//------------------------------// // The Date at Hogsmade // Story: Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts: Darkness Rises // by Juliaa //------------------------------// Twilight was reading at the library trying to find anything she could about the last element. Sunset came up to her. "Hey, did you know that it's forbidden to hold both all Elements of Harmony and the Element of Disharmony? It's too much power for one person! Even all Elements of Harmony are too much let alone adding the opposite!" Twilight was fascinated. So much power the elements hold, so much magic. What would it be like to merge them? Of course, only to know magic and for scientific purpose. "You finally managed to find something?" Sunset was happy. Twilight has been searching for so long and couldn't find anything. "It's not much... I should really spend the rest of the day searching in case I find more." "No way!" Sunset stopped her and Twilight looked at her confused. "But we have to find--" she tried to explain before being interrupted. "No! You already spent so much time on this, you need rest! And we haven't been on a date in while so how about we go to Hogsmade?" Sunset happily suggested. "You know what, I'm in! I really need a break!" she closed the books she was reading. _____ Twilight and Sunset were walking around Hogsmade. "How about we go to Zonko's joke shop?" Sunset suggested. "No! We would get in detention if we use anything from there!" "Oh come on, it's just random items for jokes! And we don't have to use them in class!" Sunset wanted to go buy some fanged frizbees. "Well we can't exactly use them in halls or corridor either!" "Sure we can, we just have to not get caught!" Sunset entered the store. "What?! No!" Twilight followed her. She approached Sunset holding a fanged frisbee and whispered: "please tell me you won't use that in Hogwarts." "I'll think about it," Sunset teased. "Sunset! You will get detention!" "Eh, it will be worth it!" she didn't think much about it. "Do you want one?" she offered. "No thanks, I'm good," Twilight was nervous. After that they went to drink some tea. _____ Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity were hanging out. "Do you girls think Capper is strange?" Rarity suddenly asked. "Why do you ask?" Applejack was surprised. "Well, I don't know, he seems perfect but there is just something that feels off when I am around him." "Eh, we are all weird in this school," Pinkie just shrugged it off. "I don't know, he does seem suspicious and if your gut feeling is telling you something is off then it probably is!" Applejack said. "You're right, Applejack. I'll try to see what is it that feels weird." _____ Sunset and Twilight went to corridor after being in cafe. Sunset was smiling at Twilight. "I know what you are thinking," Twilight said annoyed. "It will be fun!" Sunset tried to tell her. "Detention won't be!" "Suit yourself, I'll release the frisbee," she said calmly. Twilight quickly stepped aside as Sunset released fanged frisbee. It started to fly all around and student were in panic. Sunset loved the chaos but Twilight was stressed. Suddenly professor Snape walked in and a frisbee bumped into his robe and got stuck. He was furious. "Ugh, why me?" he murmured to himself. "Who did this?!" he yelled angrily but there were so many running students in panic, he couldn't find anyone who was guilty so he angrily walked back inside. "Phew! That was CLOSE!" Sunset was relieved. "How are you doing Twilight?" "That! Was! Amazing!" Twilight was happy. "The excitment, the fear, and did you see the look on Snape's face when he didn't find us?" she was smiling and Sunset was too. "He doesn't even know we are to blame for fanged frisbee!" "You released fanged frisbee on professor Snape?" Hagrid suddenly walked in. Twilight was in complete panic: "I am so sorry! Please don't expell us! It is all my fault! Sunset had nothing to do with it! I don't want to end up in jail!" "Damn, you are really bad at pranks!" Sunset laughed and Hagrid did too. "Don't worry, kid, I won't tell!" he told them. Twilight almost fell from relief, "so I won't get expelled?" "Of course not!" Hagrid laughed and continued to go his way. Sunset turned to Twilight and they both started to laugh. "You should have seen YOUR face when Hagrid came in!" Sunset teased. "Hey, in my defense I defended you!" Twilight laughed too. "And I really appreciate it!" Sunset gave her a kiss. They continued to hang out for some time before returning to their common rooms. _____ "Wait what?!" Twilight was shocked when Discord and Fluttershy told them about the mysterious woman. "There is no way you two are going!" "But what if she really has a clue?" Discord asked. "Yeah, we really need it," Pinkie agreed. "And we have been searching so long and couldn't find much! This is our only chance to get a real clue!" Sunset was deep in thoughts. "But it is dangerous!" Twilight couldn't believe what they were all suggesting. "Not if we go with them and hide for back up!" Rainbow had an idea. "Ugh, not another super dangerous plan.... when will we finally finish finding these crystals!" Rarity facepalmed. "I hope soon!" Applejack was unsure about the idea. _____ Fluttershy and Discord came to the meeting place that a mysterious woman told them to. Their friends were hiding nearby. It was midnight. "I have a bad feeling about this," Fluttershy was scared. "Me too!" Discord agreed. Suddenly, the woman approached them: "so you came here after all!" She came closer to them and pulled up a map. "This will help you find the Element of Disharmony." "And you are just giving it to us so easily?" Discord was suspicious. "Let's just say I want to help my good old friend Twilight Sparkle go on the right path to her glory," her cloak lifted a bit, she was smiling and there was no doubt who she was. Fluttershy put her hand over her mouth, it was Nightmare Moon herself!