//------------------------------// // Power Play // Story: What happens to Golly? // by Golly4Ever //------------------------------// "Professor?" Asked Astral, in between breaths. Who would have known the princess could run so fast? "Why aren't we..." Astral hadn't realized just how out of shape she was. It was a growing problem for the modern Canterlot unicorn, using their magic for almost everything. "...teleporting? You could just..." Twilight flashed a dirty look back at Astral as they ran, the two royal guards in the lead. "Nevermind." A flurry of hooves and moments later, they arrived at the halls of the castle leading to the throne room. It was eerily quiet. None of the expected guards were at their posts. The throne room doors were closed. Twilight tried the doors with her magic. They were locked or perhaps barricaded. She ordered the two guards that had accompanied her and Astral to buck them open. *Slam!* The doors shook but otherwise didn't budge. Twilight turned to face Astral. "Just what were you thinking? Do you know what you very well may have done? How did you even... All of Equestria may be at risk!" 'All of Equestria.' For a moment, Astral feared the wrath of her professor, her princess. 'No.' *Slam!* "No," said Astral, defiantly. All of Equestria could burn for all she cared. It wasn't worth trading Cozy Glow for. In the time that she had gotten to know the sweet little filly, she had decided that the price of the safety and security of her home nation was not worth the cost of denying the living experience of just one pony, a foal, regardless of their crime. "No?" Twilight was shocked. Whatever Astral had to say, it had better be good. This was such an unexpected turn of events and behavior from her. Recovering from the shock, Twilight backed off and softened her posture just a bit to give Astral room to explain herself. "No, professor, Princess." That was just about all she had at the moment. She was speechless. She didn't think this was how the day was going to turn out. She especially didn't think she would have to confront Twilight like this nor be given the chance to defend herself and her actions and Cozy Glow. The whole thing went so much smoother in her head. *Slam!* "I'm listening." Twilight waited expectantly while the guards continued their work on the oversized doors. "I uh..." Astral needed a moment to think. There was no time. This wasn't an essay assigned as homework that she could write up and revise and perfect. 'Looks like we're doing it live.' "Cozy is a good pony." "You don't know that, Astral. She might seem soft and sweet on the outside, but for all you know, she could be playing you just like she played me, my friends and an entire school." It appeared to Astral that Twilight had stopped listening. "I do know! I know her more than anypony else!" It was hard for Astral not to raise her voice, but she firmly believed the words she was saying in Cozy's defense. "If you would just let me show you, please!" *Slam!* The doors began to crack as they budged more and more with each slam of the combined efforts of the two guard ponies. Twilight looked over at the door, then back at Astral. "I fear we won't even get the chance. Celestia knows what's waiting for us on the other side of that door." 'She does?' With a final slam, the doors burst open and the guards rushed inside. Twilight turned and immediately followed them. From outside the room, Astral could hear an eerie sound of the ring of an ancient bell as it filled the cavernous space of the throne room. She ran up to the doorway just in time to see Cozy Glow, seated high up in Twilight's throne, aiming the artifact at the three intruders as its magical aura encapsulated and drained them of all but the smallest bit of life essence. "Cozy Glow!" exclaimed Twilight, as her magic was painfully drained away. "How dare you drain my magic for yourself!" "It's not for me," said Cozy. "Excuses!" said Twilight, now slumped on the ground along with her guards, severely weakened. Astral cautiously entered the Throne room, first checking up on the Princess, then taking a quick glance around the room. The weakened bodies of the castle guards littered the room in separate piles, alive, but too weak for action. "Cozy, No! Why are you doing this?" she asked. "You are a good pony, you promised you’d be!” "I'm not, Astral. I tried to warn you. He won't let me be good," said Cozy. Her voice was sad, almost heartbreaking were it not for her actions. "Who, Cozy? Who won't let you?" Cozy raised a black crystal into the air with her free hoof, tossing it to the ground in between them. "He won't," she said as she aimed the bell at it, giving it a ring. In the glow of the bell's aural, the crystal bubbled and grew, sprouting more black