Fancy Pants In: The Mystery of The Blanks

by TheTeaTurtle

Chapter Five: Into the Everfree

Chapter Five:

Into the Everfree

Celestia’s light shined through clover printed curtains, casting a dull green hue over the rest of the room.

 Fancy Pants rubbed his eyes and groaned as he sat up. 

Waking up in a strange bed without his lovely wife was a minor shock but the memories of the previous day flooded his mind the second he saw his young apprentice laying sound asleep in a separate bed. Without ceremony or complaint, he began his morning routine with the limited facilities available. 

While he was due for a trim, he decided that the Sleepy Sheep inn was not the best place for it as he stared at a pair of well used scissors. He decided instead to tidy his mane with a provided brush, staring back at his reflection with a weary expression. Fancy Pants was in the prime of his life, or so he had been told many times, and he looked like he had aged ten years in just a day. 

“A gentlecolt’s work is never done, I suppose.” He said, slipping on his monocle before leaving the bathroom.  As he walked back to his bed to retrieve his suit, he was surprised to see Pip up and about, already getting dressed. 

“Good morning, Mr. Fancy.” Pip greeted him with a smile, clearly still tired but raring to go anyway. 

“And good morning to you as well, Pip. Did you sleep well?” 

“Yeah, I think so.” He said, rubbing his bed head mane “Can we get breakfast before going to Ms. Twilight’s place? I’m starving.” 

Fancy chuckled “Of course, I am nothing without my cup of chamomile after all.” He used magic to retrieve his brush and began to fix Pip’s rowdy mane. 

Despite the colt’s words, Fancy could still tell something was eating away at his apprentice. He wanted so badly to ask and delve deep into Pip’s problems, but he knew the little pony would get defensive and the duo did have an investigation to finish, so distractions would have to be avoided for now. After everything else, that would be Fancys time to sit down and have a nice long talk with him. He even pondered talking to him about the owner of that golden pocket watch the little colt held so dearly. 

Even if Fancy would be perfectly fine without having that stallion's name grace his tongue ever again.


“So, we weren’t far off.” A now slightly rested Twilight mused as she closed the CMC’s journal. Fancy nodded as he placed a hoof on the table. 

“Indeed. The trio went into the Everfree Forest searching for a golden maned filly they all dreamed about. Whether these dreams were caused by this filly or another outside source, is a mystery.”

Applejack kept her eye on the journal as Twilight put it on the table, disbelief painted on her face as she listened “I don’t believe it! That silly little filly! Going into the most dangerous place in all Equestria ‘cause of some dream!” 

“Maybe they were under a mind control spell or something?” Spike proposed. Twilight looked unsure. 

“Even if they were, why can’t I detect them at all with my locate pony spells? There must be some kind of advanced magic suppression field or maybe a reality warping spell?” 

Rarity sat up, looking uneasy “You don’t think that it could be…” 

“Discord.” Applejack finished, venom practically leaking from her muzzle. 

“No way.” Twilight shook her head “Discord is crafty but we would have heard immediately from the Princesses if he escaped again. There has to be something, or somepony, else at play here.” 

“Umm…” Fluttershy raised a timid hoof “Maybe it’s the Everfree’s natural state of being uncontrollable by ponies? M-Maybe that includes outside magics?” 

Twilight tilted her head in thought “Good theory, Fluttershy but I don’t think that’s it either.” Applejack groaned and stood up.

“All this theory craftin’ ain’t gettin’ us anywhere! Where the hay is Rainbow?” 

“Right here!” a high pitched, feminine voice announced. Suddenly, a rainbow-colored streak shot through the open door and zipped around the room until a cyan, rainbow maned, pegasus fluttered down to the wooden floor, looking brash “Sorry for the wait, Pinkie was gathering some more ponies to help in the search today and I had to evaluate em.” 

“I’m guessing that the timber wolf attack scared off some potential help?” Twilight questioned. Rainbow Dash shook her head. 

