//------------------------------// // About Rainbow and Trixie // Story: Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts: Darkness Rises // by Juliaa //------------------------------// Flashback "Hey mom, dad, look!" 7 year old Rainbow has shown them she signed up for football lessons. "I got accepted into team!" She was super proud and happy her dreams will finally come true. She has always loved football and wanted to start training this "muggle sport" to be able to maybe one day play for Wonderbolts, the best football team there is. Her parents were both on their computers and didn't even raise their head. They seemed indifferent and uninterested. "Mhm, that's great Rainbow!" they said with their dull voices. Rainbow was disappointed they weren't as happy as she is. She was 10, won her first medal. "Mom, dad, I know you couldn't make it to competition, you never can, but look I won my first medal!" She was excited and hoped for only a small bit of their happiness and approval. However, they were on their phones, not impressed, only the same old plain: "oh, that's great! You were always the best!" "Yeah... I was..." Rainbow walked to her room sadly. "Dad! Mom!" Rainbow was running down the stairs excitedly. "I got in! I actually got in!" She was 16 now but her parents were still the same, not interested in her at all. She has been used to it by now but she still had that tiny bit of hope they would be slightly proud of her for getting into Hogwarts. However, her heart shattered when she saw not even that was impressive enough for them to be proud of her. She was never good enough for them so over time she learnt to cope and be her own support. She will always be best at everything and then maybe her parents will show her some love, she will always be number 1. After they didn't even ask where she got into she sadly walked back to her room and called her friends to share the news. _____ Present "Ha! You actually failed this time!" Trixie was laughing at Rainbow. They got their results in Potions class and Rainbow's was... not the best to say the least. "Ugh... leave me alone!" she was annoyed. "Is the oh so great Rainbow ashamed that she couldn't reach the greatnest of the greatest and most powerful Trixie?" "Just let it go, Trixie! It's only one exam! I got better scores than you in everything else ever since we met!" "Exactly!" Applejack cut in, "those are just grades! They don't matter! She can always fix it, no one can go without failing even once!" "Right... just grades... don't matter", Rainbow got lost in her thoughts, sad about her parents never being proud of her for having straight As back then. "Ugh!" Trixie turned around. "Hey, sugarcube, is everything alright?" Applejack asked. "Oh yeah, everything is fine! Totally fine!" Rainbow got back to checking her mistakes in exam but Applejack wasn't really buying it. _____ "And we are suppossed to just believe her?" Fluttershy asked Discord. "What else can we do? It is our only clue!" "What if she is lying? She didn't even show us her face!" "I know but we have to try." Fluttershy sighed, "I don't really know about the whole "Don't worry, I'll bring the clue on how to find the element of Disharmony to you, you just need to meet me at midnight over weekend and not tell anyone!"" "Okay yeah that is suspicious and way too easy but what if we tell others and then be ready in case something happens?" "I don't want to risk it." "I know... do you want me to go alone?" "NO!" she quickly yelled. "No way, either we both go or no one goes!" ______ Flashback It was Rainbow's first day of school. She was only 6 years old but she wasn't worried at all. She knew she will for sure make friends in no time and be the best of her class. She entered the classroom and sat down. While they waited for teacher, a girl with blueish white hair approached her, "may I sit here?" "Sure!" she was happy to meet new people. "I'm Trixie!" a girl offered her a handshake. "And I am Rainbow Dash!" she shook her hand. "Rainbow. That's a nice name! Something tells me we will be great friends!" "I sure hope so! We will have this seats for the whole year!" she laughed and Trixie joined her. It was their 2rd year of primary school. Rainbow was good friends with Trixie, or at least she tried to be. Trixie has decided she wants to be The Greatest and Most Powerful and Rainbow wanted to be the best so they were always at competition at each other. However, what started as friendly competition was slowly turning into rivarly since Rainbow was always better and Trixie jealous. "Hey guess what!" Rainbow came happily to Trixie holding a medal. "Ugh, did you win another competition?" she rolled her eyes. Rainbow got angry, "yes I did! Can't you just once be happy for me?" "No! I don't get it! You always try to be better than me, why don't you just let me win at least once?!" "You don't even play football!" she argued. "And we both try to be the best, and we are best of class, who cares which one is better!" "I care!" "If roles were reversed I would be happy for you!" "But they aren't and I am not happy." "Ugh, what do you even want me to do?" "Let me be first! If we are really friends, you would do that!" "Do you not hear how toxic you sound? I will not stop trying as hard as I can just because you want to be better than me!" Rainbow couldn't believe what she was hearing from someone she thought was her friend. "Well then we are no longer friends!" Trixie was mad for not getting her way. "Hey, I was just about to say that!" Rainbow wanted to be the first to say it. "But yes, don't talk to me again!" "Good!" Trixie got out of the room. ______ Present Rarity couldn't believe how many weird looks she got from walking around with her boyfriend Capper. She knew no one really knew anything about him and rarely saw him but they still could mind their business instead of stare all the time. He was actually quite sweet and charming to her. Always was there for her over past few months. Needless to say, she liked him a lot. "Okay, okay but what's the funniest rumor you heard about me?" he asked her. They were both making fun of random rumors being spread. "That you don't attend any classes." "Well now I am offended by everyone who is in class with me." "I know, right!" she couldn't believe rumors like that spread just because he didn't have friends. "What is the weirdest one you heard about me?" "That you turned evil and tried to ruin your best friend's relationship", he laughed, she didn't. "Riiight... so odd..." she felt awkward and he was very confused. They continued to talk but no matter how much she didn't want to admit it, something felt off. Everything was perfect but it felt weird. The way he talks about some stuff, his hobbies, there was something strange in a guy who likes to spend every day researching dark magic and dark wizards of the past, has a collection of written prophencies and is so advanced in his knowledge of curses.