bubbling crystals, followed by an ominous malevolent laugh. A dark cloud of smoke swirled around it and expanded, spreading and filling the room. "Spike!" called out Twilight, weakly. "Send a scroll, warn the others!" "Oh, I don't think he can hear you," the ominous voice said, emanating from the cloud as it took form and materialized into a dark unicorn with a jet-black flowing mane, King Sombra. "He's been sent on a quest beyond the borders of Yakyakistan. Nopony will be hearing from him for quite some time." Sombra laughed gleefully. As he climbed the steps up to the throne, Cozy quickly left the chair to hop down and kneel before him. "At.. At your service, K... K... King Sombra," she said, nervously. Sombra casually kicked her aside on his way up the steps to the throne. "Cozy no!" called out Astral. "Silence!" commanded Sombra, as he materialized a steel-framed muzzle onto Astral’s face. Astral called out to the stallion telepathically, as loud as she possibly could, "You will never get away with this!" Dust fell from the ceiling while the other ponies winced. A light trickle of blood ran down from her ear as she leaned onto twilight, nearly fainting. "Oh, but it seems that I already have. I have the castle and the ruler of all Equestria. Or shall I say, the *previous* ruler of all Equestria? Soon, I will drain the magic of all of those that would oppose me and all will bow down to me!" said Sombra as he picked up the bell, holding it high in the air. Cozy hopped back up from the floor to kneel on the steps in front of the throne, "Y-Your highness, why go through all that trouble when.. you can have a minion do the work for you?" Sombra sat comfortably in his chair. "Go on..." he inquired. "I- I- I know what it’s like to be trapped and imprisoned for such a very long time. You needn’t stress yourself with manual labor. In- In- Instead, you can just sit right there, l- looking gorgeous, by the way, and- and- and I will bring their power to you. No pony would suspect little ol' me. It will be easy! My king. J- ju- just take it easy and get some rest. Cozy can take care of everything!" said Cozy. "Yes, I see. You may go," said Sombra as he waved Cozy off with a hoof, "But be quick about it." "As you wish!" said Cozy, rising to her hoves, using her wings to lift herself off of the ground. "...just one more thing," she added. Sombra rolled his eyes. "Yes? what is it, now?" he asked, becoming annoyed. "It's just that, well, the ends of Equestria are such a very, very long way to travel, and these little wings sure do get tired awfully easy," said Cozy as she crossed her hooves low in front of her, making a sad face. “If I could have even just a teeny little bit of unicorn magic, I could use it to serve you even better.” Astral furrowed her brow thinking to Cozy with her telepathic powers, "What are you up to?" "Very well. But do not fail, or attempt to betray me, or your wings will not be the last thing to carry you off," threatened Sombra. He used the bell to grant Cozy a unicorn horn in a dazzling flash of light and magical radiance before floating the bell over to her. "Now, be gone! and do not delay your return, or else," he said, waving her off a second time. Cozy bowed to Sombra from the air as she thought to herself, '...Getting More Power.' She wouldn't know if Astral could hear her or not. It didn't matter. The only thing that mattered to her right now was more power. With a flash of salmon pink light, Cozy was gone. "Now," Said Sombra, leaning back on the throne. "Where were we?" "You will never get away with this!" exclaimed Twilight, staggering to her hooves. Astral helped her to get up and steady herself. "Oh, I AM getting away with this. While we wait, why don’t we change things up around here?" Sombra imprisoned Astral, Twilight and the two guards in a cage of crystals. He then closed the doors to the room and began blasting several areas around the throne with magic from his horn. Massive black crystals formed and shot out into place. Dark crystal cages provided no escape for any of the other ponies and guards that occupied the room, as they lay drained of their power. "That's more like it." * * * It was now later in the day. The dust had settled and Sombra now sat in a crystallized throne, relaxed, picking at his hoof. The room was uncomfortably silent with the slightest noise echoing off of the many-faceted surfaces with heavy reverberation. A guard cleared his throat lightly. The ponies just stood there, eyeing Sombra who sat. No sounds or signs of any activity could be heard from out in the hall. Astral shifted her weight from one side to the other as she continued to glare at Sombra. Twilight scratched her shoulder for a moment. Suddenly, a small piece of dark crystal dislodged