Sunset had a Break

by Badguy400

Chapter Three: Baking Solves Everything; For Now

Fluttershy is currently looking for some nice ingredients to make cookies with Sunset with. But she just can’t seem to find the one ingredient that she’s looking for... . And that one ingredient is cinnamon. Reason… ? She just wants to do something that’ll get Sunset’s mind out of her loss of a game… . And also that Sunset has suggested it so that way Fluttershy wouldn’t cry because she’s too sensitive, and can get frightened so easily; especially when Sunset Shimmer is getting angry and such.

While Sunset and Fluttershy are busy with looking for some ingredients to make some cookies with; Rarity, Rainbow, and others are currently taking turns playing the level that Sunset tried to beat.

“Huh… “ Rainbow Dash said as she died in the game. “I never knew that this level was so tough… . How’d it get like that?”

Twilight was too busy looking at the video game info; when suddenly she came across something peculiar, and then says; “oh.. dear…” before starting to look stressed.

Rainbow leaned over to Twilight, and then asked; “what’s up?”

Twilight then turns her laptop screen to Rainbow, and says; “this new sequel of Tirek’s revenge has gotten a lot of nasty reviews… .”

Rainbow swallowed her drink in shock, and then looks at the screen with wide eyes. “H-how is that possible?!” She said in shock. “I-I-I’ve played that game many times, and beaten it! There’s no way that the game itself is bad… . Right?!”

Twilight looked unsure, and said; “I don’t know… . But I really don’t want her to quit the game though… . She’s spent so much money on it when it first came out… . And don’t even get me started on how their policies are on game returns… .” Twilight then starts to growl in frustration; remembering her own issue with the video game return policy last time.

Rainbow Dash then jumps onto the couch; sitting down next to Twilight, and then asks; “so what do you wanna do about it?”

Twilight sighs, and then says; “I don’t know… . But what I do know is that Sunset Shimmer is gonna get angry when she gets back to playing this game… .” Twilight then began to look nervous, and then says; “Ooh… . I’m not so sure if this was a good idea… .”

But before Rainbow Dash could help her friend; Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy came down with a fresh plate of chocolate chip cookies.

Thinking that it could wait a little longer, Rainbow then instantly dove into the cookies; grabbing a handful, and then Twilight said to herself; “eh… it can wait.” and then goes to grab a cookie for herself; along with the others doing so as well.