A Canterlot Wedding

by ultspideyfan

An Invitation

Peter Parker came to Ponyville for a fresh start on life. Making sure he wasn't alone out there, May asked Trixie to allow Peter to stay with her. A few colorful ponies here, a new costume, and a new hero friend was all but refreshing for the seventeen year old. However, his double life would follow him to the quiet town. The Goblin was the first to attack, then Shocker, and finally a horned beast dubbed "the Rhino" attacked the town. Still, the ponies were strong and got through these moments, with the help of their friendly neighborhood Spider-Mane. Speaking of Spider-Mane, the hero had now been in Ponyville for a month now. At some point he finally got around to ditching his dark suit, returning to a more warm red and blue appearance. Now that hero was heading over to the Cakes' Pastry shop to pick up Trixie's order.

"Peter's here!" Shouts Pinkie from the cash register. Mr. and Mrs. Cake poke their heads out of the kitchen only to see the shop was empty.

"Where?" Mrs. Cake asks. The doors open and sure enough Peter stepped through. The Cakes look at Pinkie in confusion who responds with a gleeful grin. "How did you?"

"My Pinkie-Sense told me!" She simply stated. Peter had a confused look on his face as he approached the counter. Before he could speak however, Pinkie places two bags before him. He shrugs before forking over his bits. As Pinkie took the bits and popped open the register, Peter couldn't help but acknowledge the awakening of his spider-sense when he entered the shop. He stood there for a minute in a trance, his brain overworking itself trying to understand this unique tingle.

"Don't question it too much Pete." Pinkie's voice cut through his thought process, bringing him back to reality. He nervously chuckles before taking the bags. As he was beginning to make his exit Pinkie's eyes widen at a sudden realization. "Pete stop!" He did as he was told, turning back to face the party pony with a raised brow. She hopped over the counter to bounce her way towards him, humming a tune in the process. Pinkie held a ticket up to his face. Taking the ticket with his free hand he examined what was written on it. His eyes practically bulged out of their sockets.

"C-c-Canterlot?! Why?" Peter's brain couldn't keep up with his mouth, leaving the stallion to speak gibberish.

"We've been invited by Princess Celestia to join Twilight in attending her brother's wedding."

"When do we leave?"

"Well today actually. I was supposed to tell you earlier but it's not easy to get a hold of you when I don't have your number. Plus I think Trixie just assumed you knew." Peter was dumbfounded. It wasn't really easy for him to imagine visiting Canterlot becoming a reality. The world however told him it was becoming a reality. Well, at least he knew why Otto wasn't letting him or Twilight come in for work these past few days. Also explains the packing Trixie had been doing on the side.

"Wow. I'm very oblivious to the obvious." Peter pockets the ticket before beginning to exit the shop. "Guess I'll be seeing you and the others in a few hours."

The hours were ticking by rather slow. Well, for Peter they were. He and Trixie had finished breakfast, leaving the two sitting around awaiting the time to head over to the train station. Trixie decided to get some extra hours of sleep whilst Peter was in the living room hanging from the ceiling, fiddling with his web-shooters. Over time he had improved on the web capacity a single cartridge could hold. He could go a whole day using the web-shooters before having to stock up on web fluid again. Peter was quite proud of himself. Though he had to admit, he couldn't get here if it wasn't for his new living situation. Ponyville and its inhabitants had made Spider-Mane feel more alive than ever before.

Ding dong!

"Coming!" Peter drops from the ceiling, putting his web-shooters back on his bracelets. Opening the door he is met with the local mailmare. He never really met her before, Trixie usually got the mail. He may have seen her when he's zipped around Ponyville now that he thought about it.

"Oh; h-hello. I haven't seen you before. Is Trixie home?" She asks.

"Yeah she's resting right now. I can take this if that's alright."

"Oh okay," She gave the box to Peter as well as a pen to sign some papers, "I'm Ditzy by the way. Most ponies call me Derpy though."

"My name's Peter. It's nice to meet you Ditzy! ...Ditzy, that's a nice name." Peter says, throwing a soft smile her way. Ditzy felt her cheeks heating up. She couldn't stop her lips from curling into a smile. "And that's all said and done. I'll make sure to tell her about this when she wakes up. It was nice meeting you Ditzy." He returns her the pen and papers, his friendly demeanor not faltering.

"Y-y-yeah. Hopefully we see each other again!" Ditzy takes off into the air almost flying into a fellow Pegasus. Peter chuckles before heading back inside, setting the box down on the kitchen table before hopping back onto the ceiling.

Peter had fallen asleep on the ceiling, according to Trixie who found him after her nap. The duo quickly got everything they needed and headed over to the train station where they met up with their friends. Now the group awaited for said train, each pony finding some way to pass the time. Their conversations were cut short when Fluttershy spotted a certain somepony dressed in purple.

"Will!" Fluttershy exclaims practically knocking William off his two hooves with how fast she flew into him. Her body wrapped around him instinctively leaving William with a minute to process. He chuckles, returning the gesture in full before they part. "What are you doing here?" She asks.

"Well we somehow got lucky and were asked to preform for the wedding! Sing a few songs here and there, the whole Fazbear shebang." Answers William with a look of glee and surprise.

"It's kinda odd that a band from a pizzeria joint is preforming for a wedding." Twilight states bluntly while checking over her list once more, with the help of her assistant Spike.

"Are you saying we're not qualified for this? We're qualified right Mr. Uchiha? I mean I know we only preform in front of kids but we gotta be good enough if we're--" Freddy was pulled aside by Vinyl Scratch to cool off. Twilight raised an eyebrow at this before being met with a scowl from William.

"These guys got talent. I didn't just hire Gabe and the others to only be actors you know. You can judge us all you want after the wedding, but please don't drag my teams morale down."

"I'm sorry Mr. Uchiha, I didn't mean--"

"It's fine." Fluttershy takes note of William's pale face. A look of concern finds its way onto her features. Thankfully before things could get any more awkward between the groups, the train arrived. They boarded the vessel, loading their luggage in the back, making sure to take only what they needed to their seats for the ride to Canterlot. The mares all found their seats rather quickly: Fluttershy sat with William and the Fazbear band, Twilight and Trixie sat together, so did Rarity and Applejack, and Pinkie and Rainbow Dash shared their seats. That left Peter with multiple conversations to join in on throughout the ride, or he could chose to sit by himself and play music through his headphones. Peter opted to sit further up from the rest, taking a seat next to the small dragon he knew as Spike.