and fell onto the floor with a small "Clink!" Sombra and company jumped. Sombra looked up, "What was that? It was nothing," he said as he went back to idly picking at his hoof. Twilight shifted her weight from one side to the other. Sombra stretched, adjusting his posture on the throne to try and get more comfortable. Astral continued to glare at Sombra. The guards, powerless to act, also maintained their fixed focus on Sombra. For a moment, a bird could be heard chirping outside as it flew by the window; then it was gone. Light shone in through the stained glass onto the dark crystals that now covered the majority of the room. Astral flipped some of her mane out of her face, the chains on her muzzle jingling and echoing throughout the room. Evening came. Twilight, Astral and the guards continued to glare at Sombra, who just sat. Astral closed her eyes, her horn glowing softy, "Cozy. Cozy, why?" she called out, telepathically. Tears of disappointment and betrayal welled in her eyes. Twilight noticed, and pressed against her, stretching out a wing over her back. 'Perhaps I came on too strong. Maybe I'm mistaken. I've been wrong before. Judgment and punishment are not what she needs right now.' "I'm pretty sure you had the best intentions, but sometimes a pony just doesn't want to be saved, no matter how hard you try. A forced friendship will always fail." She kept her voice low and soft, barely audible as she murmured into Astral's ear. "Not Cozy," replied Astral, telepathically. "I would never give up. I've seen through her, too much that tells me she is every bit worth saving, even if it means risking all of Equestria and more. She just... she's, lost right now. Sombra kept me out when I tried to be there for her, when she needed me the most, but she has to know, I will always try to reach her." "Then I'm certainly sure you had the best intentions of being the best friend a pony can ask for," assured Twilight. "Thank you, Twilight," said Astral before shifting her mental focus. "Cozy, why are you doing this? You once said friendship is power. You have a friend right here, what more do you need? Cozy!" Astral ignored the fact that Cozy was probably well out of range for her to be heard. She looked up to Twilight, "What if I've made a terrible mistake. Please forgive me, princess." * * * More time had passed. The light shining down onto the floor from a large stained glass window had made its way across the room while Sombra began to nod off when a flash of light illuminated the room and Cozy appeared, bell in hoof. Everypony was startled. "Here I am!" announced Cozy. "So you are. And did you bring me the power of the alicorns?" asked Sombra. "No I didn’t, your majesty. But I did bring you something else," said Cozy, as she headed for the doors to the room. "Oh?" asked Sombra, raising an eyebrow, curiously. Cozy opened the doors to reveal a familiar set of figures: a white one, a pink one, an orange one, a yellow one, and a blue rainbow one. Sombra was agitated and alarmed as he rose out of the chair to his hooves. "What? What have you done? What is this!?" With no delay, the ponies quickly sprang into action, spreading out. Cozy flew to the crystal prison aiming the bell at Twilight and her guards, giving it a ring. "This is.." she started. "The power.." Pinkie continued as she sprung up, holding a crystal shard just in time to block a blast from Sombra aimed at Cozy with it. “Of Friendship!” said Rainbow Dash, as she zoomed by Sombra, knocking him off his hooves from the top of the steps. “Oh, This place is just horrid! It simply won’t do at all!” Said Rarity, as she broke a large column of black crystal with her magic, causing it to fall onto Sombra. “Oh my,” said Fluttershy. Applejack ran up and bucked Sombra in the head, “You’re more pesterin’ than a hungry hog at feeding time!” The bell finished returning power to the guards, and all of the rest of its stored power into Twilight. Revived, Twilight burst the crystal prison into shattered dust before magically removing the muzzle from Astral’s face. “Cozy,” said Astral, I thought you-” “Were the best friend a pony could ask for. Right?” interrupted Cozy. “Just let Cozy take care of everything!” * * * Earlier that day: It was a pretty normal day in Ponyville. The streets were quiet. Business proceeded as usual. Pinkie Pie was busy baking away at Sugar Cube Corner. She hummed to herself as she mixed ingredients and worked the ovens. *Poof!