“Not as much as you’d think. Ponies around here are really determined to find those kids.” She responded, rubbing a hoof on her chest. Twilight sighed in relief and withdrew a map of Ponyville from the floor and laid it flat on the book display table. 

“Alright, we’re going to divide the teams a little differently this time. Rainbow, you’ll split your group into teams of two to cover the northern and western part of the forest. Applejack, you and…” 

For Pipsqueak, who sat in front of one of the rear room bookshelves, the conversation faded into the background as he retreated into his own mind. His thoughts bounced between many subjects, as normal, but one dominated over the rest. The tall, dark trees of the Everfree Forest had appeared again in his dreams, as did that mysterious filly. Again, she had requested help only to be shadowed by that nearly imperceptible figure. But this time, before he awoke, she showed him something. A natural archway that contained a bright light that penetrated through the infinite darkness of the surrounding forest. He could still hear her last words as her soft, melodic voice echoed in the darkness. 

Find me, and you’ll find them.” 

“-ip?” Pip raised his head and met the stare of Fancy Pants, a quizzical look on the stallion’s face. 

“S-Sorry Mr. Fancy, my mind was just wandering.” He laughed awkwardly, rubbing the side of his head. 

Fancy looked dubiously at him, but he nodded regardless, despite the fact Pip knew his mentor could see right through his lies “I see. Do pay attention, though. This is quite important.” 

Pip nodded and got to his hooves, following Fancy back to the planning table. 

“-and we’ll meet back here around six. I don’t want anypony in the forest after dark, it’s dangerous enough during the day.” Twilight concluded, rolling the map back up with her magic. She noticed Fancy’s approach and looked at him questioningly “What about you and Pip, Fancy Pants? Are you going to stay here?” 

Fancy shook his head, looking resolute “I’m afraid not, Twilight. I made a vow to these two mares that I would find those little ponies and a gentlecolt never goes back on his word.” 

Twilight looked uneasy, but Rarity and Applejack shot him appreciative looks “Alright then, just stick with Applejack’s group. Fluttershy, are you still comfortable leading the ground group?” 

The yellow pegasus looked as if she were having second thoughts as she looked toward the ground. One look toward Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, however, caused her to raise her head high. “Yes, I’m ready Twilight.” 

“Alright, everypony. Gather your supplies and meet at your designated points. Those fillies are counting on us, and we’ll bring them home by tonight no matter what!” 

Everypony began to pack their saddlebags with food, water, and search equipment that included ropes, harnesses, a whistle, chalk, flashlights, a single pocket watch, and knives for dealing with vines. Fancy packed for both Pip and himself, looking at his apprentice on occasion to notice a distant look in his eyes. 

“Are you alright with going, master Pip?” He asked, setting the saddle bags aside “You can stay here with Spike if you wish.” 

“No, Mr. Fancy!” Pip yelled rather suddenly, covering his mouth when everypony looked in his direction “I-I mean, no. I’m just a little nervous but I’ll be fine, I promise. A gentlecolt always faces danger bravely, after all.” 

“...and smartly, don’t forget that part.” Fancy smirked and patted him on the head, making the young colt giggle “Stay close to me, no matter what.” 

“I always do, Mr. Fancy.” Pip nodded, the brave smile he put on being an effective suppressant for his addled mind. 

“Alright, Fluttershy and Fancy, follow me!” Applejack shouted and ran out of the open door. Fluttershy strapped her saddlebags on and took flight, following closely behind the Earth Pony. Before Fancy followed, he met Rarity’s eyes and smiled. A smile that held with it the promise he had made only a day earlier. She smiled back, her eyes filled with a renewed sense of hope, something Fancy was all too happy to see.

He then galloped out of the library with his faithful apprentice hot on his hooves. 


