air right in front of the human. He found himself pressed against her lips again for a moment. Despite his practice with Big Mac, he couldn’t stop either of them from growing. “Is thou ready to listen to thy true big sister?” she said. Now the two were eye level again. He saw the magic around him go from yellow to blue rapidly. He was shifting back and forth. The royal sisters were having a tug of war over him. A sibling rivalry. Which his growth magic was influencing. “Your highness!” a guard shouted. The alicorns and the human looked down at the stallion that barely met the two towering mares at the knees. To Pete, it looked like one of the guards he met with Shining earlier. The sight of two giants didn’t faze him. “Yes?” Celestia asked. “Giants resembling Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack have appeared on castle grounds.” he said. “Also, there are reports of dozens of Ponyville citizens on the train to Canterlot right now.” “No doubt they are coming for my student.” Luna said. “I will have to attend to this.” Celestia said as she relinquished her magical grip on the human. “The human will have to be your student sister. Though I doubt you’ll have much time to teach.” “Thou should worry about thy own giant student in the courtyard.” she said. “Come Pete. The library is far too small for thy teacher, so we shall take the books to the throne room.” As the moon princess happily trotted away, Pete floated next to her. He watched as everything lightly shook at the movement of the two giant sisters. The guards tried their best to keep their composure. “Oh this fills me with excitement!” Luna said with a smile on her face. “Thou will not be disappointed having the princess of the night as a teacher.” *** Queen Chrysalis couldn’t believe her plan was going so well. Taking the form of Princess Cadence again was foal’s play. The real princess of love was back at the Crystal Kingdom with a changeling taking the form of Shining Armor. She had other changelings in the form of guards there as well as here with her. The plan was simple. Wait until everypony was asleep that night, then strike. At least that was the original plan. For the past hour, rumblings had been felt in the castle. None of the ponies seemed to know what was going on. She was trying to keep a low profile in the Royal Gardens, but numerous ponies moving to the main courtyard gained her attention. She quietly followed the numerous guards and servants. Her jaw nearly dropped to the ground. It was unbelievable. It had to be an illusion of some kind. A trick. There was no way this was real. Twilight Sparkle. The thwarter of her evil plans. The thorn in her side. She was a giant! Her friends Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were with her too. Even Princess Celestia was a giant, despite somehow being the smallest giant among them. She had to know more. She quickly shapeshifted into a guard to get closer. “So Pete’s already in the castle?” Twilight asked. “Yes Twilight.” Celestia said. “Luna’s already begun training him to control his growth magic.” Growth magic? Such a thing had never existed before. The idea of being as big as Canterlot Mountain filled her with a myriad of ideas. The princess said the magic came from Pete. That was the human that lived in Ponyville. She never met him, but she had heard her changelings speak about him. He was practically helpless compared to ponies. No horn, wings, or hooves. If he did possess such powerful magic, forcing him to use it would be the easiest thing she had done all day. Chrysalis quickly made her way back to the castle. After she got inside, she changed back into her Princess Cadence form. She saw four guards approach and sensed that they were her changelings. They bowed their heads as she approached. “Good afternoon my queen.” one of the guards said. “There’s been a change of plan.” the queen said. “Their precious human is in the castle. We need to find him.” “We shall alert the others immediately.” another guard said. *** Studying a book on contact magic while sitting on a throne room floor while a giant pony princess sat behind him was probably the least stressful part of the day. Well second least. Kissing Big Mac still took first place. Pete was happy Mac taught him the basics of Ponish. Though parts of the book still required translation help from her highness. She said she would add ‘learning Ponish’ to their list of things for him to learn. Though today’s focus was on one simple thing. Getting this growth magic under control. This book was definitely listing out the problems he was dealing with. Princess Luna thought his magic had some similarities to contact magic, and she was on the money. “It says here that contact magic can affect the emotions of those it’s used on.” Pete said. “Maybe that’s why Rarity went crazy this morning.” “A possible theory.” the princess said. “I think these books on contact magic are gonna be a huge help your highness.” he said. “They will not replace a full education on magic.” she said. “They shall help us with our one goal today.” “Being able to control who grows when they kiss me.” he said. As he read away, Pete couldn’t help but notice his teacher’s horn glowing behind him. Off to his side, a ball of light blue energy took the form of Princess Celestia. Seemed his tutor was enjoying the difference in size she had earlier. “It was pleasant to be the same stature as sister.” the princess said. “With you as a teacher, I feel like there’s going to be lots of opportunities for that.” Pete said. “What is thou’s plans once the magic is mastered?” she asked. “I was thinking of starting a business.” he answered. “Ponies paying to be big for a little while would make a lot of bits.” “An excellent plan.” Princess Luna said. “Now tell me my student, what has the book taught thee so far?” Pete put the book down, and turned to look up at his teacher. She was beaming with eagerness. He was her first student after all, so it was warranted. He hoped he didn’t have to write friendship reports like Twilight does. He hoped a verbal report on his findings would do. “According to The Basics of Contact Magic, the effect of the magic can’t stop once physical contact is made.” he said. “This means growth won’t stop until I cease physical contact. Also, controlling the flow of magic takes endless practice. Meaning, I will have to practice control over my growth magic if I ever want to kiss my coltfriend without growing him.” “I...was not aware thou was courting a stallion.” Princess Luna said as she blushed wide-eyed. “Well,” Pete said “you’re the first to know Big Mac and I are dating.” “The red stallion of the Apple family?” she asked as he quickly nodded. “That is most elating to hear my student. A shame thy lips will belong to a pony other than myself.” “Pardon?” he asked as his teacher unfurled her wings. She curled them in a semi-circle. Which created a dark blue wall of feathers against his back as he stood up. “In the old days, I would claim thy lips as royal property and keep thee all to myself.” Luna said as she used her wings to close the distance between them. “As a giant, sister wouldn’t dare oppose my claim of you now.” “Y-Your highness?” a nervous Pete asked as the distance between them got smaller by the second. Would he be allowed to tell a princess no if she wanted to keep him? The princess of the night looked down at him with bedroom eyes. “I...um...” As their heads were mere inches away from each other, the princess pursed her lips. Not to kiss, but to hold something back. Suddenly, she folded her wings. The nervous human quickly backed up, followed by the raucous laughter of the princess. “My good gracious.” she said as she wiped a tear from her eye with a wing. “Thou truly fell for it.” “Jeez.” he said as he took a deep breath. “I thought I was gonna have to start running around the castle.” “I had a feeling thou had yet to read the section where it tells alicorns are unaffected by magic that changes emotions.” the princess chuckled. “Lesson learned.” Pete said. “Let us take a short break, my student.” Luna said as she stood up. “I must think of a way to get back down to normal size.” “Some of the ponies I grew shrank down after walking around and exhausting themselves.” he said. “Maybe use some strong magic to wear yourself out?” “Excellent idea my protégé.” she said. “I shall teleport as far away as I can, then teleport back. Such a feat should wear out my magically enlarged body. I shall be back my student!” With a bright flash, Princess Luna was gone. As Pete started to stretch his legs, he heard the doors open. He turned to see a black alicorn with fangs walk to him, followed by a number of guards that resembled her. “I thought she would never leave.” the alicorn said.