* "Cozy Glow!" she exclaimed. Cozy blinked in a slight daze as she got her bearings. While wielding magic wasn't completely foreign to her, it did take some getting used to, again. "Uh... Hi, Pinkie. you're not surprised?" she asked. "Yes, I AM surprised. And I love surprises! Unless they're baaad surprises. Are you a baaad surprise?" Asked Pinkie. She quickly turned back to her work as if nothing was wrong. "No? I hope not," said Cozy. "Oki-dokie!” said Pinkie, as she carefully opened the oven to pull out a tray of fresh muffins. Cozy was taken aback. She thought to herself, 'well that was easy.' Pinkie noticed what Cozy was holding. “Grogar's Bell? Are we going to party hard?" asked Pinkie, getting excited. "No, Pinkie. I need your help! Twilight's in trouble! King Sombra's back and--" Pinkie drew in a long gasp, "King Sombra!?! Say no more! But first, to the party planning slash operation rescue Twilight from King Sombra and save the day planning party planning cave!" She exclaimed. Pinky pushed a button and a trap door on the other end of the room opened up. “Oh, right. I moved it.” She giggled and bounced into the open door on the floor. Cozy shrugged and glided down in. Balloons, filing cabinets and party favors were everywhere. Cozy stood at a party planning table while Pinkie went into a filing cabinet and pulled out some large rolls of paper. She spread them out over the table using party favors to hold them down. Cozy looked down at what Pinkie was setting up. “Blueprints of the Canterlot castle throne room? Is this really necessary?” she asked. “Oh, it is! But what is even more necessary for a perfect party is ponies!” said Pinkie, looking up expectantly at Cozy Glow. “I know just who to invite!” said Cozy, catching on and growing a big smile of her own. * * * Elsewhere: It was a cold lazy day in the winter sky. There were not many clouds to be seen, but the biggest, softest ones were occupied by even lazier pegasi who napped on them, quiet and relaxed. *Poof!* "What?!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, startled as she turned around. "Now, I know what you're going to say, but--" started Cozy. "Cozy Glow? I thought you were Dead!” exclaimed Dash. Cozy crossed her forelegs, pouting. “Hmph!” “I mean… I thought you were frozen in stone!" corrected Dash. "About that..." said Cozy. Rainbow looked and noticed what Cozy was holding. "Grogar's Bell? Oh no. You're not getting me!" said Dash as she jetted off, causing a sudden rainboom. "No, wait!" called out Cozy, but it was too late. "...Golly." She turned around looking for Pinkie, "Oh, right." Cozy tilted her horn forward spawning a flash of light as Pinkie appeared. Somehow Pinkie knew to bring a bundle of balloons with which to carry herself as she floated in the sky in front of Cozy. "Did she say yes?" asked Pinkie. "No. She didn't. She took off instead. That way," pointed Cozy. "No problem. I'll get her! You can go invite the others!" * * * Applejack hummed to herself as she pulled a cart of apples through town before spotting a familiar curly-maned pink filly approaching her. “What in tarnation? Cozy Glow? Ah reckon you were turned to stone. What in the hay are y'all doing here?” she asked. “My best friend Astral, Twilight’s student, freed me. And now we need your help,” said Cozy. “Twilight’s Student, you say? How do I know I can trust you?” asked Applejack, narrowing her eyes at the filly. “Um, well, you don’t. But Astral said friendship is trusting a pony, even when you don’t have a reason to,” explained Cozy. “She said that? Well, that just sounds like mighty fine friendship advice, if you ask me, sugarcube. Twilight would be proud,” said Applejack. “Now what can ah do ya for?” she asked. "Ah can't rightly say ah trust you yet, but ah'll at least hear y'all out." It would have to do. There just wasn't time for an elaborate show of faith and whatnot. Not with Astral, Twilight and the rest of Equestria at stake. “King Sombra is back. He has the throne room and Princess Twilight has been taken prisoner. And… to be honest, I kinda helped with that,” said Cozy, sadly. Astral had taught her that honesty was the best policy. If that were true, there was no better pony to apply that to than Applejack. Who knows? Maybe Applejack had the ability to tell when a pony was telling the truth. Normally Cozy would have hoped that wasn't the case, but it was something she thought she could really use right then. “Now why would y'all go and do a thing like that?” asked Applejack. “Sombra made me. He showed me my worst fears and promised that he would make every bit of it come true if I didn’t help him capture Twilight. I’m supposed to be collecting all the alicorn magic right now, but I wanted to collect all of you instead, so we can beat him, together. Like I said before, friendship is power, and I really need all the friends I can get right now. I don’t care what happens to me, but we need to save Twilight and Astral! Will you help me?” “Well shoot. ah sure as shit can! What’s the plan?” asked Applejack as she unhitched herself from her cart