The tall, imposing trees of the Everfree Forest were as unnatural as they were oddly beautiful, in Fancy’s eyes. After the ground squad had met up with the volunteer ponies, Pip had told Fancy what he had learned of the location through Twilight’s extensive library. 

While the fact that the Everfree Forest’s creatures and plants acted independently of ponies was not uncommon knowledge, the sheer amount still unknown made the true nature of the forest even more chilling to the average Equestrian, discounting all of the terrifying magical creatures that dwelled within of course. It was one of the few locations on the continent to never be fully mapped, and that was going to make it even harder to find the three little fillies who had gotten wrapped in its clutches. 

Applejack sat a short distance away from the party, looking over her homemade map that had been filled in piece by piece over the past three days of searching. While they waited, Fancy decided to give the volunteers a once over. There were around twenty ponies in the ground team. Large enough to cover quite a bit of ground, small enough to not lose track of anypony. They were split nearly even with stallions and mares, with stallions winning out with eleven. The majority were Earth Ponies but there were three Unicorns, whose magic would certainly prove useful. 

Fancy’s eyes met with a familiar face in the crowd, Caramel. The dark yellow stallion gave him a gentle smile and nodded in his direction when he noticed him, a gesture Fancy returned. 

“Alright, y’all!” Applejack yelled, now facing the group “Remember to stay close until we get to Zecora’s place! Since we searched the north yesterday, we’ll search the western half of the forest this time and only split up when necessary!” She then pointed at Fancy Pants “Fancy! You and Pip get up near the front with me. Gonna need your critical eyes to look for clues!” 

“As you wish, Ms. Applejack!” Fancy responded and marched to the front with Pip only two steps behind. 

“Let’s go, everypony! Keep your eyes and ears peeled! And if we bump into anything dangerous, just leave it to me!” She declared, causing whispers to begin among the group as she turned around. Fancy took notice that, despite the long nights rest, Applejack still had a slight limp from her encounter yesterday evening. She was putting on a brave face and he hoped she wouldn’t get foolish in her efforts. 

The venture into the Everfree was quiet, aside from the cracks of branches and fallen leaves under the hooves of the party. Around five minutes into the walk, Fancy heard the air above him make a whipping sound and he saw several Pegasi streak over the canopy, a rainbow trail leading them ahead. 

“Looks like Rainbow finally showed up.” Applejack snarked and looked ahead “We’re not far from Zecora’s now. Her entry said she got halfway there and split off, reckon?” 

“If everything went according to their plan, I would think so.” Fancy responded and scanned the ground carefully as he went, analyzing every fallen leaf and crack in the dry ground. This is a trail that had been walked many times by many ponies over the course of the past few days, so it would be more difficult to pin down hoofprints belonging to the fillies. The trail continued on, and Fancy kept scanning, adjusting his monocle as he peered into the brush and between the trees. His eyes went wide “Wait just a moment!” 

Everypony in the line froze and Fluttershy yelped at the sudden command and came down to the ground. Applejack was the first to speak up amongst the confused murmurs. 

“Didja find somethin’?” Fancy stepped off the trail to the left and next to a large, dark green bush. His horn lit up with an orange aura and he snagged something small from within and looked it over carefully, humming to himself. 

“Did these fillies carry saddlebags often?” He asked. Applejack nodded. 

“Yeah, Applebloom had a green one I passed onto her but I’m not sure about the other two. Why’dya ask?” Fancy levitated the object over to Applejack, making her squint to see it. It was a light green saddlebag thread. Her eyes widened “Well I’ll be! That looks like the same color but...I dunno. That could be from anypony.” 

“Luckily, that’s not the only clue.” Fancy claimed, his horn lighting up again and producing a red apple shaped patch from within the same bush. Applejack gasped loudly.

“T-That was on her saddlebags!” she exclaimed and caught the patch when Fancy released it from his magical grip, looking downcast “Three days...three days and we didn’t find this until now…” 

“Don’t worry, A-Applejack.” Fluttershy comforted, patting her friend on the back “Now we have a trail to follow!” 

