//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: The Power of Love // Story: [CANCELLED] The Revival of the Tambelonian Empire // by AlphaWP //------------------------------// CHAPTER 12: THE POWER OF LOVE Twilight and her friends had just been captured by the Troggles and were brought to Tambelon. When they saw what remained of the once-proud city, they were horrified. There were banners with Grogar on them and Troggles were working away at rebuilding it. Then, in the middle of the city, they saw a large castle. It was made of stone and looked like it was covered in dark magic and decay. Drog and his squadron brought them inside. Twilight’s friends were taken to the dungeons under the city, where they saw multiple creatures. There were Bushwoolies, a few changelings, and in a large cell was a young alicorn filly. The heroes were put in the same cell as Flurry Heart and the guard locked the doors. When they saw Flurry, they gave her a hug and laughed. “What are we going to do?” Fluttershy asked. “Discord,” Rainbow said, looking at the draconequus, “can’t you just poof us out of here?” Discord tried to use his chaos magic, but it faded into nothingness. “These bars are made of Chrysalis’ throne. We can’t use magic.” Rarity sighed. “Well, that is positively dreadful.” Applejack frowned. “Then what’re we gonna do? It ain’t like we can just fly outta here.” Starlight looked at Pinkie. “Pinkie, usually you tell us that there’s a bright side to things and that it’ll be alright. Can you please tell us?” Pinkie’s usually happy face was a mournful frown. “I can’t.” Fluttershy felt as though she was about to cry and hugged Discord. “Then we’ve lost?” Celestia sighed in remorse. “It seems as though we have, Fluttershy.” The heroes began to feel defeat and practically surrendered. Meanwhile, Twilight was brought to Grogar by Drog. “My emperor,” Drog said. “I have brought you Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Grogar smiled. “Excellent, Lieutenant. You are dismissed.” As the Troggle exited the throne room, Grogar approached Twilight. She began to feel a chill down her spine. “You’re Grogar.” “Yes, I am. How keen of you to notice,” he remarked. “And you are the Princess of Friendship.” Twilight frowned. “I know about your plan, Grogar, and I’m going to tell you that it won’t work!” Grogar chuckled. “I understand my master has told you of my true intentions. And I suppose you know why I need you and your friends in one place?” “I do. You want to send us to the Dark Netherworld so Orthodox can destroy Equestria.” “Right again, Princess Twilight!” Grogar pointed to a large torch at the edge of the throne room. “Do you see that torch? That is what will allow the Fallen One to return to Equus. The spell will be cast when it reaches midnight, and that torch will summon a portal in the air. Then, I will use my Bewitching Bell to send you and your friends inside of it, and the Destroyer shall come here in your place… very much alive.” “But there is one thing you don’t know.” Grogar frowned. “And what would that be?” “We know about the Bell of Freedom and that it can destroy your bell.” Grogar laughed maniacally. “You imbecile! That bell is protected by a spell that even you cannot break!” Twilight continued frowning. “You appear as a powerful warlord who created all of the monsters in Equestria but I know what you really are: a servant who needed his master, who was weak if I might add, to bail him out of the Realm of Darkness.” Grogar snarled. “Silence! I am the most powerful being in Equestria! More powerful than you, Celestia, or even Star Swirl!” “But not Gusty the Great,” Twilight remarked. Grogar stomped his hoof. “That mare is dead! She may have been able to defeat me years ago, but I am stronger now!” “You’re nothing. My friends and I will defeat you.” Grogar used his Bewitching Bell to trap Twilight in a magical hold and threw her at the wall of the throne room, leaving her motionless. He called for Drog. “Lieutenant Drog! Take her to the dungeons like the rest of her friends.” Drog nodded and picked Twilight up, and then left the room. Grogar walked back to his throne. “I will be happy when that princess is gone for good.” Drog brought Twilight to the dungeons and brought her to the same cell as her friends. They examined the unconscious alicorn to see if she was alright, and then they turned to Drog, who had just finished locking the door. He frowned. “For all it’s worth, ponies, I didn’t want to capture you.” Rainbow Dash frowned. “Then why did you?” Drog sighed. “It’s what Grogar wants. He takes control of my mind, and if I try to resist, he'll kill me.” Sunset frowned. “But we know how to stop him. You have two choices: join us and win; or stay with Grogar and be mistreated for the rest of your life.” Drog sighed. “Take my advice, little ponies. The only one you should take care of in this world is yourself, especially here. I learned that a long time ago. I’m sorry.” He walked away. Flurry looked down at her motionless aunt and pulled a potion bottle from a satchel around her waist. “I think this will help.” “What are you doing, Princess Flurry?” Flash asked. Sunburst smiled. “She’s healing Twilight.” Flurry made Twilight drink the potion and after she swallowed it, she woke up. Seeing Flurry Heart, she immediately jumped up to hug her. “Flurry Heart!” she exclaimed, tears forming in her eyes. “I thought I lost you.” Flurry returned her aunt’s hug. “I did too, Auntie