//------------------------------// // Diary... // Story: A Guard's Candy // by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler //------------------------------// Candy's P.O.V: I was sitting on the balcony's railing, thinking if I should jump off or not. On one hoof, if I jumped off and died King Sombra and Moonlight Shade wouldn't be fighting anymore. On the other hoof- Before I could finish that thought I heard somepony yell, "Candy?! What are you doing?!" and I jumped, scared. I heard Moonlight shout, "Candy!" and she dived after me. It felt so natural to scream as my life flashed before me. As the ground seemed to be coming closer and closer, I was reminded of the fact that it was impossible to survive a fall from this height. "Phew, I've got you," Moonlight said as she managed to catch me, just mere seconds before I touched the ground. She flew us back up and then asked, “Candy? Are you alright? Everything’s gonna be fine. Don't worry.” The batpony had worry in her voice as I was trembling heavily, not responding, just staring. Slowly, I brought my forelegs around her for a hug. “Th-tha-thank you...” I stuttered, still shocked. Moonlight smiled. "You don't need to thank me; I never would've let a pony die." She asked, "Why were you sitting there of all places?" "I felt terrible after what happened a few days ago, and after hearing what you said to me this morning, I felt guilty. I did my best not to make Flash worry, and then I..." I explained, but trailed off. "I'm sorry for making you feel that way, Candy. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions so quickly." Her ears drooped as she said that. "Will you ever forgive me?" "I forgive you." I smiled. "Friends?" Moonlight smiled back. "Friends." Moonlight's P.O.V: I got my diary out, and started writing. Today I calmed down, and listened to what Sombra wanted to tell me. He said that Candy was captured by slavers, and had managed to escape, and was saved by the guards. So Sombra have her a place to stay as he couldn't have left her to a terrible fate. After lunch when I went to apologize to Candy, I saw her sitting on her balcony railing. I screamed and she jumped, falling off. But I managed to save her just before she hit the ground. After I flew both of us up, I asked her why she was sitting there. She told me that it was because she felt guilty and sad for what had happened during the last few days. After that, I felt...terrible inside. Just terrible. Because of me, Candy was feeling so bad that she was about to end her own life. Oh my Celestia, that's not something that I'm going to forget for a while... I'm just glad that nothing went wrong. A few things did go wrong, but I mean that I'm glad that I was able to save Candy, because if I didn't, then I never would've forgiven myself. I mean it when I say that this wasn't one of my smartest movements in history. After being judged and misunderstood by other ponies myself, I should have known better. Honestly... I didn't know the full story here. Just because somepony seems completely fine on the surface, it doesn't mean that they don't have any problems in their life. I saw Candy as this young idealistic mare who Sombra saw in the Crystal Empire and decided he liked her because of her good looks. I didn't see all of the horror she had to go through to get here. I guess I should feel a bit of sympathy for Candy. I've faced trouble in my life, both before and after meeting Sombra, but I've also had time to heal and the right ponies around me. I was lucky that I was able to come to terms with the past and move on pretty quickly. Other ponies don't have that. So maybe I should be a little nicer to her. As long as I know that she and Sombra aren't doing anything behind my back. Without him it feels like it's just me against the world. At least when I'm with him, I know that there's two of us. But I'm just glad that Candy is okay now, and that she forgave me. When I asked her to forgive me, I was surprised when she said that she did. We decided to be friends, and remembering how Sombra told me that she used to be a nurse, I offered Candy a job at the hospital. She accepted. I've decided to ask her about her past some time this week. I hope that it won't be too hard for her. -Moonlight. After I finished writing, I put my quill down and closed my diary. After putting it under my pillow, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. King Sombra's P.O.V: It was a beautiful morning when I woke up. I stretched and then walked out of the bedroom for breakfast in the dining room. Shortly after, Shade joined me, with a…guilty expression? “My little bat, what’s wrong?” I asked, concerned. She sighed. “Yesterday, Candy almost…committed suicide because of me…” This caused me to gasp. “Suicide?!” “Y-yes…” Shade stuttered, “She almost…jumped off the balcony, had I not stopped her…just because I was angry at her…" While shocked, I instantly wrapped her into a hug. “Shh…I don’t blame you; you just cared for me and I am happy you managed to save her life.” “Thanks…” She returned it. “I offered her a job at the hospital.” “That’s good, dear. Maybe, we should check up on her. Though, there is one problem…” I trailed off. “And that is?” She asked me, clueless. “With her being missing and now here…how would Sunbutt react to this?” “That's a good question. I think Sunbutt would try to get her back.” Shade replied and I nodded before we walked towards the hospital, with Flash Sentry joining us. As we entered the hospital, our ears twitched at Candy’s voice. “There you go, little one, all better now.” Our hearts melted at the sight of her treating a hurt foal, having bandaged its left foreleg, and it smiled weakly. “Thank you!” “It pleases me to see you are doing well.” I commented and she started slightly but smiled back. “What can I say, I love to help ponies, especially foals.” The unicorn admitted cheerfully before lowering her head. “It's nice here but…I hope my parents aren’t too worried...or hurt.” Now, fear was in her voice. "Don't worry," I told her. "You could write a letter to them and I'll tell somepony to deliver it." "R-really?" she asked, her smile back. I nodded. "Yes."