“Fluttershy’s right, Applejack!” Pip explained and pointed into the unknown “We can’t give up yet!”  The orange Earth Pony was silent for a few moments before raising her head and tilting her stetson back. 

“Thanks, y’all.” She smiled and turned back to the rest of the search party “Listen up! We got a rough idea where to search now. I want everypony to split up into groups of four and if you find something or stumble into any danger, use your whistle as a signal. Anypony hears that, you rush to check it out.” She then takes out a stick of white chalk from her bag and begins drawing large Xs on the surrounding trees “We meet back here at four o’clock regardless. Everypony understand? Now move out!” 

With this, the ponies divided amongst themselves evenly, creating six groups of four ponies. Fluttershy was instructed to tie her provided rope around the branches of the graffitied trees in order to form a noticeable square shape that would be noticeable enough to mark the spot as a “base” of sorts.

Fancy’s group consisted of his apprentice, Fluttershy, and Applejack. With the meeting adjourned, the groups went their separate ways. 

Whatever trail the Cutie Mark Crusaders left on their journey had long since formed back into a natural looking forest floor. Meaning that whatever clues they had left behind may have also been affected by whatever weather had occurred within the forest. Hours passed and many stones were unturned, but no whistles were ever set off by the other groups. Fancy and Pip had kept their analytical eyes peeled but hadn’t managed to spot anything else, much to their chagrin. 

Fluttershy withdrew her watch as she munched on a hay sandwich “It’s almost four. We should head back really s-soon.” 

“Have you all noticed anything odd?” Fancy asked, dabbing his face with a silk handkerchief. Applejack looked around; her previous bravado replaced by a waning stoicism. 

“That we haven’t found any clues the past couple of hours?” She kicked a rock idly, knocking it away a couple of inches. Pip didn’t have to look to feel Fancy’s prodding stare on him as he too began to look around. He flopped his ears and focused. 


“It’ quiet.” Pip nearly whispered, earning a nod from Fancy. 

“Indeed. For a forest that is infamous for its fill of untamed magical and mundane creatures, it is odd that we haven’t encountered a single one.” 

“That’s a good point.” Fluttershy said, suddenly more alert than before “I haven’t even heard the chirps of birdies since we got in here!” 

“Something fishy's going on…” Applejack slowly rose to her hooves, eyes darting between the numerous trees and bushes that surrounded them “Ain’t that a sign that a really big threat’s around?” 

Fancy adjusted his monocle and rose to attention as well. The evening sun’s rays were casting a dull orange and yellow glow, giving the illusion of fire dancing between the bushes and branches. A light breeze penetrated the silence, the four ponies now standing back to back with their heads on a swivel. 

The stalemate lasted for what felt like hours until a loud whistle went off in the north, followed shortly by the loud snap of a branch. 

Applejack wasted no time “Move!” 

Fancy scooped Pip up with his teeth and placed him on his back as Fluttershy rushed in and took flight behind Applejack “Hold on, Pip!” 

The small colt obliged, feeling the pounding of Fancy’s hooves on the forest floor traveling up the stallion’s shoulders. The trio of retreating ponies ducked and dodged branches and fallen trees, the forest doing its best to work against them every step of the way. 

“T-Timber wolves are behind us!” Fluttershy screamed as she gained speed. 

“Consarn it! Knew they wouldn’t give up!” Applejack yelled and turned to look at Fancy, who was only a pony apart behind her “How good are you in a tussle, Fancy Pants?” 

“I prefer not to fight but-” 

“Mr. Fancy!” 

Fancy Pants turned his head, looking over his scared apprentice. Tailing shortly behind him was something that he could only describe as a mad unicorn pony’s science experiment. What he was looking at did indeed appear to be a wolf. The only difference being is that it was made purely out of wood, the holes it had in place of eyes were giving off the sickly green glow of unnatural magic with teeth like jagged oversized thorns. It was eyeing Pip with predatory intent, its maw wide open as it got ever closer. 