Twilight.” “What do we do now, Twilight?” Rarity asked. “Why are you asking me?” Celestia looked at her with a smile. “Because you’re the smartest of all of us.” Twilight blushed. “I may be clever, but I’m not the smartest.” Rainbow Dash put a hoof on Twilight’s foreleg. “Are you kidding? You might be the smartest pony in all of Equestria!” “Rainbow Dash is right,” Starlight said. “You learned in one year what I hadn’t learned in an entire decade.” Twilight smiled. “Alright. I think I know what to do.” Trixie raised an eyebrow. “And that would be… what, exactly?” Twilight looked up to the ceiling and pointed to a crack in it. “Do you see that crack?” “What about it?” Flash asked. “If we can find a reactive substance, I can use my magic to expand it and make the crack large enough for us to fly through.” “That won’t work,” Luna responded. “Our magic is useless here. The cell is made from pieces of Chrysalis’ throne.” “But mine isn’t.” The heroes heard a voice coming from another cell—it was Pharynx. “I can help.” “Pharynx? What are you doing here? And if you have your magic, why haven’t you escaped?” Trixie asked. “I was brought here after the invasion of the Changeling Kingdom. Chrysalis wanted to kill me, but Grogar said I was ‘useful.’ I don’t know what he meant, but when I heard you were here, I knew you would need my help.” Twilight smiled. “That’s great. Now we just need something that expands under pressure.” Pinkie Pie grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and showed it to Twilight. “Will this work?” Twilight smiled. “Yes, Pinkie! Where did you find it?” “In the corner of the room.” Trixie whispered to Starlight: “I will never understand her.” “Me neither, Trix.” Twilight grabbed the oatmeal in her hooves and flew up to the ceiling. Smearing it in the cracks, she motioned for Pharynx to use his magic, and doing so, he blasted the oatmeal. It expanded and caused a hole to appear in its place. “Yeehaw! Now we can get on outta here!” Applejack shouted. Rainbow Dash prepared to take off. “I’ll go first!” Twilight held her back. “Wait, Rainbow. We need a plan.” “Aww, come on!” “Twilight is right,” Celestia said. “Going out there without a plan would be foolish.” Discord frowned. “And ponies say I’m impulsive.” Rainbow groaned. “Fine. What’s the plan?” Twilight smiled. “Listen up, everyone! I’m only going to say this once. First, one of us will fly up to the hole and make sure there are no guards around.” “I’ll do it!” Rainbow replied. “Good. When there are no guards around, two alicorns will need to fly out of the hole and find out where the guard with the keys is.” “Why two alicorns?” Sunset asked. “Because one will need to create a distraction and the other will grab the keys with their magic.” “We’ll do it,” Luna said. “We make distractions better than anypony,” Celestia added. “Perfect. Here’s where the hard part comes in: after you get the keys, you’ll need to sneak into the dungeon entrance.” “Why not go back into the hole?” Celestia asked. “Because the door can only be unlocked from the outside, so you and Luna will need to try and get in undetected. Do you think you can do that?” Luna smiled. “Does a bat-pony hate garlic?” The others looked at her like she was crazy. She sighed in disappointment. “That would be a yes.” “Good! Then let the plan begin!” Rainbow Dash flew to the top of the hole and saw no Troggle around. She went back down. “It’s safe.” Hearing this, Celestia and Luna flew out of the hole and the former activated her magic. “It feels good to use magic again, doesn’t it, Luna?” “Indeed, sister. Now, where is that guard? I think Drog was his name.” The sisters snuck around Tambelon and eventually came across a guardhouse and looked through a window, in which they saw Drog sitting on a bed. He sighed. “Maybe those ponies are right. Maybe I do have a choice.” Celestia used her magic to make a suit of armor his size fall over. He jumped. “That was… odd. I guess I need to pick it up then.” As he was trying to rearrange the armor, Luna used her magic to unlatch the keys from his belt and carefully pulled them out the window. The sisters ducked down so Drog wouldn’t see them and tried their best to stay undetected before reaching the dungeon entrance. Oddly enough, there were no Troggles around there either, so the sisters entered the dungeons and finally opened each cell inside. “You did it!” Twilight cheered. Discord’s body was shaking. “I sense a very powerful being coming this way.” They heard hoofsteps come from a nearby staircase and saw Grogar and the Legion of Doom. “Right you are, Discord.” “But how did you—” Twilight asked, before Grogar cut her off. “You imbecile! I wanted you to escape. That is why Celestia and Luna did not see any of my Troggles at the gate.” “But why?” Starlight asked. “Because I wanted to allow you one final battle with my legion before I destroy all of you!” Grogar laughed evilly and the Legion of Doom prepared for battle. Flash looked at Twilight with fear in his eyes. “Twilight, in case we don’t get through this, there’s something you should know.” Twilight had a look of concern in her eyes. “What?” “I love you.” Twilight’s eyes opened in shock and her heart was beating rapidly. The Storm King chuckled. “Well, look at that, everyone; they’re in love!” The other villains laughed at the satyr’s remark. Cozy Glow smiled. “Now we get to have some real fun.” The heroes knew that the greatest battle they would ever have had just begun.