of apples. “We’re planning down in the basement of Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie and me. She’s getting Rainbow Dash right now, but we should go and get Rarity and Fluttershy, then meet up there,” said Cozy. * * * Soft music played in the background as Rarity adjusted the window display at her boutique. “Oh, this is just simply divine!” She pulled a sign from the inside of the windows to reveal Cozy and Applejack standing on the outside, peering in. “Oh, this is a surprise! Come on in!” said Rarity as she motioned the ponies to enter the shop. “What is the occasion?” asked Rarity. “...And what is -SHE- doing here?” Rarity pointed at Cozy Glow. Applejack stepped up, “Now y'all just relax and hold yer horses, Rarity. She’s on our side, and we need yer help tah save Twilight.” “Save Twilight? What ever could be the problem?” Asked Rarity. “King Sombra is back, and is holding her prisoner in the throne room!” said Cozy. “Oh, that’s just terrible! What ever shall we do?” Said Rarity, as she pulled over a fancy couch on which to faint. Applejack rolled her eyes, “We’re gatherin' up the gang together just like ole times, and we’re gonna show King Sombra who’s boss!” she said, pulling Rarity off of the couch and onto her hooves. Rarity thought for a moment. “Well, it IS almost that time of the month again. Yes. we shall have our get-together early. It will be simply splendid.” “Now that’s the spirit!” said Applejack. “Now all we need is Fluttershy,” said Cozy. * * * The animal sanctuary on the edge of town was quiet today. It had been a good season with few visits from sick and injured animals. It helped that most of them were hibernating for the season. Fluttershy finally had time to relax in her cottage for once. “More tea, Discord?” She asked. “Why certainly!” said Discord, holding his teacup over for Fluttershy to pour into. There was a knock at the door. “I wonder who that could be,” said Fluttershy as she stood up. She went over to the door and answered it. “Oh hello Rarity, Applejack, ...Cozy Glow!?!” said Fluttershy. “Oh, dear.” She quickly shut the door and flew back to Discord, hiding behind him. Discord sat his cup of tea down, then morphed his body around to embrace Fluttershy in a calming hug, "Visitors, or just sales ponies? Shall I dispose of them proper?" Still quivering, Fluttershy shook her head, "No. Maybe. Just one of them. Maybe." There was another knock at the door. "Fluttershy? Y'all come on out and open the door, please! Everything's ok, honest!" "That sounds like Applejack," said Discord. "It can't be that bad. How about I accompany you back to the door and we answer it together?" "I would like that," said Fluttershy. Discord carried Fluttershy with him to the door before setting her down and opening it. Cozy looked up to see who it was and instinctively took a nervous step back to hide behind the other ponies. “Oh how lovely to see you all here. What is the occasion?” he asked. “Mmm Let me guess. Princess Twilight’s newest favorite student set Cozy Glow free, who then set King Sombra free and imprisoned Princess Twilight and convinced King Sombra to let her go out to collect all of the most powerful magic in Equestria so that he can rule unopposed, but it’s really a plan to gather up the ponies of harmony to get together and beat him. Does that sound about right?” "Have you been hanging around Pinkie too much, lately?" asked Rarity. Stunned, from behind the shielding shelter of Applejack, Cozy blinked. “...Yes, that's right.” “Now how did y’all know all that?” asked Applejack. “You know what? Don’t answer that question.” “Fluttershy, Darling. We would be ever so grateful if you were to join us on this little adventure,” said Rarity. Discord slithered around to stand with Rarity, Applejack and Cozy Glow to talk to Fluttershy. “You were just talking about wanting to go on some kind of adventure the other day, weren’t you?” Cozy quickly moved to put Applejack in between her and Discord. “Um, I did say that, Didn’t I?” asked Fluttershy. “But I just don’t know. It sounds dangerous, and scary.” Discord rubbed Fluttershy’s cheek with his paw, “Oh not at all! It’s only King Sombra. You've helped beat him before, you’ve got this!” “We’ve got this!” encouraged Rarity. “Together!” added Applejack. “G- Golly... yes!” said Cozy. “Um. Well. Ok. I’ll come with you,” said Fluttershy. “W- Will you join us, Discord?” asked Cozy. “Oh, I don’t think that would be such a good idea, considering the last time we were all together. Like Rarity said, you’ve got this. I will just sit this one out, on the sidelines,” replied Discord, drawing lines in the air to the side on which to sit. “I think you have all the power you need.” Touched, Cozy relaxed a bit and smiled warmly at Discord.