Fancy picked up his pace and was now side by side with the orange mare, his natural tendency for analysis kicking into overdrive thanks to the shot of adrenaline he just received. The environment was littered with potential weapons, excluding the knives they were carrying. Sticks, branches, and rocks of all shapes and sizes littered the ground that could be utilized if needed. His thinking was cut short when he looked ahead and noticed a thick, low hanging branch that would surely bash him in the head if he didn’t act fast. 

His horn began to glow, the intensity of his magic causing the orange aura to ripple around his horn as he pushed the branch out his and Applejack’s way just in time, the cracks of stress ringing in his ears as they passed it by. Then he sighed, releasing his magical hold and letting it fly back. 

A distorted yelp was uttered by the wooden construct as Fancy looked back and saw it split into hundreds of pieces from the impact. 

“Nice work, Fancy!” Applejack howled as the group burst into a clearing. Just then, the orange pony’s previous injuries caught up with her and her knees gave out, letting out a yelp as she tumbled to the ground and collapsed in a groaning heap..

“Applejack!” Fluttershy squealed and quickly descended, the remaining five timberwolves breaking through the bushes and charging toward the two mares. Fluttershy screamed, covering her downed friend before a bright, orange flash lit up the shaded valley. The wolves yelped and Fluttershy heard the sound of them scrambling away, opening her eyes just as the bright light faded. Fancy Pants was sweating and panting as he watched the wolves retreat into the forest, looking down at the two mares. 

“Are you two alright?” 

“Y-Yeah.” Applejack moaned, clearly in pain as she looked up at the two ponies “Sorry y’all, guess I s-shoulda have gone to the doc after all.” 

“Pip, did you remember to pack your basic medical kit in your bag?” Fancy quizzed, still on guard. Pip’s face lit up in remembrance and he leapt off his teacher’s back. 

“Yes, sir!” 
“See what you can do for Ms. Applejack, I have a feeling those creatures will be back soon. In the meantime, Ms. Fluttershy? Could you please hand me your survival blade? You as well, Pip.” 

“Y-Yes.” They said in unison, letting Fancy take them with his telekinesis.

“It’s a shame I neglected to learn any barrier spells.” Fancy mumbled to himself as he fished out his own knife from his pack, giving it a look. Nice and sharp but a little short. “I’ll stand watch, you two focus on-” 

A series of growls from the bushes drew Fancy’s attention and he saw the pack of five had regained their bravery as they inched their way out of the shrubbery. Their wooden teeth bared, they formed a circle around the trio of ponies, more cautious after Fancy’s magic flash as they sized up the stallion. 

“Don’t move.” Fancy ordered. His horn lighting up, he lifted all three knives in front of him and used his telekinesis to move the blades to form a triangle around them, a knife at each point. Then he grunted as the aura intensified and, before Pip knew it, the knives began to spin rapidly around them like a carousel of steel, kicking up a draft that tousled their manes and tails. The brown spotted colt looked up in amazement at Fancy Pants, a bead of sweat trailing down his furrowed brow as he put every ounce of focus into keeping the makeshift barrier up. 

The magic infused predators seemed hesitant to act at first but one of them wasn’t so cautious. It growled and leapt forth, leaping high enough to clear the spinning blades in a single bound. Fancy’s eyes shot to it and, in an instant, the circle moved up to level with the incoming creature. 


Instantly the creature was reduced to sticks and logs, its various pieces scattering across the clearing. Suddenly another beast rushed forth, taking advantage of the newly created opening! However, just as before, Fancy swiftly and precisely reduced it to kindling with the buzzsaw barrier. 

Fancy gritted his teeth as he watched the wolves reform, their wooden bodies now scarred from their attempts. While they seemed more hesitant to charge, Pip noticed how they didn’t seem to be in any mood to retreat and one look at his teacher told him that he wouldn’t be able to keep up the defense forever. 

