//------------------------------// // Hunger for Power // Story: Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts: Darkness Rises // by Juliaa //------------------------------// After the events of last night they returned to Hogwarts. Twilight didn't let anyone touch the element and took it for herself to examine it but since they were all too tired anyway, no one really minded it. Next day Applejack found Rainbow staring at the exam she failed in the hall. "Hey is everything alright, sugarcube?" she asked her. "Not really... I failed!" she was sad and disappointed. "So what? It's just one exam! I am sure you will fix it! After all you are the Rainbow Dash!" she tried to cheer her up. "But I have never failed." "There is the first time for everything! Why does it matter if you fail once?" "Because then my parents will love me even elss!" she finally let out. "Why do you think parents won't love you if you fail?" Applejack took her hand. "Because they already don't ever care! So if I fail they will be even more angry or maybe they won't care then either, I don't know! I mean they won't even ever find out about this but I still feel like I failed if I am not the best at everything!" "No one can be best at everything! And I am sure your parents care and love you!" "No, Aj! They really don't! No matter how hard I try or what I do they never listen! They are just always on their phones or laptops completly ignoring me..." she cried. "I am so sorry, Rainbow," Applejack hugged her. After few moments of silence she spoke again, "look, your parents may not care, and it is aeful but that probably won't change." "Great cheer up!" Rainbow cut her speech. Applejack continued louder: "However, I care! Our friends care! We all care about you! Your teachers even care! I would dare to say even Snape cares!" "Yeah because I'll ruin Slytherin reputation!" she laughed. "We all care about you! And not your grades! About you and only you! No matter if you are the best or worst we love you just as you are! And will care either way! You now have us and you will never have to be alone again!" Rainbow hugged her and cried knowing she finally had real family of her own. People who loved and cared for her just as she is. Even if she would fail at everything. ______ So much power! Twilight could feel it in her veins! She went to test the element outside and it was doing wonders! She could control so many things! One could even take over the whole world with it! Not that she would want to do that. But then all the magic in the world would be hers! She would have all the power to try it out and test it! Only scientifically speaking, of course! She can't have all magic and take over the world. At least not without all elements. Tehnically speaking only, of course! _____ "You have a lot of explaining to do!" Rarity approach Capper. She was furious to know he was working with the dark wizard. "You are working with the One Who Shall Not Be Named?" "Well yes but there is a good reason!" he was explaining himself. "And that is?" Rarity was annoyed. She wanted to believe he is good so badly. "She will win. She has been gathering an army of dark wizards and witches and preparing for centuries! There is no way to defeat her and if I help her I will be spared when she overtakes zhe world!" "So not only are you really on bad side, you also think she will win?" Rarity's heart broke. "Not only think, I know it. Join me Rarity! I am sure she will be glad someone else is helping too!" he offer his hand but Rarity dismissed it. "No way! I will never join her!" she was angry, "and we are over!" she went away crying. A quiet "Rarity..." was all Capper could say. _____ In the meantime, everyone but Rarity and Twilight was having lunch. "So how does it feel like to finally have an element too?" Fluttershy asked Discord excitedly. "Wouldn't know. I didn't even got to hold it once. Twilight doesn't let it out of her hand," Discord was annoyed. "Wait really?" Fluttershy was surprised. "I am sure she is only testing to see if it is safe," Sunset said. "Why are you guys complaining," Pinkie cut it, "I am the one who is almost never present in this fanfiction, I should be complaining!" "Seriously what is this fanfiction she keeps mentioning?" Discord was bery confused. "I think Fiction is a company that produces fans?" Fluttershy offered. "Why you need a fan in winter in magic school?" Rainbow asked Pinkie who just facepalmed. "They will never get us, Sunset," she said. "Nope," Sunset laughed. Rarity came to the table. "It's true!" she said out of breath from running to get here as fast as she could. "What is true?" Applejack asked. "Capper is working for You Know Who, she collected army, it's going to get real!" "What?!" everyone was shocked. "I knew something was off with that guy!" Applejack admitted. "Me too!" Rainbow agreed. "I can't believe rumors are true!" Sunset was deep in her thoughts. "What are we gonna do?" Fluttershy asked. "There is not much we can do except wait for something to happen," Discord. "And we are probably safe here at Hogwarts! It seems like the safest place to be with so many powerful wizards and witches as professors!" Pinkie pointed out. While they were busy talking Twilight came to them: "you wouldn't believe all the things I discovered! So much magic in these little rocks! I want to test it out more! Discord you need to come tomorrow with me to try and see if it works better for you since you are connected to it!" "Alright." "And maybe w ecan practice with merging out powers of crystals?" "Twilight wouldn't that be dangerous? So much magic in one place?" Sunset gave her a weird look. "But think about what we would learn! How much power would we hold in our hands! Isn't that worth to feel at least once?" "I don't know. Let's rather not experiment with that much power." "Ah, fine," Twilight was disappointed but she didn't plan to stop.