Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts: Darkness Rises

by Juliaa

Twilight's Kingdom

"What are we going to do?" Sunset was panicking around the room while the rest of her friends looked at her worried. Fluttershy was still crying while Rarity was hugging her. "We can't tell Dumbledore, Twilight will get in trouble! We need to go talk some sense into her!" Sunset was angry.

"How would we even get to her?" Pinkie asked.

"Why did she even join the dark wizard? It doesn't sound anything like her!" Rainbow pointed out.

"I don't know... she really wanted that knowledge lately," Applejack replied.

"And power!" Rarity added.

"Yeah, but joining the dark wizard?" Sunset was out of her mind. "I am sure it's all a misunderstanding and that if we talk to her she will get back to herself."

"Uhh if you say so," Applejack wasn't sure.

"And Discord..." Fluttershy was sad.

"I am so sorry Fluttershy," Sunset said.

They continued to go through many ideas on how to bring back Twilight and Discord and how could have any of this happened. Everyone was scared and confused. Their best option was to contact Dumbledore and ask him to help so they decided to go to his office.


"And that's when they both left!" Sunset explained it all over again for practice to the girls before they entered Dumbledore's office.

"Well that certainly explains it all!" Applejack confirmed so Sunset relaxed a bit.

"It's good enough!" Rarity added.

Suddenly they heard a loud sound coming from the office so they quickly ran into it. When they got it they had a lot to see. Books and items were spilled all around and there were Twilight and Nightmare Moon with their wands out pointed towards Dumbledore who also had his wand lifted at them.

"You are in our way! Once one of greatest wizards today is down and no longer running this school we will be able to take over this as our residence an d remove yet another threat!" Nightmare Moon laughed.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Twilight?" Dumbeldore tried to get to her.

"I have to! I am sorry!" Twilight barely let out. There were tears in the corner of her eyes as she casted a famous forbidden curse. Dumbledore's body fell out the window as Sunset and the girls shouted and cried.

Twilight looked sadly at Sunset who couldn't believe what just happened.

Nightmare Moon turned to them, "and if you know what's good for you, you will run away far from this school!' She threatened.

"Never!" Sunset pulled out a wand to fight.

"You won't actually try to fight us? Come on , Twilight, take her down!" Nightmare Moon laughed.

Twilight got even sadder and pointed her wand at Sunset.

"Expelliarm--!" Sunset started but was interrupted by Twilight's spell.

"Bombarda!" Twilight casted and small explosion happened next to Sunset who fell on the floor.

The rest of the girls pulled out their wands and Rainbow helped Sunset get up again.

"Come on Twilight! You can do way better than that!" Nightmare Moon was disappointed. "Let her be sorry for standing in our way!"

"I'm sorry Sunset!" Twilight said and Sunset was confused. "Crucio!" Twilight casted.

"Expelliarmus!" Applejack threw her wand out of her hand which freed Sunset.

"I think it's time for us to go!" Rarity said as she casted them away to the front door of Hogwarts. They started to run into Forbidden forest and far away from everyone and everything.

"I can't believe this is happening!" Fluttershy said sadly.

"I can't believe Twilight used Crucio curse on me!" Sunset was furious.

"Well you gotta admit that was one really bad break up!" Rainbow said awkwardly.

"We still didn't get to talk to her!" Pinkie pointed out.

"Oh, no more talking! Now we fight! She had her chance to surrender to not hurt her friends, to listen to us, to not hurt her girlfriend! Now she will see how mean can I GET!" Sunset was angry.

"Let's just take a fee breaths and relax here. We don't know what's happening in the wizarding world yet!" Applejack tried to clam her down.

"I may have some bad news!" Rarity showed them a letter that just arrived from an owl.

"The Ministry has fallen due to Nightmare Moon's army?"Rainbow read out the first thing.

"And Hogwarts was taken over by her too?" Fluttershy said in panic.

"The whole world, the whole wizarding world is in Nightmare Moon's hands?" Pinkie panicked too.

"Oh no, not the Nightmare Moon's hands only. Nightmare Moon's and Twilight Sparkle's!" Sunset angrily turned over the letter towards her friends to read better.

"What do we do now?" Applejack didn't know what else to say. Their whole world, their families and friends were being taken over and captured by the world's most powerful dark wizard and their firend eho turned her back on them. Has Twilight really gone evil? What can they do now to stop her?

"We need to gather as many people as we can!" Sunset started to organize and calm everyone down a bit."we need to fight and show them they can't just take our world away! After all we have most of The Elements of Harmony on our side!"

"We need to go and hide somewhere safe! And practice, lots and lots of practice! We will from now on be The Rebellion who will take down Twilight! She can't have this, she can't do this! Not to us, not to me not to anyone!" Sunset was determined and there was a new fire burning inside of her. A fire to take Twilight down. A fire that burned for revenge for her ex. A fire that may the the world's last hope of saving.

For this now isn't their world. It isn't the world of witches, wizards and others creatures. It is now a world of darkness. A world where Nightmare Moon and Twilight rule side by side. Discord with them too. A world where if you are not working for them you are their enemy. For some may even say this is now a world of Twilight's Kingdom.