“Ms. Fluttershy, I’ll finish this splint! Grab your whistle and call for help!” He said, loud enough for Fancy to hear over the whirlwind. 

“R-Right! Great idea, Pip!” She exclaimed and dug into her bag, soon producing the small, silver noise maker. Taking a deep breath, she gave a long blow into the device. The drawn out, shrill noise nearly made Fancy lose his focus but the preemptive warning let him hold on just a while longer. The wolves didn’t seem keen on the noise either, stepping back as Fluttershy repeatedly blew into the whistle until they were at the edge of the clearing. Pip watched this in amazement, quickly retrieving his own whistle. 

“Keep doing that, Ms. Fluttershy!” He exclaimed, blowing on his whistle repeatedly as he stared at the timber wolves. The combined, ear piercing sound was enough to convince the monsters to finally retreat. After Fancy was sure they were not coming back, he slowed the rotation of the knives and let out a loud exhale, dropping to the ground in exhaustion, the blades plinking onto the ground immediately after. 

“G-Great thinking, my boy.” Fancy complimented through gasp, slowly raising to his hooves with the aid of Fluttershy and his apprentice “I’m alright, thank you, j-just a bit winded. What about Ms. Applejack?”

The young mare was on her hooves, grimacing “Right as rain, thanks to y’all” she said, smiling through the pain as she shook her splinted leg “That was mighty impressive, Fancy Pants. For a Canterlot pony, anyhow.” She added with a smirk. Fancy chuckled and adjusted his monocle. 

“It was nothing a couple of gentlecolts couldn’t handle, Ms. Applejack.” He smiled down at Pip, who instantly returned it. 

“Something e-else is coming!” Fluttershy announced, pointing toward the south. Everypony got on guard, despite their unlikely chances of winning against whatever lay beyond the shaded trees. All of a sudden, the chirps of a whistle began to ring out and the sound of hoofsteps made the ponies relax as one of the six teams had finally heard them and caught up. 

“What took y’all so long?” Applejack asked the first pony who stepped into the light. Caramel wiped his brow and shook his head. 

“Sorry, Aj, this place is a maze. We nearly got stuck in-” He went wide eyed “Sweet Celestia, Aj! What happened to your leg?” 

Applejack looked casual. “I just sprained it running from some timber wolves, ain’t no big thing.” 

“Timber wolves?!” Caramel exclaimed as he peered around rapidly at every shadow “D-Did you fight them off?” 
“Course we did! Ain’t no way I’d let somethin like timber wolves get in the way of findin’ my little sis!” Applejack declared and winced afterward, holding her leg up. 

“Ms. Applejack, I must ask you to please return to Ponyville.” Fancy Pants chimed in “I respect your bravado and your guts, truly I do, but I’m afraid you’re in no shape to continue.” 

Applejack went red in the face and looked as if she were ready to argue the point to Canterlot and back. But then she sighed “You’re right, I know ya are. But...I can’t just leave.” 

“I made you a promise, Applejack.” He reminded gently before removing his monocle “I’m asking you to leave not as Fancy Pants the gentlecolt detective. but as a friend.” 

She gave him a long look, her green eyes studying his blue orbs carefully as she wrestled with her conflicting thoughts within. At last, after one side had taken victory, she bowed her head “ win. Don’t let me down, Fancy Pants. You hear?” 

Reapplying his monocle, Fancy nodded resolutely while giving a coy smile “As you wish, Ms. Applejack.” He then looked down toward Pip, mouth open as he prepared to pose a question.

But rather than meeting the enthusiastic face of a young colt, his eyes beheld the cold and grassy carpet of the forest floor. A panicked scan of the valley revealed much the same, Fancy’s chest swelling with a panic he had seldom experienced before as the fact of the matter dawned on him.

Pip was gone.